Vitamin #4 - ARC

Vitamin #4

June 4

Photon Interactions

1. PE is proportional to Z how?

2. PE is proportional to E how?

3. The energy of the ejected PE electron is:

4. PE is most predominant at what energies in Water?

5. PE is most predominant at what energies in Lead?

6. PE is equal to CS contribution at what energy in Water?

7. Secondary emissions of PE include (3)?

8. CS is proportional to Z how?

9. CS is proportional to E how?

10. The energy of the ejected CS photon at 90 degrees is?

11. The energy of the ejected CS photon at 180 degrees is?

12. CS is most predominat at what energies in water?

13. CS is equal to PP contribution at what energy in water?

14. CS secondary emissions include (4)?

15. PP is proportional to Z how?

16. PP is proportional to E how?

17. The secondary emissions of PP are (3):

18. What is the threshold energy of pair production?

19. What energy is PP most predominant?

20. Annihilation photons are of what energy?

21. Annihilation photons are emitted at what angle?


1. Why is the HVL cerrobend for 18MV X only 1.6cm when it is 1.5cm for 6MV X?

2. Which has a smaller penumbra: 6MV or 18MV. Why?

3. Linac targets are designed with a low Z and high Z composite. Why not just use a high Z?

4. What is the most probable interaction for a 1.022 MeV photon?

5. Why is Pb used for Pb aprons?

6. Why are port films of poor quality compared to sim films?

7. Film may be over-responsive at energies less than 100keV. Why?

Vitamin #5

June 5


1. Linac: Calibrated Output: What %

2. Linac: Flatness: What %

3. Linac: Symetry: What %

4. Linac Daily Output: 3%/5%

5. Linac: Rad-Light field congruence.

6. Linac: Photon E check: What %

7. Linac: Electron E check: What mm

8. Linac: Gantry Spec

9. Linac: ODI Spec

10. Linac: Isocenter Spec: Regular: mm Stereo: mm

11. CT: HU accuracy

12. CT: Positional Accuracy

13. MRI: Positional Accuracy

14. PET: Positional Accuracy

15. Nuc Med SPECT Camera: Positional Accuracy

16. HDR Source Calibration compared to Vendor Calibration: What %

17. Source Receipt Survey: < dpm

18. LDR Brachytherapy Room Survey: < mR/hr to be released to Public

19. Radiation Storage Area Survey: < mR/hr

20. Leak Test Frequency?

21. Leak Test Amount in uCi:

22. TPS Monthy Tests (3):

23. Gamma Knife Accuracy: mm?

24. HDR source position accuracy?

25. HDR area monitor checked. What frequency?

26. HDR source calibration?

Vitamin #6

June 6

Isodose Lines / Profiles / PDD

Draw Isodose Lines

1. Open field 6X

2. 30 degree wedge 6X: what happens to angle with depth?

3. 6X Independent Jaw moved to zero.

4. 6X Normalized to depth of 10cm.

5. Parotid Wedge Pair

6. Breast Tangent with wedges

7. Breast Tangents underwedged

8. Breast Tangents overwedged

9. 3 Field Rectum

10. 3 Field Rectum underwedged

11. 3 Field Rectum overwedged

12. Bilateral Prostate Arc

13. 360 degree Pelvis Arc

14. Breast Tangent with and without homogeniety correction

15. 6E

16. 6E with 1 cm bolus

17. 15E

18. 12E on oblique surface

19. 12E with Pb cutout on skin

20. E arc


21. 6X at depths of 1.5cm, 10cm, and 20cm

22. 6E at depths of dmax, d80, and d20

23. 15E at depths of dmax, d80, and d20


24. 6X 10x10 field

25. 6X 30x30 field

26. 18 x 10x10 field

27. 6E

28. 18E

29. Proton 150 MeV

30. 9E with 1cm bolus

31. 6E Total Body Electron Field with spoiler

Vitamin #7

June 7


1. What are the units of air kerma?

2. What is the TG-43 equation for calculating dose?

3. Where is Point A defined?

4. Dose to Point A?

5. Where is Point B defined?

6. Dose to Point B?

7. Exposure Rate constant for radium?

8. Exposure Rate constant for cesium?

9. What is the lymphatic trapezoid points represent?

10. What is the strength of the HDR souces.

11. What is the half life of the following sources: Cs-137, Ra-226, Co-60, Ir-192, I-125, Pd-103, Sr-90, I-131, Sr-89.

12. What are the energies of number 11.

13. Where is each type of source used from number 11.

14. Prostate Seed Survey using what piece of equipment?

15. Prostate Seed Order how many sources?

16. Prostate Seed Survey over patient yeilds what in mR/hr?

17. Cs-137 Gyn implant survey over patient yeilds what in mR/hr.

18. How much Cs-137 needed to replace Ra-226?

19. Prostate Seed Case Dosimetry Evaluation?

20. Sr-90 Pterygium treatment delivers what E?

21. Sr-90 in what type of equillibrium with Y-90?

22. I-131 for thyroid ablation: what activity?

23. I-131 bioassay performed on tech when?

24. I-131 bioassay performed on tech using what instrument?

25. What is effective half life of I-131 if the biological half life is 12 hrs.

Vitamin #8

June 8

Special Procedures

1. Gamma Knife Accuracy in mm.

2. Gamma Knife source strength:

3. Gamma Knife number of sources:

4. Gamma Knife Dose distribution: homogenious or heterogenius

5. Gamma Knife Maximum Treatment Dimension.

6. Linac Stereo accuracy:

7. Linac Stereo MLC vs cones: which one is SRS and SRT

8. Proton Stereo advantages.

9. TBI X-ray Rx point:

10. TBI X-ray Total Dose

11. TBI X-ray Skin Dose (3)

12. TBI Electron Rx point

13. TBI Electron: Shield What?

14. TBI Electron: Boost What?

15. Electron IORT: What Energies?

16. Electron IORT: How shielded?

17. Electron Arc: Velocity Effect:

Vitamin #9

June 9

Radiation Safety

1. RSC consists of:

2. Misadministration =

3. Recordable Event =

4. Medical Event (new) =

5. Allowable Doses (in both rad and mSv)


Extremity =

Eye =

Organ =

Fetus =

Minor =

Student =

Pulbic =

6. Who is badged?

7. Max dose rate to public: mR/hr

8. I-131 Precautions:

9. LDR Brachy GYN case Precautions:

10. I-131 bioassay required when?

11. I-131 bioassay with what piece of equipment?

12. Meter used to find contamination?

13. Signal vs. Voltage detector curve:

14. Ion Chamber Voltage range:

15. Proportional Ctrs used to discriminate what?

16. Geiger Mueller advantage:

17. Geiger Mueller disadvantage:

18. Diode Advantages

19. Diode Disadvantages

20. Co-60 Teletherapy Emergency Procedures

21. Source Inventory: When:

22. Source Leak Tests When:

23. Source Leak Test Amounts:

Vitamin #10

June 10


1. IMRT =

2. 6X or 18X............10X or 18X pelvis

3. Why to number 2.

4. Subfields are called:

5. Why not parallel opposed?

6. Integral Dose: higher or lower with IMRT?

7. Step and Shoot is what::

8. Sliding Window is what:

9. IMRT vs 3D: Conformality

10. Conformity Index =


12. IMRT vs 3D: Dose heterogeniety

13. Contouring Critical Structures:

14. IMRT QA: Absolute Dose:

15. IMRT QA: Relative Distribution:

16. IGRT = what

17. Localization: Ultrasound: general notes

18. Localization: Fiducial Based: general notes

19. Localization: Cone Beam CT

20. IMRT constraints for parotid gland

21. IMRT constraints for total lung

22. IMRT constraints for bladder

23. IMRT constraints for rectum


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