Vol. 29, No. 7July 2020FROM THE PASTORConnectivityWe have come to rely heavily on internet connections during this pandemic. It is frustrating when you can’t get connected to zoom, or when your skype freezes and becomes unresponsive. It has made me consider how vital it is for us to be connected to one another. Connectivity is at the heart of our faith. Yes, you can pray out in the woods by yourself or in the privacy of your own home, but there is something qualitatively different about being connected to others in the presence of God. You can feel it during virtual communion. We may all be in our separate places, but we are connected by sharing the communion elements. We are connected by our faith. Moving to worship online has been a huge transition for all of us. We miss seeing people in person, but we know that others are watching and listening and holding us in prayer so we are still connected.In March we realized that people would be isolated during the “stay at home” orders. We knew that people needed to be connected to their church family so we recruited Caring Callers to contact by telephone everyone in our congregation. This has resulted in many wonderful friendships blossoming between people who did not know one another previously. We also recruited drivers to help people who did not want to go into stores for groceries or prescriptions. Many of these functions were provided by the stores themselves.On Mother’s Day weekend we delivered yellow roses to women in our congregation and then on Father’s Day weekend we delivered red carnations to the men of the congregation. Deliverers checked in with the flower recipient and had short socially distanced visits. These connections remind everyone of the power of God’s spirit that shines through even the most difficult of times. The next transition we will be making to help us all be more deeply connected, is to live streaming our worship services when we go back to in-person worship. Those who chose to worship at home will see and hear the same worship service as those who gather in person. We have ordered a good quality streaming camera that will provide clear images, high quality sound and the ability to zoom and transition smoothly from pulpit to organ or other focal point. Our goal is to help everybody be connected even if they choose to worship from home until there is a vaccine. Another way we are seeking to stay connected is by offering small group opportunities. Mickey Ely has offered to lead a small group this August and September. The group will read Henri Nouwen’s “The Prodigal Son” and will meet every other week for four sessions to discuss how Nouwen’s writings inspire us or connect with our own spiritual experiences. Small groups will maintain social distancing but will meet in person. Mickey suggests meeting on Wednesday mornings at 10 on August 5, August 19, September 2 and September 16. These dates are just a starting place. If you are interested but cannot meet on Wednesday, or if the 10 time slot doesn’t work for you, please let us know. We are hoping for about 6 - 8 people in a small group. If there are more than 8 who are interested we can split into two small groups. Please contact Dawn or Mickey if you would like to be connected to people in a small group! If you are interested in another kind of group, a walking group or a prayer group, a journaling group or a group to discuss spiritual journeys, please let me know and we’ll see if we can find others who would be interested. Let’s do all that we can to stay connected this summer! Grace and Peace, Dawn Prayer ListMuriel Allemand (Jim & Connie Malone’s friend); Steve Beck (Heidi Schwarz’s brother); Keith Blaker; Brad Bliss; Steve Brooks and Family; Ruth Bundy (Cheryl Bootes’ friend); Marjorie Case; Cathy Coots; Peggy & Bob DeSantis (Dorice & Don Raw, Sr.’s friends); Don DeSmith; Julie English (Janet & Kim Tenreiro’s friend); Brian Fuscaldo (Mara Huberlie’s nephew); Jerry Gomez (Kathi Nacca’s friend); Gayle Henry; Carin Herren; Jeff Johnson (Jim & John Johnson’s brother); Barb Kutner; Carol Kober (Debbie Lyon’s neighbor); Jim Kolesar (George & Carin Herren’s friend); Sue Kotalik; Michelle List (JoAnn Reed’s friend); Loren (Meg & Jack Radley’s friend); Lynn (Joan Ryan’s friend); Scott Lyon (Betty’s son); Jennifer Maxfield and Family; Eileen McCarthy (Carla DeMeco & Betsy Dresser’s friend); Sally Mueller; Liz Nelson (Kathy Ward’s friend); Claude Peters; Chris Pritchard (Rick, Cindy Mullen & George Herren’s friend); Jack and Meg Radley; Sara (Meg & Jack Radley’s granddaughter);? Jen Schneider and Family; John Paul and Pat Smith; Smith/Dworetsky Family (Okke & Kathy Postma’s friends); Sally Stowell (Alice Berry’s mother); Walker (Don & Dorice Raw’s friend); Kathy Ward; Gordon Wenner (George & Carin Herren’s friend); Judy White; Merle Winn (Amy Ogden’s friend); Josh Yeo (Barb Stahl’s friend); Jason Zeller (Kathy Ward’s son); Linda Zeller (Kathy Ward’s daughter in law) Happy Birthday!July 1 Betsy SchuppenhauerJuly 20 Tarry Shipley, Marianne July 2 Zach MorseTimms & Carl JacksonJuly 4 Adeline Rudolph & Addie RudolphJuly 22 Linda Marsh, Rich McGuire July 5 Tom Harradineand Joan Herbek July 6 Nancy RaleyJuly 24 Matt McGuire July 7 Keith OlivetJuly 26 Rick MullenJuly 8 Dawn Garrett-Larsen & Javery HeyJuly 27 Marilyn Clary & Arlo July 11 Bob Hotchkiss & Regina SchneiderLeasureJuly 12 Siu Lan SchroeterJuly 29 Don Raw, Sr. July 15 Ellie Rugg & Lee OgdenJuly 30 Galen StoutJuly 16 Karen DeHond & Kelly LeasureJuly 31 Carol Milligan & MarthaJuly 18 Jack Schuppenhauer, Lorena GarmezyDanielsand Theresa BeinerNew Member Spotlight: Jesse Garrett-LarsenI recently had a delightful conversation with Jesse Garrett-Larsen, the son of Jay and Rev. Dawn, in order to get to Spotlight another new church member. Although there are generations between us, this easy conversation allowed me to experience his memories and adventures and reminded me of my own at 23 years old.?Jesse was born in New Hampshire and grew up in the small town of Dublin. But his world was expanded by the people in his life and those affects have stayed with him...the guidance of his parents, the beginning of his love of science from his grandmother, a high school acquaintance who asked deep questions about humanity. His world was opening. But still family was the core of many happy memories. There is a tradition of Rev. Dawn’s family arriving at Christmas time from Washington, DC to spend a week. A minivan full of cousins! Such fun! They now live in California but still made it to Canandaigua last year. After graduation, Jesse enrolled at the College of Wooster, a liberal arts school in Ohio and his mom’s alma mater. He describes a college atmosphere of science and religion exploring how they reconcile in today's world. A first class was “God in the Age of Science”. His major was biology with a focus in environmental sciences. He played intramural and club soccer and found a creative outlet in his love of singing with the Wooster Chorus for four years. While in college, Jesse spent a summer in a Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest Biological Research Station. He also studied marine biology for a semester in Panama. Upon graduation he traveled with his grandmother and cousin to Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore. A magnificent graduation celebration!?Jesse is currently working as a Research Dept. lab tech at Strong in Rochester doing research on pancreatic cancer. Goals for his professional future include grad school, research, possibly teaching, outdoor field work, or with the EPA.?Jesse asked to send a personal message to his church friends. Never having moved anywhere except during college, he has had a sense of being uprooted with no contacts in this region except his parents. That was made more intense with the presence of the Corona virus. He has found support in the institution of the church and in a community of people who have been so kind. He misses seeing people and singing in the choir. “Thanks for welcoming my family and me into this new church.”?You will want to get to know this compassionate, respectful, grateful and socially/environmentally aware young man who already understands the impact that one person can make in the world.?~ Submitted by Marilyn DeSmithReopening PlansAt long last, we plan to begin in-person church services again! As you might imagine, there are so many details to address with the reopening. Our reopening team has met twice, and has looked at the situation from every possible angle (we hope!). We wanted to share with you the basics so that you would know what to expect when we come back together for worship. We have all been asked to give up a lot in the last few months, and we recognize that some of these new protocols will be different than what you are used to, and that we may need to fine-tune them as we move forward. We ask for your patience as we figure this out together. Here are the main points: First and foremost: Anyone who attends a service will be asked to wear a mask the entire time they are in the building. You will be asked if you are feeling sick, and if you have been exposed to anyone with COVID-19 in the last two weeks. If the answer to either of these questions is “yes,” please stay home!Timing: We plan to wait at least two weeks after Phase 4 of the NYS Reopening Plan is in effect, in order to gauge the possibility of a spike in cases. The first two Sundays of live services will involve a small group of individuals who will test the new live-streaming system, along with our new protocols. After that, we will open up to everyone who is ready to return. We will remain flexible in our start dates, pending any changes in the COVID-19 scenario in NYS and Ontario County. As of now, we are looking to fully reopen in early August.Live-streaming and website access: the service will be recorded live on Sunday mornings. For those who wish to stay at home and watch on your computer, you will be able to live-stream it through the website. It will also be recorded, so that you can watch it later, should you choose to do so.Access to building: The sanctuary and bathrooms will be the only rooms open for use for the first few weeks. We ask that everyone who is able to do so enter through the Main Street doors. The back door will be open for those who use the elevator.New seating plan: In order to maintain appropriate social distancing, the sanctuary has been marked with tape and open pew doors to indicate areas where parishioners are invited to sit. We ask that you sit only in the marked seats in rows with open doors. Ushers will be on hand to indicate where to sit. Bulletins will be located in the pews to minimize contact. We understand that many people have favorite pews, but we ask that you go along with our seating plan for the time being.Social time: There will be no coffee hour after the service. At the end of the service, an usher will indicate when it is your turn to leave. Once outside, you may choose to socialize with others at the appropriate distance.Music: The music in the services will be instrumental only. We ask that all parishioners sit quietly to listen to the music. Please refrain from singing or humming. The words will be provided for the hymns, and we ask that all meditate on the words quietly, while listening to Denise play the tune. Contact tracing: We will keep a record of all individuals who attend each service, and will ask that phone numbers be verified. Those records will be maintained in the event that contract tracing becomes necessary.Sanitizing practices: Cleaning supplies have been ordered, and weekly cleaning procedures will be implemented.Once we open our doors for Sunday worship, you are encouraged to arrive at church a little earlier than usual, as there are several steps to go through before you are ushered to your seat. If you have specific questions regarding these procedures, please contact Bill Blaker at 394-7955. This is new to all of us, but together, we will make it through these obstacles! Thank you for your patience, and we look forward to seeing you when you are ready to return. Hallelujah!~ Debbie LyonCHRISTIAN EDRally Day?will take place on?Sunday, September 13.? Time will tell whether it will be live or via Zoom, so stay tuned for more details.? Either way, there will be?right000balloons – helium or virtual! Until then…Happy Summer!In SympathyOur condolences go out to the family of Dennis and Jennifer Maxfield, whose Father in Law and Father, Wilfred Squirrell, passed away on June 25th.Our sympathy to Jen Schneider and Family, whose stepfather, Ken Reeves, died in June.Our condolences to Steve Brooks and Family, whose mother, Martha Brooks, passed away in June.Our sympathy to Judy White & Family, whose sister died in June. Driveway VisitsThe weather is changing. Spring turns to summer and the warm air brings us out of our houses. The social distancing restrictions remain in place, but that doesn’t mean we can’t see one another. We cannot gather for worship, but I would love to come to your home for a driveway visit! I know that not everyone is comfortable with having people from outside of their family unit coming to visit, but if you are comfortable with a six or more feet away visit, outside in your driveway, on your porch or in your yard. I’d like to come visit. Give me a call 905-3105 or send me an email at revdawn@, so that we can arrange for a time for me to stop by for a short social distanced visit. I know that not everybody will want me to stop by for a driveway visit, but I look forward to seeing those of you who would enjoy a chance to chat. Blessings ~ Dawn A Thank you from Tom HarradineIt is hard to put into words how much your support has helped these difficult months. The flowers, the many, many cards and kind messages were so comforting to Barb during her all too short battle with this horrible disease, and the surprise delivery by the "toilet paper ladies" (aka Lin and Sue) provided some much needed laughs. The continued outpouring of cards and messages and contributions and kind words since her passing have been so helpful. This remains the same warm and caring congregation we joined 22 years ago. Thank you so much for everything.Tom HarradineFamily Promise Bed RaceThe Family Promise Bed Race will take place virtually July 25 thru August 1.Our church family has generously supported the fundraiser for Family Promise in the past and thank you for supporting this Ontario County organization again, if you are able.Family Promise provides shelter, meals and safety to homeless school children and their families. They also provide advocacy in finding jobs for parents, childcare and advice on being self-sustaining. Families who "graduate" from the program are followed for a year to help them maintain self-sufficiency.The Family Promise of Ontario County site can provide more information at?. Thank you for?your support for Family Promise.A THANK YOU FROM CLAUDE PETERS:Dear Friends,Thank you so much for your prayers, cards, notes, and the lovely plant.It means a lot to me to know of your support.I’m fortunate my injury was not more serious. On May 27th?I missed the last stepof our basement stairs, fell, and tore the quad tendon off my knee cap.? The surgeryto reattach the tendon is not too complex for an orthopedic surgeon, and the surgerydid not take long.? However, the rehab is long.? It will be three to four months beforeI can resume close to normal activities.? I presently have a leg-long knee brace tokeep me from bending my knee.? I am receiving physical therapy at home, andeventually, as I progress, I will receive it at Thompson.? Not much pain anymore,and I can get along on a walker and cane, but I have to keep pumping myself upemotionally concerning the long time before I can be normal, especially as Ilook out at my vegetable garden and fruit trees.? It will be a lost year for them.I count my blessings, though, and one of those is the support I have received fromyou.Faith, Peace, Justice, and Health,Claude PetersA Thank you from Barb KutnerDear Friends:I am enjoying the lovely summer bouquet containing all of my favorite flowers that you sent to me following my surgery. They are on my desk where I can look at them everyday. It feels good to be remembered at times like these and helps the recovery move aheadmore quickly.Again thank you for thinking of me in so many ways.Sincerely,Barb KutnerVolunteers Needed:With re-opening on the horizon, we will need lay readers, greeters and ushers to volunteer. There will be a brief training involved as well, for those who are willing to help with in-person worship.? We will also need a few people?who would be willing to learn how to run the online streaming camera from an iPad. In order to continue providing worship for those still at home, we will need to have?a trained group of volunteers who are willing to sign up to help make livestreaming an option for those who choose to worship at home.?If you are able to help, please contact Rev. Dawn at revdawn@. Thank you for helping during this unpredictable time! July 2020 CalendarSunday July 5 Worship onlineThurs. July 9 Staff Meeting 9Sunday July 12 Worship onlineMonday July 13 Trustees 4Tuesday July 14 Pastor Parish 5, Council 7Tuesday July 14 Pastor Parish 5Thurs. July 16 Re-opening Planning Committee 7Sunday July 19 Practice run Worship 9:30 July 20 – July 26 Dawn on VacationSunday July 26 Practice run Worship 9:30 - Lori Vail supply preacherThese dates/events could change based on the NYS guidelines regarding COVID-19. In the event of a change, we will do our best to email the congregation ahead of time. ................

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