|Rewrite the following sentences. |

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1. Looking back, the dog was following us.

2. Lying on a stretcher, they carried him out.

3. Flying out the window, he grabbed the papers.

4. Stepping off the bus, the shopping center was just ahead.

5. Mollie came over while I was playing the piano with a piece of pound cake.

6. While asleep, the flea bit the dog.


GRAMMAR FOCUS -- “It's vs. Its”

|Directions: Circle the answer the most correctly completes each sentence. |

1. I read ( Taishauns Taishuan’s) essay. (Its It’s) very good.

2. Justus and Jarred saw Star Trek last weekend. They told me that (its it’s) the best movie of the year.

3. The bird lost some of (its it’s) feathers.

4. (Its It’s) been a long time since I flew in an airplane.

5. The horse hurt (its it’s) leg when it jumped over the fence.

6. “If (your you’re) not careful, you will lose (your you’re) bathroom privileges,” Mr. Williamson told Todd.


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