Pain Lecture notes - Mercer University

Pain Assessment and Management in Children

Chapter 7 * pages 205-256

Dr. Mitchell

January 10, 2007

1. Pain in Neonates

2. CRIES Neonatal Pain Scale

3. Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP)

4. Children with Communication & Cognitive Impairment

5. Developmental Variations in Pain

▪ Infants

▪ Toddlers

▪ Preschoolers

▪ School-Aged Children

▪ Adolescents

6. Children with Chronic Illness and Complex Pain

7. Pain Assessment Components

8. Barriers to Pain Management

9. Nonpharmocologic Pain Interventions

10. Nonpharmocologic Pain Interventions in Infants

11. Dosing of Analgesics

12. Morphine

13. Other Opioids

14. Meperidine

15. Transmucosal & Transdermal Analgesia

16. Local Anesthetics: Lidocaine

17. Timing of Analgesia

18. Analgesia

19. Side Effects of Analgesia

20. Tolerance

21. Treatment of Physical Dependence

22. Patient/Family Education

23. Evaluation of Effectiveness of Pharmacologic & Nonpharmocologic Interventions

24. Harmful Effects of Unrelieved Pain in Children

25. Harmful Effects of Unrelieved Pain in Neonates

26. Sedation for Nonpainful Procedures

27. Conscious Sedation

28. ABCDE’s of Pain Management

29. The Golden Rule of Pain Assessment

Scales Used in Pediatric Pain Assessment

Test your self!

Identify the age group for which each scale is used.












[pic] How is the Oucher scale used for different cultures?




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