Project Directions

MATERIALS: 1 5 ½” square of white paper; Sharpies, 1 11” square of white paper, light table, colored pencils.

1. Look over your rough draft sketches and select two that you can use as the basis for your project. Remember, they must include the following:

◆ One male and one female

◆ Two different hairstyles and one with a hat

◆ One angry or sad and one that is happy

◆ Different features (eyes, noses, mouths, etc.)

2. Select a rough sketch of a personified object, such as pencil, apple, etc. This should include the whole body.

3. Fold the small square of paper in half diagonally. On the folded edge, draw ONE HALF of the cartoon object, keeping the fold in the middle. You may trace or just redraw your cartoon, but make sure it is big enough to fill the length of the space. Go over the pencil lines with Sharpie cleanly.

4. Lightly trace or sketch the other two cartoon heads along the remaining edges. FILL THE SPACE. Very little of the triangle should be left empty.

5. Retrace the remaining lines with Sharpie. Darken in black any open mouth areas (not including teeth or tongue) and the hair of ONE of the heads.

6. Take the triangle to a light table. Turn it over and trace with pencil through to the opposite side the reverse of your image. When you open up the triangle, a complete picture should appear with the whole object cartoon in the middle (along the fold).

7. Trace over all pencil lines with Sharpie on the second side. Darken those areas black that are black on the reverse. ERASE all pencils lines that still show.

8. Put your name on the back of your square with PENCIL (not Sharpie – it will bleed through!) and place in the in-box. Mrs. R will make four copies of your image.

9. When you find your copies in your box, you are ready to glue them down on the 11” square of paper. Line the heads up. The heads should line up in the middle, with the object diagonally across the corners. When you have the squares the way you want them, glue them down with a glue stick found in the tool box.

10. Now you are ready to take colored pencils and color in your cartoons lightly. Coloring must be the same throughout the design. For example, if you make the hair yellow in one section, it must be yellow the other three times as well.

11. MOUNTING: Mrs. R will have precut squares of black paper leaning up against the back of the paper cutter. Center your

design in the middle, so all the borders are even. Staple in each corner. Staple one more time along each side edge. SIGN YOUR NAME with ultra fine Sharpie in a blank area along an edge.

12. Complete the grading sheet, making sure you answer all questions in complete sentences. Put the grading sheet on top of project and place in the over-size in-box.

CARTOON HEADS IN THE ROUND Name ____________________________

GRADING SHEET Tray Address ______________________

|CRITERIA |Possible |Self-Eval |Teacher |

|1. BASIC GUIDELINES: Required elements: male, female, sad/mad, glad, hat, hairstyles, |10 | | |

|differing features; personified object with body. Alignment with heads in center, colored, | | | |

|symmetry of color. | | | |

|2. CRAFTSMANSHIP: Quality of coloring; clarity of lines; limited negative space; accuracy of |4 | | |

|matching sections. | | | |

|3. MOUNTING: Black background; 8 staples in correct location; signature in Sharpie; even |4 | | |

|borders. | | | |

|4. GRADING SHEET: Name and tray address; turned in correctly. |3 | | |

|5. WRITTEN REFLECTION: On the back, answer the following two questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES:| | | |

|What do you feel you did best on this project and why? What could you have improved upon and |4 | | |

|why? | | | |

|TOTAL SCORE |25 | | |

CARTOON HEADS IN THE ROUND Name ____________________________

GRADING SHEET Tray Address ______________________

|CRITERIA |Possible |Self-Eval |Teacher |

|1. BASIC GUIDELINES: Required elements: male, female, sad/mad, glad, hat, hairstyles, |10 | | |

|differing features; personified object with body. Alignment with heads in center, colored, | | | |

|symmetry of color. | | | |

|2. CRAFTSMANSHIP: Quality of coloring; clarity of lines; limited negative space; accuracy of |4 | | |

|matching sections. | | | |

|3. MOUNTING: Black background; 8 staples in correct location; signature in Sharpie; even |4 | | |

|borders. | | | |

|4. GRADING SHEET: Name and tray address; turned in correctly. |3 | | |

|5. WRITTEN REFLECTION: On the back, answer the following two questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES:| | | |

|What do you feel you did best on this project and why? What could you have improved upon and |4 | | |

|why? | | | |

|TOTAL SCORE |25 | | |




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