2022 DIRECTORS’ CAUCUS - Region 7 Head Start Association


2 0 2 2 D I R E C TO R S ' C AU C U S June 14--16, 2022


312 SW Greenwich Dr., Ste. 105, Lee's Summit, MO 64082 ? (816) 718-2260 ?


Thank you SPONSORS












312 SW Greenwich Dr., Ste. 105, Lee's Summit, MO 64082

(816) 718-2260

Agenda JUNE 14, 2022

9:00 ? 10:45am Welcome to the Region VII Family Reunion

Pam LaFrenz, R7HSA Board of Directors Chairperson

Pam LaFrenz has had 46 years of experience in Head Start and Community Action Activities starting as a Head Start Teacher in 1971 for three years, then a Manager for 10 years, becoming a Head Start Director for 26 years and concluding with 9 years as the Executive Director of the Missouri Valley Community Action Agency in the central office in Marshall, MO. She retired June 30, 2017.

While as a Head Start Director, Pam had the opportunity to participate in the Johnson and Johnson Fellowship at UCLA which helped her attain the next level of leadership within the MVCAA Agency. Pam is also a past recipient of the Region VII Tom Mayer Award of Excellence. Pam has been a "friend" representative on the Missouri Head Start Association Council and Board for nine plus years and the Region VII Board in the friend position and on the NHSA Board for the past 8 plus years. Her long history working with the different levels of Head Start Boards helps Pam to see the full picture of activities and challenges on the State, Regional and National levels. She continues to serve as the MHSA Board Secretary, the Chairperson of the R7HSA Board of Directors, and the Chair of the NHSA Resource Development/Membership Committee and sit on the Executive Committee.

Regional Office Update and Recognition of Heroic Service

Clarence Small, ACF, HHS, RVII Office of Head Start Regional Program Manager and Team

Clarence Small is the Regional Program Manager for the Office of Head Start in Region 7. Clarence supervises federal and contract staff responsible for federal monitoring and oversight of 95 Head Start, Early Head Start, Child Care Partnership Grantees, and four Head Start State Collaboration Offices throughout Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. He holds a Bachelor's in Social Work and a Master's in Education.

Clarence began his career with the Department of Health & Human Services-Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in December 1999 as Regional Hub Liaison working in the Kansas City and Chicago Regional Offices. In August of 2002, he accepted an assignment at the Kansas City Regional Office as aYouth Program Specialist, Office of Head Start. In August of 2011, he was promoted to Regional Program Manager (RPM). Prior to joining ACF, he was Director of Training and Emergency Services for KVC Behavioral Health of Kansas. Clarence is a native of Kansas City, Kansas and remains very active within his community.

10:45 ? 11:00am Stretch & Mingle Break

11:00am ? 12:00pm Council for Professional Recognition Update

Chris BarnesMaisah Williams-Foote

VP of Growth &

Business Account Manager

Business Development


312 SW Greenwich Dr., Ste. 105, Lee's Summit, MO 64082

(816) 718-2260

Agenda JUNE 14, 2022 CONTINUED

12:00 ? 1:30pm Lunch Break on your own -- See you back here at 1:30!

1:30 ? 3:00pm A Special "KC" Kick-off to the 2022 Caucus!

Back by Popular Demand! This time in person! Dan Meers aka KC Wolf

Dan will share his personal and inspiring message:

Take Off the Mask: Is Your Life Story Worth Telling?

Mascot, Motivational Speaker, Author, and Family Man

It's been said that if you ask a man his occupation you will find out how he pays his bills, but if you ask a man his preoccupation then you will discover the passion of his life. Dan Meers has a rather unique occupation. For over 25 years he has paid his bills by working as "KC Wolf," the mascot of the Kansas City Chiefs. During this presentation, Dan shares some of the valuable lessons he's learned during his long career as a professional mascot.Whether at home, work or in the community, Dan challenges his audience to live each day to the fullest by wisely investing their lives and not just spending them.

3:00 ? 3:30pm Stretch Break -- Exhibit Walk About

3:30 ? 4:30pm R ecognition of the difficult journey and looking ahead at a promising future!

5:00 ? 6:30pm Celebration Party


312 SW Greenwich Dr., Ste. 105, Lee's Summit, MO 64082

(816) 718-2260

Agenda JUNE 15, 2022

8:00 ? 9:00am New Director Meetup -- Fire Room

9:00 ? 10:00am Welcome Back

Intro: Be the Change

Paul Behrman, Walnut Leadership

Paul Behrman is a consultant, trainer and administrator with expertise in leadership, management, and organizational development. For more than 20 years, he served as Director for Champlain Valley Head Start in Vermont, and as Chair for Vermont Head Start Association. Paul has served in consultant and mentor roles at the federal and state level, provided guidance and expertise for the federal Office of Head Start in Washington, DC, participated in national work groups with National Head Start Association, worked as an attorney on behalf of low-income clients, and provided pro bono work. He was also a Gubernatorial Appointee on theVermont Blue Ribbon Commission on Financing High Quality, Affordable Child Care. Paul was a Johnson & Johnson Management Program Fellow at Anderson School of Management at UCLA. Paul received a Juris Doctorate degree from UCLA School of Law, and B.A. degree in English and Communication from State University of NewYork at Albany.

Part 1: Get Anchored

This segment will focus on the foundational elements of getting anchored with research-based self-care practices for optimizing physical and mental well-being. Key elements will include presentation, activities, and discussion on the well-known, and not-sowell-known, anchoring practices around diet, exercise, sleep and "breath-mind-body" practices to cultivate calmness and clarity.

10:00 ? 10:10am Stretch Break

10:10 ? 11:00am Part 2: Self-Regulation

This segment will provide an introduction to self-regulation techniques which enable us to choose our responses, rather than reacting from ego, in challenging situations. Key elements will include presentation, activities and discussion on how executive function enables us to choose our response to situations rather than reacting from ego, and on techniques and strategies to process challenging situations, minimize reaction and stress, and respond constructively with humility, compassion, and truth.

11:00 ? 11:10am Stretch Break

11:10am ? 12:00pm Part 3: Follow the North Star Values

This segment will focus on committing to and following the "North Star values" of truth, justice and service, and the challenges that leaders face in living these values. Key elements will include presentation, activities, and discussion on how the values of truth, justice and service inform and develop solid leadership and management, and practices which align with and promote these core values, and thereby cultivate trust in leadership and build strong organizational culture and climate.


312 SW Greenwich Dr., Ste. 105, Lee's Summit, MO 64082

(816) 718-2260

Agenda JUNE 15, 2022 CONTINUED

12:00 ? 1:00pm Lunch Break

1:00 ? 1:15pm Morning Session Recap

1:15 ? 2:05pm Part 4: Show Up with Character

In this segment, we will discuss emotional intelligence and the key character attributes of leadership including courage, mindfulness, and compassion, and what it means for leaders to model these attributes and set an example for others. Key elements will include presentation, activities, and discussion on the ways in which character attributes inform the leadership functions of support and guidance for individuals, organizations, and the endeavors we pursue.

2:05 ? 2:15pm Stretch Break

2:15 ? 3:45pm Part 5: Engage with Compassion

This segment will look at how leaders can engage ? actively and with compassion ? by bringing a cooperative mindset to our interactions and communication which prioritizes care for others, unconditional compassion, and the "vibe" we create to nurture and support the development of those around us. Key elements will include presentation, activities and discussion on the foundational functions of human interaction and communication in nurturing and supporting the development and well-being of others; the leadership responsibility to strive for unconditional compassion, and how this informs the climate or "vibe" we create which enables others to thrive and self-actualize; and communication and engagement techniques, grounded in the spirit of cooperation and interdependence, to support and inspire those we lead.

3:45 ? 4:00pm Wrap up and dismiss for the day

Enjoy the evening out with your colleagues!


312 SW Greenwich Dr., Ste. 105, Lee's Summit, MO 64082

(816) 718-2260

Agenda JUNE 16, 2022

8:00 ? 9:30am State Breakout Meetings

9:30am ? 10:30pm Regional Office Update (cont.)

10:30 - 10:45am Stretch Break

10:45am ? 12:00pm Policy Forum/Legislative Update

Tommy Sheridan, Deputy Director National Head Start Association

Tommy will be bringing the latest news from "The Hill" and share insights into legislation that directly impacts Head Start.

Tommy Sheridan is the Deputy Director for the National Head Start Association (NHSA) in Alexandria,VA where he has worked since June 2009.Tommy works with the Head Start community to lobby, advocate, educate, and inform Congress, theWhite House, and the Federal Administration about Head Start and early learning.Tommy is NHSA's representative to Congress, the Administration, national coalitions and the other powers that be in DC. He plays a significant role in strategizing, developing, and implementing the Head Start community's vision for the future of Head Start and early learning. Prior to his career at NHSA,Tommy worked in the Minnesota State Senate, on several political campaigns, and in private sales.Tommy received an Honors Bachelor of Arts from Saint Louis University and a Masters of Public Administration from George Washington University in 2014.

12:00 ? 1:30pm Putting Self-Care into Practice

Lunch provided. An extended lunch break is planned to give participants an opportunity to put self-care practices into action. This set aside time promises to offer something for everyone!

1:30 ? 2:00pm Reflect, Report Out and Wrap up

Thank you for attending the 2022 Director's Caucus!

312 SW Greenwich Dr., Ste. 105, Lee's Summit, MO 64082

(816) 718-2260



October 25?27, 2022

October 24th tentatively reserved for pre-track events

Sheraton Hotel at the Overland Park, Kansas Convention Center

Interested in Presenting?

Contact Donna@

312 SW Greenwich Dr., Ste. 105, Lee's Summit, MO 64082

(816) 718-2260


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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