FInal LP Template w/ Tech.docx

Lesson Plan GuideTeacher Candidate:Kaella MitchellDate:April 26,2014Grade and Topic:7th Grade HeredityLength of Lesson:60 minutesMentor Teacher: Dr. Carmen WeaverSchool:The University of MemphisUNIT/CHAPTER OBJECTIVE/GENERALIZATION/BIG IDEA:This lesson plan is a part of a unit conversing heredity and predicting the probable appearance of offspring based on the genetic characteristics of parents.LESSON OBJECTIVE: Given the students have grasped the concept of heredity and Punnett squares, TLW play an interactive game on in order to check their understanding of heredity and dominate vs recessive phenotypes. Given the student has completed the game, in groups of three TLW complete a worksheet on heredity and create their own human based on a worksheet on human variations. Given the students have created their own human and completed the worksheet on human variations, the learner will use the Animoto site and create a video on what they have learned about heredity and Punnett squares in groups of no more than threeSTANDARDS ADDRESSED:STATE/DISTRICT STANDARDS TN SCIENCE-GLE 0707.4.4 Predict the probable appearance of offspring based on the genetic characteristicsof the parents. COMMON CORE- 3. Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.a. Plan strategies to guide inquiryb. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and mediac. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasksd. Process data and report resultsMATERIALS: Student ComputersHuman Variations WorksheetAnimoto 2 penniesBACKGROUND and RATIONALE: Students will demonstrate a clear understanding of heredity by creating an Animoto video of the concept of heredity. They will also demonstrate a clear understanding of Punnett Squares and dominate and recessive genes.Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600This lesson will be the second lesson on Punnett squares and will incorporate a complete review of the concept. This lesson will be useful in the future for other activities that incorporate Video Capture. Students will get the complete idea of using this type of technology. I am aware that this lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not a part of this particular lesson. PROCEDURES AND TIMELINE:Introduction To begin the lesson, I will review dominant and recessive traits as discussed in the previous class. I will also tie in the dominant and recessive traits can be found by the use of Punnett Squares. From here, I will begin the lesson on reviewing students on the use of the Punnett Squares.Teacher ProcedureI will begin by reviewing students on the use of Punnett Squares and how to use them. I will also give students few examples on recessive and dominant traits in plants and animals in order to help them be prepared for the assignment at hand.After this, I will distribute student computers to the whole class and let them begin the assignment. I will project on the overhead the website that students are to go on in order to practice Punnett Squares.After this assignment is finished, I will pass out the Human Variations worksheet and cheat sheet as well as place the students in groups of three. Each student should be assigned a role: a penny flipper for female, a penny flipper for male, a recorder. I will then do a tutorial of the Animoto website and video practice and then allow students to work on the project in recording their answers to the questions provided at the end of the worksheet. Student ProcedureStudents will listen attentively to all instructions given to them by the teacher. Students will work on the Punnett Square practice game. Students will then complete the Human Variations worksheet in groups of three. Each student in the group should have a different role. Students will begin working on the video portion if time permits. ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE:At the end of Lesson PlanMODIFICATIONS: I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.Name: ______________________________________Variations on a Human FaceMaterials: 2 pennies, chart on human traitsSingle Allele Traits1. Determine which partner will toss for the male and which will toss for the female. Each of you will get a penny.2. Have the partern who is representing the male flip the coin, if the coin lands heads up, the offspring is female, if tails, then the offspring is male. What sex is your offspring?3. For all coin tosses from now on, heads will represent the dominant allele and tails will represent the recessive allele. For each trait on the chart, you will flip a c coin to determine the GENOTYPE of your offspring. Put a check in the box that represents your offspring's appearance, or PHENOTYPE.Example: For the shape of the face, your partner tossed heads and you tosses tails. This means the offspring's genotype is Rr and the child will have a round face, so check that box. If you had both tossed tails, you would check the square-shaped face (rr) and if you had both tossed heads, you would have a round shaped face (RR)Polygenic Traits - Hair, Eye, SkinSome traits are controlled by more than two genes, such as hair color, eye color and skin color. For these traits you will need to perform a different procedure to determine your offspring's phenotype.Hair colorDark hair is dominant over light. To determine the color of the offspring’s hair, assume there are two gene pairs involved (there are actually probably more than that, but for the purpose of this activity, let’s not go crazy). Flip your coin first to determine the genotype of the first pair of alleles (AA, Aa, or aa). Now, flip the coins again to determine the genotype of the second pair of alleles (BB, Bb, or bb). Match the genotype you have to the hair color on the chart. Circle your offspring’s hair color. If the genotype is....The hair color is....AABBblackAABbblackAAbbredAaBBbrownAabbregular blondeAaBbbrownaaBBdark blondeaaBbregular blondeaabbpale yellow blondface 4Eye ColorDark eyes are dominant over light. To determine the color of the offspring’s eyes, assume there are two gene pairs involved, one which codes for depositing pigment in the front of the iris, and one which codes for depositing pigment n the back of the iris. Determine the genotype of the first pair (AA, Aa, or aa) Then flip again to determine the genotype of the second pair (BB, Bb, or bb). Use the chart below to find out what eye color your offspring has and circle it. If the genotype is....The hair color is....AABBdark brownAABbdark brownAAbbbrownAaBBbrown with green flecksAabb brownAaBbgrayaaBBgreenaaBbdark blueaabblight blueface 4Skin Colorskin color is controlled by a lot of different genes that basically add together to determine how dark the skin is and variations in tone. To simulate how skin color might be determined. Flip a single coin 10 times. Each time the coin turns up heads, give your offspring a point. Add your points together. 10 pts would be a very dark child and 1 pt would be a very pale child. How many points does your child have? __________**Now that you have determined all the traits of your child. You will draw a picture. Use colors and try to make the sketch as accurate as possible given the traits your child inherited. Make sure you name your child too! **Analysis and Conclusions1. Was your child exactly like any other child in the room? What do you think the odds were that two children in the room would turn out exactly alike?2. How might it be possible for you to show a trait that neither of your parents have? 3. Which traits are codominant or incompletely dominant? (these traits don’t have a clear dominant or recessive, the heterozygous condition shows a “blending” or a “middle” condition) 4. Why did you have to flip the coin twice to determine hair and eye color? 5. Show the cross of a wavy haired person with a wavy haired person. Use a Punnet square. References ................

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