Brian K. MacLeod Senior Pastor


Thomas J. Brennan Youth and Young Adults


Matthew C. MacLeod CE/Worship/Technology


Harry O. Reimers, Jr. Visitation

413-786-9309; fhreimers1@

Albert A. Vantassel Torchbearers [Seniors]

413-525-2356; vanlines2@

Cynthia M. Catuogno Children’s Ministry Coordinator



Linda Bergeron Secretary/Bookkeeper


Lori Links Secretary/Assistant Bookkeeper


OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Friday, 8:30 AM—4:00 PM


Office 413-566-5572

Office FAX 413-566-2223

Phone Prayer Chain 413-566-5572

From 8:30 AM—4:00 PM, M—F Call the Office

Weekends and after 4:00 PM, M—F Marilyn Witman 413-566-0079

E-mail Prayer Chain lbergeron@

the Office - 413-566-5572


Richard Garrett, Chair 860-745-7081

Josh Abel 413-739-0857

Greg Bell 412-599-1770

Russ Bergeron 413-348-2299

Len Camano 413-783-9673


AWANA, Scott Carhart 413-596-4428

Caring/Connection, Maureen Arbogast 860-265-2954

Caring/Service, Kathy Caulton 413-525-5731

Facilities, Don Garden 413-732-8376

Hospitality, Nancy LaFrancis 413-454-7505

Men’s Ministry, Dave Wilson 860-749-5595

Missions, Linda Hawkes 413-596-9910

Nursery/Childcare, Mary Bell 413-599-1770

Women’s Ministry, Diane Lyons 413-283-2360

May 29-June 3, 2010


❖ ABEL, Joanne: For workers’ comp settlement/wisdom [people to call MA legislature and ask them not to pass the Transgender/Hate Crime Bill; wisdom in stopping the oil spill in the Gulf]

❖ AURISE: Thankful for the prayers—right now Gen is feeling great without the medication

❖ BERGERON: Grateful for prayers/cards/expressions of concern at passing of Russ’ mom; great family reunion; safety in travel

❖ CABANAS: For family time together; Marissa—safe trip home from Guam [safe travel back to Guam on 6/15 and Crete in August; Crista—employment; Cassandra—guidance]

❖ CORLISS: Gail—for my Bethlehem family!

❖ HAWKES: For the Men’s Ministry repairing the fence at our missionaries’ [the Caldbecks] stateside house

❖ KELSEY: Thankful for this sanctuary where we can come to freely worship our Lord

❖ KIMBLE: For the people in the weekend service

❖ LaFRANCIS: For the young people at Bethlehem! [family/friends]

❖ LINKS: Wonderful get-together with family on 5/31 [safe travel to CA for brother on 6/5; Aunt Bea—multiple complications from surgery]

❖ ORSZULAK: Beth passed nursing entrance exam; Walter—spinal tap helped relieve headaches [relief from pain/routine, monthly spinal taps; Bergeron family—comfort at the loss of Russ’ mom]

❖ SINNEMA: God’s blessings on a beautiful day for the PVCS graduation and party/fellowship with family

❖ SIREN: Paula—to be blessed by His presence!

❖ SWAYGER: There is nothing like the love of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

❖ WITKOWSKI: Mike returns to work 6/7 [Trinity Christian School as they search for a new headmaster]

❖ WORDSWORTH: Son-in-law, Mike, and Bennie + The Jets arrived safely in Iraq—they performed in Kuwait also—well received by the Troops

❖ WORTHING: Diana has lost 100 pounds; Gage is doing well [continued treatments]

❖ ZANNOTTI: Gary and Francie celebrated 30-year marriage anniversary!

▪ ARBOGAST: Friend Becky/family—comfort at the passing of her mother

▪ BLAIN: Sister Amanda—traveling this week as a missionary to Japan

▪ BRASIN: Many friends dealing with health issues; unspoken; John/Andrew—wisdom/discernment; John F—job opportunity; Mark—sale of house

▪ BURNS, M: Sale of co-op condo


▪ DeMARSICO: Unspoken

▪ DenBLEYKER: Teddi—recovery from surgery; comfort/peace for those who have lost loved ones

▪ DROZDOWSKI: Family—salvation; unspokens; Tony/Kim—wisdom; Ralph—recovery/healing; children—protection/guidance

▪ EMERSON, D/J: Friend’s nephew, Kyran (6 weeks old)—fighting for life at children’s hospital in Boston

▪ FORTUNATO: Comfort for the family of Eleanor Gauthier at her passing

▪ GORMAN: Christina—Lord’s healing touch/peace/comfort; her mom—healing/comfort in her battle with cancer

▪ GRANT: Nephew Billy—healing of cancer/peace and comfort for him/his mother—salvation

▪ HOULE: Ron/Marti—strength/peace—deliverance for family

▪ KENYON: Joyce—laser procedure on varicose veins on 6/11

▪ LeBLANC: People of Central America—severe storms in aftermath of volcanic eruption in Guatemala/Ecuador

▪ MARTI: Nick/Faith—health; Matt—salvation; Cleo—endurance; Rob—decisions; John—Christian friend; Ellie—unspoken

▪ McCARTHY: Carl—Lord to keep guiding him on the path of sobriety/ that God takes care of the guys in the house

▪ MIDWOOD: Jared—healing of sprained thumb; Susan—wisdom for treatment options for back

▪ MUSKA: Johanna Strange/family—strength/peace; Sharon—healing/ quicker recovery; safe travels to FL for our family from 6/2-6/8

▪ NEWMARKER: For move and all the stress involved

▪ O’CONNOR, J: Wound to heal; household on Weight Watchers

▪ OGDEN: For housing in VA by 7/1

▪ PIERZCHALA, S/L: Peter/Stephanie—health/strength; Heather/Jozelyn—school work/health

▪ PORTER: Co-workers, Greg/Eric/Amanda/Jay—salvation; New Tribes Missions in Mexico—for the work they do/peace and stability

▪ POTTER: Christian friend, Roberta—healing from heart attack; Guatemala—volcanic eruptions

▪ REID: Andrea/family—safety as they leave Hawaii for Kansas—car to get there in time so they can travel to MA

▪ REIMERS, H/F: Vacation Bible School, July 12-16

▪ SAVOLA: Nancy—recovery from biopsy/no diagnosis

▪ St. DENIS: Bill—safety in Alabama; mother, Sue

▪ STEVENSON, Aimee: Strength in the post-divorce mediation process

▪ SULLIVAN, N/M: Friend Peggy—healing after surgery; mother, Reggie—health

▪ TOSONI: Family relationships to be healed; friend Mitzy—healing

▪ VEIGA: Mother—healing/lifting of spirits that she will attend her grand- daughter’s wedding; unspokens


“He appointed military officers over the people and assembled them. . .and encouraged them with these words: ‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles. . .’” (2 Chronicles 32:6-8)

• Courage and dependence on God (Psalm 91)

• Perseverance to endure hardship (Isaiah 43:2; Deuteronomy 31:6)

• Divine protection from the enemy (Romans 5:1-5)

• Wise leaders who inspire respect from those under their command (Romans 13:1)

• Confidence and vision to persist in the face of negative publicity (Psalm 18:31-39)

• Protection and support for the families they have left behind (Romans 1:8-10)

• Chaplains who are divinely appointed to deliver hope and spiritual strength (Proverbs 4:11)


Lord, please give wisdom to those in leadership to make

God-honoring decisions regarding Bethlehem’s future.

• Sale of our present facility/disposition of Simkins’ house

• Project Development Team

Families: Beth Orszulak—Samantha, Walter

Tom and Jeanine Ouimette—Zachary, Alexis

Olga Palmer

Gerrin Paradis

Lonnie and Donna Paradis

Staff: Pastor Harry

Ministry: Greeters/Ushers/Connection Corner

Government: Local School Committees[pic]


Jerry Fink 860-763-2405

Todd Jefson 860-741-3469

John Kadamus 860-745-3455

Bob Kimble 413-567-6066

Ted Metayer, Jr. 413-589-1186


Our Prayer Room/Library (left front of the sanctuary) is open and staffed after each Worship Service;

Elder Todd Jefson will greet you.

Please feel free to enter to pray or to be prayed for.

Prayer helps us to discover God’s perspective.

Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need; thank Him for all He has done.”


Brian K. MacLeod Senior Pastor


Thomas J. Brennan Youth


Matthew C. MacLeod CE/Worship/Technology


Harry O. Reimers, Jr. Visitation

413-786-9309; fhreimers1@

Albert A. Vantassel Torchbearers [Seniors]

413-525-2356; vanlines@

Cynthia M. Catuogno Children’s Ministry Coordinator



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