Metamorphose Catholic Ministry | Michael Prabhu

JANUARY 5, 2017

Evelet Sequeira’s New Age Rainbow Lightworkers, Womb Healing and Sound Therapy

Goa-Mumbai based (in Mumbai she operates out of Malad [W]) Dr. Evelet Sequeira M.D. is a purveyor of New Age wellness therapies, mindfulness meditation techniques, affirmations, visualizations and much more.

Her activities and organizations came to our attention when a Bangalore Catholic family realized their mistake after attending an apparently innocuous “Vocal Touch” programme featuring her at the Catholic Club and discovered that it was New Age.

Konkani Samudai conducts 'Vocal Touch' voice workshop Images omitted from this report

Bengaluru, November 8, 2016

Konkani Samudai, Jayanagar, here held 'Vocal Touch', a one day voice workshop at Catholic Club on November 6. The workshop was enthusiastically attended by 52 participants of various age groups from all over the city. Conducted ably by the specialist vocal coach of Melodia Voice Studio, Dubai, Jossie Moras*, who flew in solely for this purpose along with Dr. Evelet Sequeira a sound therapist.

The aim of the workshop was to train budding singers through practical exercises.

It began with a prayer. President of Konkani Samudai, Anitha Gomes, welcomed the gathering.

During the workshop, Jossie Moras taught children the correct posture and breathing technique required for singing. He also taught them different exercises to improve their tone and diction, together with warm-up exercises for the vocal chords and mouth muscles. Participants enjoyed the programme and wanted to spend more time learning from the master.

Dr. Evelet Sequeira in her 45 minutes session explained the beauty of the human voice in healing in the following equation: Frequency Intention = Healing. Sound waves come in different frequencies and each frequency corresponds to a particular emotion or organ. When the frequency coupled with intention is used for transformation, then Healing takes place.

Certificates were distributed to all the participants.

The workshop ended with a vote of thanks from Noel Fernandes, the secretary of Konkani Samaudai.

Dr. Evelet Sequeira is one of the three co-founders of Rainbow Lightworkers which was registered as a business “Rainbow Holistic Living LLP” in Mumbai in 2014. Their logo is immediately below.

The rainbow is one of the pre-eminent symbols of the New Age Movement. #7.1: “rainbow and Yin/Yang are both NA symbols, to do with the complementarity of contraries, esp. masculine and feminine”.

“Holistic” health is a New Age paradigm; see #2.2.3 (etc.) of the February 3, 2003 Vatican Document Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life, a Christian Reflection on the New Age. The term is used 13 times.

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Rainbow Lightworkers is a Holistic Wellness & Lifestyle Management Company. Come Celebrate the Beauty and Power of the Human Spirit

*This ministry’s report on New Age purveyor Jossie Moras:


Dr. Evelet Sequeira/Rainbow Lightworkers base their programme content on the work of one Louise Hay:


Rainbow Lightworkers

Love Yourself, Heal Your Life Workshops

Who is this Louise Hay?

Louise Hay: Queen of the New Age

By Susan Brinkmann, February 1, 2010

Louise Hay is the owner of Hay House, one of the largest publishers of New Age books in the country.

In a May 4, 2008 expose about her life in The New York Times, author Mark Oppenheimer refers to her as the "Queen of the New Age." 

Born in Los Angeles in 1926, she was raped by a neighbor at age 5 and dropped out of high school 10 years later to have a baby. She gave the child up for adoption and worked at menial jobs until she began modeling for Bill Blass, Oleg Cassini and Pauline Trigere.

In 1954, she married a wealthy English businessman, Andrew Hay, and divorced him 14 years later. She never remarried.

Hay became involved in the New Age when she stumbled upon the First Church of Religious Science which preaches the "Science of the Mind" and other New Thought concepts along with psychic work and channeling. She became a "minister" in this church in the early 70’s and made a name for herself after writing a pamphlet called "Heal Your Body" which included a chart of different ailments and their metaphysical causes. For instance, according to Hay’s theories, Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a "desire to leave the planet" and "anger and frustration" are the causes of anorectal bleeding.

At some point in the late 70’s, she claims to have healed herself of cervical cancer through the use of enemas, reflexology, forgiveness, nutrition and positive thinking (although this has never been verified).

In 1984, she expanded upon her theories in a book entitled You Can Heal Your Life. It became an instant best-seller with more than 35 million copies now in print around the world.

In 1987, she founded a publishing company, Hay House, to market her books, and soon began publishing other New Age and self-help authors such as Wayne Dyer (New Thought guru), Deepak Chopra (overall New Age guru), Marianne Williamson (A Course in Miracles) , Sylvia Browne (psychic), Doreen Virtue (clairvoyant) and Joan Borysenko (expert in "mind/body connection"). 

I think it’s safe to assume that The New York Times got it right (for once) when they referred to Louise Hay as the "Queen of the New Age."

Rainbow Lightworkers is a Holistic Wellness and Lifestyle Management company. Celebrate the human Spirit with workshops based on Louise Hay & Law of Attraction

When we checked various links to Evelet Sequeira, we found that she is as New Age as one can get.


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Dr. Evelet Sequeira (co-founder of Rainbow Lightworkers)

Evelet Sequeira is a Certified Heal Your Life® Workshop Leader (based on the Louise Hay Philosophy authorized to conduct transformational workshops globally); a Gestalt Therapist and teaches Mindfulness based stress management. She has been in the field of Self Development since the last 5 years and has been counselling people on Self Improvement, relationships, career challenges etc. She is a medical doctor and public health/nutrition professional with a career spanning 15 years in the development sector with UN agencies, governments and NGOs. Her strength lies in designing training workshops, facilitating participatory learning processes with focus on self-transformation, leadership, team building and motivation to positive living.

Her vision is to heal this planet by healing every soul she meets.

Mobile: +91 9820607573

Email: evelets@, rainbowlightworkers@


Azeelia Fialho

Azeelia Fialho is a Transformational Workshop and Seminar Leader. She is a Certified Heal Your Life® Trainer, Seminar Leader by Hay House (US) to present programs on Louise Hay's philosophy worldwide. She is a Certified Law of Attraction trainer from Golden Inspiration, one of the oldest and most respected Law of Attraction training companies in India. She has conducted several workshops for executives, entrepreneurs, businesswomen and men, youth and housewives teaching them skills using advanced tools, to use their maximum potential and achieve their goals. Azeelia studied Public Relations from Xavier Institute of Communications, worked in the airline and fashion industry for ten years. After years of inner growth through reading , participating in several workshops and International training programs , she made tremendous changes in her life through practised skilful tools, she followed her calling to empower people to manifest their deepest desires and live happy, peaceful , abundant lives, which she believes is everyone's birth right. She is a mentor and friend to many. For the last six years she has coached people on relationships, health, finances, creativity and work successfully.

Mobile: +91 9820065851

Email: azeelian@

The “Law of Attraction” (see page 8), Gestalt Therapy and Mindfulness Meditation are New Age.

|How is Gestalt Therapy Connected to the New Age? |

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|Evelet Sequeira is a registered member of the “NewAge Foundation”. |

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|India's Largest Network Of Seekers, Healers & Life Coaches. Join Us Today & Get Connected To Many like Minds. Attend Life Transforming Events, Workshops On Personal |

|Growth, Courses In Healing Modalities & Spiritual Retreats.  |

|Wish To Start A NewAge Wellness Center In Your Area? Check out  |

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|Dr. Evelet Sequeira is now a member of The NewAge Foundation |

|June 4, 2014 |

|What kind of NewAge Courses, Workshops & Retreats are you interested in? |

|Evelet: Spiritual, Healing |

|Which of the following words describe you the best? |

|Evelet: Spiritual |

|Would you like to attend any free introductory talks by our faculty? If yes on what subject. |

|Evelet: Spiritual, Healing |

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|Womb Healer DrEvelet |

|@evelets |

|Dr. Evelet works with womb wisdom and heals the wombs of women using Sound Voice Creative art and dance |

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|Dr. Evelet Sequeira |

|Womb Healer Soul Coach Sound Voice Therapist |

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|Womb Healing with Dr. Evelet Sequeira |

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|The Goddess Circle |

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|Womb Matrix Healing |

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|Extracts from the blog of Evelet Sequeira. |

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|Make Way for the Law of Attraction in Your Life |

|Essentially speaking the Law of Attraction is a metaphysical law which states that we attract to ourselves whatever we desire. If we wish for good health we attract |

|it, if we want to find our soul mate we can attract him or her, even if we want some extra money we can attract it. However a negative thought pattern can make it |

|extremely difficult to work well with the Law of Attraction. |

|In the Heal Your Life Workshops we learn about affirmations, which are positive thoughts that we turn into regular thought patterns in our lives to attract what we |

|want. Before this can happen we need to address the negative thoughts in our system and eliminate them. Here’s how the process works. … |

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|Metaphysical Laws: The Law of Attraction |

|The world is your oyster! If your mind can conceive it, you can achieve it. The Law of Attraction is not part of any religion. It is simply a metaphysical law that is |

|a universal truth. People from all lands and languages have used it to great effect in their lives. People claim to have had miraculous transformations in their lives |

|when they used the Law of Attraction to focus on a specific problem area in their lives. So what are these mystical metaphysical laws? |

|How the Law of Attraction works |

|The Law of Attraction is a metaphysical law which helps the user attract what he is thinking about. It is based on the principle "like attracts like". So if you worry |

|about something constantly you are fueling it with energy to come true. For instance if you worry about missing your bus, plane, train or any other ride all the time, |

|you will have a history of missing your ride. In case you worry about falling sick when you get wet in the rain, you will have a history of catching a chill every time|

|it rains and you get wet. If you feel you are just able to scrape through and make ends meet, you have a history of being broke at the end of each month. Now if you |

|turn the worry around into a positive statement, also known as an affirmation, you will be able to attract what you really want into your life. For instance if you say|

|to yourself I always make it to my ride with time to spare, you will not miss so many rides. If you say to yourself every cell in my body is full of vibrant health, |

|you will not fall ill quite so often. If you say I enjoy the many blessings money brings into my life, you will have enough cash to buy everything you want. |

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|Tools to Overcome Life’s Challenges |

|There is no perfect life. Even the happiest souls have to face challenges to stay positive. The only difference between someone you perceive as being happy most of the|

|time and yourself is the way you react to challenges. Given here are some common tools that can help you overcome the challenges that come your way. |

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|Affirmations |

|These are positive statements that can be used to draw what you wish into your life. By repeating this statement every day for at least fifty times in front of the |

|mirror, you give power to the wish. You can use them to replace negative thoughts that tend to intrude in your head. That way you will be filled with positivity and |

|attract good experiences and people towards you. |

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|Meditation |

|There are different forms of meditation, not all of which will be suited for your purpose. Some help you to relax, others help you to clear your mind and be receptive |

|to messages from your higher self, others allow you to focus your concentration on what you need to achieve, and others still allow you to cleanse your chakras and |

|aura. By learning different meditation techniques you help yourself in different aspects of your life. |

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|Visualization |

|The ability to create in your mind’s eye what you wish to see in your real life is called visualization. We begin with a simple picture that you can easily bring to |

|mind. Then we add layers such as the sensation of smell, touch, and even taste. When the picture that you create in your mind is as real as the actual event happening |

|before you, you have a successful visualization. |

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|EFT |

|Emotional Freedom Techniques help when you need to address negative, fearful emotions that are affecting your ability to function effectively. It is done by tapping on|

|the specified points on the body. There is nothing difficult about learning EFT and you can find enough material online to teach yourself the basics of the tapping |

|techniques. |

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|Connection with Higher Self |

|While a part of you is made up of the gross body on earth, there is another free spirited part of your soul which can travel where it wants. This higher self is in a |

|state of consciousness that can help provide you with all the answers that you seek. Forge a stronger connection with your higher self in order to receive the |

|information that will make your life easier and more fun. |

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|Get Centered and Connect with Spirit through Energy Work |

|We are basically all different forms of energy. Those who can learn to manipulate this energy are able to attract what they want and repel what they dislike. Through |

|energy work schools of thought such as Pranic Healing, Reiki and Acupressure it is possible to subtly manipulate the energy field of the body and rid it of disease. |

|You can also use these techniques to enhance your ability to grow spiritually. These tools are easily available for you. All you have to do is ensure that you use them|

|to deal with the challenges that life throws at you. Rather like preparing for a marathon, you need to run every day in practice to be able to run the entire length on|

|the final day. Similarly you need to use these tools every day in order to ensure that they do not desert you in your hour of need. |

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|All of the above are New Age techniques including |



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|-The Law of Attraction: Channeling Abraham - or Scamming the Public? |

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|By Susan Brinkmann, January 25, 2011 |

|-“Abundance™ (see page 9) is created to enhance the frequency of the harmonic magnetic energy field that surrounds us. This higher frequency creates what is called |

|‘the law of attraction,’ which refers to the things we attract to ourselves. Abundance opens us to a wealth of possibilities.” Source: |

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|-New Thought (Evelet S. uses the term) philosophy was a natural fit for the modern New Age movement whose proponents co-opted it into what is now known as the Human |

|Potential Movement – a conglomeration of self-help therapies and large group awareness training programs. These practices encompass the notion of positive thinking, |

|the law of attraction, creative visualization, personal enrichment and a variety of energy-based healing modalities. |

|Source: |

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|At  this 3 Day Residential (Optional) You Will Learn To |

|Explore A Whole New Depth Of Self Love |

|Release stuck limiting thought forms |

|Experience Powerful Meditations |

|Connect With Your Inner Child At A Whole New Level |

|Rediscover The Powerful Technique Of Mirror Work |

|Spend time surrounded by your soul family, where learning won’t be restricted to just the classroom |

|Acknowledge and Reawaken your connection with Unconditional love of the UNIVERSE |

|Form A Deeper More Meaningful Connection With Yourself |

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|Make the Affirmations Even If They Seem Unbelievable |

|Do you feel strange saying the affirmation statements? Are they like something unbelievable at the moment? It’s okay. Even if you feel like laughing and being |

|derogatory when you say the statements. Just make sure that you say these positive affirmations regularly. The energy shift will occur. Believe in that fact. This |

|growth work is important for the energy shift to occur. Don’t give up saying your affirmations after a while because “nothing seems to be happening.” Trust me, there |

|is plenty happening in the energy world that has not yet manifested in the real world. |

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|Trust In Divine Timing |

|Don’t get disheartened when you don’t see instant results. The growth work is taking you through the stages of change that are required to break old pattern, to shift |

|your consciousness and to make you a more powerful manifesting agent. Know that when the time is right, what you have asked for or something even better is coming to |

|you. Accept the fact that Source (see page 18) knows best and surrender your request. The Law of Attraction is infallible if you use it correctly. |

|I recently read an absolutely riveting story about the Golden Buddha as retold by Nick Ortner. Some of you may be familiar with his work in the field of tapping also |

|known as EFT. He is a coach and strong proponent for the tapping solution. |

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|How Should You Meditate? |

|No two people in the world are absolutely alike and no single meditation process can claim to work for both of them. This is why there are so many meditation |

|techniques. Some prefer to be with their own thoughts and work through emotions silently. Others prefer to blank out all thoughts and focus on a single mantra or an |

|affirmation that they keep repeating to themselves. There are people who meditate to beautiful soothing music, so that they can blank out any other stimulus.  |

|Then there are those who wish to be guided by someone else’s voice into a deeper meditative state where they can let go and relax totally leaving the responsibilities |

|of coming out to meditation to the person guiding them. The only way you can know for sure what type of meditation suits you best is to try them out and see what |

|resonates with you and your needs.  |

|Just like with communicating with you higher self, there is no right or wrong way to meditate. There are only ways that you enjoy meditating, and those that you don’t.|

|The truth is that anyone can develop their own meditation techniques and benefit from them deeply, as long as you set a strong intention about how and why you are |

|meditating to begin with. |

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|Thinking Yourself to Abundance |

|Sometimes all we need to do is change how we think. Without realizing the power of the Law of Attraction we keep thinking about all the things that could go wrong and |

|finally feel vindicated when they do go wrong. Little comprehending, when such things happen, that we have actually brought the disaster to life with our own worried |

|thought patterns. The simple act of catching a negative thought in the head and casting it out is often the very action we need to take for change. |

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|All You Need to do is Embrace Positivity |

|Do not become a part of the defeatist mindset which thinks that everything is pre-ordained. That there is no use struggling against your fate or destiny. That whatever|

|to happen is bound to do so, no matter what you do. The truth is that while you are very much part of a Karmic Cycle, you are also very much in possession of your own |

|Free Will. Each moment you have the ability to think a new thought, say a new word, perform a new action and in doing these small things change the way your destiny |

|plays out. So make it a point to think positive thoughts, perform actions that bring happiness to you and others, and speak as though everything you ever wanted and |

|wished for is just around the corner waiting for you to come along and claim it. |

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|Fighting Fears |

|EFT or Tapping |

|Emotional Freedom Technique or what is colloquially called Tapping, is a method where you tap on the ends of your body’s energy meridians to help you deal better with |

|stress and fears. The non-invasive system is based on principles similar to acupuncture and acupressure, but works predominantly on the strong emotions that you feel. |

|It is a beautiful fear fighting tool that can let you lower your intensity of fear as you tap the points repeatedly. |

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|Creative Visualization Meditations |

|Many fears we have a quite irrational and illogical. Some may make no sense at all in the world as we live it, but are frighteningly real to you.  So how do you deal |

|with such fears? Ask yourself what is the worst thing that can happen. Imagine the absolute worst situation, and then correct it in your mind with a solution. Now |

|visualize everything that you think can go wrong, and automatically use your solutions to correct these errors. Gradually the solutions will become second nature and |

|the fears will fade away forever. |

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|Creative Visualization and Healing Your Life |

|As a tool Creative Visualization is considered incredibly important by most spiritual healers. It can help you concentrate your inner power and bring into existence |

|the reality you wish was yours. It allows you to manifest exactly what you want in an easy to understand manner. The more you use it, the easier it gets to bring your |

|ideal life into existence. |

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|Change is Inevitable: Accepting Your Spiritual Side |

|About ten years ago I did the Art of Living Course and was sharing my experience with family when my grandmother asked me, “Don’t you know how to live life?” … |

|That’s the point when I said to myself, “OK. Stop. Inhale. Listen. Assimilate. Exhale.... And now prioritize.” … |

|Find the experts who can help you. Make sure you get nice positive vibes from them and are willing to trust them with the intimate details of your life. |

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|How to Forgive Someone You Are Not Speaking With |

|Many times the person who has caused you to feel hurt will not be on speaking terms with you. You may just never want to talk to them. Or they have moved away to a |

|different city, state, country and you don’t know where they are. They may even no longer be alive. In this situation, you may wonder how you get to do forgiveness |

|work.  |

|Simple Meditation Solution: One easy way to forgive someone in this category is to go into a meditative state and first connect with your own Higher Self. Here you |

|clarify your intention to forgive the soul who has hurt you. Now let your Higher Self connect with the Higher Self of the person who you wish to forgive. As you feel |

|the energy body of their Higher Soul say that you forgive them for all the transgressions that they have made. Make sure that you speak from the heart and if you like |

|you may even say these words out loud. Speak as long as you wish and when you are ready to leave, bless the Higher Soul of the other person and travel back to your |

|present space. |

|This is a simple but powerful meditation which you can repeat as often as you like with the same person, or even with different people at different times. The idea is |

|to clear all the negative feelings that you are hanging on to in your soul’s energy body. |

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|Connecting with Your Divine Spirit |

|Each of us is a combination of three main elements: Mind, Body and Spirit. The body we can see, the mind we can experience in our many thoughts and opinions, but the |

|connection with Spirit is tentative at best and nonexistent at worst. The Universe, the Source, God, or Spirit, it doesn’t matter what you call it, can be a |

|frightening concept to grasp. We have forgotten that we are a part of the whole, and inaccurately believe that we are different from what has created us. The truth is |

|that there is divinity in you and me. There is a spark of the Universe, Source, Spirit or God energies in each of us in existence. (see page 18) This is the philosophy|

|of “Adwaita”, you and I are one. Our worldly wisdom gives us the mistaken believe that you and I are separate, but in truth enlightenment just brings this one shift in|

|knowledge to show us that we truly are all a part of a single energy entity. |

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|My Body is My Best Friend |

|Celebrate your body the way it is and Heal Your Life. Treat it to little acts of kindness that nurture it. A head massage, a foot soak, an hour of meditation, health |

|food and adequate sleep. As you accept your beautiful body and treat it with love and respect it will respond to this positive treatment. Your body will become more |

|attractive each day that you treat it lovingly. Affirm to yourself, "I love my body. It is a good friend that I take care of." |

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|Divine Wisdom is My Right |

|Affirm to yourself, “I am open to receiving divine wisdom to live my highest purpose.” |

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|Honouring MY Divine Masculine |

|I have always wondered who the Divine masculine is. Is the Divine Masculine a human or a super human maybe someone like Superman or something else? |

|Only to find out that this divine masculine is not a person but energy inside of me. This energy of the divine masculine complements the energy of the divine feminine |

|in me. |

|For bringing about a balance within myself I worked with the feminine aspect of me. That was easy as I also embody the feminine as a gender. But when it came to |

|working with the masculine aspect in me, I realised that I had picked up conditioning of the corrupt masculine from many males in my life. This included my |

|Grandfather, my father, my brother, my husband, male colleagues, women with the corrupt masculine; the list was endless. |

|All the while I was displaying the shadow aspects of the masculine. Rather I was living in denial. It was then that the Divine Masculine opened up to me. |

|The Divine Masculine plays the role of the banks of my divine feminine River. Without the banks the creative feminine will flow all over without any direction without |

|any purpose. So the Divine masculine represents “TAPAS” which is Practise. It also represents a sense of direction, movement, action, responsibility, focus, |

|encouragement, abundance, clarity, intellect and much more. |

|So the Feminine is creating and birthing the new projects and dreams while the Masculine is supporting this birth by co-creating with Her. Thus, the new earth is a |

|co-creation that depends on divine feminine and divine masculine both coming into its full respective power. |

|This Masculine energy inside of us women is deeply wounded as it carries the scars of the patriarchal society. Healing these wounds is essential for evoking the divine|

|masculinity in us. |

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|For years the masculine has been in power that represses others, atrocities, wars, hiding their emotions, disconnected with Source (see page 18). This sort of constant|

|denial of the true self has led to learned behavioural traits and habits that are extremely hard to break. They produce a lot of anger, resentment, frustration, |

|discontent, and self-loathing that often comes when one routinely fails to honour their authentic self. |

|So Balancing and coming in touch with our Divine Masculine archetype is very essential on our journey of becoming WHOLE. |

|To learn more on your own inner tyrant masculine and invoke the essence of the divine masculine please participate in the Webinar on Conscious Femininity and Sacred |

|Feminine by International Teacher Vera Feria Leal. |

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|Heightening Your Intuition |

|[…] |

|Intuition as opposed to reason and rational thinking is a New Age paradigm. |

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|Creating your own luck |

|Affirm – “I create my own good luck.” |

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|Living in Grace Everyday |

|Use the affirmation – “I am a miracle child of the universe. I am grateful for who I am.” |

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|Affirm – “I manifest my best life experiences in line with my life purpose easily and effortlessly” |

|Affirmation – “I love and accept all versions of me.” |

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|Affirm – “I am Happy now |

|I am Healthy now |

|I am Wealthy now |

|I am Loved now |

|I am Safe now |

|I am Prosperous now |

|I am Positive now |

|I am Blessed now |

|I am Thankful now” |

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|At our web site, there are several files on affirmations/positive confession, including |


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|Dr. Evelet Sequeira MD, is a Licensed and Certified Heal Your Life ® Workshop Leader and Coach (Hay House - USA) based on the Louise Hay Philosophy to conduct |

|Transformation workshops globally, a Gestalt Therapist and teaches Mindfulness based stress management. |

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|Felly Gomes is the director of India Social Responsibility Vision, which is a Non-Profit Social Enterprise. The purpose of this organization is to implement Social |

|Business Models in society that deliver socio-economic and environmental objectives. Felly comes from a varied background of Arts, Yoga, Meditation. |

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|Charles Saldanha has been involved with Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Internationally, for almost 25 years and heads up as founder, trainer and organiser.|

| provides NLP training at all levels, throughout India and is the founder of the Indian Professional Association of Neuro-Linguistic Programming - IPANLP. |

|Charles vision is for Indians to set the bench mark in NLP Education and Application that the rest of the world can only aspire to. Thus the courses are not for |

|everyone, they are designed for those who demonstrate a genuine passion for true NLP. |

|Charles has been taught by the originators of NLP and regularly brings some of the best trainers in the world to India so that Indians can benefit from their |

|experience in their own country. In recognition he has recently been made a regional co-director in India for the Association of IEMT Practitioners (Integral Eye |

|Movement Therapy). Charles is resident in Goa and carries out all his operations from here. |


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|Darryl D'Souza is an Industrial Engineer by profession, who quit Engineering after 17 years, to don his avatar of Therapist that actually took 22 years in the making. |

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|Aljai Singh studied in a boarding school in the Himalayas, thereafter running away from home at the age of 16 to travel extensively across India, working in television|

|programming, multi-media art and NGOs. She actively pursued the search, both within, inspired by her own traumatic childhood and sometimes by her grandfather and his |

|art, and later, with her mother with books and participation in workshops, and without, as an adult with tools such as meditation, psychedelics, transcendental |

|experiences and with artists and light workers and other magical people. |

|Having sampled and dabbled in many healing modalities such as Reiki, Vedic Healing, Cosmic Healing, NLP, as well as her own explorations in channeled information, it |

|was only in 2006 when a friend loaned her Eric Pearl's book "Reconnective Healing – Heal Others Heal Yourself' did she finally find resonance to her core beliefs and |

|choose a modality to practice seriously. She now lives and practices in Goa full time and is planning to have a proper clinic in North Goa in a couple of months. |

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|Sabari Chakraborty is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Past Life Regression Therapist (trained & certified by Dr. Brian Weiss, USA) and a Life Between Lives Regression |

|Therapist (trained & certified by the Michael Newton Institute, USA). Sabari works with the subconscious mind to heal emotional, mental or physical imbalances, from |

|the root, facilitating healing from deep inside the psyche. She uses Inner Child Therapy, EFT, Usui Reiki & Access Consciousness Body Processes as well. |

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|Emma Tyson a qualified Lawyer, Yoga Teacher, Spiritual Healer & Therapist. She has taught Yoga for 26 years initiated a Sannyasi by Swami Satyananda Saraswati (Bihar |

|School of Yoga), Guided by her Guru, she lived for 7 years in a Spiritual Healing Centre/Ashram in the UK, where she trained and worked. She qualified and is a Senior |

|Practitioner with the British Register of Complementary Medicine as a Healer/Counselor and is also a recognized Yoga Teacher, Dance & Movement, Massage & Crystal |

|Healing Therapist |

|She is a Full Healer Member of the National Federation of Spiritual Healers. She then had her own practice as a Healer, Yoga and Holistic Therapist. She also taught |

|Community Groups. In 2003 she settled in Goa later establishing a Yoga & Healing Centre. |

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|Komal Paroolkar works as an Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics in Padre Conceicao College of Engineering, Verna - Goa. Komal graduated with a Bachelor of |

|Science degree in Mathematics from Chowgule College, Madgao and thereafter went on to do her post-graduation in Pure Mathematics from the Goa University. |

|Her continued interest in complementary medicine is due to her being an atopic from the age of two. She has been practicing Basic Pranic Healing, Advanced Pranic |

|Healing and Pranic psychotherapy techniques on friends, family and on herself for over 3 years with good results. |

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|Kashmira Elavia is an Access Bars Facilitator and has been practicing the tools of Access Consciousness since the past 2 years. She is also a Certified Angel Card |

|reader and an Angel and Crystal Therapist. It's in the past 5 years that she has developed her psychic abilities and is now comfortable with acknowledging the Power |

|that she is blessed with. |

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|Darpan Kaur is a Reiki Master, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Angel Card Reader and Spiritual Artist. Believer of all things Metaphysical. |

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|Organizer: Dr. Evelet Sequeira |

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|The Law of Attraction is a Law of the Universe just like the Law of Gravity and it is as powerful as any other universal law. In simple words, it means, whatever you |

|“Think” becomes a reality in your life. To relate that in our own lives, we attract experiences and consequences in our life related to the thoughts in our Mind. |

|Therefore, you can use this law to attract whatever you desire into your life. |

|Warning: We all unknowingly use Law of Attraction to attract things that we do not want in our lives. |

|We want to train you to correct ways to attract whatever you want in your life in detail, which is why we conduct a workshop so that you can immediately benefit from |

|the use of Law of Attraction in your lives. |

|Course Content |

|Introduction to Law of Attraction |

|How thoughts affects & triggers Law of Attraction |

|68 Seconds Pure Thought concept |

|Emotional Guidance System – How to use your inner guidance system to guide you in every step of your life |

|Money Blueprint – How to attract money in life |

|Mind Levels – Deeper understanding of how our mind works and how can we control our thoughts |

|How to avoid being a victim and take charge of our life |

|How to develop an attitude of gratitude towards everything/everyone |

|Learn how to visualize |

|How to forgive everyone and how it can improve your life |

|Special Meditation Exercises to strengthen your Intuition, Visualization & Attraction |

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|Come attend sound healing session with Tibetan Bowls. Awaken your spirit and clean cellular toxins with Dr. Evelet Sequeira. |

|Venue : Tulips, 19, Union Park, Pali hill, Opposite Out Of The Blue Restaurant, Bandra (West), Mumbai – 40052 |

|Time : 3p.m.- 4p.m. |

|Energy Exchange : Rs. 800 |

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|Sound Healing With Dr Evelet Sequeira |


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|Dr Evelet Sequeira, MD is a Certified International Life Coach and Workshop Leader Heal Your Life®. She is also a Sound Therapist trained in the use of Tibetan Bowls |

|for healing from the International Academy of Sound healing. Personally, I am a huge fan of the Tibetan bowls. The sounds and vibrations can create magnificent shifts |

|in our mind, body and spirit. It was no surprise then that my session with Evelet was fantabulous… but more about that on a separate post. |

|In this one, I’ve asked Evelet to throw light on Sound Healing – how it works and the work that she does especially with people who are terminally ill or those who |

|have survived such an illness or turmoil. |

|If you had to explain sound healing in two lines, what would those be? |

|The following Equation explains it well… Frequency + Intention = Healing. Sound waves come in different frequencies and each frequency corresponds to a particular |

|emotion or an organ. When the frequency coupled with intention is used for transformation, then Healing takes place. Everything in the Universe vibrates at a |

|frequency. |

|What kind of instruments do you use? Does sound healing use other instruments other than Tibetan or Crystal Bowls?   |

|I am trained to use the Tibetan sound bowls from the International Academy of Sound healing. I also use Voice (mine as well as the clients) and chanting of mantras and|

|sounds to bring about cellular transformation in the body. |

|Sound healing also includes use of tuning forks, crystal bowls, Solfeggio scales music frequencies etc. Tibetan Sound Bowls have been known to have a profound effect |

|on the cellular structure of the human body. |

|I use the Basic Healing set of Bowls to bring Brain wave relaxation for clients, the Chakra set is used to align the energy of the chakras as well as bring about |

|healing of specific ailments in the body. The Energy Meriy Meridian Bowl is a large bowl in which the client stands to get a complete SOUND bath. Deep seated emotions |

|are released as the sound traverses the Nadis and releases these Blocks. |

|Three things people should be aware of before they try sound healing. |

|1 The Power of intention is very strong |

|2 Come with a beginners mind for the sound therapy |

|3 Sound energy works as much as we allow it to transform us |

|[…] |

|If you would like to experience Sound Healing or consult with Evelet, call +91 9820607573 or write to evelets@. |

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|See Can “Singing Bowls” awaken your DNA? |

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|By Susan Brinkmann, January 24, 2011 |

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|Time for ‘sound bath’: When Tibetan singing bowls heal the body |

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|By Susan Jose, Hindustan Times, Mumbai, August 16, 2016 |

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|An increasing number of people are getting drawn to alternative healing methods nowadays. The latest one to make news involves taking a ‘sound bath’ by literally |

|immersing a person in healing sound vibrations. This treatment is usually conducted using the largest Tibetan singing bowl called “energy meridian bowl” (with a |

|diameter of about 22 inches). |

|The therapist plays this bowl using a large mallet, and the entire body vibrates to the sound waves emitted from the bowl. |

|The ‘sound bath’ has its roots in ancient Tibetan culture. Dr. Evelet Sequeira, sound therapist and life coach, says, “This is an ancient technique mastered by Tibetan|

|lamas. Through generations they have imparted this knowledge to teachers who were found to be humble and non-commercial in their approach, and made healing their |

|priority. I learnt to use the bowls from my teacher Satya Brat. I went through three levels of training.” |

|A lot of centres in India, such as Svaram in Auroville, Pondicherry, and International Academy of Sound Healing in Kolkata are dedicated to learning more about this |

|technique. |

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|How it works |

|When it comes to healing with sound vibrations, there is an equation that all the experts seem to follow — sound + intention = healing. A lot of importance is given to|

|the openness of the recipient or his or her intention to heal. “Every disease is primarily a low or discordant vibration of the cell of a specific organ. Sound allows |

|the cell to rejuvenate, and thus, heal naturally,” explains Roshan Bahar, sound healer. |

|Yolanda Martinez, a sound healer based in New Mexico, USA, elaborates, “It is not about words, it is about sound. This is why it is important to not get confused and |

|hung up on words. We are vibrational beings, and if our auras or chakras are off balance, we need sound to bring them back to balance.” |

|Sometimes, ‘sound baths’ are combined with other methods of alternative healing therapies as well. This depends on both the healer as well as the individual undergoing|

|the therapy. “Most sound healers work with sounds, crystals, essential oils, and even massages,” says Bahar. |

|Sequeira, on the other hand, uses tuning forks, drums and her own voice to complement the therapy. “Every client is different, and according to their ailment, trauma |

|or issue, I use specific bowls. I tend to use my own intuition a lot,” she adds. |

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|Benefits |

|1. Relaxes the body and mind Helps release pent-up emotions |

|2. Helps stabilise the heart rate and blood pressure |

|3. Stimulates the immune system and the endocrine system |

|4. “Sometimes, sound even works as a diagnostic tool. During a session, a client might feel pain in a region of the body, where previously, there was none. This is an |

|indication that there is some healing required,” says Bahar. |

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|By Evelet Sequeira, Tuesday, January 12, 2016 |

|I walked miles and miles to find me |

|Oh I walked miles and miles |

|what I found was you they she he them |

|But I did not find me |

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|Where was EVE |

|where was the little girl who loved to sing and dance |

|where was this lovely girl lost |

|oh where was she....what happened to her |

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|Then one day a LIGHT shone |

|A light so Bright... |

|She could no longer hide and so i found her |

|I found her in all her magnificence and splendour |

|There she was just as I had left her |

|smiling, exuberant, dazzling... |

|shinning her own her own land... |

|dancing her way to Freedom |

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|Yes she was exactly what I was looking for |

|a goddess seated on her sacred throne |

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|She said to me.... |

|Come Eve...merge into my being |

|I am you and you are me and we both are LOVE |

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|and so the sacred union happened |

|we were separate in one moment.... |

|and made whole the next moment |

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|Together we dance the dance of this life |

|Together we spread love and peace |

|Together we burn aflame in our love for each other |

|This flame is lighting hearts, its lighting up the world |

|and our flame only burns brighter |

|Thank You Universe for this SACRED UNION |

|Thank you Spirit for making us ONE, for we now are an ETERNAL FLAME |

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|Note that this particular blog of Evelet Sequeira is named “goddess Eva”, and in the following blog post, she actually signs as “Goddess Eva”. See also page 20 where |

|she states, “I am a GODDESS OF THE MAGDALENE ORDER” (emphasis hers). |

|Evelet Sequeira never once uses the word ‘God’ except in the pantheistic/monistic sense of Advaitic philosophy as we see on page 10 of the present file where she says:|

|“The Universe, the Source, God, or Spirit, it doesn’t matter what you call it, can be a frightening concept to grasp. We have forgotten that we are a part of the |

|whole, and inaccurately believe that we are different from what has created us. The truth is that there is divinity in you and me. There is a spark of the Universe, |

|Source, Spirit or God energies in each of us in existence. This is the philosophy of “Adwaita”, you and I are one.” |

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|Goddess  Eva |

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|A few of Evelet Sequeira’s Facebook posts |

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|Awakening Shakti |

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|Deep Joy of BEING in Sacred Union with HERSELF |

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|Womb Healing with Sound |

|Every Wednesday at Rainbow bridge, Malad west |

|3 time slots: 10 to 11am, 1130 to 1230 pm, 1300 to 1400 pm |

|Dates in January 2017: 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th |

|Please call +91 9820607573 to book your session for one hour. |

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|Womb Healing with Dr. Evelet Sequeira |

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|"I am a GODDESS OF THE MAGDALENE ORDER ... I am a healer. I am a carrier of divine light. I once practised sacred arts with circles of women, protected by men who were|

|devoted to the Goddess, and we were called witches. We were called sorceresses, priestesses, mystics, midwives and wise women. I am incredibly powerful, skilled, and |

|qualified to occupy this healing role. I am here in service to HUMANITY ... An EMPTY VESSEL that allows the Divine feminine wisdom to flow through me ... A WOMB KEEPER|


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|A few of Evelet Sequeira’s YouTube videos |

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