Physical Education

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Boating Grade: 8

Enduring Understandings:

• Safety impacts individual and community well-being.

• Community well-being is dependent upon a balance of personal and social responsibility.

Essential Questions:

• How do you determine an environment is safe?

• What are some safety guidelines to follow in physical activity settings?

• What are the pros and cons of adopting an “environmentally responsible” lifestyle?

• How are your present choices connected to your health throughout your adult life?

|Common Core Standard |Pennsylvania Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise |10.2.9. E: Explain the interrelationship |Boating and Water Safety Awareness |Stride Jump | |

|language and domain-specific|between the environment and personal |Course |-head stays above water | |

|vocabulary to inform about |health. | |-Legs scissor, arms sweep | |

|or explain the topic |zone layer/skin cancer |Intro to 8th grade swimming |-eyes focus on target | |

| |availability of health care/ individual |-review of pool rules |-Underwater arm stroke recovery | |

| |health |-talk about boating course | | |

| |air pollution/respiratory disease | |Rescue Diving | |

| |breeding environments/ lyme disease/west |Personal Safety in water |-long shallow | |

| |nile virus | |-short deep | |

| |10.3.9.A: Analyze the role of individual | | | |

| |responsibility for safe practices and | |Basic review of strokes used in rescue | |

| |injury prevention in the home, school and | | | |

| |community. | |Wrist tow to support a victim | |

| |modes of transportation (e.g., pedestrian, | | | |

| |bicycle, vehicular, passenger, farm |Assisting a victim |Hair tow to support a victim | |

| |vehicle, all-terrain vehicle) | | | |

| |violence prevention in school | |Lift out to a sitting position | |

| |self-protection in the home | |-never lose contact with victim | |

| |self-protection in public places | |-lift to sit if victim is smaller | |

| | |Getting a victim out of the water |Lift out to a laying position | |

| | | |-never lose contact with victim | |

| | | |-for larger victim | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Lesson 2 | |

| | | |Boat terminology |8th Grade Kayaking Assessment |

| | | |Boat markings | |

| | |Introduce Boating Safety Awareness | | |

| | |Course |PFD use- proper fit and use of PFD | |

| | | |Entry into the water with a PFD | |

| | | |-deck level | |

| | | |-from a height | |

| | |Lesson 1 and 2 Boating Course |HELP Position- Heat Escape Lessening | |

| | | |Position | |

| | | |Huddle- with a friend | |

| | | |Navigational Terminology and Curriculum | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Boat Lighting System | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Hazards | |

| | | |Kayaking: | |

| | | |parts of a kayak | |

| | | |parts of a paddle | |

| | | |entering from side | |

| | | |entering from shallow water | |

| | | |paddling | |

| | | |turning | |

| | | |swamping | |

| | | |games | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Review HELP position | |

| | | |(Heat Escape Lessening Posture) | |

| | | |Purpose of HELP | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Intro Huddle Position | |

| | |PFD Use (day 2 and 3) |-with partner | |

| | | |-with group | |

| | | |Emphasis on quiet and conserving energy, | |

| | | |little movement | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Bookwork to distinguish need for and | |

| | | |appearance of different distress signals | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Bookwork to see different types of Fire | |

| | | |extinguishers | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Pull pin | |

| | |Visual Distress Signals (p 28 of |Aim | |

| | |teachers book) |Squeeze handle | |

| | | |Sweep | |

| | | | | |

| | |Fire Extinguishers |Driver responsibility: wake, safety, | |

| | | |direction | |

| | | |head to head | |

| | | |overtaking | |

| | | |perpendicular | |

| | | |terms stand on, give way | |

| | | |Try each navigation rule while pretending in| |

| | |Navigation Rules (Boat) |the shallow end | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |use of helmets and PFD’s | |

| | | |storing of kayaks and how to remove and | |

| | |Reaching Assists |return to proper place | |

| | | |Practice fitting the helmets and adjusting | |

| | |Storage and maintenance of equipment: |the PFD’s to fit properly | |

| | | |Enter the pool so that they can feel the | |

| | | |buoyancy sensation. | |

| | | |Take down and replace the kayaks 3 times | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Enter the kayaks first on deck, then from | |

| | | |side of the pool holding gunnels or rear end| |

| | | |first | |

| | | | | |

| | | |hand positioning | |

| | | | | |

| | | |paddle angle for 360 turn, moving forward | |

| | |Proper technique for getting in and out|and backwards, and draw stroke | |

| | |of the kayaks. | | |

| | | |dragging for stopping and turning | |

| | | | | |

| | | |side entry | |

| | | |entry from the stern | |

| | |Proper use of paddle |shallow or deep water entry | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Bring kayak back to the side of the pool and| |

| | | |empty out the excess water by rocking bow to| |

| | | |stern and back | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Re-entering kayak after a roll |PWC’S | |

| | | |PWC’S Characteristics | |

| | | |PWC’S Operation | |

| | | |Swimming & Diving | |

| | | |Canoeing & Kayaking | |

| | | |Paddling Tips | |

| | |Emptying kayak after swamping |Sailing | |

| | | |Hunters & Anglers | |

| | | |Water Sking & Similar Activies | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Mandatory Boating Education | |

| | | |Navigational Rules | |

| | | |Proper Lookout | |

| | | |Safe Speed | |

| | | |Risk of Collision | |

| | |Other Water Activities |Rules for Power Driven Vessels Underway | |

| | | |Head – on (Meeting) | |

| | | |Overtaking (Passing) | |

| | | |Crossing Situation | |

| | | |Sound Signals | |

| | | |Night Operation and Lights | |

| | | |Aids to Navigation | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Trailering | |

| | | |Launch & Retrieving | |

| | | |Boarding | |

| | |PA Operation Requirements & Navigation |Boat Trim | |

| | |& Communications |Capsizing | |

| | | |Falls Overboard | |

| | | |Running A ground | |

| | | |Boating Handling | |

| | | |Docking | |

| | | |Anchoring | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Water Hazards | |

| | | |Large Bodies of Water | |

| | | |Wind & Waves | |

| | | |Tides & Tidal Currents | |

| | | |Dams | |

| | |Boat Operation |Weather | |

| | | |Rescue & Survival | |

| | | |Reach | |

| | | |Throw | |

| | | |Row | |

| | | |Go | |

| | | |Cold Water | |

| | | |Hypothermia | |

| | | |(First Aid) | |

| | | |Alcohol & Boating | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Safety & Rescue | | |

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Water Aerobics Grade: 8

Enduring Understandings:

• Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

• Community well-being is dependent upon a balance of personal and social responsibility.

Essential Questions:

• How does participating in physical activity affect you?

• How can exercise be used to improve health and fitness?

• How can the choices you make today, influence your future health and happiness?

|Common Core Standards |Pennsylvania Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise |10.4.9. A: Analyze and engage in physical |Water Aerobics |Shallow End Routine | |

|language and domain-specific |activities that are developmentally/ | | | |

|vocabulary to inform about or |individually appropriate and support | |Deep End Routine | |

|explain the topic |achievement of personal fitness and activity| | |8th Grade Water Aerobics |

| |goals. | |Water Walking |Assessment |

| |10.4.9. D: Analyze factors that affect | | | |

| |physical activity preferences of | | | |

| |adolescents. | | | |

| |skill competence | | | |

| |social benefits | | | |

| |previous experience | | | |

| |activity confidence | | | |

| |10.5.9. A: Describe and apply the components| | | |

| |of skill-related fitness to movement | | | |

| |performance. | | | |

| |agility | | | |

| |balance | | | |

| |coordination | | | |

| |power | | | |

| |reaction time | | | |

| |10.5.9. D: Identify and describe the | | | |

| |principles of training using appropriate | | | |

| |vocabulary. | | | |

| |specificity | | | |

| |overload | | | |

| |progression | | | |

| |aerobic/anaerobic | | | |

| |circuit/interval | | | |

| |repetition/set | | | |

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Dance Grade: 8

Enduring Understandings:

• Quality lifelong movement is based on scientific concepts/principles.

• Health concepts are essential for wellness and a health-enhancing lifestyle.

Essential Questions:

• Why do people choose group activities over individual activities or individual activities over group activities?

• How can you become an advanced mover?

• How can exercise be used to improve health and fitness?

• How can I prepare my body for safe physical activity?

|Common Core Standards |Pennsylvania Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise |10.3.6. D. Analyze the role of |Dance |Skills | |

|language and domain-specific |individual responsibility for safety | |Social Dances |Swing Dance Assessment |

|vocabulary to inform about or |during physical activity. | |Routine | |

|explain the topic |10.4.6. A: Identify and engage in | |Rhythm | |

| |moderate to vigorous physical | |Coordination | |

| |activities that contribute to physical | | | |

| |fitness and health. | | | |

| |10.4.6. B: Explain the effects of | | | |

| |regular participation in moderate to | | | |

| |vigorous physical activities on the | | | |

| |body systems. | | | |

| |10.4.6. D. Describe factors that affect| | | |

| |childhood physical activity | | | |

| |preferences. | | | |

| |10.5.6. A. Explain and apply the basic| | | |

| |movement skills and concepts to create | | | |

| |and perform movement sequences and | | | |

| |advanced skills. | | | |

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Invasion Games Grade: 8

Enduring Understandings:

• Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

• Quality lifelong movement is based on scientific concepts and principles.

Essential Questions:

• How can physical activity choices impact my life as an adolescent?

• How can you improve the quality of complex movements?

• What types of strategies would you use to be successful in a complex game situation?

|Common Core Standards |Pennsylvania Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise|10.3.6 D. Analyze the role of individual |Invasion Games | | |

|language and |responsibility for safety during physical |Can Include Many Different Types of |Basics | |

|domain-specific |activity. |Games |Throwing | |

|vocabulary to inform |10.4.6. E. Identify factors that have an | | | |

|about or explain the |impact on the relationship between regular | |Catching | |

|topic |participation in physical activity and the | | | |

| |degree of motor skill improvement. | |Offense: | |

| |10.4.6. F. Identify and describe positive | |moving to space | |

| |and negative interactions of group members | |cutting | |

| |in physical activities. | |faking | |

| | | |teamwork | |

| |10.5.6. A. Explain and apply the basic | | | |

| |movement skills and concepts to create and | |Defense | |

| |perform movement sequences and advanced | |man to man | |

| |skills. | |zone/area | |

| | | |teamwork | |

| |10.5.6. B. Identify and apply the concepts | | | |

| |of motor skill development to a variety of |Floor Hockey/LAX | | |

| |basic skills. | |Goggles assignment and usage | |

| |10.5.6. C. Describe the relationship between|Intro Rules and equipment |Holding the stick |8th Grade Invasion Games Assessment |

| |practice and skill development. | |Dribble: small controlled taps using either | |

| |10.5.6. E. Identify and use scientific |Passing: |or both sides of stick. Ball stays in front | |

| |principles that affect basic movement and | |of body slightly to one side. Loose dribble, | |

| |skills using appropriate vocabulary. | |tight dribble | |

| |10.5.6. F. Identify and apply game | |From stationary position | |

| |strategies to basic games and physical | |give with the ball as it approaches | |

| |activities | |control ball before returning | |

| |10.4.9 E. Analyze factors that impact on | |protect the ball by using both sides of stick | |

| |the relationship between regular | |Moving with a partner | |

| |participation in physical activity and motor| |Pass ahead of partner to their outstretched | |

| |skill improvement | |stick | |

| |personal choice | |Control before returning pass, may require | |

| |developmental differences | |small amt of dribbling | |

| |amount of physical activity |Using Space |Moving to a space to receive a pass | |

| |authentic practice | |partner with ball stays still, partner w/o | |

| |10.4.9 F. Analyze the effects of positive | |moves to any space to receive pass | |

| |and negative interaction of adolescent group| |Rules for game play | |

| |member in physical activity | |6 v 6 | |

| |group dynamics | |Bully starts game | |

| |social pressure |Creating Space |3 offense cross center line and stay there | |

| |10.5.9 A. Describe and apply the components |Game Play and strategy |2 defense stay on their side of court | |

| |of skill related fitness to movement | |If no goalie, then net down | |

| |performance | | | |

| |agility | | | |

| |balance | | | |

| |coordination | | | |

| |power | |Body over ball (B.O.B.) | |

| |reaction time | |Use various surfaces (feet, thigh, etc.) | |

| |speed | | | |

| |10.5 .9. B. Describe and apply concepts of | | | |

| |motor skill development that impact the | | | |

| |quality of increasingly complex movement | |Body over ball (B.O.B.) | |

| |response selection |Soccer |Different surfaces of your foot inside/outside| |

| |stages of learning a motor skill |Receiving/Trapping |Shoulders to target | |

| |types of skill | |Position of “non-kicking” foot (next to ball) | |

| |10.5.9 C. Identify and apply practice | | | |

| |strategies for skill improvement. | | | |

| |10. 5.9 F. Describe and apply game | | |Invasion Assessment |

| |strategies to complex games and physical | |Body over ball (B.O.B.) | |

| |activities | |Head up (“see” where going) | |

| |offensive strategies | |Change of speed and direction | |

| |defensive strategies |Passing |Different surfaces of foot | |

| |time management | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Offensive: | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Give and go | |

| | | |Moving to open space | |

| | |Dribbling |Dump and run | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Defensive: | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Person to person | |

| | | |Zone defense | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Demonstrate the proper techniques that | |

| | | |surround the skill of dribbling | |

| | | |Identify cues used in dribbling | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Demonstrate the fundamental passes used in | |

| | | |basketball: bounce, chest, and overhead. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Identifying the proper way to perform a lay-up| |

| | | |and jump-shot | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Basketball Assessment |

| | | |One-on-one defense | |

| | |Game strategy |Zone | |

| | | |Team defense | |

| | |Basketball | | |

| | |Dribbling | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Passing | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Shooting | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Defense/Strategy | | |

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Orienteering Grade: 8

Enduring Understandings:

• Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

• Community well-being is dependent upon a balance of personal and social responsibility.

Essential Questions:

• How are your present choices connected to your health throughout your adult life?

• How can the choices you make today, influence your future health and happiness?

• How would you evaluate your physical activity choices and the way they affect your ability to achieve your fitness and activity goals?

|Common Core Standards |Pennsylvania Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise |10.4.9. C. Analyze factors that affect |Estimating distance |Pacing- using 2 strides (pace), | |

|language and domain-specific |the responses of body systems during | |students will walk/jog between 2 points| |

|vocabulary to inform about or |moderate to vigorous physical activities.| |and convert # of paces into feet. | |

|explain the topic |10.4.9. D. Analyze factors that affect | | |Compass/bearing (Pinwheel activity) |

| |physical activity preferences of |Understanding direction |Reading a compass and determining other|(site specific) |

| |adolescents. | |ways to find North, South, East and | |

| |10.4.9 F. Analyze the effects of | |West. | |

| |positive and negative interaction of |Topographical map reading | |Mini orienteering course to find 6 |

| |adolescent group member in physical | |Recognizing the lines and demarcations |control points. |

| |activity | |for different land formations |(Site Specific) |

| |group dynamics |Orienting oneself on the map. | | |

| |social pressure | |Identify where you are on the map when | |

| | | |walking through the campus and the | |

| | |Learning an orienteering challenge |adjoining woods. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Reading the map and locating control | |

| | | |points under time pressure and accuracy| |

| | | | |8th Grade Orienteering Assessment |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Transfer Task |

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Adventure Challenge Grade: 8

Enduring Understandings:

• Health concepts are essential for wellness and a health-enhancing lifestyle.

• Safety impacts individual and community well-being.

Essential Questions:

• How can physical activity choices impact my life as an adolescent?

• How would you evaluate your physical activity choices and the way they affect your ability to achieve your fitness and activity goals?

• How can using safe practices and strategies influence injury prevention, emergency preparedness and conflict management?

• How do you determine an environment is safe?

|Common Core Standards |Pennsylvania Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise |10.3.6. C. Describe strategies to |Team Challenge |Safety rules | |

|language and domain-specific |avoid or manage conflict and violence.| |Cooping with fear | |

|vocabulary to inform about or | |Partner |Rational decision making |8th Grade Team Challenge Assessment |

|explain the topic |10.3.6. D. Analyze the role of | |Developing communication skills | |

| |individual responsibility for safety |Small group |Leaders and followers | |

| |during physical activity. | |Develop strength and flexibility | |

| | |Big group |Develop self esteem | |

| |10.4.6. F. Identify and describe | |Creating teamwork | |

| |positive and negative interactions of | |Enhancing cooperation skills | |

| |group members in physical activities. | |Problem solving | |

| | | | | |

| |10.5.6 A. Explain and apply the basic| | | |

| |movement skills and concepts to create| | | |

| |and perform movement sequences and | | | |

| |advanced skills. | | | |

| |10.5.6. E. Identify and use scientific| | | |

| |principles that affect basic movement | | | |

| |and skills using appropriate | | | |

| |vocabulary | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Biking Grade: 8

Enduring Understandings:

• Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

• Community well-being is dependent upon a balance of personal and social responsibility.

Essential Questions:

• What can you observe and infer about the way your personal choices affect the functioning of the body?

• How can exercise be used to improve health and fitness?

• How can strategies affect the outcome of a game or physical activity?

• How can you become an advanced mover?

• How can the individual impact the group during physical activities and how can the group impact the individual during physical activities?

|Common Core Standards |Pennsylvania Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise |10.3.6 .A. Explain and apply safe |Class rules |Attendance Cards | |

|language and domain-specific |practices in the home, school and | |Class Rules |8th Grade Biking Assessment |

|vocabulary to inform about or |community. | |Whistle System | |

|explain the topic |emergencies (e.g., fire, natural | | | |

| |disasters) |Equipment Safety |Moving Helmet and Bike Ranks | |

| |personal safety (e.g., home alone, latch | |(Number Identification on Rank) | |

| |key, harassment) | |Removing Bikes From Racks | |

| |communication (e.g., telephone, Internet) | | | |

| |violence prevention (e.g., gangs, weapons)|Helmet Fit |Helmet square on head | |

| |10.3.6. B. Know and apply appropriate | |Chin Strap Adjustment | |

| |emergency responses. | |Back Dial Adjustment | |

| |basic first aid | | | |

| |Heimlich maneuver |Bike Sizing |Identify proper fitting bike | |

| |universal precautions | | | |

| |10.3.6 D. Analyze the role of individual | |Air, Brakes, Cranks | |

| |responsibility for safety during physical | |Straddle Mount | |

| |activity. |ABC Check |Power Pedal Start | |

| |10.4.6. E. Identify factors that have an |Mounting |Glide Start | |

| |impact on the relationship between regular| | | |

| |participation in physical activity and the| |Stop and Step Off to Straddle | |

| |degree of motor skill improvement. | |Swing Leg Over to Stop | |

| |10.4.6. F. Identify and describe positive |Dismounting |Emergency Stop | |

| |and negative interactions of group members| | | |

| |in physical activities. | |In Saddle | |

| | |Riding Positions |Standing | |

| | | |Forward | |

| | | |Off of Seat Over back Tire | |

| | | | |Biking Article Transfer Task |

| | | |Gear Up and Gear Down including Front | |

| | | |and Back Sprockets |Biking Rubric |

| | |Gearing | | |

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Fitness Lab Grade: 8

Enduring Understandings:

• Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

• Quality lifelong movement is based on scientific concepts/principles.

Essential Questions:

• How can physical activity choices impact my life as an adolescent?

• What principles can be used to improve physical fitness?

|Common Core Standards |Pennsylvania Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise |10.4.6. A: Identify and engage in |Fitness lab |Heart Rate |Fitness Center Daily Log Cards (Site |

|language and domain-specific |moderate to vigorous physical activities| |Resting |specific) |

|vocabulary to inform about or |that contribute to physical fitness and | |Maximal | |

|explain the topic |health. | |Target Zone | |

| | | |Weight Lifting | |

| |10.4.6. B: Explain the effects of | |Set | |

| |regular participation in moderate to | |Repetition | |

| |vigorous physical activities on the body| |Weight Stations | |

| |systems. | |Muscular Strength | |

| | | |Muscular Endurance | |

| |10.4.6. C. Identify and apply ways to | |Cardiovascular | |

| |monitor and assess the body’s response | |Heart Rate | |

| |to moderate to vigorous physical | |Machine Stations | |

| |activity. | |Flexibility | |

| | | |Range of Motion | |

| |10.4.6. D. Describe factors that affect | |Elasticity | |

| |childhood physical activity preferences.| |Plasticity | |

| | | |Dynamic Warm-up | |

| |10.5.6. A. Explain and apply the basic | |Walking Lunges/Lunges w/Twist | |

| |movement skills and concepts to create | |Knee Hugs | |

| |and perform movement sequences and | |High Knees/ Butt Kicks | |

| |advanced skills. | |Ankle Raises | |

| | | |Leg Claps | |

| |10.5.6. B. Identify and apply the | |Yoga | |

| |concepts of motor skill development to a| | | |

| |variety of basic skills | | | |

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Golf Grade: 8

Enduring Understandings:

• Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

• Quality lifelong movement is based on scientific concepts/principles.

Essential Questions:

• Why do people choose the physical activities they participate in over a lifetime?

• How can participation in physical activity enhance my life?

• How can you enhance the quality of movement for lifelong participation in physical activity?

• What knowledge is necessary to create a personal fitness program?

• How do scientific principles, biomechanical principles and practice strategies influence movement forms?

• What knowledge is needed to select an appropriate response in a variety of physical activities?

|Common Core Standards |Pennsylvania Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise |10.4.9 F. Analyze the effects of positive |Golf Fundamentals |Grip: | |

|language and domain-specific |and negative interaction of adolescent group| |Baseball, overlap, interlock | |

|vocabulary to inform about or |member in physical activity | |Stance: |Skill Check Off Sheet |

|explain the topic |group dynamics | |Ball position, posture | |

| |social pressure | |Full Swing: | |

| |10.5.9 A. Describe and apply the components | |Take away | |

| |of skill related fitness to movement |Swing |Back swing | |

| |performance | |Follow through | |

| |agility | |**head position stays the same | |

| |balance | |throughout** | |

| |coordination | |Pitch shot: | |

| |power | |Stance | |

| |reaction time | |Ball placement | |

| |speed | |Distance control: knee to knee or belt to | |

| | | |belt | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Chip shot: | |

| | | |Same as pitch | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Putting: | |

| | | |Stance | |

| | | |Grip | |

| | | |Ball placement | |

| | | |Hit through the ball | |

| | | |Aim | |

| | | |Pendulum swing | |

| | | |Wrist and forearm locked | |

| | | |Scoring: | |

| | | |Birdie, par, bogie, eagle | |

| | |Game Strategy | | |

| | | |Etiquette | |

| | | |No disturbance or distraction | |

| | | |Safety | |

| | |Golf Etiquette |Honesty and integrity | |

| | | |Pace of play | |

| | | |Care of the course | |

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Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Racquet Activities Grade: 8

Enduring Understandings:

• Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

• Quality lifelong movement is based on scientific concepts/principles.

Essential Questions:

• How can strategies affect the outcome of a game or physical activity?

• How can exercise be used to improve health and fitness?

• How are scientific principles important in physical activities?

• How does participating in physical activity affect you?

|Common Core Standards |Pennsylvania Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise |10.4.6. A: Identify and engage in |Racket Activities |Volley with a partner- back up after 5 | |

|language and domain-specific |moderate to vigorous physical | |successful hits | |

|vocabulary to inform about or |activities that contribute to physical |Warm-up | | |

|explain the topic |fitness and health. | | |8th Grade Racquet Sports Assessment |

| | |Basic Hits |Perform Forehand technique | |

| |10.4.6. B: Explain the effects of | | | |

| |regular participation in moderate to | |Perform Backhand technique | |

| |vigorous physical activities on the | | | |

| |body systems. | |Perform Serve | |

| | | | | |

| |10.4.6. D. Describe factors that affect| | | |

| |childhood physical activity |Etiquette/ rules/court |Review etiquette, rules and the court | |

| |preferences. | |lines | |

| | | | | |

| |10.5.6. A. Explain and apply the basic |Strategies | | |

| |movement skills and concepts to create | |Play offensive/defensive game using ball | |

| |and perform movement sequences and | |only | |

| |advanced skills. |Tournament | | |

| |10.5.6. C. Describe the relationship | | | |

| |between practice and skill development.| | | |

| | | |Tournament- doubles | |

| |10.5.6 D. Describe and apply the | | | |

| |principles of exercise to the | | | |

| |components of health-related and | | | |

| |skill-related fitness. | | | |

Physical Education

Curriculum Map

Volleyball Grade: 8

Enduring Understandings:

• Participation in physical activity impacts wellness throughout a lifetime.

• Community well-being is dependent upon a balance of personal and social responsibility.

Essential Questions:

• How can I prepare my body for safe physical activity?

• What types of strategies would you use to be successful in a complex game situation?

• How would you evaluate your physical activity choices and the way they affect your ability to achieve your fitness and activity goals?

• How can you improve the quality of complex movements?

|Common Core Standards |Pennsylvania Standards |Content |Skills |Assessment |

|CC.3.6.6-8.B. Use precise |10.3.6. D. Analyze the role of |Volleyball |Team Play | |

|language and domain-specific |individual responsibility for safety |Rules | |8th Grade Volleyball Assessment |

|vocabulary to inform about or |during physical activity |Passing |Forearm Pass | |

|explain the topic |10.4.6. E. Identify factors that have an|Attacks | | |

| |impact on the relationship between |Serving |Set | |

| |regular participation in physical | | | |

| |activity and the degree of motor skill | |Hit | |

| |improvement. | | | |

| |10.4.6. F. Identify and describe | |Use of 3 hits | |

| |positive and negative interactions of | | | |

| |group members in physical activities. | | | |

| |10.5.6. A. Explain and apply the basic | | | |

| |movement skills and concepts to create | | | |

| |and perform movement sequences and | | | |

| |advanced skills. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |10.5.6. B. Identify and apply the | | | |

| |concepts of motor skill development to a| | | |

| |variety of basic skills. | | | |

| |10.5.6. C. Describe the relationship | | | |

| |between practice and skill development. | | | |

| |10.5.6 D. Describe and apply the | | | |

| |principles of exercise to the components| | | |

| |of health-related and skill-related | | | |

| |fitness. | | | |

| |10.5.6. E. Identify and use scientific | | | |

| |principles that affect basic movement | | | |

| |and skills using appropriate vocabulary.| | | |

| |10.5.6. F. Identify and apply game | | | |

| |strategies to basic games and physical | | | |

| |activities | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | |Rubric |


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