Manager Health & Safety Responsibilities - Service Hospitality

Health & Safety ResponsibilitiesManager Health & Safety ResponsibilitiesPromote health & safety awarenessEstablish and maintain an occupational health and safety committeeTake every reasonable precaution to ensure the workplace is safe Train employees about any potential hazards and how to safely use, handle, store and dispose of hazardous substances and how to handle emergencies Immediately report all critical injuries to OH&S Appoint a competent supervisor who sets the standards for performance, and who ensures safe working conditions are always observedEnsure that managers, supervisors, employees and contractors are competent to do their work properly and safelyEncourage employee involvement by demonstrating management’s commitment to health and safetyAssign health and safety responsibilities to employees in all job levels and ensure that their performance and behavior meets the standards of the Safety Management SystemConduct regular tours of the workplace to observe health and safety behaviors and conditions, and recognize and reinforce positive behaviorsParticipate in workplace inspectionsEnsure that company, contractors and subcontractors comply with Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety legislation requirementsProvide adequate supervisionEnsure that all incidents, including near misses, are reported and investigated; and followed up with corrective actionsParticipate in the investigation process to become informed about the steps involvedProvide appropriate, well-maintained safety and other equipment required for each job – including personal protective equipment and first aid suppliesIdentify and fulfill employees’ training needsAllocate the resources necessary to implement and maintain a Safety Management SystemSupervisor Health & Safety Responsibilities Review the company Safety Management System and its benefits with all employees new to the company or new to a jobReview job descriptions and describe to employees their specific safety responsibilitiesInform employees of their right to refuse unusually dangerous workReview with employees all applicable safety rules, safe work procedures and emergency proceduresExplain to employees the penalties for violating regulatory requirements and company safety policiesConduct safety meetings as required and record minutesSend copies of meeting minutes to management for review, and post them on workplace bulletin boardsInspect workplaces for hazardous conditions and compliance with regulatory and owner requirementsIf possible, remove or correct hazardous conditions; mark remaining hazards and notify employees of the hazard type, location and protection requiredWhenever necessary, contact company or government safety personnel to help control hazardsEstablish equipment inspections and a schedule for maintenance proceduresStop work if it becomes unsafeAdvise workers of any potential and actual hazardsEnsure employees work safely and follow safe work practices and job procedures, including use of prescribed controls (engineering, administrative & PPE)Identify and correct unsafe work practices as soon as they are noticedSet an example by working safely and following standard work proceduresEncourage employees to provide input into Safety Management System development and maintenanceEnsure employees report every incident, including near missesConduct performance evaluationsPromote health and safety awarenessEnsure training needs are identified and metEnsure appropriate equipment is available and well maintainedEnsure regulatory requirements are metParticipate in inspections and investigationsReinforce and recognize positive safe work behaviors of employees and contractors/subcontractorsEmployee Health & Safety ResponsibilitiesWork in compliance with Saskatchewan Employment Act and OH&S Regulations Use personal protective equipment and clothing as directed by the employer Cooperate with the employer to implement Safety Management SystemBecome totally familiar with the Safety Management SystemActively participate in Safety Management System development and maintenanceFollow health and safety standards and safe work procedures set out by the employer, employees and regulatory requirementsRecognize unsafe work conditions (as defined in Saskatchewan OH&S legislation) and immediately report that information to the supervisorRefuse to perform work they are not competent to perform, or when conditions are unsafeReport potential hazards to supervisorsImmediately report to supervisors all incidents, including near missesParticipate in all training offered by the employer, either in or away from the workplace Check tools and equipment, including personal protective and safety equipment, for hazards before using themKnow the location, type and operation of emergency equipment ................

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