Into a Healthier Lifestyle BINGO Challenge!

into a Healthier Lifestyle BINGO Challenge!

You challenge for the month of MAY is to complete a healthy lifestyle BINGO.

There are 4 different types of cards to play with:

Healthy Eating

Financial Wellness

Medical Health & Care

Personal Growth & Happiness

A "BINGO" must have 5 crossed off boxes in a row - vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

10 points per BINGO!

Healthy Eating

Eat 5 fruits and veggies today

Plan meals for the week and create a grocery


Eat breakfast (not just coffee)

No sugary beverages (juice, soda, sweet tea,

energy drinks)

Choose a lean protein for a


Look into CSA or food co-op

options in your area

Cook once so you can eat twice ? use chicken or fish

Have a water bottle on your kitchen counter

at home

Track your foods and beverages


Use olive oil to cook with

No regular or diet soda today

Use a smaller plate or bowl

Join the Mindful Minute CCH Dietitian Wellness Blog

Add a lean protein source

into your breakfast

Have an extra helping of

vegetables at a meal

Switch out white pasta for whole

wheat pasta

Eat your meals at a table, without distractions

Talk to your Dietitian about healthy eating


Pack a lunch instead of eating


Skip the sweets today

Use measuring cups to check your portions

Have a water bottle on your desk at work

Try a new fruit or vegetable


Avoid snacking after dinner

Eat 3-4 small meals today ?

no skipping meals

into a Healthier Lifestyle BINGO Challenge!

You challenge for the month of MAY is to complete a healthy lifestyle BINGO.

There are 4 different types of cards to play with:

Healthy Eating

Financial Wellness

Medical Health & Care

Personal Growth & Happiness

A "BINGO" must have 5 crossed off boxes in a row - vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

10 points per BINGO Card!

Put an extra 1% into your

retirement fund

Brown bag your lunch and avoid eating out for

one week

Short-term goal; automatically transfer $20 a month to savings

Financial Wellness

Use an envelope to hold your cash for the

week; when it's gone, it's gone

Get a free credit report if you

don't know your credit

Research and consider

refinancing a loan

Download a coupon app or clip coupons

from your newspaper

Follow the "30 Day Rule" ? wait

30 days to decide on a large


Sign-up for your insurance company's Wellness Program

If you have trouble with credit cards, put them on a freeze


Start a budget

Invite friends over instead of

going out

Make a gift using your own talents vs buying a gift

Put your bills on auto-pay to

avoid paying late fees

Unsubscribe from tempting

sales and marketing


Save $ each day and make your

own coffee

Put your loose change in a jar

Take advantage of the local

library, etc. for free resources

Buy something Go generic when

used instead of possible on



Organize or contribute items Carpool, bike or to a garage sale walk to work

Plan meals and stick to your grocery list

Start conversations with family now to limit spending for the holidays

Lower the temperature of

your water heater to 120


into a Healthier Lifestyle BINGO Challenge!

You challenge for the month of MAY is to complete a healthy lifestyle BINGO.

There are 4 different types of cards to play with:

Healthy Eating

Financial Wellness

Medical Health & Care

Personal Growth & Happiness

A "BINGO" must have 5 crossed off boxes in a row - vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

10 points per BINGO Card!

Medical Health and Care

Calculate your BMI (body mass


Take 5 minutes to stretch at your desk ? do this 3 times today

Sign-up for your insurance company's Wellness Program

Find out your fasting blood glucose (screen for diabetes)

Schedule screenings ? mammography, colonoscopy, sleep study

Sleep >7 hours

Find out what your cholesterol and triglyceride

levels are

Commit to quitting smoking

or support someone who is

Take 15 minutes to walk at lunch

Schedule a yearly eye exam

Consider talking to a counselor or seeking help for

depression or anxiety

Get your blood pressure taken

Inspect your feet and treat issues appropriately

(no home surgery, see a


Be current on immunizations

Schedule a needed dental


Look into seeing your Dietitian for outpatient "preventative" services

Schedule a yearly visit with

your primary care provider

Take a multivitamin if your diet is not well


Put on sun screen and/or

wear a protective hat or


Get up and stand, stretch or

walk every 90 minutes for circulation

Avoid the elevator ? take the steps all day

Walk or bike to work if able; if not, try to park further away

Find out your family history for diabetes, heart

disease and cancer

Exercise for 30 minutes today

Practice safe work


into a Healthier Lifestyle BINGO Challenge!

You challenge for the month of MAY is to complete a healthy lifestyle BINGO.

There are 4 different types of cards to play with:

Healthy Eating

Financial Wellness

Medical Health & Care

Personal Growth & Happiness

A "BINGO" must have 5 crossed off boxes in a row - vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

10 points per BINGO Card!

Read a fun book and lose track of


Sleep > 7 hours each night

Personal Growth & Happiness

Plan a family meal and enjoy being together

Sit on your front porch and look

at the stars

Journal your day; include

feelings, pros/cons to a


Deep breatheinhale 4

seconds, hold 7 seconds, exhale

8 seconds

Sign-up for a community walk

or race event

Organize your junk drawer; buy some trays and

other bins

Enroll in an education class or webinar to improve your


Take a bath, sit in a hot tub or go swimming ? water can be


Sign up for a class you have always wanted

to take

Take 5 minutes to stretch at your desk ? 3 times a day

Practice 10 minutes of meditation

Take 15 minutes Read a self-help

to walk at lunch


Spend 15 minutes listening to relaxing music

Clean out your garage

Practice healthy pre-sleep rituals;

no TV before bed

Volunteer at a community organization

Have lunch with a co-worker rather than at your desk

Compliment a co-worker

Hold the door for a stranger

Help a coworker without

being asked

Exercise for 30 minutes today instead of watch


Clean out your closets and donate items


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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