Chapter Four Essay Questions - Elgin

Chapter Thirteen Review

Vocabulary: coping, dualistic thinking, relativistic thinking, post-formal thought, practical intelligence

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe current theories of biological aging, including those at the level of DNA and body cells and those at the level of organs and tissues.

2. Describe the physical changes of aging, paying special attention to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, motor performance, the immune system, and reproductive capacity.

3. Discuss the prevalence, causes, consequences, and treatment of overweight and obesity in adulthood.

4. Describe the health benefits of regular, moderate-intensity exercise.

5. Hypothesize on the causes of the U.S.'s high rates of violence and murder in late adolescence and early adulthood.

6. Summarize young adults' sexual attitudes and behaviors, including perspectives on both heterosexuality and homosexuality.

7. Explain the health outcomes associated with psychological stress.

8. Summarize prominent theories on the restructuring of thought in adulthood, including those of Perry, Schaie, and Labouvie-Vief.

9. Discuss the development of expertise and creativity in adulthood.

10. Discuss changes in mental abilities during the adult years.

11. Describe the psychological impact of attending college, and discuss factors associated with dropping out.


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