Benefits of working (volunteering) in the community


Web links

Community Involvement

Beneficial effects of student participation in community service from the University of Michigan

Information from the charity TimeBank on the personal benefits of volunteering in the community

Various facts and figures on volunteering/ community service in the U.S. such as research into the correlation between volunteering and academic performance

Short essay on how citizenship education in higher education could be furthered via community service learning

Short, concise summary of the benefits and skills students can gain from community-based learning

Basic website offering 10 benefits of volunteering and some short facts on volunteering

Webpage from Manchester University addressing what volunteering involves, why volunteering is important, and the benefits volunteering can bring

Short list of the benefits of volunteering from Northampton University

Publication from the Home Office assessing the benefits of community engagement and areas for improvement

Webpage from the University of Edinburgh Careers Service providing information on volunteering, including what it involves, the benefits, what people can offer, and areas where volunteering is needed.

Resource from the University of Westminster offering advice on various aspects of volunteering such as why volunteer, things to think about when doing so, facts about volunteering, and how to get involved

Webpage from the Canadian Health Network detailing the health benefits of volunteering

The reasons for, and benefits of, volunteering from the World Volunteer Web

Simple, accessible information on volunteering aimed primarily at young people


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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