Third Grade Health Curriculum - Union Township School District

Eighth Grade

Computer Curriculum

|Month |CPI # |Cumulative Progress Indicator |Learning Activities |Assessment |Interdisciplinary connections |

| | |(CPI) | | | |

|September | | | |Assignment rubric or checklist |Language Arts |

| | |Evaluate the role of ethics and |Define ethics and bias |Completed / graded activity |W.8.8 |

| | |bias on trend analysis and |Discuss trend analysis |sheets |Mathematics |

| | |prediction in the development of|Relate above terms to a |Class/group discussions |8.EE.5 |

| | |a product that impacts |technological product that |Class Q and A |Social Studies |

| | |communities in the United States|impacts communities in the US or|Thumbs-up/thumbs-down |6.1.8.C.4.c |

| | |and/or other countries. |other countries | |World Languages |

| | | | | |7.1.IH.B.3 |

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| |8.2.8.D.1 | | | | |

|October |8.1.8.F.1 |Use an electronic authoring tool|Collaborate with learners from |Project based rubrics |Language Arts |

|November | |in collaboration with learners |other countries to gather their |Class/group discussions |W.8.6 |

| | |from other countries to evaluate|perspectives about a current |Class Q and A |21st Century Life and Careers |

| | |and summarize the perspectives |event |Conferences |9.1.8.C.1 |

| | |of other cultures about a |Evaluate and summarize their |Examining work samples |Visual and Performing Arts |

| | |current event or contemporary |perspectives |Teacher observations |1.3.8.D.1 |

| | |figure. |Publish results in an electronic|Student participation |World Languages |

| | | |authoring tool | |7.1.AL.B.4 |

|December |8.2.8.E.1 |Work in collaboration with peers|Review design process, data |Project based rubrics |Language Arts |

|January | |and experts in the field to |analysis, and trends |Class/group discussions |W.8.7 |

| | |develop a product using the |Develop a product and record the|Class Q and A |Mathematics |

| | |design process, data analysis, |development cycle while working |Examining work samples |8.SP.1 |

| | |and trends, and maintain a |with peers and experts |Teacher observations |Science |

| | |digital log with annotated |Maintain findings and data in a |Think aloud while solving |5.1.8.B.4 |

| | |sketches to record the |digital log |problems |21st Century Life and Careers |

| | |development cycle. | |Thumbs-up/thumbs-down |9.1.4.C.1 |

| | | | | |Visual and Performing Arts |

| | | | | |1.3.8.D.1 |

|February |8.2.8.B.3 |Solve a science-based design |Working collaboratively and |Project based rubrics |Mathematics |

|March | |challenge and build a prototype |following the design process, |Completed / graded activity |8.SP.4 |

| | |using science and math |students will solve a |sheets |Science |

| | |principles throughout the design|science-based design challenge |Class/group discussions |5.1.8.B.2 |

| | |process. |and build a prototype using |Class Q and A |21st Century Life and Careers |

| | | |science and math principles |Conferences |9.1.8.C.1 |

| | | | |Examining work samples |Comprehensive Health and |

| | | | |Summarize main ideas |Physical Education |

| | | | |Discussions |2.2.8.B.2 |

| | | | |Think aloud while solving | |

| | | | |problems | |

|April |8.1.8.A.1 |Create professional documents |Create a bibliography using |Assignment rubric or checklist |Language Arts |

| | |(e.g., newsletter, personalized |Microsoft Word (References Tab) |Completed / graded activity |W.8.8 |

| | |learning plan, business letter |Compare results to websites such|sheets | |

| | |or flyer) using advanced |as or |Class/group discussions | |

| | |features of a word processing | |Class Q and A | |

| | |program. | |Thumbs-up/thumbs-down | |

|May |21st Century Life and Careers: |Develop a Personalized Student |Career Interest Inventory |Assignment rubric or checklist |21st Century Life and Careers |

|June | |Learning Plan that includes |Online research |Completed / graded activity |Language Arts |

| |9.3.8.B.1 |information about career areas |Use a word processing program to|sheets |W.8.4 |

| | |of interest with the assistance |create a professional resume |Class/group discussions | |

| | |of adult mentors. | |Teacher Observation | |

| | | | |Conferences | |

| | |Identify common knowledge, | | | |

| | |skills, and abilities needed | | | |

| | |within the federal 16 Career | | | |

| | |Clusters. | | | |

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| | |Evaluate personal abilities, | | | |

| |9.3.8.B.2 |interests, and motivations and | | | |

| | |discuss how they might influence| | | |

| | |job and career selection. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Identify high school and county | | | |

| | |career and technical school | | | |

| | |courses and programs that | | | |

| | |support career or occupational | | | |

| | |areas of interest. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |9.3.8.B.3 |Use workplace readiness skills | | | |

| | |and career information learned | | | |

| | |from job shadowing, high school | | | |

| | |visits, speakers, volunteering, | | | |

| | |or other career exploration | | | |

| | |activities to assist with career| | | |

| | |exploration. | | | |

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| |9.3.8.B.4 | | | | |

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| | |Evaluate communication, | | | |

| | |collaboration, and leadership | | | |

| | |skills and how they might be | | | |

| | |further developed in preparation| | | |

| | |for a future career through | | | |

| | |involvement in school, home, | | | |

| | |work, and extracurricular | | | |

| | |activities. | | | |

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| |9.3.8.B.5 |Explain what is meant by “jobs” | | | |

| | |and “careers,” and examine how | | | |

| | |each tends to be distributed | | | |

| | |regionally, nationally, and | | | |

| | |globally. | | | |

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| | |Compare and contrast how | | | |

| | |traditional and nontraditional | | | |

| | |occupational roles have changed | | | |

| | |or remained the same regionally,| | | |

| | |nationally, and globally. | | | |

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| | |Inventory the requirements for | | | |

| |9.3.8.B.6 |entering different career areas | | | |

| | |of interest using online job | | | |

| | |information, such as the federal| | | |

| | |Occupational Information Network| | | |

| | |(O*NET) or the New Jersey State | | | |

| | |Career Development Website, and | | | |

| | |determine why those requirements| | | |

| | |are needed for success in a | | | |

| | |chosen career. | | | |

| | | | | | |

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| | |Evaluate employment trends | | | |

| | |(including job outlook and wage | | | |

| | |trends) in areas of career | | | |

| | |interest using online resources,| | | |

| | |such as the federal Occupational| | | |

| | |Information Network (O*NET) or | | | |

| |9.3.8.B.7 |the New Jersey State Career | | | |

| | |Development Website. | | | |

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| | |Prepare a sample résumé and | | | |

| | |cover letter as part of an | | | |

| | |application for part-time or | | | |

| | |summer employment. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Explain how personal behavior, | | | |

| | |dress, attitudes, and other | | | |

| | |choices can impact the success | | | |

| | |or failure of a job applicant | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |9.3.8.B.8 | | | | |

| | |Locate information about working| | | |

| | |papers, including what is | | | |

| | |required to obtain them and who | | | |

| | |must sign them. | | | |

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| | |Use online state and federal | | | |

| | |agency resources to identify | | | |

| | |jobs that are permitted or | | | |

| | |prohibited for minors | | | |

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| |9.3.8.B.9 | | | | |

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| | |Analyze a past or current local,| | | |

| | |national, or international | | | |

| | |incident that violated | | | |

| | |professional, legal, and/or | | | |

| | |ethical responsibilities in an | | | |

| | |employment setting, and explain | | | |

| | |the impact of the incident on | | | |

| | |employees and others. | | | |

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| | |Relate academic achievement, as | |Use a word processing program to | |

| | |represented by high school | |create a professional resume | |

| | |diplomas, college degrees, and | |Discuss the importance of having | |

| | |industry credentials, to | |an accurate resume for future | |

| | |employability and to potential | |activities | |

| | |level of income. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Recognize that an individual’s | | | |

| | |online behavior (e.g., social | | | |

| | |networking, photo exchanges, | | | |

| | |video postings) may impact | | |Technology |

| | |opportunities for employment or | | |8.1.8.A.1 |

| |9.3.8.B.10 |advancement. | | | |

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| | |Compare and contrast current and| | | |

| | |past employer hiring and | | | |

| | |employment practices related to | | | |

| | |substance use (e.g., tobacco, | | | |

| | |drugs, and alcohol). | | | |

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| |9.3.8.B.11 | | | | |

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