HPS 3650: Health Education Curriculum and Methods

Health and Physical Education Curriculum Unit Rubric

|Elements |Unacceptable (Level 1) |Emerging (Level 2) |Acceptable (Level 3) |Target (Level 4) |

|SECTION 2 |The candidate(s) is not responsive to the |The candidate(s) is somewhat responsive to|The candidate(s) is responsive to the |The candidate(s) is responsive to the |

|Description of Learning Environment and|academic, emotional, physical, and social |the academic, emotional, physical, and |academic, emotional, physical, and social |academic, emotional, physical, and social|

|Curricular Coherence |needs of the learners. The candidate(s) |social needs of the learners. The |needs of the learners. The candidate |needs of the learners. The candidate(s) |

| |does not demonstrate knowledge of theories|candidate(s) demonstrates knowledge of |demonstrates knowledge of a variety of |effectively demonstrates knowledge of a |

|How the unit fits the needs of students|of education or articulate personal |theories of education, articulates a few |theories of education, articulates |variety of theories of education, clearly|

|How the unit relates to growth and |fundamental beliefs about learning and |personal fundamental beliefs about |personal fundamental beliefs about |articulates personal fundamental beliefs |

|development characteristics of students|student behavior, and how the unit |learning and student behavior, and states |learning and student behavior, and states |about learning and student behavior, and |

|How the unit reflects HPE philosophy |reflects those beliefs. |how the unit reflects those beliefs. |how the unit reflects those beliefs. |states how the unit reflects those |

|Description of student characteristics | | | |beliefs. |

|including student diversity, learning | | | | |

|styles, and skill base | | | | |

|Description of adaptations and | | | | |

|modifications for unit | | | | |

|SECTION 4 |The candidate(s) does not generate |The candidate(s) generates objectives for |The candidate(s) generates effective |The candidate(s) generates effective age |

|Specific Student Outcomes |objectives for each lesson in the unit. |each lesson in the unit but fails to |objectives for each lesson in the unit, |and grade appropriate objectives for each|

| |The candidate(s) does not demonstrate an |correlate those objectives to the general |but either neglects to correlate those |lesson in the unit, correlates those |

|Stated in student learning and |understanding of student learning outcomes|goals and fails to identify adequate |objectives to the general goals, or |objectives to the general goals, and |

|behavioral terms for each lesson |for the unit. |corresponding domains from Bloom’s |neglects to identify adequate |identifies appropriate corresponding |

|Related to unit and curriculum goals | |Taxonomy for each lesson plan. The |corresponding domains from Bloom’s |domains from Bloom’s Taxonomy for each |

|Include cognitive, affective, and | |candidate(s) demonstrates, in a limited |Taxonomy for each lesson plan. The |lesson plan. The candidate(s) |

|psychomotor domains | |fashion, an understanding of student |candidate(s) demonstrates an understanding|effectively demonstrates a thorough |

| | |learning outcomes for the unit. |of student learning outcomes for the unit.|knowledge of student learning outcomes |

| | | | |for the unit. |

|SECTION 6: |The candidate(s) does not provide evidence|The candidate(s) provides limited evidence|The candidate(s) provides adequate |The candidate(s) provides excellent |

|Instructional Strategies and Safety |of appropriate content teaching strategies|of appropriate content teaching strategies|evidence of appropriate content teaching |evidence of appropriate content teaching |

|Procedures |and student activities. The candidate(s) |and student activities; demonstrates |strategies and student activities; |strategies and student activities; |

| |demonstrates no knowledge of the best |minimal knowledge of the best teaching |demonstrates adequate knowledge of the |demonstrates excellent knowledge of the |

|Describe teaching strategies utilized |teaching practices, use of motivational |practices, with minimal active student |best teaching practices, with some active |best teaching practices, with maximum |

|making sure strategies are explicit, |activities or implementation of safety |participation, use of motivational |student participation, use of motivational|active student participation, use of |

|well-sequenced, and reflective of |procedures. |activities or implementation of safety |activities or implementation of safety |motivational activities or implementation|

|current best practice | |procedures. |procedures. |of safety procedures |

|Describe student activities used to | | | | |

|reach objectives | | | | |

|Describe technology resources to be | | | | |

|used and how they support student | | | | |

|learning | | | | |

|Describe motivational techniques | | | | |

|Describe safety procedures for the unit| | | | |

|SECTION 8 |The candidate(s) does not demonstrate |The candidate(s) demonstrates limited |The candidate(s) demonstrates knowledge of|The candidate(s) demonstrates knowledge |

|Daily Lesson Plans |knowledge of planning by not providing |knowledge of planning by providing minimal|planning by providing adequate daily |of effective planning by providing daily |

| |minimal plans for each lesson. No copies |plans for each lesson. Limited copies of |lesson plans. Copies of materials |lesson plans that are comprehensive and |

|Includes 4-5 daily lesson plans |of materials highlighting learning |materials highlighting learning activities|highlighting learning activities are |responsive to individual learning needs |

|Insert copies of all handouts, |activities are provided. |are provided. |provided. |as well as the cultural diversity of |

|materials, overheads, and PowerPoint | | | |students. Copies of all materials |

|presentations | | | |highlighting learning activities are |

|Include sketches or descriptions of | | | |included. |

|bulletin boards, projects, students | | | | |

|working, etc. | | | | |


Standard Writing Conventions

• Demonstrate mastery of standard writing conventions.

| The unit reflects a lack of knowledge of standard writing conventions by containing numerous errors. These errors detract from the overall readability and professional quality.

|The unit reflects some knowledge standard writing conventions by containing some errors. The errors detract for the overall readability and professional quality. |The unit reflects knowledge of standard writing conventions by containing only a few errors. These errors do not detract from the overall readability and professional quality.

|The unit reflects knowledge and mastery of professional writing conventions.

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