Health Education Lesson Plan Format

Health Education Lesson Plan

Descriptive Information

Skill Emphasis (NHES): Core Concepts

Grade Level: 8th grade

Content Area of Health: Family Life and Sexuality

Content Descriptor & Sub-Descriptor(s):

2. Growth and Development

2.4 about puberty and adolescence

Title of Lesson: Female Reproductive System

PA Standard (Health & PE):

10.1.6.A. Describe growth and development changes that occur between childhood and adolescence.

10.1.6.B. Identify and describe the structure and function of the major body systems. (reproduction)

Curricular Connections: Anatomy

Adolescent Risk Behavior (if applicable): Sexual Behaviors

Behavioral Objective(s)

• Cognitive: After completing and discussing the “Is It A Boy Or Girl” worksheet, the student will know what parts of the reproductive system belong to the male, the female, or both.

• Cognitive: After the lesson, the student will be able to label and explain the female reproductive system by naming the parts and their functions.

• Affective: During the line up and matching games the student will demonstrate cooperation skills by working together in order to find the correct answers.

• Skill-Based: During the learning activities the student will comprehend the health concepts learned by placing the body parts in correct order, the menstrual cycle in correct order, and matching the terms up with their correct definitions

Brief Outline of Today’s Lesson

1. Bell Ringer: “Is It A Boy Or Girl” worksheet

2. Introduction to the Lesson

3. Content & Instructional Strategies

▪ Know, Wonder, Learn

▪ Female Reproductive Body Parts

▪ Menstrual Cycle

4. In-Class Learning Activity 1: “Line Up”

5. In-Class Learning Activity 1 Assessment

▪ Description of the Assessment

▪ Content & Skills Criteria/Cues

▪ Analytical Rubric

6. In-Class Learning Activity 2: “Match Me”

7. Final Thoughts/Conclusion to the Lesson

8. Classroom Management & Materials

1.Introduction to the Lesson (Set Induction):

How many of you know someone who is pregnant right now? Do any of you think you might want to have kids some day? Well, you may want to know a little bit about your body first to know what happens throughout your reproductive system that allows you to get pregnant and how every part of your reproductive system functions. So today you will learn the parts of the female reproductive system, how they work alone and together, and what happens during the different days of the menstrual cycle.

2.Bell Ringer (Instant Activity): “Is It A Boy Or Girl” Worksheet

• Have students grab all three worksheets on their way into class that will be placed on the desk: “Is It A Boy Or Girl,” “Menstrual Cycle,” and “Definitions” worksheets

• Students will fill out the “Is It A Boy Or Girl” worksheet on their own for 2-3 minutes

• Students will then get with a partner who is sitting right beside them and work together for about 2-3 more minutes (No one should be moving out of their seat)

• During this time:

o Place “Line Up” game cards on four different desks in the front row, face down – sets of cards will be numbered 1-4 to indicate groups

o Place 1 “Matching” game card on each student’s desk, face down

▪ Make sure students do not flip their cards(s) over until told to do so

• Have students switch papers with someone close to them

• Students will correct other classmates paper with a different colored pen as we go over the answers

• Go over the worksheet with the entire class (Whip Around, Pass)

o Give the soft ball (or other object) to the student in the first row, first seat

o That person will read the first question and then answer it

o That student will then pass the ball to the person sitting behind them and the new person with the ball will continue with reading and answering the next question

o This will continue by passing the ball up and down the seats so it gets around the room efficiently until all questions are answered

o If a student does not know the answer or does not feel confident enough to answer they may pass the ball to the next person

o If the ball makes it all the way around to the last person, start over

• Have students pass their papers up the rows and over to one side so the first person in the first row has all the papers

o Papers are not graded by correct answers – they are used only to see what knowledge the students already have on this content

3.Content & Instructional Strategies:

Content Outline:

Know, Wonder, Learn

• Have students take a piece of paper and draw two lines vertically down to make 3 columns – draw an example on the board

• At the top of the first column they will write “Know,” second column “Wonder,” and third column “Learn”

• Students will be given 2-3 minutes to fill out the first column with things they already know about the female reproductive system and the second column with things they want to know about it

Female Reproductive Body Parts (Lecture, Questions, Discussion)

• Students will take notes on the “Definitions” worksheet throughout this time

• Have a visual of the female reproductive system (external view) on the smart board and explain the following:

o Vulva – external part

o Labia – 2 pairs of skin flaps covering opening to vagina

▪ Majora – outer

▪ Minora – inner

o Clitoris – sensory organ

• Have internal view showing and explain the following:

o Vagina – muscular hollow tube; connects with uterus at cervix; many functions

▪ Sexual intercourse

▪ Birth canal

▪ Menstruation

o Hymen – thin ring of tissue partially covering vagina

o Cervix – lower end of uterus

o Uterus – where fetus grows

o Fallopian Tubes – connect uterus to ovaries; where fertilization takes place ( joining of sperm and egg (also known as ovum)

o Ovaries – produce, store, and release eggs into fallopian tubes ( ovulation; produce female sex hormones ( estrogen and progesterone

Menstrual Cycle (Lecture, Video, Questions, Discussion)

• Show video of the menstruation cycle

• Explain the following:

o Menstruation – happens starting at end of puberty

▪ Menarche – girl’s first period

o Menopause – period during which menstruation stops

4. In-Class Learning Activity(ies):

Line Up

• Students will count off by 3’s or 4’s depending on amount of students

• They will then get together with their group, having 1’s on the left side of the room, then 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s on the most right side of the room

• Each group can then take the cards off the front desk that have the female reproductive parts written on them

• Within each group students will put the cards in order from the most external part to the most internal part of the reproductive system

• Groups should work quietly so other groups do not hear them

• Groups will line up and hide their cards from showing

• After 5 minutes all groups will reveal their order

• Correct order: Labia, Hymen, Vagina, Cervix, Uterus, Fallopian Tubes, Ovaries

• Do the same process but with the steps of the menstruation cycle

• When called on by the teacher one group will reveal a step going in order

• If groups have a step out of order give them 1 minute to switch people on their group around and then continue with the steps

• Use the menstruation video as a guide

• Correct order: Blood and tissues that have built up on the inner lining of the uterus flow out of the vagina, Release of hormones that signal the uterus to get ready to receive a new egg, Lining of the uterus thickens and becomes rich in blood and nutrients, Ovulation occurs, Egg travels down fallopian tube and dissolves if not fertilized, Change in hormone levels signals blood vessels constrict and temporarily cut off blood supply, Lining shed, and the lining, blood, and dissolved egg leave the body

Match Me

• Each student will be given a card with either a word or a definition on it – cards will be given out, face down, while students are completing the bell ringer

• On the teacher’s signal students will flip over their card, to get out of their seats, and find the person with the card that matches their card

o Example: Estrogen matches up with the female sex hormone.

• After everyone thinks they have found their match they will line up at the back of the room

• Starting with one side of the line each pair will state their term and definition

• The class as a whole will determine if the matches are correct or not.

• Once students have correctly stated their term and definition they may hand it in and sit down in their seats

• If there are terms and definitions left over have the class decide which ones match up together

5. In-Class Learning Activity 1 Assessment-Description & Criteria

□ An analytical rubric will be used to grade the in-class learning activity, “Line Up” on content (Core Concepts) and other specific criteria.

□ Students content during the two Line Up games must be accurate, comprehensive, show relationships between concepts, and draw conclusions. The CC criteria on the analytical rubric below will be used to assess the content portion of the activity.

Additional criteria are characteristics of the activity that are not content or skill-related. This criteria includes: the cards must be in correct order, all group members must participate, the cards must be put in correct order in 3 minutes or less for the body parts and 5 minutes or less for the menstrual cycle.

□ Score the “Advertise for Fitness” Activity using the following core concepts criteria, additional criteria, and Analytical Rubric.

□ Core Concepts

• Content for Benefit of Regular Physical Activity shows:

✓ Accuracy

✓ Comprehensiveness

✓ Relationships among concepts

✓ Conclusions drawn

□ Additional Criteria:

✓ Cards in order

✓ Completed in less than 3 or 5 minutes

✓ Includes all group participants

6. Final Thoughts/Conclusion to the Lesson

Know, Wonder, Learn

▪ Students will now fill in the third column of their “Know, Wonder, Learn” paper with information they just learned in class

Checking for Understanding (verbal or written):

o Review the parts of the female reproductive system using the diagram on the Smart board.

o Review the menstrual cycle using the video on the Smart board.

“As we learned in this lesson, it is important to know the different parts of the female reproductive system and how they function and work together. If any of you want to become pregnant, have something wrong, or are thinking of becoming sexually active you need to know these things and understand their importance.”

7. Classroom Management & Materials

□ Classroom Materials

o Handouts/Worksheets: “Is It A Boy Or Girl” worksheet (1 per student), “Menstrual Cycle” paper (1 per student), “Definitions” worksheet (1 per student),

o Other Materials: cards/paper with terms for Line Up game and steps for the menstruation cycle (4 of each), cards with terms and definitions on them (1 of each), a soft object to pass around

□ Classroom Management

o For Content Delivery: traditional seating or teacher assigned seating

o For In-Class Learning Activity: desks will remain where they are; students will move to the same row to be with their group

Content References

CCSSO-SCASS Health Education Assessment Project (2006) Assessment Tools for School Health Education, ToucanEd Inc., Santa Cruz, CA.

Nemours. (2013). Female Reproductive System. Retrieved from

Activity Reference(s)

Duncan, L.C., Eckert, C. (2006). Strategies to inspire learning. Downingtown, PA: Teaching Concepts.


Handouts for Students

Handout #1

Female Reproductive System Definitions

Labia –

Majora –

Minora –

Clitoris –

Vagina –

Hymen –

Cervix –

Uterus –

Fallopian Tubes –

Fertilization –

Ovaries –

Ovulation –

Estrogen –

Menstruation –

Menopause –

(Handouts #2 and #3 are attached.)

Handout #4

In-Class Learning Activity: “Line Up”

• Count off by 3’s or 4’s depending on amount of students, forming 4 groups

• Get together with group, having 1’s on the left side of the room, then 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s on the most right side of the room

• Take the cards off the front desk that have the female reproductive parts written on them

• Put the cards in order from the most external part to the most internal part of the reproductive system

• Work quietly so other groups do not hear

• Line up and hide cards from showing

• After 3 minutes all groups will reveal their order

• Do the same process but with the steps of the menstruation cycle

• Students have 5 minutes

• When called on by the teacher one group will reveal a step going in order

• If groups have a step out of order give them 1 minute to switch people on their group around and then continue with the steps

Grading Assessment for “Line Up”

□ Score the “Advertise for Fitness” Activity using the following core concepts criteria, additional criteria, and Analytical Rubric.

□ Core Concepts

• Content for Benefit of Regular Physical Activity shows:

✓ Accuracy

✓ Comprehensiveness

✓ Relationships among concepts

✓ Conclusions drawn

□ Additional Criteria:

✓ Cards in order

✓ Completed in less than 3 or 5 minutes

✓ Includes all group participants

“Line Up”

Grading Assessment Form

____/4 points Content (Core Concepts)-Accuracy & Comprehensiveness

____/4 points Correct Order for Body Parts

____/4 points Correct Order for Menstrual Cycle

____/4 points Completed in 3 minutes or less for Body Parts

____/4 points Completed in 5 minutes or less for Menstrual Cycle

____/4 points Group Participation

____/1 point Checking for Understanding

____/25 points Total Points


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