U.S. DHHS Public Health Service Grant Application (PHS 398 ...

Table 4. Grant and Contract Support of the Participating Faculty Members

(Alphabetically by Faculty Member)

|Faculty Member |Source of Support and |Grant Title |Project Period |Current Year Direct|

| |Grant Number | |Active (Pending) |Costs |

| | | | |Awarded (Pending) |

|BUSBY-WHITEHEAD, J. |HRSA-Bureau of Health Professions #1-D31-HP-08833-01-00 |Carolina Geriatric Education |09/01/07-06/30/10 |$381,742 |

| | |Center Consortium | | |

| |The John A. Hartford Foundation #2008-0145 |Carolina Center of Excellence in |07/01/09–06/30/13 |$150,000 |

| | |Geriatric Medicine and Training | | |

| | |Renewal | | |

| |NIA T32-AG00272 (JBW – multiple PI with Marshall and Dilworth-Anderson) |Pre-doctoral/Post-doctoral |09/30/09-04/30/14 |$258,453 |

| | |Training Program on Health & Aging| | |

| | |Research | | |

| |UNC School of Medicine, Investments in the Future (No Number) |Improving the Health of North |07/01/07-06/30/10 |$220,000 |

| | |Carolina’s Underserved Elders | | |

| |UNC School of Medicine, Investments in the Future (No Number) |Treating Fecal Incontinence and |07/01/07-06/30/10 |$195,000 |

| | |Constipation in the Frail Elderly | | |

| | |and Women | | |

| |Hartford/Rand (No Number) |Building an Interdisciplinary |01/01/07-12/31/09 |$220,000 |

| |(Co-PI with Zimmerman & Palmer) |Geriatric Health Care Research | | |

| | |Center | | |

| |Donald W. Reynolds Foundation (Subcontract with Wake Forest Medical School) |Comprehensive Programs to |01/09/09 – 12/31/12 |$15,446 |

| | |Strengthen Physician Training in | | |

| | |Geriatrics | | |

| |Donald W. Reynolds Foundation (Subcontract with University of Pennsylvania School of Medical ) |Comprehensive Programs to |01/09/09 – 12/31/12 |$16,667 |

| | |Strengthen Physician Training in | | |

| | |Geriatrics | | |

| |The American Geriatrics Society/John A. Hartford Foundation |Geriatrics-for Specialists |07/01/09-06/30/11 |$20,000 |

| | |Initiative: Geriatrics Education | | |

| | |for Specialty Residents Program | | |

| | |(GSR) | | |

|PENDING |Fullerton Foundation (Eleazer, JP) |Senior Mentor Programs for the |09/01/09 – 08/31/10 |$50,000 |

| | |Carolinas | | |

|PENDING |AHRQ R1 HS018394 (Busby-Whitehead/ Whitehead) |Conservative Treatment of Fecal |12/01/09-11/30/14 |$447,674 |

| | |Incontinence: Community Based | | |

| | |Effectiveness Trial | | |

|PENDING |AHRQ R01 HS018394 (Heymen) |Patient Characteristics that |04/01/10-/3/31/12 |$325,186 |

| | |Predict Discharge to Nursing Homes| | |

|PENDING |AHRQ 1R18HS018639-01 |Emergency Room Services for |01/01/10-12/31/14 |$337,838 |

| |(Kizer) |Seniors | | |

|SHARPLESS, N. |NIA R01 AG024379-06 |The Role of p16INK4a in Mammalian |08/09/04-08/08/14 |$303,400 |

| | |Aging | | |

| |NIEHS 5P01ES014635-03 |Murine and Human in Vivo Models of|07/01/09-06/30/14 |$434,463 |

| | |Melanoma Formation | | |

| |Sub UTSWMedCntr |LKB1 Tumor Suppressor and Human |09/01/09-8/31/10 |$191,306 |

| | |Cancer | | |

|SLOANE, P. |AHRQ HHSA290200710014I |Prescribing of Antibiotics by |08/24/09-08/23/11 |$499,997 |

| | |Primary Care Clinicians in | | |

| | |Long-Term Care Facilities | | |

| |Administration on Aging 90AI0005/01 |Strengthening the Linkages between|10/01/08-03/31/10 |$301,000 |

| | |Primary Care Physicians and Aging | | |

| | |Service Programs in the Support of| | |

| | |Persons with Alzheimer's Disease | | |

| |NIH/NCCAM R21 AT004500-01A1 |Blue-White Light Therapy for |09/30/08-06/30/10 |$297,230 |

| | |Circadian Sleep Disorders in | | |

| | |Alzheimer’s Disease | | |

| |AHRQ Contract # [TBN] |Management by Primary Care |08/08-08/10 |$399,464 |

| | |Clinicians of Patients Suspected | | |

| | |of Having Community-Acquired | | |

| | |Methicillin-Resistant | | |

| | |Staphylococcus Aureus (CA-MRSA) | | |

| | |Infections | | |

| |Duke Endowment (Kaufer/Sloane) |Alzheimer’s Memory Center |07/01/08-06/30/11 |$540,491 |

| |NIA/Univ Maryland Baltimore 0000004939 (Zimmerman) |Physician Care in Assisted Living |2007-2010 |$436,290 |

| | |Facilities | | |

| |Abt Associates, Inc. 22309/HHSA290200600011 (Zimmerman) |Development of an Assisted Living |2008-2010 |$85,882 |

| | |Consensus Instrument – Phase 1 | | |

|AHMED, S. C. |NIH/NIGMS R01 GM083048 |Genetic Analysis of Germ Cell |12/01/07-11/30/11 |$190,000 |

| | |Immortality | | |

| |NIH/NIGMS R01 GM66228-06A2 |Genetics of Telomerase in C. |06/01/09-5/31/13 |$210,000 |

| | |elegans | | |

|ALTPETER, M. |Administration on Aging 90AE0325/01 (Derence) |North Carolina REACH II |09/30/08-09/29/11 |$20,000 |

| | |Translation Project: Resources for| | |

| | |Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver’s | | |

| | |Health | | |

| |Administration on Aging HHS-2008-AOA-OP-0808 (Ory) |Planning a Nationwide Evaluation |10/01/08-09/30/11 |$57,417 |

| | |of Evidence-Based Programs for | | |

| | |Seniors | | |

| |CDC U48/DP000059 |North Carolina Healthy Aging |09/30/09-09/29/14 |$375,000 |

| | |Network | | |

| | |California Geriatric Education |09/01/07-06/30/11 | |

| | |Center Consortium | |$25,000 |

| |CDC U48 DP001944 |UNC Center for Health Promotion |09/30/09-09/24/14 |$759,921 |

|AMMERMAN, A. | |and Disease Prevention | | |

| |NIH/NCRR U54 RR024382 (Pisano) |UNC Clinical And Translational |07/01/08-06/30/13 |$9,565,453 |

| | |Science Award | | |

| |CDC U48 DP001944 |Center for Excellence for Training|09/30/09-09/24/14 |$587,963 |

| | |and Research Translation | | |

| |NICHD R01 HD50981 |Primary Care and Communities |08/01/05-06/30/11 |$413,337 |

| | |Tackling Obesity in Kids | | |

| |NIH/NCI |Carolina Community Network Center |07/01/10-06/30/11 |$598,773 |

| |(Godley) |to Reduce Cancer Health | | |

| | |Disparities | | |

| |NIH/NCR U54RR024382-01A1 |UNC Clinical And Translational |09/30/09-09/29/11 |$217,681 |

| | |Science Award- NCRR ARRA | | |

| | |Supplement | | |

| | |Community leadership and | | |

| | |reciprocal development to advance | | |

| | |community engaged research at two | | |

| | |CTSA institutions | | |

| |ECU/NIH (No Number) (Duffrin) |Domestic Science Education |07/01/09-06/30/11 |$33,779 |

| | |Partnership Award-ARRA Supplement | | |

| |Robert Wood Johnson Fdn. (Rodriguez) |Food Access Within North Carolina |11/01/09-04/30/11 |$133,929 |

| | |American Indian Communities | | |

| |NIH 1P50HL105184-01 |Center to Reduce CVD Disparities: |08/15/10-04/30/15 |$1,411,615 |

| | |Genes, Clinics and Communities | | |

| |NIH 1R21MD005970-01 |Faith, Farming, and the Future: A |09/30/10-08/31/12 |$150,000 |

| | |church-based program addressing | | |

| | |health disparities | | |

| |VPI/NIH |System Dynamics Modeling to Inform|01/01/10-12/31/10 |$13,716 |

| | |Overweight and Obesity-relevant | | |

| | |Policy | | |

| |Gramercy Research Group/NIH R01HL094580 |A Faith-Based Intervention to |06/01/09-05/01/14 |$35,896 |

| | |Increase Physical Activity Among | | |

| | |Blacks | | |

| |CDC U48 DP001944 |UNC Coordinating Center for PRC |09/30/09-09/24/14 |$269,954 |

| |(Ribisl) |Cancer Network | | |

|PENDING |ECU/NIH |Rural obesity and related economic|(07/01/10-06/30/12) |($11,323) |

| | |and environmental factors | | |

| |NIH |UNC Center for Diabetes |(07/01/11-06/30/16) |($527,610) |

| | |Translation Research to Reduce | | |

| | |Health Disparities | | |

| |USDA |People's Garden School Pilot |(05/01/11-10/31/12) |($481,910) |

| | |Program  | | |

|BROWNLEY, K. |NIH 5R01 MH077117-04 |Effect of Weight-Increased |09/15/07-04/30/11 |$180,000 |

| | |Psychotropic Medications on | | |

| | |Appetite Regulation | | |

| |NARSAD |Chromium Picolinate in Binge |07/01/08-06/30/10 |$30,000 |

| | |Eating Disorder: A Feasability | | |

| | |Study | | |

|PENDING |NIH 1R01 DK092358 |Obesity in Military Families: Role|07/01/11-06/30/16 |$346,320 |

| |(Brownley) |of the Home Environment and | | |

| | |Disordered Eating | | |

|CALLAHAN, L. |UAB/NIH NHCBI-AR-06-11 (Jonas) |CLEAR Registry |09/30/06-09/29/11 |$116,544 |

| |Novartis |Adaptation of a Health Literacy |7/1/10-6/30/11 |$101, 998 |

| | |Universal Precautions Toolkit for | | |

| | |Two Subspecialties: Rheumatology | | |

| | |and Cardiology | | |

| |NIH/NIAMS R01 AR053989 |Individual and Community Social |04/01/08-03/31/13 |$220,000 |

| | |Determinants of Osteoarthritis | | |

| | |Outcomes | | |

| |NIH/NCRR U54 RR024382 (Runge) | UNC Clinical And Translational |07/01/08-06/30/13 |$9,565,453 |

| | |Science Award | | |

| |Arthritis Foundation |Evaluation of the Arthritis |01/01/09-12/31/10 |$120,000 |

| | |Foundation Tai Chi Program | | |

| |NIH/1 RO1 AR056717-01A1 |Social Determinants of Outcomes in|08/01/10-07/31/12 |$140,891 |

| | |African Americans with Rheumatoid | | |

| | |Arthritis | | |

|PENDING |NIH 1 RO1 OD009066-01 |Social Support- A New Multi-Level |7/1/11-6/30/16 |$281,854 |

| | |Paradigm | | |

|PENDING |Arthritis Foundation (Altpeter) | Bringing the Arthritis Foundation|1/1/11-12/31/12 |$46,290 |

| | |Walk with Ease Program to the | | |

| | |workplace | | |

|CAPRIO, A. |GACA HRSA K01 HP00087-01 |Geriatric Academic Career Award |09/07-09/10 |$199,218 |

| |UNC Health System (No Number) (Hanson) |Improving Palliative Care Quality |07/01/07-06/30/10 |$580,000 |

| |NINR 1RO1 NR009826-01(Hanson) |Improving Decision Making About |09/30/06-06/30/10 |$274,122 |

| | |Feeding Options for Dementia | | |

| | |Patients | | |

|CAREY, T. |NIH/NCRR U54 RR024382 (Pisano) |UNC Clinical and Translational |07/01/08-06/30/13 |$9,565,453 |

| | |Science Award | | |

| |AHRQ HS-08-001 |UNC-CH Training Program in Health |07/01/08-06/30/13 |$384, 525 |

| | |Services Research | | |

| |NC Dept of Health and Human Services 04-9738 (Greene) |Nursing Home Medication Error |02/01/07-01/31/10 |$185,364 |

| | |Project | | |

| |NIH/NINR R01 NR009826 (Hanson) |Improving Decision Making About |09/30/06-06/30/10 |$274,122 |

| | |Feeding Options for Dementia | | |

| | |Patients | | |

| |NIH/NIA R01 AG025801 (Stearns) |Acute Coronary Syndrome Outcomes |09/15/07-06/30/10 |$80,360 (no cost |

| | |for Medicare Patients | |extension) |

| |NIH/National Center for Minority Health P60 MD000244 (Godley) |Carolina-Shaw Comprehensive NCMHD |07/01/07-05/31/12 |$1,401,068 |

| | |Research Center | | |

| |NC Community Care Networks, Inc (No Number) |Community Care North Carolina |07/01/09-06/30/10 |$90,282 |

| |NC Office of Rural Health and Community Care (No Number) |Community Care North Carolina |07/01/09-06/30/10 |$39,249 |

|PENDING |Research Triangle Institute (No Number) (Jonas) |ARRA 2009: Comprehensive EPC |09/25/09-09/24/12 |$675,676 |

| | |Comparative Effectiveness Reviews | | |

| | |for Effective Health Care | | |

|PENDING |AHRQ (No Number) (Hanson) |Nursing Home Medication Errors, |12/01/09-11/30/11 |$163,730 |

| | |Safety Culture, and Improved | | |

| | |Information Sharing | | |

|PENDING |AHRQ (No Number) (Sheridan) |Medical Versus Invasive Strategies|01/01/10-12/31/12 |$314,654 |

| | |for Medicare Acute Coronary | | |

| | |Syndrome Patients | | |

|PENDING |NC Division of Facility Services (Greene) |Nursing Home Medication Error |02/01/10-01/31/12 |$254,261 |

| | |Reporting System (Year 7 & 8) | | |

|PENDING |NC State University (No Number) |Science and Technology Center for |07/01/10-06/30/15 |$598,822 |

| | |Advanced HEAlthcare Delivery (STC | | |

| | |AHEAD) | | |

|CORBIE-SMITH, G. |1R01NR010204-04 NIH/NINR |Project EAST: Increasing Access to|9/18/06-06/30/11 |252,462 |

| | |HIV Trials for Rual Minorities | | |

| |K24 HL105493-01NIH/HHLB1 |Mentoring in community influences |9/20/10-7/31/2015 |186,343 |

| | |on CVD rish | | |

| |NCMHD/NIH R24 MD001671-05S1 |A Participatory Intervention to |09/18/09-09/17/11 |$491,145 |

| | |Reduce HIV/STIs in African | | |

| | |American Rural Youth—Partnership | | |

| | |Supplement | | |

| |NIH/NCMHD P60 MD000244 (Godley) |Carolina-Shaw Comprehensive NCMHD |07/01/07-05/31/12 |$1,401,068 |

| | |Research Center | | |

| |NIH/NHGRI P50 HG004488 (Henderson) |Center for Genomics and Society |09/27/07 – 07/31/12 |$779,176 |

| |NIH/NCRR UL1 RR025747 (Pisano) |UNC Clinical And Translational |07/01/08-06/30/13 |$9,565,453 |

| | |Science Award | | |

|CUTCHIN, M. |EPA (G09E10166) (Linder) |Analytical Strategies for |06/01/10-05/31/13 |$537,000 |

| | |Assessing Cumulative Effects of | | |

| | |Chemical and Nonchemical Stressors| | |

| |NIH/NCMHD R21 HD057980 (Freburger) |Disparities in Post-Acute |04/01/08-03/31/11 |$145,407 |

| | |Rehabilitation Care | | |

| |NIA/NIEHS 1R21ES016729-01 (Entwisle) |Dynamically Integrating Macro and |09/30/07-06/30/11 |$1,170,000 |

| | |Micro Processes | | |

|PENDING |NIH/NIA/NINR |Preventive Home Visits for At-risk|07/01/11-06/30/16 |Pending |

| | |Older Adults: A Randomized | | |

| | |Controlled Trial | | |

|DAALEMAN, T. |NIA 1R21AG030166-01A2 |A Feasibility Study to Improve |08/15/09-07/31/11 |$118,378 |

| | |Older Patient - Physician | | |

| | |Communication | | |

| |Program Director |UNC Vulnerable Population Care |01/01/10-06/30/11 |$400,000 |

| | |Service, AccessCare | | |

|DILWORTH-ANDERSON, P. |NIH/NCR U54RR024382-01A1 ( Runge) |UNC Clinical And Translational |07/1/08-06/30/13 |9,565,453 |

| | |Science Award | | |

| |NIA T32-AG00272 (Dilworth-Anderson) |Pre-doctoral/Post-doctoral |09/30/09-04/30/14 |$258,453 |

| | |Training Program on Health & Aging| | |

| | |Research | | |

| |NIA/NIH 5K07AG023113-02 |Closing the Gap on Minority Aging |09/01/04-08/31/11 |$100,000 |

| | |and Health Research | | |

| |GlaxoSmithKline 20036900 |Train the Trainer – A Dementia |01/01/04-12/31/10 |$100,000 |

| | |Care Program and Caregiver | | |

| | |Intervention Project | | |

|HANSON, L. |Duke Endowment (No number) |Circles of Care: Supporting |08/01/08-06/30/11 |$379,730 |

| | |African Americans with Cancer | | |

| |University Cancer Research Fund Health-E NC (No Number) |Circles of Care: Supporting |01/01/11-12/31/11 |$99,000 |

| | |African Americans with Cancer | | |

| |NINR 1R01 NR009826-01 |Improving Decision Making about |09/30/06-06/30/11 |$1,919,691 |

| | |Feeding Options for Dementia | | |

| | |Patients | | |

| |UNC Health System (No Number) |Improving Palliative Care Quality |07/01/07-06/30/11 |$580,000 |

| |NCI PA02103 (Lidz) |An Observational Descriptive Study|09/01/06-08/31/11 |$18,000 |

| | |of IRB Practices | | |

| |NIH UL1-RR025747 (Pisano) |UNC Clinical And Translational |07/01/08-06/30/13 |$9,565,453 |

| | |Science Award | | |

| |NIH R01 AG033718 (Nelson & Carson) |Informing Decisions in Chronic |12/01/09-11/30/14 |$1,029,256 |

| | |Critical Illness: A Randomized | | |

| | |Controlled Trial | | |

| |NIH/NINR R01 (Song) |Representational Intervention to |12/01/09-11/30/14 |$3,557,230 |

| | |Promote End-of-Life | | |

| | |Decision-Making Preparation | | |

| |RC4 NR012584-01  (Abernethy & Kutner)                |Creation and Demonstration of a |08/31/10-08/30/13 |$2,856,878 |

| | |Palliative Care Research | | |

| | |Cooperative Group | | |

| |NPCRC (No number) |Goals of Care: A Strategy to |07/01/10-12/31/11 |$115,444 |

| | |Improve the Quality of Dying with | | |

| | |Dementia | | |

|PENDING |NIA |Goals of Care: A Randomized Trial|04/01/11-09/30/15 | |

| | |of Decision Support for Advanced | | |

| | |Dementia | | |

|JORDAN, J. |Hebrew Rehabilitation Ctr/NIH R01 AR047853 (Hannan) |Foot Disorders, Pain and Physical |12/01/08-11/30/13 |$172,137 |

| | |Disability in Older Persons | | |

| |NIH/NIAMS R01 AR053989 (Callahan) |Individual and Community Social |04/01/08-03/31/13 |$220,000 |

| | |Determinants of Osteoarthritis | | |

| | |Outcomes | | |

| |Associated Schools of Public Health/CDC S3486-23/23 |The Johnston County OA Project: |10/01/07-09/30/10 |$479,904 |

| | |Arthritis & Disability | | |

| |Brigham & Women’s Hospital Sub-contract R01 AR0531 (Losina) |Knee OA: Setting Priorities for |08/01/06-07/31/11 |$38,192 |

| | |Care, Policy, Research | | |

| |NIH/NCRR UL1 RR025747 (Pisano) |UNC Clinical And Translational |7/1/08 6/30/13 |$9,565,453 |

| | |Science Award | | |

| |NIH/NIAMS P60 AR49465 |NIAMS Multidisciplinary Clinical |01/01/03-12/31/09 |No cost extension |

| | |Research Center: Rheumatic | | |

| | |Diseases | | |

|PENDING |NIH (No Number) (Maixner) |Complex Persistent Pain |04/01/10-03/31/15 |$1,000,000 |

| | |Conditions: Unique & Shared | | |

| | |Pathways of Vulnerability | | |

|KONRAD, T. |Robert Wood Johnson Foundation & Hitachi Foundation 59245 |Jobs to Careers: Promoting |05/01/06-04/30/10 |$1,000,000 |

| | |Work-based Learning for Quality | | |

| | |Care Initiative | | |

| | |Evaluation of national | | |

| | |demonstration | | |

|LEWIS, C. |NCI CA104128 |Colon Cancer Screening Decisions |10/01/05-10/01/10 |$136,343 |

| | |in Late Life. K07 Cancer | | |

| | |Prevention, Control, Behavioral, | | |

| | |and Population Sciences Career | | |

| | |Development Award | | |

| |UNC Center for Decision Quality |Foundation of Informed Medical |07/01/09-06/30/12 |$199,739 |

| | |Decision Making | | |

| |NINR 5R01NR009826 (Hanson) |Improving Decision Making about |09/30/06-06/30/10 |$1,919,691 |

| | |Feeding Options for Dementia | | |

| | |Patients | | |

| |AHRQ 1-R21-HS017651-01 |Models to Improve Colorectal |09/01/08-06/30/10 |$159,820 |

| | |Cancer Screening Decisions in | | |

| | |Complex Older Patients | | |

|PENDING |AHRQ RFA-HS-09-002 |Multimorbidity and Screening |09/09-/9/11 |Pending |

| | |Colonoscopy: Achieving Patient | | |

| | |Understanding | | |

|MCCLURG, M.R. |NIA K23 AG024229 |Mentored Patient-Oriented Research|05/01/06-04/30/11 |$699,170 |

| | |Career Development Award | | |

| | |Improving the Quality of | | |

| | |Medication Use in Older Adults | | |

|MERCER, V. |Baxter International Fdn (No Number) |Community Health and Mobility |08/01/09-12/31/11 |$85,000 |

| | |Partnership | | |

|MORGAN, J. |Institute for Museum and Library Services RE-04-07-0068-07 (Marshall/Morgan) |Workforce Issues in Library and |10/1/07-9/30/11 |$156,454 |

| | |Information Science 2 (WILIS2): | | |

| | |Implementing a Universal Model for| | |

| | |Career Tracking of LIS Graduates | | |

| |Robert Wood Johnson Fdn 59245 (Morgan/Konrad) |Jobs to Careers: Promoting |11/1/06-5/31/11 |$108,788 |

| | |Work-based Learning for Quality | | |

| | |Care Initiative | | |

| | |Evaluation of national | | |

| | |demonstration | | |

| |No number (Morgan) 10/1/10 – 9/30/13 |Personal Home Care Aide State |10/1/10-9/30/13 |$96,175 |

| |North Carolina Foundation for Advanced Health Programs, Inc. |Training (PHCAST) | | |

| |68170 (Morgan) |Evaluating Innovations in Nursing |10/1/10-9/30/12 |$137,968 |

| |Robert Wood Johnson Foundation |Education | | |

| |RE-04-10-0032-10 Marshall JG/Morgan JC |Workforce Issues in Library and |7/1/10 – 6/30/12 |$103,584 |

| |Institute for Museum and Library Services |Information Science 3 (WILIS 3) | | |

| | |Sustaining the Career Tracking | | |

| | |Model through Data Sharing | | |

| |05-0864 (Marshall/Morgan) |Value of Health Libraries |12/1/09 – 4/30/11 |$103,699 |

| |New York University | | | |

| |LTC 07-01(Konrad) |Workforce Improvement for Nursing |7/1/08-12/31/10 |$61,479 |

| |North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services/LTC |Assistants – WIN A STEP UP | | |

| |01-10(UNC) (Morgan) |Understanding the Business Case |2/5/10-12/31/11 |$99,315 |

| |The Health Work Force Institute |for FLW Investment-Hospital Study | | |

|PALMER, M. H. |AHRQ R13 HS018023 |Connecting the Dots: Geriatric |02/01/09 – 0/31/10 |$50,000 |

| | |Nursing, Education and Clinical | | |

| | |Simulation | | |

| |UNC School of Medicine, Investments in the Future (No Number) (Whitehead) |Treating Fecal Incontinence and |01/01/08 – 12/31/11 |$580,000 |

| | |Constipation in the Frail Elderly | | |

| | |and Women | | |

| |HRSA D62HP01913 |Improving Nursing Care for Acutely|07/01/09-06/30/12 |$431,170 |

| | |Ill Elders | | |

| |NIA/NIH R21 AG029502 (Cutchin) |Feasibility and Effects of |09/07-08/10 |$112,500 |

| | |Preventive Home Visits | | |

| |Hartford/Rand (No Number) |Building an Interdisciplinary |01/01/07-12/31/09 |$220,000 |

| |(Co-PI with Zimmerman & Palmer) |Geriatric Health Care Research | | |

| | |Center | | |

|PENDING |AHRQ R1 HS018394 (Busby-Whitehead/ Whitehead) |Conservative Treatment of Fecal |12/01/09-11/30/14 |$447,674 |

| | |Incontinence: Community Based | | |

| | |Effectiveness Trial | | |

|PENDING |AHRQ R18 HS019927 (Palmer) |Team Simulation for Geriatric |12/1/10-11/30/13 |$234,562 |

| | |Patient Safety During Acute Health| | |

| | |Transitions | | |

|PATTERSON, W. |NIH/NHLBI |Myocyte signaling, and the |06/01/00-05/31/10 |$213,341 |

| |5R01 HL065619-07 |response to stress | | |

| |UNC School of Medicine, Investments in the Future UNC 6-66230 |Understanding clinical |07/01/07-06/30/10 |$243,333 |

| | |cardiovascular disease and health | | |

| | |disparities in North Carolina | | |

| | |using a systems biology approach | | |

| |UNC Nutrition Obesity Research Center UNC-P30DK056350 |The role of protein quality |10/01/09-09/30/10 |$23,900 |

| | |control in mechanisms of glucose | | |

| | |homeostasis | | |

| |NIH/NHLBI R01 HL061656 |Signaling in Endothelial Growth |07/01/09-01/31/13 |$250,000 |

| | |and Angiogenesis | | |

| |NIH/NIA P01 AG024282 (Clemmons) |Chaperones, ROS systems, & IGF1: |08/01/04 – 06/30/10 |$1,034,301 |

| | |Roles in vascular aging | | |

| |NIH/NICHD P01 HD031921 (Harris) |The National Longitudinal Study of|03/01/97-12/31/10 |$2,662,733 |

| | |Adolescent Health | | |

| |NIH H57 DP001750 |Program in Racial Disparities and |9/01/09-08/31/10 |$418,567 |

| | |Cardiovascular Disease | | |

|PENDING |NIH/NIGMS R01 GM061728 |CHIP: A link between chaperone & |04/01/10-03/31/15 |$250,000 |

| | |proteasome system | | |

|PENDING |NIH (No Number) (Ammerman) |Center to Reduce CVD Disparities: |04/01/10-03/31/15 |$1,423,840 |

| | |Genes, Clinics and Communities | | |

|PENDING |NIH/NHLBI R01 HL065619 |Myocyte signaling, and the |07/01/10-06/30/15 |$250,000 |

| | |response to stress | | |

|POPKIN, B. |NIH.NICHD 5-R01-HD30880-15 |Monitoring Social Change: Health, |08/15/94 – 05/31/13 |$1,109,478 |

| | |Reproduction, Aging | | |

| |NIH/NCI 5R01CA121152-04 |Diet, Activity, Obesity, and the |09/12/05 – 06/30/10 |$187,854 |

| | |Built Environment | | |

| |NIH/Fogarty 5D43TW007709-03 |Nutrition-Related NCD Policy |09/28/06 – 04/30/11 |$133,213 |

| | |Research Training in China | | |

| |NIH/NIMH 5T32MH075854-04 |UNC Interdisciplinary Obesity |09/29/05 – 07/31/10 |$267,799 |

| | |Training | | |

| |NIH/NICHD 1T32HD057824-01 |Interdisciplinary Training in |04/01/08-03/31/13 |$207,360 |

| | |Maternal and Child Obesity | | |

| |NIH/NIEHS P30 ES10126 (Swenberg) |UNC-CH Center for Environmental |02/01/00-03/31/10 |$23,243 (Core DC) |

| | |Health and Susceptibility: Obesity| | |

| | |Research Core | | |

| |NIH RC1TW008459 (Gordon-Larsen) |Diabetes & CVD: Co-Occurrence of |10/01/09-09/30/11 |$337,777 |

| | |Risk Across the Lifecycle in China| | |

| |NIH/NHLBI R01 HL095898 |Food Price, Environmental Context,|01/01/10-12/31/14 |$499,559 |

| | |Dietary Intake and Obesity | | |

| | |Dynamics | | |

|PENDING |NIH (No Number) |Obesity and Metabolic Risk |07/01/10-06/30/15 |$358,319 |

| | |Disparities: Underlying Food | | |

| | |Environment Factors | | |

|ROBERTS, E. |HRSA-Bureau of Health Professions #1-D31-HP-08833-01-00 |Carolina Geriatric Education |09/01/07-06/30/10 |$381,742 |

| | |Center Consortium | | |

| |The John A. Hartford Foundation #2008-0145 |Carolina Center of Excellence in |07/01/09-06/30/13 |$150,000 |

| | |Geriatric Medicine and Training | | |

| | |Renewal | | |

| |UNC School of Medicine, Investments in the Future (No Number) |Improving the Health of North |07/01/07-06/30/10 |$220,000 |

| | |Carolina’s Underserved Elders | | |

| |Donald W. Reynolds Foundation (Subcontract with Wake Forest Medical School) |Comprehensive Programs to |01/09/09-12/31/12 |$15,446 |

| | |Strengthen Physician Training in | | |

| | |Geriatrics | | |

| |Donald W. Reynolds Foundation (Subcontract with University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine) |Comprehensive Programs to |01/09/09-12/31/12 |$16,667 |

| | |Strengthen Physician Training in | | |

| | |Geriatrics | | |

| |The American Geriatrics Society/John A. Hartford Foundation |Geriatrics-for Specialists |07/01/09-06/30/11 |$20,000 |

| | |Initiative: Geriatrics Education | | |

| | |for Specialty Residents Program | | |

| | |(GSR) | | |

|PENDING |Fullerton Foundation (Eleazer, JP) |Senior Mentor Programs for the |09/01/09-08/31/10 |$50,000 |

| | |Carolinas | | |

|ROSAMOND, W. |CDC PA02045/ NCDHHS 01602-05 (Rosamond) |The Paul Coverdell National Acute |07/01/05-6/30/11 |$780,000 |

| | |Stroke Registry | | |

| |NIH/NHLBI NO1-HC-55018 (Heiss) |Atherosclerosis Risk in |09/01/85-12/31/11 |$1,025,658 |

| | |Communities Morbidity and | | |

| | |Mortality Follow-Up Field Center | | |

| |NIH/NHLBI N01-HC-55015 (Catallier) |Atherosclerosis Risk in |07/01/85-01/31/16 |$1,200,000 |

| | |Communities Coordinating Center | | |

| |NHLBI N01 HC 65233 (LaVange) |Hispanic Coronary Health Study |09/30/06-03/31/13 |$2,280,224 |

| | |Coordinating Center | | |

| |NIH/NHLBI (Chambless, PI) through Jackson State University (subcontract, Garrison, PI) |JHS-ARIC Surveillance: |06/01/09-05/31/11 |$61,459 |

| | |Cardiovascular Events | | |

| | |Classification | | |

| |Q6636266508 through Univ. of Minnesota |The Longitudinal Investigation of |01/01/03-12/31/11 |$15,665 |

| |NIH/NHLBI HL 59367 |Thromboembolism Etiology (LITEII) | | |

| | |Study | | |

|PENDING |Subcontract Women’s Health Initiative (Rosamond) |Heart Failure Classification in |4/01/11-3/30/16 |Pending |

| | |the WHI | | |

|SANDLER, R. |NIH R01 CA044684 |Inflammation, obesity and the risk|02/15/88-05/31/11 |$543,098 |

| | |of colorectal cancer: the Diet and| | |

| | |Health Study | | |

| |NCI R01 CA136887 (Sandler/Keku) |Intestinal microbiota, diet, and |07/01/09-06/30/14 |$1,850,000 |

| | |risk of colorectal adenomas | | |

| |NCI P01 CA142538 (Kosorok) |Statistical Methods for Cancer |12/01/09-11/30/14 |$14,396,592 |

| | |Clinical Trials | | |

| |NIH/NCI U01 CA093344 (Harrington) |Cancer Care Outcomes Research and |09/01/09-08/31/12 |$113,253 |

| | |Surveillance | | |

|SEKELSKY, J. |NIH/NIGMS 1 R01 GM088606-01 |Mechanisms of mitotic |09/01/09 – 08/31/11 |$179,999 |

| | |recombination | | |

| |NIH/NIGMS 5 R01 GM61252-10 |Meiotic recombination in |07/01/10-06/30/14 |$210,000 |

| | |Drosophila | | |

| |University Cancer Research Fund |High-resolution mapping of common |01/01/11-06/30/12 |$125,000 |

| | |fragile sites | | |

|STEARNS, S. |NIH/NIA 1R01AG025801-01A1 |Acute Coronary Syndrome Outcomes |09/15/07-06/30/10 |$160,720 |

| | |for Medicare Patient | | |

| |NIH/NIDA R01 AA015067-01A2 (Schermer) Sub-contract to Loyola Univ. Medical Center |Trauma Center Brief Alcohol |08/21/06-07/31/11 |$40,226 |

| | |Treatments and Cost Effectiveness | | |

| |NIDCR RO1DE018045 (Lee) |Examination of Oral Health |07/01/07-06/30/12 |$243,3887 |

| | |Literacy in Public Health Practice| | |

| |HHSN268201100012C |Cardiovascular Outcomes Research |11/15/2010-11/14/2016 |$378,714 |

| | |Center for the Atherosclerosis | | |

| | |Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study | | |

|TZIMA, E. |American Heart Assoc. |Molecular Mechanisms of shear |07/01/10-06/30/12 |$70,000 |

| | |stress-mediated | | |

| | |Mechanotransduction and | | |

| | |flow-mediated vessel remodeling | | |

| |Ellison Medical Fdn. AG-NS-0400-07 |The Role of Hemodynamic Forces in |08/01/07-07/31/11 |$46,296 |

| | |Endothelial Dysfunction and | | |

| | |Vascular Aging | | |

| |NIH/NHLBI 1 RO1 HL088632 |Endothelial Cell Junctions in |1/15/08 – 12/31/12 |$250,000 |

| | |Mechanotransduction | | |

| |NIH/NHLBI 3R01HL088632-02S1 ARRA Supplement |Endothelial cell junctions in |07/01/09-06/30/11 |$161,666 |

| | |mechanotransduction | | |

| |Maren Foundation |tRNA synthetases in angiogenesis |7/01/09- 6/30/11 |$100,000 |

| |5 R01 CA092577 |Components of Translation in |9/01/2006 – 8/31/2011 |$717,500 |

| | |Signal Transduction | | |

|PENDING |NIH/NHLBI HL102200 |Signal Transduction Pathways in |04/01/10-03/31/15 |$250,000 |

| | |Response to Hemodynamic Forces | | |

| |NIH/NHLBI |Hemodynamics in Inflammation and |/1/11 – 8/31/16 |$250,000 |

| | |Vessel Remodeling | | |

|WATSON, L. |UNC School of Medicine, Investments in the Future (No Number) |Enhancing Quality in Psychiatry |08/01/07-08/01/10) |$40,000 |

| | |with Pharmacists (the EQUIPP | | |

| | |trial). | | |

|WEINBERGER, M. | |UNC Clinical And Translational |6/1/08-5/30/13 |$11,409,302 |

| |U54RR024382-01A1 (Runge) |Science Award | | |

| | | | | |

| |NIH/NCRR | | | |

| | | | | |

| |1 K12 HS19468-01 (Weinberger)  AHRQ              |UNC Mentored Career Development |07/01/10-06/30/13     |$2,000,000 |

| | |Program in Comparative |     |(approx.) |

| | |Effectiveness Development Award | | |

| |HL081257-01 (Pignone) |Health literacy and |9/1/06-5/31/11 |$3,697,201 |

| | |self-management in heart failure | | |

| |No Grant Number (Richardson) Gillings Innovation Grant |Managing Disease Through Linking |8/15/08-8/14/10 |$564,610 |

| | |Data | | |

|WHITEHEAD, W. |NIH/NIDDK R01 DK31369 |Psychophysiology of Irritable |09/30/08-08/31/13 |$429,772 |

| | |Bowel Syndrome | | |

| |ARRA Administrative Supplement to R01 DK31369 |Psychophysiology of Irritable |09/30/09 – 8/30/2011 |$150,000 |

| | |Bowel Syndrome - ARRA Supplment | | |

| |NIH P01 NS045685 (Maixner) |Complex Persistent Pain |04/01/10-03/31/15 |$1,000,000 |

| | |Conditions: Unique & Shared | | |

| | |Pathways of Vulnerability | | |

| |Univ of Washington/NIH R01 HD050345 (Levy) |Pyschosocial Intervention for |07/01/07-06/30/11 |$12,651 |

| | |Children with IBD | | |

| |NIDDKD R24 DK067674 (Whitehead/Drossman) |Gastrointestinal Biopsychosocial |07/01/04-07/31/10 |No cost extension |

| | |Research Center | | |

| |McNeil Pharmaceuticals (No Number) |Prevention of Diarrhea Episodes |07/01/09-12/31/10 |$125,839 |

|PENDING |AHRQ R1 HS018394 (Whitehead/ Busby-Whitehead) |Conservative Treatment of Fecal |12/01/09-11/30/14 |$447,674 |

| | |Incontinence: Community Based | | |

| | |Effectiveness Trial | | |

|WILLIAMS, S. |NIA R03 AG024542-01A1 |African American Families and End |10/07-05/10 |$50,000 |

| | |of Life Disparities | | |

| |Duke Endowment (No Number) (Gregory) |Stroke Telemedicine Access |01/09-12/10 |$349,995 |

| | |Recovery (STAR) Project’ | | |

| |Duke Endowment (No Number) |Stroke Telemedicine Access |01/01/09-12/31/11 |$349,995 |

| | |Recovery (STAR) Project | | |

| |AHRQ 1K08HS017956-01 |Stroke Telemedicine Access |07/01/09-06/30/14 |$722,885 |

| | |Recovery (STAR) Project | | |

| |NIH/NCRR UL1 RR025747 (Pisano) |CTSA Large Pilot (co-PI Williams) |07/01/09-09/30/10 |$50,000 |

| | |Family Stroke Caregiver | | |

| |NCMHD (No Number) (Godley) |ARRA Supplement to Project Export |Pending |Pending |

| | |Expand STAR Partnership in Robeson| | |

| | |County Community | | |

| |NIH U54 RR024383 (Pisano) | | | |

| |Gustavus and Louise Pfeiffer Research Fdn (No Number) |UNC Clinical and Translational |05/09-05/10 |$50,000 |

| | |Science Award Large Pilot Grant | | |

| | |Award | | |

| | |A Tri-racial Examination of Family| | |

| | |Caregivers of Stroke Survivors | | |

|WOLBERG, A. |NIH/NHLBI 1R01HL094740-01A109 |Abnormal Clot Formation in |12/01/06 – 4/30/10 |$62,000 |

| | |Cardiovascular Disease |(no cost extension) | |

| |Hartford/Rand (No Number) |Cellular Determinants of Fibrin |09/10/2009 – |$329,469 |

| | |Structure and Stability |04/30/2014 | |

|ZIMMERMAN, S. |Alzheimer’s Association PIO-04-1004 (Sloane) |Building an Interdisciplinary |01/01/07-12/31/09 |$220,000 |

| | |Geriatric Health Care Research | | |

| | |Center | | |

| |NIA/Univ Maryland Baltimore 0000004939 |Improving Medical Care of Assisted|03/01/05-02/28/10 |$181,818 |

| | |Living Residents with Dementia | | |

| |Abt Associates, Inc. 22309/HHSA290200600011 |Physician Care in Assisted Living |2007-2010 |$436,290 |

| | |Facilities | | |

| | |Development of an Assisted Living |2008-2010 |$85,882 |

| | |Consensus Instrument – Phase 1 | | |

| | | | | |

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