By Vaishali Bipin Ramjee

By Vaishali Bipin Ramjee

Jain Center of Central Florid

The effect of non-violence on Health wealth and planet earth

The most important benefactor for our health, wealth, and planet earth would be non violence. It is that essence of life when one tends to refrain from hurting others by ways of physical means. On the other hand an individual is required to solve the problems mentally and psychologically.

If non-violence would be the sole motto of every individual residing the earth, life would be far better than normal. Non-violence when taken into effect proves to be beneficial for our entire system. As the entire solar system revolves around the sun, our entire life should circulate around non-violence. "Ahinsa" (Non-Violence in Sanskrit) has the values to purify our souls. It provides us with mental stability. If the various weapons of destruction were not manufactured, man's health would not have deteriorated so much. In the olden days when man lived on herbs alone, he had the strength of 10 human beings put together. Non-violence has this magnificent quality to take hold of one's entire life. We tend to use our minds more than residing to anger and frustration. Putting our minds rightly in what we do, we develop less mental illnesses and gain total self control. Hence, it has been rightly said that "Health is Wealth".

Secondly, when speaking of wealth, it means a great deal to most of us. It is something you derive after engaging your heart and soul into any particular kind of work. But to know how to put your wealth into the right use requires a lot of brain work. Proper brain work can be done through peaceful thinking. Peace, which is the key element can only be derived through non-violence. Our wealth can be used for the benefit of our economy. There are a lot of people who cannot afford to eat the food, wear the clothes, or live in the houses we live in. Instead of spending millions of dollars on missiles, bombs and other destructive weapons, we can provide a lot of help to the poor and needy people. Non-violence teaches us to live rightly with our money and keeps us in close connection with the Almighty. Therefore, our wealth is our benefit and our benefit is the proper use of money through non-violence.

Finally, where does all the air we breathe, and fruits we eat come from? It is something mother nature has provided to us in bounty. So, it is our rightful duty to protect mother nature from all the harmful forces of evil. Non-violently we all together can work hand in hand to protect our planet earth. Instead of scattering bombshells everywhere, picking up these pieces can benefit us and every human on earth. The earth is like our mother, who showers heavenly love on her children always, no matter what they do to her. Thus, we should bring out a peaceful atmosphere for everyone to breathe in. We should plant more trees, recycle waste (like paper, plastic bags, tins, cans, etc.) for useful purposes and to prevent pollution of all kinds. Non-violently we can protect the ozone layer surrounding the earth by reducing combustion, wastage of fuel and electricity etc. Hence we can prove what a significant effect non-violence, has on our planet earth.

As a matter of fact, we in our daily lives and in the midst of over burdening chores, tend to forget, how we can change the world to be a better place to live in. When speaking of health, wealth and our planet earth, they have a three-some effect on our lives. On counts of basic interest we have to just think it out ourselves. If we have a healthy life, we survive a longer period of social well being. In this phase of well-being we sometimes succeed in boosting our quest for money. When we acquire more than the desired amount, we should set aside the remaining amount for economical and environmental purposes. Thus, in this way we can non-violently serve equally to our health, wealth , and planet earth.

The true patron to receive due respect for teaching the principles of non-violence to the world was Mahatma Gandhi, who was born in a well- cultured and patriotic family. Mahatma Gandhi was affectionately called "BAPU" by everyone, who rose to teach and preach to the world his principles of goodness and purity. He led India to freedom, democracy and prosperity through his most effective tool of non-violence. Even world leaders like ANC leader, Nelson Mendela and many more are following in his footsteps.

Hence, by resorting to non-violence our health will be more subtle and longevity will be our goal.

By Vaishali Bipin Ramjee

Jain Society of Central Florida

1689 Grange Circle

Longwood, FL 32750

(407) 260-6459

Amit Kamani

Jain Society of Central Florida


Non-violence is the act of not using violence. Mahatma Gandhi, the former leader of India used this method to gain independence from the British. Mahatma Gandhi refused to use any acts of violence but, used the method of non-cooperation to frustrate the British into freeing India. I will discuss the effects of non-violence on health, wealth, and planet earth in this essay.

Non-violence affects health in such a way where lives can be saved. During wars many lives are lost-not only soldiers of the countries that are involved but, innocent bystanders as well. War destroys countries and is not the way to deal with the political problems of the world. Non-violence could bring countries together by discussing the problems instead of fighting to resolve the problem between two countries. Too many people are losing their lives over war and non-violence can stop it. Another effect of non-violence on health could well be the stress on a person during a violent act. For example relatives and close friends of soldiers from different countries feeling the effects of their loved ones not making it back alive.

Non-violence could also stop racial tension between different races. In gang fights innocent children are being killed and other young kids are throwing their lives away.

If only these groups can make a non-violent effort to stop the tension between them, the killing and hurt would go away. The gang members of today are the future of tomorrow. We have to make sure that the children of today can live to tell their children about the challenges they faced as a child.

The effects of non-violence on wealth are that money can be saved to help other causes. Too much money is going towards building tanks, bombs, and other weapons for altercations with other countries. There are situations in this country and around the world that can be helped with money. For example here in Florida schools need money so children can have better tools for learning. In other countries money is needed for starving people.

If this world could change to a non-violent world, fighting would stop and money saved from building arms can be used to solve problems in the world. I think that the leaders of all the countries should talk about this problem and start thinking where money is needed the most here on planet earth.

I now will discuss the effects of non-violence on planet earth. Just imagine that there was no tension between the countries of the world. This would be hard to believe because every day there is some sort of tension between different nations and people.

Non-violence could relieve the world of this tension. The difference that non-violence would make on the world would be that countries would become closer and instead of having wars they could have peace talks. There is also too much violence in the United States today. Acts on non-violence could bring that to an end. It is surprising how people use violence to get things that they want. The problem of drugs and violence in the United States is terrible. People are killing others for drugs. Acts of non-violence could end this threat that is killing so many people. In fact Dr. Martin Luther King followed the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and used non-violent acts to win freedom, liberty, and justice for the blacks in America.

Planet earth would be a safer and less violent world if people and countries around the world followed non-violent methods to solve their problems.

I think the message that Mahatma Gandhi was trying to get around to the rest of the world was that violence is not the way to get what you want.

Amit Kamani

Jain Society of Central Florida

1689 Grange Circle

Longwood, FL 32750

(407) 260-6459


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