
Leeds Autism AIM:My Mental Health ProfileGuidance for using this Mental Health ProfileThe way autistic people experience the world around them and other people varies greatly from person to person. Anyone experiencing a mental health crisis will understandably be in distress. This guide aims to minimise the distress the autistic person is experiencing during a mental health crisis. The person is likely to be experiencing amongst other things;Confusion about what is happening or might happenFear about being forced into assessments / being detained / being medicatedIsolation High anxiety / Panic attacksDepression Frustration at being misunderstood (the person may have been involved in many services previously and feel let down / mistrusting)Autism is a lifelong condition. Mental health issues, whilst common among autistic people, are separate from autism and can be treated and recovered from. Many autistic people have been bounced around varying services due to professionals assuming anyone with autism requires an autism ‘specialist’. By using this passport, our hope is that it will give professionals involved with the person some insight into the ways the person experiences the world around them and how to help to meet the person in their world for a time to establish a trusting working relationship. Many of the adjustments that autistic people need are minimal and easy to put in place but can make a huge difference to them being engaged and able to benefit from treatment.A guide for the person filling in this Mental Health ProfileThe aim of this profile is to enable you to communicate your needs at a time when you may be experiencing mental health difficulties. Our hope is that professionals involved at every stage of your treatment should take time to consider the information you have given and adjust their interaction / communication with you accordingly and to the best of their ability. The form is broken down into sections and within each section, you can tick any options which apply to you. This leaves all the information you feel is relevant to you that you would need any mental health professional to know about you if they were to be involved in your care.There is also space to add any other information you feel is important about yourself; e.g. how you communicate, the ways you experience pain, any specific sensory issues, your understanding of systems etc.Name:?A brief?explanation?of autism: Autism is a lifelong developmental difference which effects every autistic person differently1. For me Autism is: (please tick those boxes that apply) Living with high anxiety?Feeling socially isolated ?Not understanding those around me?Feeling like I ‘don’t fit’ anywhere?My routine is extremely important to me?I need to know in advance about any unexpected changes?I prefer to communicate one-to-one and become overwhelmed in groups?Spending time focused on my own specific interest / interests?Being perceived as being blunt / rude (this is not my intention)?Is there anything else you feel is important for us to know about your autism? If so, please write down in the box below.2. How I Prefer to be Contacted:?Being contacted unexpectedly can cause great anxiety for many Autistic people (please tick those boxes that apply)Text Message?Email?Letter?Phone Call - It is alright to leave me a message if I don’t answer?Phone call - please do not leave me a message if I don’t answer?3. What to do if I don’t engage/reply to communications/attend appointments: Autistic people may disengage from services due to a number of reasons (anxiety, not understanding what is expected of them etc.) (please tick those boxes that apply)Send me a Text Message giving me clear instructions of how to move forward and get back to the service?Send me an Email giving me clear instructions of how to move forward and get back to the service?Send me a Letter giving me clear instructions of how to move forward and get back to the service?Phone me so we can have a conversation about what I feel has caused me to dis-engage. Please leave me a message if I don’t answer?Phone me so we can have a conversation about what I feel has caused me to dis-engage. Please do not leave me a message if I do not answer?Reassure me that it is alright to come back and attend the service?Keep Trying – It may take multiple attempts to get through to me due to my anxiety?4. How I Communicate: Communication differences and difficulties are a key part of what it means to be Autistic (please tick those boxes that apply) My Verbal Processing Speed can be delayed / slower than average – this means there may be a gap before I answer you?I do not give Eye Contact – this doesn’t mean I am not engaged / listening?It helps if you use simple / clear / concise language and short sentences?Please only ask me one question / one task at a time?If I am anxious / stressed or in a busy environment please use my name when addressing me as it helps me understand I need to respond / that you are speaking to me?I prefer to have things written down – this enables me to remember and understand what I have been told?I need a written summary after meetings / appointments in order to process and retain information?Please don’t try to fill silences or gaps when you have asked a question or given me information. I am quiet as I am processing. Rephrasing or repeating will mean I have to start processing again.?Are there any other ways you communicate that you would like us to know about?5. A really important thing to know about me is: This space allows for expression of what is important to the individual what they would most want you to know?????????6. My mental health history. Do you suffer from / have a diagnosis of any of the following: Autism is not a mental illness. Autistic people can experience mental health issues in exactly the same way as a neurotypical person (please tick those boxes that apply)Alcohol or Drug Use Disorder?Anxiety (Including Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic or Anxiety Attacks)?Bipolar Disorder?Depression?Eating Disorder (ED)?Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?Personality Disorder?Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?Psychosis?Schizoaffective Disorder or Schizophrenia?Self-Harm?Suicidal Thoughts or Feelings?Do you have any other conditions or diagnoses that you would like us to be aware of?7. Previous Treatments / Strategies: Unlike neurotypical people, if an approach has not worked for an Autistic person in the past, it is unlikely to work if attempted again at a later date Thinking about your Mental Health: What has helped in the past? (please tick those boxes that apply)Person-Centred Talking Therapy?Solution-Focused Therapy (E.g. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT))?Group Therapy?Help to work out practical strategies?Help to understand emotions?Help to manage and regulate emotions?Help to understand your Mental Health challenges?Understanding triggers that lead to crisis?Strategies to manage crisis?Are there any other treatments/strategies that have worked in the past that you would like us to know about?8. Thinking about your Mental Health: What has not helped in the past??Person-Centred Talking Therapy?Solution-Focused Therapy (E.g. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT))?Group Therapy?Help to work out practical strategies?Help to understand emotions?Help to manage and regulate emotions?Help to understand your Mental Health challenges?Understanding triggers that lead to crisis?Strategies to manage crisis?Are there any other treatments/strategies that have not worked in the past that you would like us to know about?9. Things I struggle with that cause me distress, potential triggers (please tick those boxes that apply)Please do not ask me about my relationships?Please do not ask me about my employment?Please do not ask me about my benefits / financial situation?Please do not mention the government or politics?Please do not ask me about my religion?Please do not ask me about my gender / sexual orientation?Please do not ask me about my ethnic origin?Please do not ask me about _____________________________________?Please do not talk to me about _____________________________________?Please do not mention _____________________________________?Are there any other things you struggle with that cause distress? If so, please write them down in the box below:10. Ways to help me avoid distress (please tick those boxes that apply)Ask me about my hobbies/‘special interests’?I use fidget toys to help manage my anxiety?I am calmed by certain textures?I am calmed by repeating certain movements?I am calmed by repeating certain phrases / sounds?Do not expect me to look directly at you?Instruct me as to where I should sit?Be clear when our appointment has ended and what is going to happen next?Are there any other ways to help you avoid distress? If so, please write them down in the box below:11. Sensory needs (please tick those boxes that apply)Sensitive to certain Sounds?Sensitive to certain Smells?Please write those sounds down in the box below:Please write those sounds down in the box below:Sensitive to certain Light / Lighting?I do not like to be touched?Please give more info in the box below:I need to sit near the door or I may feel anxious / agitated / trapped?I often ‘stim’ to help my anxiety?I often verbally ‘stim’ to help my anxiety (I do not mean to offend with what I may say)?I need frequent movement breaks in order to maintain focus?Are there any other sensory needs or difficulties you would like us to be aware of?The next part of this form concerns what difficulties a person may encounter if they were to be detained under the Mental Health Act: please add to my care plan and use in ward reviews (please tick those boxes that apply)In a shared space would you have any specific difficulties;Need of a quiet space?Aversion to any particular smells?Aversion to any particular sounds?Aversion to being touched?Do you have any other needs or anything you want us to be aware of if you are in a shared space?In a hospital setting, would you have any difficulties;Communicating your needs / Making yourself understood and heard?Understanding those around you and what was expected of you?Do you have any other needs or anything you want us to be aware of if you are in a shared space?Final considerations – please tick if applicablePlease make a referral for an Independent Mental Health Advocate to help me in meetings to understand what is being said and to help me understand my rights?Please summarise discussions and what will happen next when meetings have taken place. I need this in verbal form / I need this in written form?Any other information you would like us to know: Please write in the box below ................

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