2020 Health Professions HEED Award Application

INCLUDEPICTURE \d "" \x \y \* MERGEFORMATINET 2020 Health Professions HEED Award Application1) What is the complete name of your institution as you would like it to appear in publication if you are selected as a 2020 INSIGHT Into Diversity Health Professions HEED Award recipient?2) Which type of institution applies to your school?Allied Health SchoolDental SchoolMedical School or Medical Health CenterNursing SchoolOsteopathic SchoolPharmacy SchoolVeterinary SchoolHealth Sciences CenterSchool of Public HealthOther : 3) What is your full-time student enrollment?Less than 1,000 students1,000 - 2,999 students3,000 - 4,999 studentsMore than 5,000 students4) What is the percentage of your full-time student enrollment by gender?MaleFemaleNonbinaryTransgenderOther/didn't respondComments: 5) What is the percentage of your full-time student enrollment by race/ethnicity?White/CaucasianAfrican American/BlackHispanic/LatinxNative American/Native AlaskaAsian AmericanNative Hawaiian/Pacific IslanderMultiracialInternationalUnknown/otherComments: 6) What percentage of your student body has identified as being in the following groups (if you don't collect this information, please leave blank)?LGBTQ: Veteran: Having a disability: Low-income: First-generation: Comments: 7) What is the percentage of your administrative leadership (deans, department chairs, and executive-level administrators) by gender?MaleFemaleNon-binaryTransgenderOther/didn't respondComments: 8) What is the percentage of your professor and associate professor faculty by gender?MaleFemaleNon-binaryTransgenderOther/didn't respondComments: 9) What is the percentage of your assistant professor and instructor faculty by gender?MaleFemaleNon-binaryTransgenderOther/didn't respondComments: 10) What is the percentage of your admissions review committee by gender?MaleFemaleNon-binaryTransgenderOther/didn't respondComments: 11) What is the percentage of your administrative leadership (deans, department chairs, and executive-level administrators) by race/ethnicity?White/CaucasianAfrican American/BlackHispanic/LatinxNative American/Alaska NativeAsian AmericanNative Hawaiian /Pacific IslanderMultiracialInternationalUnknown/otherComments: 12) What is the percentage of your professor and associate professor faculty by race/ethnicity?White/CaucasianAfrican American/BlackHispanic/LatinxNative American/Alaska NativeAsian AmericanNative Hawaiian/Pacific IslanderMultiracialInternationalUnknown/otherComments: 13) What is the percentage of your assistant professor and instructor faculty by race/ethnicity?White/CaucasianAfrican American/BlackHispanic/LatinxNative American/Alaska NativeAsian AmericanNative Hawaiian/Pacific IslanderMultiracialInternationalUnknown/otherComments: 14) What is the percentage of your admissions review committee by race/ethnicity?White/CaucasianAfrican American/BlackHispanic/LatinxNative American/Alaska NativeAsian AmericanNative Hawaiian/Pacific IslanderMultiracialInternationalUnknown/otherComments: 15) What efforts do you use to recruit historically underrepresented and first-generation students? Check all that apply.? (Please provide details of your programs in the comments box below.)Community outreachAdmissions officers with a diversity focusOn-campus diversity recruitment effortsSocial media outreachRace-conscious scholarshipsEconomic-conscious scholarshipsHolistic admissions processExhibits at national meetings and conferences that focus on underrepresented groupsSummer exposure and enrichment programs focused on underrepresented groupsOther: Comments: 16) What efforts do you use to improve retention and graduation rates for historically underrepresented and first-generation students? Check all that apply. ?(Please provide details of your programs in the comments box below.)Campus-wide strategic retention planInstitutional research on student success patternsCohort-based academic success and leadership programsAcademically themed diverse student organizationsSupplemental instructionFree tutoring supportCulturally relevant advisingEarly warning systemsFirst-year experience programsSummer bridge programsMentorship programsOther: Comments: 17) Tell us about any programs and initiatives listed in questions #15 and #16 that your institution has launched in the last 24 months and their impact to date.18) Indicate which of the following are included in your curriculum. Check all that apply.YesNoN/ACommunity healthCultural diversityLGBTQ health issuesGlobal healthHealth disparitiesInterprofessional studiesHealth issues for underrepresented populationsWomen's health issuesReligious beliefs affecting healthcareLinguistic diversityComments: 19) Tell us about any pipeline programs your school has with other institutions of higher education that assist in the recruitment of underrepresented students.20) On a scale of one to ten, how selective is your admissions process?21) What are your graduation rates for full-time students in the following groups (use the time period that best suits your type of institution)?Overall: White/Caucasian: African American/Black: Hispanic/Latinx: Native American/Alaska Native: Asian American: Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: Multiracial: International: Unknown: Comments: 22) What strategies does your?school use to recruit diverse faculty? Check all that apply.Faculty strategic diversity planDedicated faculty diversity recruitment specialistNational partnership effortsAdvertisements in diversity publications and/or job boardsParticipation in diversity recruitment eventsStrategic funds used to increase financial offers to diverse job candidatesStrategic funds being used to hire diverse candidatesHost future faculty diversity symposiums on campusPipeline programs for future facultyComments: 23) What strategies does your school use to retain diverse faculty? Check all that apply.Shorter tenure time linesMentor programs for diverse facultyCohort-driven leadership programs for junior diverse facultyGraduate research support for new diverse facultyStart-up research funds for new diverse facultyAffinity or employee resource groups for employeesParticipation in diversity-related programming is considered in tenure and promotion processesSupport programs for transgender facultyGrant-funded initiatives to increase retention (NSF Advance program, etc.)Other: Comments: 24) Tell us about any programs and initiatives listed in question #22 and #23 that you have started in just the last 24 months and their impact to date.25) Tell us about any pipeline programs for future diverse faculty that your institution has created.26) Tell us if you require any of the following regarding your search committees.? Check all that apply.We require our search committees to include at least one person from an underrepresented groupWe require all applicants to include any diversity accomplishments in their CVWe require a diverse pool of applicants in the hiring processWe ensure that necessary accommodations are made for any applicant with a disabilityWe require search firms we use to include diverse candidates in the final pool of all candidates27) Which diversity publications and/or job boards do you currently use to attract diverse job candidates? Limit your response to a maximum of five.28) Indicate the role your dean plays in your school's diversity policies. Add any additional information about the dean's role in ensuring the execution of diversity efforts in the comments box below. Include any explanations of your responses to this question that you feel are important.Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecidedDisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/AEnsures that resources (financial and staffing) are available to drive your school's diversity effortsCharges the school's diversity committeeCreates a culture of accountabilityShows a visible commitment to diversity in speeches, written correspondence, and public appearancesEnsures that senior leadership is engaged in your school's diversity strategiesPresents diversity and inclusion updates to leadership/governing boardComments: 29) What strategies does your school have in place to ensure diversity planning and accountability? Check all that apply.?Our school's official mission statement has diversity and inclusion as one of its core valuesOur diversity and inclusion goals and plans are embedded in the campus-wide strategic planOur school has a diversity committee or taskforceWe use a diversity scorecard to measure our diversity progressOur diversity office has the opportunity to formally report on campus diversity plans, successes, challenges, and opportunities at meetings of the governing boardOur diversity office submits and makes public an annual diversity reportComments: 30) Indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the activation of your diversity plan.Strongly AgreeAgreeUndecidedDisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/ASenior leadership ensures that diversity is prioritized Our chief diversity officer provides point leadership in the campus-wide implementation processOur school's diversity committee ensures multiple constituent groups are involved in shaping our diversity strategy Student opinions play a key role in leading diversity-related change efforts at our schoolDiversity efforts are data-driven and evidence-basedAdequate financial resources exist to drive our school's diversity effortsComments: 31) Identify any diversity-focused financial strategies that exist at your school. Check all that apply. ?(Please provide details in the comments box below.)Diversity goals are embedded in the overall budget processWe have an annual diversity fundraising campaignWe have diversity incentive grantsWe apply for federal diversity grants (NSF, NIH, Dept. of Education, etc.)We have a dedicated development officer focused on diversityWe have a qualified diversity endowment fundWe have a diversity-themed alumni fundraising campaignWe have financial resources set aside for internal diversity and inclusion awardsOther: Comments: 32) Does your institution offering training programs for the following groups?Diversity TrainingUnconscious Bias TrainingPatient Bias TrainingN/AFull-time facultyFull-time staffSearch committee headsSearch committee membersFull-time studentsSenior administratorsComments: 33) Identify which of the following your institution uses to understand issues of climate, inclusion, and satisfaction. Check all that apply.Campus climate survey for students - which instrument did you use and when was the last one you administered (month and year)?: Campus climate survey for administrators - which instrument did you use and when was the last one you administered (month and year)?: Campus climate survey for faculty - which instrument did you use and when was the last one you administered (month and year)?: Campus climate survey for staff - which instrument did you use and when was the last one you administered (month and year)?: Exit interviews for studentsExit interviews for employeesDiversity mapping of institutional capabilitiesDiversity benchmarking effortsFollow-up with job candidates who were offered a position but did not accept it to determine their reasoningWe have used the results from our campus climate report as a basis for creating or updating our institutional diversity planWe used diversity benchmarking to assess how our campus climate compares to our peersComments: 34) If you administered a campus climate survey in the past two years, what actions, if any, have you taken based on the results?35) Which of the following multicultural branding and communication techniques does your health profession school use? Check all that apply.Social media used for multicultural marketing (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)Multicultural communications specialistDiversity-focused admissions materials and brochuresMarketing/advertising in diversity publications and websitesStudent ambassadors communicate campus diversity to prospective studentsDisplay diversity awards on our websiteLink to our diversity office and/or programming on our website homepageIf your institution is a past INSIGHT Into Diversity Health Professions HEED Award recipient, tell us how you have used this national honor to market your school (use of the HP HEED Award logo, marketing brochures, public announcements, etc.): OtherComments: 36) Which of the following diversity-related information appears on your health profession school website? Check all that apply.Our procurement/supplier diversity office page lists opportunities for minority- and women-owned businessesOur disability services office page links to our career services pageOur international office page includes information about groups, clubs, etc. for international studentsOur human resources page includes information about affinity/employee resource groupsOur human resources page includes information about diversity trainingEvery open job posting listed on our human resources page includes an AA/EEO statementOut student demographics are posted on our websiteOur faculty demographics are posted on our websiteComments: 37) Tell us about any outreach programs your school has to support underrepresented community members (low income, rural, etc.).38) Tell us about any diversity-related awards and/or recognitions your health profession school has received over the past year.39) How is your chief diversity officer's role situated for success? Check all that apply. ?(Please provide details in the comments box below.)We do not have a dedicated chief diversity officerOur chief diversity officer reports to the deanOur chief diversity officer position is an executive-level or cabinet positionOur chief diversity officer has their own budgetOur chief diversity officer has a deciding vote on the diversity councilOur chief diversity officer has input into the budget allocated to their officeComments: 40) Which of the following affinity/employee resource groups do you have at your health profession school? Check all that apply.African AmericanHispanic/LatinxAsian AmericanNative American/Alaska NativeDisabilityVeteransLGBTQWomenReligiousMultiracialComments: 41) Please respond to the following statements regarding your diversity council. Check all that apply.We do not have a diversity councilOur diversity council reports to the deanOur diversity council meets at least quarterlyOur diversity council members include administratorsOur diversity council members include facultyOur diversity council members include staffOur diversity council members include studentsOur diversity council has input on campus-wide diversity planningComments: 42) Does your health profession school offer the following? Check all that apply.Gender-neutral bathroomsSame-sex partner healthcare benefits for employeesTrans-inclusive health benefitsPaternity leave policySafe spaces for prayer for all religionsReligious holiday exemptions for students/employees of non-Christian faithsComments: 43) Which of the following accommodations does your health profession school offer for students with disabilities? Check all that apply.Sign language translators in the classroomTextbooks in brailleSection 508 website complianceComputer-assisted real-time captioningInstructional materials in accessible formatsOnline learning systems accessible to all studentsWheelchair-accessible curbs and building rampsElevators in all building (excluding certified historic ones)Wheelchair-accessible buildings (excluding certified historic ones)Accessible online employment applicationComments: 44) To what extent have you met your strategic diversity metrics for the following?Strongly AgreeAgreeUnsureDisagreeStrongly DisagreeWe have increased the racial and ethnic diversity of full-time professors over the past three yearsWe have increased the number of women who are full-time professors over the past three yearsWe have increased the racial and ethnic diversity of our leadership over the past three yearsWe have increased the number of women in leadership positions over the past three yearsWe have increased the number of full-time underrepresented students over the past three yearsComments: 45) How did you hear about the INSIGHT Into Diversity Health Professions HEED Award?Past HEED award recipientColleagueSearch engineConferenceINSIGHT Into Diversity e-newsletterINSIGHT Into Diversity magazineOther: 46) Please tell us why you applied for the INSIGHT Into Diversity Health Professions HEED Award.47) Please provide any feedback regarding the INSIGHT Into Diversity Health Professions HEED Award or this application. We appreciate your comments!48) I am a representative of my institution and hereby certify to the best of my ability that the information submitted in this application is accurate.Name: Title: Email address: 49) Please provide contact information for your chief diversity officer (or the person we should contact if your school is selected as an INSIGHT Into Diversity 2020 Health Professions HEED Award recipient).Name (include credentials): Title: Email address: Physical mailing address 1 (NO P.O. BOXES): Physical mailing address 2: City: State/Province: Zip/postal code: Country: Phone number: 50) Please provide contact information for your director of marketing.Name: Phone number: Email address: 51) Please provide contact information for your director of public relations (if different from above).Name: Phone number: Email address: ................

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