HEALTH SCIENCE IIElsie BrantleyRoom: 140APhone: 910-276-7370Email: Course Hours: Block 1 (7:40-9:13) Block 2 (9:19-10:52) Block 3 (10:58-1:01) Lunch D (12:37-1:01) Block 4 (1:07-2:40) Description This course focuses on Healthcare foundation standards, safety, infection control, emergency procedures including learning skills for First Aid and CPR will be taught. Students will learn about careers in biotechnology within the context of the course content. Projects, teamwork, and demonstrations serve as instructional strategies that reinforce the curriculum content. English language arts and science are reinforced in this course. OrganizationThis class is composed of 2 Units labeled “A” and “B”. Unit “A” will be Healthcare Foundation standards, this is divided into 2 sections labeled 1-2. And Unit “B” will be Health science standards and emergency procedures, this is divided into 2 sections labeled 3-4. The first nine weeks of class will be focused on Unit “A” and the second nine weeks will be focused on Unit “B”. A tentative schedule is provided on another page. ObjectivesThe student will discover healthcare standards.The student will investigate infection control procedures. The student will recognize emergency procedures as provided by healthcare professionals.CTSOHOSA is the student led organization that is associated with the Health Science program. The mission of HOSA is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all health science education students, therefore, helping the student meet the needs of the health care ics-(as labeled on the tentative schedule)Understanding healthcare foundation standards (1.01-1.06)Understand safety and infection control procedures (2.01-2.02)Understand health science standards (3.01-3.04)Apply procedures to provide basic emergency response. (4.01-4.03) Supplies NeededEach student will need a composition notebook and a pencil or pen. It would be greatly appreciated if the students would donate loose notebook paper, index cards, paper towels, tissue paper, pencils and hand sanitizer. Grading Plans-Academic Grading Scale for Grades 3 - 12A=90 – 100Superior MasteryB=89 – 80MasteryC=79 – 70Progress Toward MasteryD=69 – 60Partial MasteryF=Below 60 or excessive absencesNot yet MasteredScotland County Schools Grading CriteriaStandard Level Courses10% Homework40% Class work (includes class work, quizzes, labs, etc.)50% Tests (includes unit tests, projects, common assessments, essays, etc.)Advanced Placement & Honors Courses10% Homework30% Class work (includes homework, class work, quizzes, labs, etc.)60% Tests (includes unit tests, projects, common assessments, essays, etc.)Final Exam: Will be given at the end of the semester and will consist of 100 multiple choice questions. This exam will count 25% of the grade for the semester. WebsitesEdmodo: This a safe and secure website that is monitored by the school systemGoogle: Each student is provided an account for school use and is monitored by the school systemQuizlet: This website is a fun and interactive way to learn their vocabulary words.Teacher website: Attendance and Tardy PolicyFor each absence past 6, the student will be referred to the BOAT (Be on Attendance Track) program. All missed class time will have to be made up after school with the BOAT Coordinator. If the student needs to make up any work during BOAT, they can contact their instructor for that work. Students are expected to be seated in class when bell rings. Tardy students will be required to sign in on the posted clipboard. Consequences for being tardy:1st offense: Teacher warning2nd offense: Parent contact3rd offense: One hour of after school detentionMakeupsThe student is responsible for completing all class assignments due to any absence and is expected to request the assignment. Makeup work must be completed within 5 days.Expectations Be Here! Be Seated When the Bell Rings You are considered tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings. Respect Others Show respect for the teacher, yourself and others at all times. Respect School and Personal Property Students will be held accountable with regard to property and equipment of Scotland County Schools (SCS) Career & Technical Education (CTE) program. SCS - CTE’s property includes textbooks, computers, lab materials, instructional supplies and equipment. The Policy Code: 4330 Theft, Trespass and Damage to Property No Outside Electronics Students will be required to dock all cellphones in a designated location each day and phones will be returned at the end of class. If a cellphone isn’t docked and is out and visible by me it will be collected and given to an administrator, according to cell phone policy outlined in the SHS handbook. Refusal to turn over the cell phone will be treated as insubordinate behavior. No Food or Beverages Chemicals and other substances may cause adverse effects when combined with food or drink. Attend to Personal Needs Before Coming to Class Class time is limited and we need every minute of instructional time.Emergency ProceduresDuring the evacuation process, we will proceed as a class out the back door, across the parking lot to the outside door located between the new gym building and the ISS trailer and go onto the practice field. Other drills responses will be announced in the classroom.Your Ideas, Evaluations, etc.In general, your ideas, comments, suggestions, questions, grade challenges, etc. are welcome. No part of your grade will be based on anything other than your classwork, participation and attendance.You are encouraged to take advantage of after school hours to ask for help with classwork or anything else connected with the class and your progress.Suggestions for SuccessParticipate in class fully every day. Be an active learner!Communicate with your teachers, your parents, and your teacher regularly.Take responsibility for your work. Practice good study skills. Do all of your work and take time to study ahead for all tests and quizzes. Take some initiative in your own education. If you encounter an obstacle, find a way to surmount it rather than an excuse to succumb to it.?It is absolutely imperative that you think while you read and write. Glancing at a page in a book is not reading. At the same time, merely typing a series of words is not writing. Only the thinking that takes place during these activities gives them any meaning or value. Always think before doing.The Scotland County Schools and its Career and Technical Education Programs do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its activities and programs, including employment policies and practices.The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies Title II of ADA, Title IX, Section 504:Cory SatterfieldScotland County Schools322 South Main StreetLaurinburg, NC 28352910.276.1138Tentative Schedule WEEKDatesMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY1Aug-24-28Intro to me/Class rules/SyllabusPre-TestPre-post discussion/reviewIntro Terminology/Intro to HSIITerminology2Aug31-Sept 41.011.01 test1.02, 1.03 1.02,1.031.02,1.03 test3Sept 7-11Holiday1.041.041.04 TEST1.054Sept 14- test1.065Sept 21- TestTWD6Sept 28-Oct 22.01, 2.022.01, 2.022.01, 2.02Half Day/Parent Night2.01, 2.02 Test7Oct 5-93.01-3.023.01-3.023.01-3.023.01-3.023.01-3.028Oct 12-163.013.01-2.023.01,3.02 TestReviewReview9Oct 19-23ReviewReviewBenchmark1st Quarter 2.023.0110Oct 26-30TWD3. 2-63.033.03Half Day3.033.0312Nov 9-13BLS/CPR 4.01BLS/CPR 4.01 BLS/CPR 4.01 BLS/CPR 4.01 BLS/CPR 4.0113Nov 16-20REMEDIATION3. 23-273.04 ProjectReview GamesTWDHolidayHoliday15Nov 30-Dec TEST16Dec 7-114.02First Aid4. TEST17Dec 14-18ReviewReviewReviewReviewReview18Dec 21-Jan 1HolidayHolidayHolidayHolidayHoliday19Jan 4-8ReviewFINAL EXAMMake upsNC EXAMNC EXAM20Jan 11-15NC EXAMNC EXAMNC EXAM2nd QuarterImportant InformationGrades: Grades are based on participation, projects, class assignments, regular quizzes, and test results. The weekly participation grade focuses on active engagement: staying on task, being on time, staying in the classroom, and demonstrating a positive attitude and respect for other classmates as well as the teacher.Any assignments with a grade score less than 100 can be re-done for a better grade. A syllabus for the course has been posted on Edmodo and indicates the dates for 9-week tests. An Interim Progress Report will be given to each student at about the halfway mark during the grading period and a report card sent home after each 9-week period is completed. If you do not see your student’s Progress Report, please contact your student’s teacher. Progress reports will need to be signed and returned to school.*Instructions for parents to Log In to GradeBook are included in this packet. Classroom Behavior: The Health Sciences department respects and follows the policies as written in the Scotland High School Student and Parent Handbook. We request cooperation from you as a family who, along with us, has the best interest of the student in mind. We are usually available after school to assist students. All they have to do is ask.Edmodo & Parent Codes: All students are given Log In codes for their Edmodo website. All assignments and worksheets will be uploaded onto the class Edmodo account and done online during class. Any parent can request a “parent code” which will allow them to see their students work as well as their graded assignments. This code also allows them to keep up with the dates of tests and quizzes. Student Email: Each student will be given a Google email account for school use. We will use this in the classroom for research and group projects. We will distribute this with each class. Students are expected to keep up with all the Log In codes and passwords.Makeup Work: The student is responsible for completing all class assignments due to any absence and is expected to request the assignment. Makeup work must be completed within 5 days. RulesBe Here! I miss your smiling face when you are not here.Be Seated When the Bell Rings You are considered tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings. Respect Others Show respect for the teacher, yourself and others at all times. Respect School and Personal Property Students will be held accountable with regard to property and equipment of Scotland County Schools (SCS) Career & Technical Education (CTE) program. SCS - CTE’s property includes textbooks, computers, lab materials, instructional supplies and equipment. The Policy Code: 4330 Theft, Trespass and Damage to PropertyNo Outside Electronics Students will be required to dock all cellphones in designated location each day and phones will be returned at the end of class. If a cellphone isn’t docked and is out and visible by me it will be collected and given to an administrator, according to cell phone policy outlined in the SHS handbook. Refusal to turn over the cell phone will be treated as insubordinate behavior.No Food or Beverages The use of chemicals and other substances may not mix well with food or drink. Attend to Personal Needs before Coming to Class Class time is limited and we need every minute of instructional time.FORM #1Student Name______________________ Block _____________________NC Wise# ________________________ Home Phone ___________________Address __________________________________________________________Email ________________________________________ Birthday ____________Mother/Guardian #1 Name__________________________________________Place of Employment _________________________________________Email ______________________________________________________Work Phone ____________________ Cell Phone_________________Best time to call: ________________Father/Guardian #2 Name ___________________________________________Place of Employment __________________________________________Email ______________________________________________________Work Phone ____________________ Cell Phone_________________Best time to call: ______________________Emergency Contact _________________________________________________Relationship ________________________ Phone ___________________*Medical Concerns or Special Needs ____________________________________________________________________________________________________Please list any activities you are involved in: Access to technology: I have a device with internet access (computer, I-pad or tablet, cell phone) or the ability to visit the library for internet access. Yes _____ No _____ FORM #2We, the undersigned, understand the syllabus for Ms. Brantley Health Science II class, Scotland High School as presented in the previous document and hereby pledge to work together in accordance with stated expectations and policies. We understand that Ms. Brantley will make herself available to the student or parent/guardian by appointment. Please email Ms. Brantley, or call the school at 910-276-7370, to arrange a convenient time for all parties involved. Student Signature: ________________________________Date:_____________(Please note comments, if any, on the back of this form.)Parent/Guardian signature: _________________________Date: _____________(Please note comments, if any, on the back of this form.)Return the two completed and signed forms for 10 Bonus Points ................

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