(Lesson Title)

Health Tips

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|CLB Level: 3 |Method: |

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|Essential Skills Focus: Thinking Skills |Brainstorm as a whole class different ways to stay healthy. |

|(decision making), Document Use (read a | |

|list, enter information) |Hand out the true or false sheet. Have students work in small groups to complete the sheet. |

| |Tell students to really think about them, because some are tricky. |

|Task: Read a series of sentences, and put | |

|true or false for each sentences |Go over the sheet together and give students the correct answers. |

| | |

|Purpose: Students will | |

|Read a list of sentences | |

|Think about what they know about the | |

|subject, and decide if the sentence is true |Follow Up: Discuss ways that students like to relax and “de-stress”. |

|or false | |

| | |

|Materials: copies of the sheet, answer key | |

| |Debrief/Transfer: Talk about stressors in the |

| |workplace, and possible ways to lower stress in the |

|Learning Style: Auditory, visual |workplace. |

| | |

|Time: 1 lesson | |

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Health Tips – True or False

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|Sentence |True or False |

|1. Not enough sleep can cause disease. | |

|2. People need different amounts of sleep –adults need between 6 – 9 hours every night. | |

|3. Relaxing is enjoyable, but not necessary for your health. | |

|4. Laughing is very good for you. | |

|5. Having no stress in your life is good for your health. | |

|6. Too much stress is not good for your health. | |

|7. Keeping clean is good for your health. | |

|8. You should not have any fat in your diet. | |

|9. Milk and milk products are important for adults, not just children. | |

|10. The Canada Food Guide says adults should have 7 – 10 fruits and vegetables every day. | |

|11. If you are not overweight, exercise is not important for your health. | |

|12. There are 3 different kinds of exercise that are important: 1) exercises for stretching | |

|2)exercises for building strength 3) exercises to get your heart beating fast | |


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|Sentence |True or False |

|1. Not enough sleep can cause disease. |True – over a long period. E.g. |

| |high blood pressure |

|2. People need different amounts of sleep –adults need between 6 – 9 hours every night. |True – it depends on the person, |

| |and how much energy they are using |

| |in the day |

|3. Relaxing is enjoyable, but not necessary for your health. |False – it helps reduce stress, |

| |which helps you stay healthy |

|4. Laughter is good for your health. |True – it even boosts your immune |

| |system |

|5. Having no stress in your life is good for your health. | False - A little bit boosts your |

| |immune system (if you lay in bed |

| |all day, there would be no stress, |

| |but it wouldn’t be healthy) |

|6. Too much stress is not good for you. |True |

|7. Keeping clean is good for your health. |True – keeps germs a way. |

|8. You should not have any fat in your diet. |We need some fat – the healthy fat |

|9. Milk and milk products are important for adults, not just children. |We need the calcium |

|10. The Canada Food Guide says adults should have 7 – 10 fruits and vegetables every day. |True – crazy as it sounds remember,|

| |the serving size is small. |

|11. If you are not overweight, exercise is not important for your health. |False |

|12. There are 3 different kinds of exercise that are important: 1) exercises for stretching |True |

|2)exercises for building strength 3) exercises to get your heart beating fast | |


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