Health Education Sample Rubrics - Schools

Health Education Sample Rubrics

Health Education Sample Rubrics

? RMC Health 2011

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Health Education Sample Rubrics

Example: Student Rubric -- Concepts

It's a 4 if:

? I showed facts that are all correct. ? I covered everything important. ? I have shown that I really understand. ? I have provided some new ideas based on what I learned. ? I see fireworks--the message is clear and bright!

It's a 3 if:

? I added lots of facts--but I am not sure if everything is absolutely true. ? I covered everything important. ? I have shown that I really understand. ? I have provided at least one new idea based on what I learned.

It's a 2 if:

? I am not sure my facts are true. ? I need more details. ? I really don't see the light. ? I had trouble thinking of ideas. ? I am still searching!

It's a 1 if:

? I did very little. ? I tried, but really didn't get it. ? I didn't understand. ? I didn't include facts. ? I am glad that I'm done.

? 1997 Council of Chief State School Officers. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.



? RMC Health 2011

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Health Education Sample Rubrics Concepts Rubric

The basic foundation of all of the Colorado health skills is the ability to comprehend concepts. Students should be able to obtain accurate, reliable, and credible knowledge to use to maintain or develop healthy behaviors. Although a curriculum that is only based on concepts will not change health behaviors, the pairing of this standard with the other skill standards will bring about the desired change in student health practices. Concepts can be assessed according to depth and/or breadth of understanding.




Above Mastery

4 The response demonstrates an accurate and complex knowledge level of the

information. Students are able to show a strong connection between "what" and "how" or "why" with behavior and health.

Mastery of Grade Level Standards

3 The response demonstrates a mostly accurate knowledge level of the

information. There may be some minor inaccuracies or omissions. Students may show some connections between "what" and "how" or "why" with behavior and health.

Approaching Mastery 2 The response demonstrates some accurate knowledge of the information. There

may be incomplete or significant inaccuracies. The student may attempt to show connections between "what" and "how" or "why" with behavior and health, but the conclusion is incomplete or flawed.


1 The response demonstrates very little accurate knowledge of the information.

There are significant inaccuracies and no connection is made between behavior and health.


This example demonstrates connections between behavior and health.


4 Smoking is unhealthy for you because chemicals, like benzopyrene, Student demonstrates a

get into the lungs and affect the cells ability to divide correctly,

complex relationship between

which may cause cancer. Cancer is a disease that keeps my lungs "what" and the "how" and/or

from working well, and I won't be able to do athletics or be active. I "why."

might have surgery or take chemotherapy drugs, which will affect

my quality of life.

3 Smoking is unhealthy for you because it causes cancer of the lung. Students demonstrates a

Cancer can keep you from doing things and could kill you.

relationship between "what"

and the "how" and/or "why."

2 Smoking gives you cancer.

An attempt is made to connect health and behavior.

1 Smoking is bad.

No connection made between health and behavior.

? RMC Health 2011

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Health Education Sample Rubrics

CCSSO-SCASS Health Education Holistic Scoring Rubrics

Concepts Rubric 4 The response is complex, accurate,

and comprehensive, showing breadth and depth of information; relationships are described and conclusions drawn.

3 The response identified

relationships between two or more health concepts; there is some breadth of information, although there may be minor inaccuracies.

2 The response presents some

accurate information about the relationship between health concepts, but the response is incomplete and there are some inaccuracies.

1 The response addresses the

assigned task but provides no accurate information about the relationship between health concepts.

Skills Rubric 4 The response shows evidence of the

ability to apply health skills; the response is complete and shows proficiency in the skill.

3 The response shows evidence of the

ability to apply health skills; the response is mostly complete but may not be fully proficient.

2 The response shows some evidence

of the ability to apply health skills. The response may have inaccuracies or be incomplete.

1 The response shows little or no

evidence of the ability to apply health skills.

? RMC Health 2011

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Health Education Sample Rubrics

Scoring Rubric for Core Concepts - MS/HS

Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.




Completely and accurately describes relationships between behavior and health. Draws logical conclusion(s) about the connection between behavior and health.

Thoroughly covers health topic, showing both breadth


(wide range of facts and ideas) and depth (details about

facts and ideas). Response is completely accurate.


Score 4

Describes relationships between behavior and health with

Mostly covers health topic, showing breadth and depth,

some minor inaccuracies or omissions. Draws a plausible conclusion(s) about the connection between behavior and


but one or both less fully. Response is mostly accurate, but may have minor inaccuracies.



Description of relationship(s) between behavior and health

Minimal coverage of health topic, lacking breadth or

is incomplete and/or contains significant inaccuracies.

showing little to no depth. Response may show some

Attempts to draw a conclusion about the connection




between behavior and health, but conclusion is incomplete

or flawed.

Inaccurate or no description of relationship(s) between

No coverage of health topic information. Little or no

behavior and health. Inaccurate OR no conclusion drawn


accurate information.


about the connection between behavior and health.

Goals or Action:

Core Concepts Score: ______

? RMC Health 2011

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Health Education Sample Rubrics

Scoring Rubric for Concepts ? Elementary School


Students will comprehend concepts related to

health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.





I have described ALL of the connections between my health and my behavior. I have drawn logical conclusions.


I thoroughly covered the health topic, by providing a wide range of facts and ideas and details about facts and ideas. My facts


are completely correct.

I have described most of the connections between my health and my behavior. I have drawn reasonable conclusions.


I provided most of the facts and ideas about the health behavior, as well as details about most of the facts and ideas.


My facts are mostly right.

I have described a few of the connections between my health

I provided a few facts and ideas about the health behavior, but

and my behavior. I have tried to draw a conclusion, but my

2 I haven't provided much detail about facts and ideas. The


conclusion might be incomplete or wrong.

health information I provided might not be completely right.

I haven't described the connections between my health and

1 I haven't provided any facts and ideas about the health


behavior. I haven't included a conclusion.

behavior. The health information I provided might be wrong.

Goals or Action:

Core Concepts Score: ______

? RMC Health 2011

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