Grade 1 - Read for Health - Amazon S3

5981700-2921000Lesson 2Grade 1 - Read for HealthPicky Eaters Lesson-1219208637905Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlinePicky Eaters100Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlinePicky Eaters1PREPARATION OUTLINELEARNING OBJECTIVESStudents will:Describe the importance of trying different foods.Identify new fruits and vegetables.Practice being physically active.Create new names for foods that may help others to taste them for the first time.LESSON ORDERThe order of the lessons can be changed, but Lessons one and six must have the pre- and post-tests and Lesson five must have the Parent Survey and the Teacher Observation Report.ESTIMATED TIME30 minutesIntroduction (2 min.)Book: I Will Never NOT Ever Eat a Tomato! (10 min. with discussion)Physical Activity (5 min.)Food Tasting (5 min.)Closing discussion (5 min.)Writing Prompt left with classroom teacherminutesIntroductionBook: I Will Never NOT Ever Eat a Tomato! (10 min. with discussion)Physical Activity (5-10 min.)Writing Prompt (5 min.)Food Tasting (5-10 min.)Closing DiscussionACADEMIC ALIGNMENTSHEALTH & FITNESS COMMON CORE LANGUAGE ARTSSOCIAL SCIENCESH1.N1.1a; H1.N1.1b; H1.N4.1; H1.N5.1; H2.N6.1RL1-4, 6; RI1-4, 6,7; W1,8; SL1-6SS4.4.1; 3.2.1, 5SUPPLIESBook: I Will Never NOT Ever Eat a Tomato! by Lauren Child“I Tried It” stickers Dancing DiceHANDOUTSTried New Fruit or Vegetable Writing PromptHealthy Home worksheet (Give to teacher)Parent Newsletter, English and SpanishPREPARATIONBefore classMake copies of newsletter and writing promptShop for food tasting items (see script)6410325-26225500Grade 1 Picky Eaters Teaching Outline-361958682355Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlinePicky Eaters200Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlinePicky Eaters2INTRODUCTION oractions from last week2 minutes Materials Needed:noneIf first lesson in series, state name, what you do and whom you represent. What the nutrition classes are about and what we will be doing during classes when you come.If not first in the lesson, use these reflection questions from previous lesson:Last week we talked about (topic)What did you do differently because of what you learned/or did in last week’s lesson?BOOK ACTIVITY5 minutesMaterials needed: Book: I Will Never NOT Ever Eat a Tomato! by Lauren ChildBefore opening the book, show the cover and ask these questions:What do you think this story is about?What is an author? (The person who writes the story). The author of this story is Lauren Child.What is an illustrator? (The person who draws or paints the pictures in the story). The illustrator of this story is. This book does not have one.DISCUSSION5 minutesMaterials needed:NoneVocabulary: Fussy Difficult Certainly NibblePeakDiscuss these questions at the close of story:What was this story about?What foods did Lola not like?What did Charlie do to help Lola decide if she liked or disliked a food?What foods did she like?What was a fun name given to a food that was in a story? (moon squirters, etc.)Can you think of a food that you thought you would not like, tried a bite and liked it?UTo add timeU: Encourage conversation and creativity, allow students to share their stories and connections.PHYSICAL ACTIVITYA. Fit Sticks (5 min)B. Dancing Dice (10 minutes)C. Pogo Stick (5 min)Materials needed:Fit SticksDancing Dice-8763045085Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlinePicky Eaters300Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlinePicky Eaters3Now we are going to get our bodies moving! Option A (for 30 minute class)Use Fit Sticks per instructions. Option B: (for 45-60 minute class)We are going to play a game called Dancing Dice.Have children form a circle.Have a child roll the dice.Have the children practice the rolled activity for 30 secondsGive several or all children a turn to rollOption C: (for 30 or 45-60 minute classes)Let’s pretend we are a pogo stick. Do you know what a pogo stick looks like? Great!Stand tall with hands on your hips and feet slightly spread, about hip-width apart-1936759096375Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlinePicky Eaters400Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlinePicky Eaters4Raise your heels so you are standing on the balls of your feet. Note to Educator – The term “balls of your feet” might be a new term to the students. Show the students where the balls of their feet are by explaining it is the bottom part of the feet just behind their toes. Demonstrating the movement will be helpful.With your hands on your hips, quickly jump (bounce) up and down on the balls of your feet.FOOD ACTIVITYTasting:10-15 minutesSuppliesCarrotsCherry TomatoesJicamaNapkin or plate for each child or snack bagGlovesToday we are going to taste several kinds of shaped foods.Have students wash or use hand sanitizer.Suggested foods are baby carrots, cherry tomatoes and jicama (cut jicama in small strips).What do you notice about these foods? (different sizes).Call them names from the book (Carrots are Orange Twiglets from Jupiter, tomatoes are Moonsquirters and Jicama is Wacky Wands, Crispy Canes or Snappy Sticks).Educator Note: For 30-minute class: have one of each serving pre-bagged and kept in cooler before class.CLOSING3 minutesMaterials needed: “I Tried It” stickers (optional)Parent NewslettersInstruct students to try a new fruit or vegetable. If you had a food tasting, pass out “I Tried It” stickers or fruit and veggie stickers or give them to the teacher to distribute at their discretion.Conclude the lesson with:“Now I have a newsletter for you to take home to your parents. It will tell them about all the things we did in class today. Be sure to explain to them what you like the most about today’s lesson. You might also tell them about the new foods you tasted today.”Next time, we are going to learn about (lesson topic) and have more fun!Thank you for being such great listeners and doers!61341004699000Grade 1 Picky Eaters Recipe: Name that FoodEquipment/Supplies Small plates or snack bags NapkinsIngredients20-26 cherry tomatoes20-26 jicama cut into sticks20-26 baby carrots DirectionsFor 30-minute class: Before class, pre measure each taste into snack bag; keep in cooler. For longer classes: Use student helpers to distribute plates, napkins and food items.-2952756162040Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlinePicky Eaters400Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlinePicky Eaters4Refer to script for discussion.-2952755350510Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlinePicky Eaters500Read for Health – Grade 1Lesson OutlinePicky Eaters5 ................

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