1. Prepares annual budget and goals for coming year for presentation and discussion at the first board meeting.

2. Appoint Chairmen of all Committees except the Nominating Committee.

3. Preside over Board meetings and the PSDVS Annual meeting.

4. Prepare agenda for board and annual meetings.

5. Serve as ex-officio member for all Committees except for Nominating Committee.

6. Write article for state newsletter.

7. Attend all meetings of PSDVS.

8. Prepare and deliver annual report at PSDVS annual meeting.

9. Oversee scholarship process including communication, scholarship application revisions, and selection process (refer to scholarship guidelines). The number of scholarship to be awarded annually will be determined during the budgeting process and approved at the first Board meeting each year.

10. In January, send notice of new Board members and contact information to attorney of record and the Department of the Treasury (see letter from previous year).

11. Appoint an audit committee to review the Annual PSDVS financials.


1. Chair committee responsible for bi-annual bylaw review.

2. Per bylaws, serve as chairman of the Nominating Committee:

• Prepare a slate of officers to be distributed with the notice for the annual meeting including the consent of nominees and background information.

• Present the slate at annual meeting for election.

3. Attend all meetings of PSDVS


1. Prepare and distribute two newsletters each year; one in the spring and one in the fall after the Annual meeting.

2. Send a two copies of the newsletter to AHVRP(Audrey Harris, Kiwanni Cooper)

3. Perform the duties of the President in her/her absence

4. Attend all meetings of PSDVS


1. Oversee selection of winner of the Burston Award for Outstanding Achievement in Volunteer Administration:

a. Update nomination form and Nominee Profile form as needed.

b. Through education about the award, encourage members to nominate a peer deserving of award consideration.

c. Convene Selection Committee consisting of the Presidents of each chapter, the Vice President and a former Burston Award Recipient. The President of PSDVS serves on the Committee if needed for a tie-break.

d. Organize Award luncheon including notification, logistics, and decorations.

e. Prepare a speech about the recipient and present the award on behalf of the organization at the annual meeting.

2. Attend all meetings of PSDVS


1. Record minutes at Board and Annual meetings.

2. Send copy of minutes to President as soon as possible after each meeting.

3. Distribute Board minutes and Annual Meeting Minutes in accordance with Bylaws..

4. Have all members and guests sign in at each meeting.

5. Preserve all correspondence and documents of the Chapter.

6. Send get well, congratulations, good luck, sympathy cards and any other correspondence requested by the board of directors.

7. Contact Pennsylvania Governor’s office in February to request a proclamation for National Volunteer Week. When received, distribute copies to each Chapter president.

8. Attend all meetings of PSDVS


1. Receive and dispense monies of the Chapter as directed by the Board.

2. Prepare written report of all disbursements and receipts for each meeting.

3. Prepare year-to-date budget and expense report for distribution at each Board and general meeting.

4. Make arrangements to have Society taxes filed.

5. Make arrangements for the society books to be audited by a third party.

6. Serve as the Chair for Society’s investment plan.

7. Attend all meetings of PSDVS


1. Maintain membership database using Memberclicks.

2. Work with chapter membership chairmen to make sure information in the database in current.

3. Serve as the liaison between PSDVS and the support staff at Memberclicks.

4. Report names of new members at PSDVS Board meetings.

5. Attend all meetings of PSDVS


1. Attend all meetings of PSDVS

2. A representative from each Chapter will be assigned to this committee. The Chairman has responsibility for collecting and disseminating information from the committee to the Board. The Committee will report on topics such as: JCAHO compliance, HIPAA, workforce advocacy, Infection Control, and safety, and new legislation as it relatives to Volunteer Administration. Input from this committee will be used by chapter professional development committees and conference planning committees. All PSDVS members are encouraged to submit information (JCAHO/DOH survey experiences, best practices, new ideas) to their chapter representative.

Education and Compliance Committee Policy and Procedure

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In support of the educational mission of the Pennsylvania Society of Directors of Volunteer Services in Healthcare, The Education and Compliance Committee will provide PSDVS Chapter members with a comprehensive educational CD on an annual basis.


The purpose of this policy is to provide the procedures followed by the Education and Compliance Committee who are responsible for maintaining an updating the information on the C.


This policy applies to the Education and Compliance Committee Members, PSDVS Board Members and PSDVS Members.


It is the responsibility of the Chairperson of the Education and Compliance Committee of PSDVS to implement this policy.


1) The Education and Compliance Committee Chairperson will be appointed by the President of the PSDVS Executive Board at or directly after the Board Meeting in January each year.

2) At the first Executive Board Meeting of PSDVS, the Education and Compliance Committee Chairperson will request the names of members who can represent Eastern, Central and Western Chapters, and a representative from ASDVS to serve on the committee.

3) The Chairperson of the Education and Compliance Committee will appoint one

“technical” representative who will be responsible for programming the information on the CD. The Technical Committee Member will need to:

a. Understand the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, and PDF Files to place on CD

b. Have working knowledge and experience with PC and downloading documents, including re-write access, security, etc.

c. Update Education and Compliance Committee Members on CD format, documents received, outstanding needs, and ideas to improve CD

d. Be able to dedicate volunteer service time over a period of a year to download documents, scan (if necessary), update table of contents, replicate CDs for committee members and State Board Members

4) The Chairperson of the Education and Compliance Committee will conduct the minimum of 5 meetings per year.

a. At the discretion of the Chairperson, these meetings can be conference calls, rather than in-person meetings

b. The meetings will be held in February, April, June, September and November

c. The Chairperson will facilitate the meetings with the focus of the agenda on gathering current and accurate Volunteer Service information to include human resources, legislative, regulatory compliance, educational, and other necessary documentation to complete the CD.

5) Members of PSDVS will be requested to submit new and pertinent information to the technical committee member for the CD

a. Education and Compliance Committee members are responsible for their respective chapter members’ participation for the ongoing updating of the CD.

b. Education and Compliance Committee members are encouraged to research legislative and legal information which impacts on volunteer administration.

I. PSDVS Members will be asked to contribute program slides and outlines, websites, and general research they have completed on new legislature and the Federal and State laws which impact the role of the volunteer administrator

6) The timeline for CD production is:

a. Collect documents from PSDVS membership between July 1 and November 30th

I. Update documents on computer with back-up on thumb drive or back-up CD with Folder Name PSDVS Education CD

II. Download documents to CD as received (waiting to upload documents between November 30th and December 31st is risky)

III. Provide CDs to PSDVS Board Members at January meeting, with copies to chapter presidents for distribution to chapter members

7) The PSDVS Membership Chairperson will be responsible for assisting the Education and Compliance Committee by providing the committee with a current membership listing annually in February and again in November.

I. The listing should be comprehensive and include a distribution email list used by the Membership Chairperson

8) The Chairperson of the Education and Compliance Committee will be responsible for updating the President and Executive Board of PSDVS in an effort to:

a. Solicit input from PSDVS Members

b. Alert board members of issues relating to the maintenance of the CD

c. To gain support in communicating with PSDVS Members

d. To obtain ideas for improvement of CD format, documentation and new material

e. Approval of draft and final version of CD before distribution in January each year

9) The Chairperson will be responsible for either writing PSDVS Newsletter articles or delegating the responsibility to another member of the committee.

a. The articles should provide PSDVS members with updates on the CD and the committee’s work

10) The Chairperson is responsible for writing reports for PSDVS Board Meetings on a quarterly basis (for board meetings).

Revised: 12/11/06.

Revised 6/ 2/2009 KMD


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