Customer Service Course

[Pages:2]Customer Service Course

16 Hr. Instructor-Led Course

Course Overview

The CBPTM Customer Service Certification provides the foundation for quality customer service and focuses on building life-long customer relationships strategies.

Course Outline: CBPTM Customer Service

Module 1: Introduction to Customer Service _ What Is Customer Service? _ Developing a Customer-Centric Mindset _ Who Are Your Customers? _ Internal Customers _ External Customers _ When & Where Does Customer Service Take Place? _ The Need For Customer Service _ Rewards

Penalties _ What Does Customer Service Mean To You? _ Unpleasant Experiences _ Satisfying Experiences _ Developing a Customer Friendly Attitude _ Evaluation _ Excitement is Contagious

Module 2: Customer Service: Communication Skills _ Developing Effective Communication Skills _ Presenting a Professional Image _ Non-verbal Communication Skills _ Body Language _ Key Body Language Aspects _ Physical Distance _ Verbal Communication Skills _ Choice of Words _ Tone Of Voice _ The Choice Of Words _ May I _ Please _ Thank You _ The Close _ Being Positive _ Tone Of Voice _ Inflection _ Energy _ Volume _ Pace

Module 3: Customer Analysis: Knowing your Customer _ Knowing Your Customer _ Customer Expectations _ Assertive Working Style ? Results-Oriented _ Analytical ? Details-Oriented _ Amiable ? People-Oriented _ Dominant Behavioral Style _ Determining Your Level of Service

Module 4: Calming Upset Customers _ What Makes Customers Upset? _ Avoiding Upsets _ What Can You Do To Avoid Upsets? _ 5 Key Steps to Calming Upset customers _ Accurately identify the problem. _ Confirm The Customer's Value _ Synchronize & Summarize _ Conclude By Affirming The Customer's Value Again _ What to Do When You Are Upset?

Module 5: Telephone Customer Service _ Mastering The Telephone _ Answering The Telephone _ A Professional Greeting _ Active Listening _ Putting Callers On Hold _ Recommendations _ Transferring A Call _ Taking A Message _ Voice Mail _ Closing The Call

Course Outline: CBPTM Customer Service

Module 6: Internet Customer Skills _ The Internet Customer _ E-Mail _ E-mail Communication Guidelines _ Online Chat _ Internet Customer Skills _ Scripted Responses _ Introduction _ Placing a Chat on Hold _ Closing a Chat session _ Websites _ Knowledgebase _ FAQ _ Auto responders _ Customer Online Support

Module 7: Time Management Strategies _ Time Management _ Taking Control of Your Time _ Time Analysis: Task Identification _ Task Analysis _ Personal Suitability _ Efficiency _ Task Analysis _ Task Prioritization _ Relative Importance _ Time-frame _ Time Wasters

Module 8: Stress Management Strategies _ Stress Management _ What is Stress? _ What Causes Stress? _ Stress Symptoms _ What Can Be Done To Manage Or Even Eliminate Stress? _ Do Something That You Love _ Don't Feel Responsible To Solve Every Situation _ Have A Hobby _ Rest, Take That Vacation _ Exercise _ Be Organized _ We All Make Mistakes


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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