What is the healthiest iced coffee at dunkin donuts


What is the healthiest iced coffee at dunkin donuts

Available at: Your Local Dunkin Donuts What I think: Tuesday, April 21st - mark your calendar - is Iced Coffee Day at Dunkin Donuts. Get a 50? iced coffee at your local Dunkin Donuts and your purchase will help support "Homes for our Troops." The Dunkin Donut "Homes for Our Troops" program helps severely injured

vets by building or adapting homes to be handicapped accessible. It's a purchase you can truly feel good about. Get more informationabout the program and how you can volunteer on their website. Even if I didn't love Dunkin Donuts iced coffee as much as I do, I'd still buy one on April 21st to help our injured veterans.

Gotta run. We've got family visiting for Easter. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io If you're heading to Dunkin' Donuts for a coffee and a sweet

snack, you might already be saying you're just running down to Dunkin'.Soon, that informal moniker might become the chain's official brand name ¡ª and we're not sure how we feel about it.Dunkin' Donuts is currently going by just "Dunkin'" at a location in Pasadena, California, with plans to roll out the simpler name at

more West Coast locations soon.Dunkin' DonutsThe move, says the chain, is part of a test to appeal to customers craving pretty much anything besides donuts, as the company pushes its drinks and sandwiches.¡°While we remain the number one retailer of donuts in the country, as part of our efforts to reinforce that

Dunkin¡¯ Donuts is a beverage-led brand and coffee leader, we will be testing signage in a few locations that refer to the brand simply as ¡°Dunkin¡¯,¡± Dunkin' Donuts ¡ª er, just Dunkin' ¡ª said in a statement.But the chain is assuring customers that the Pasadena location, and the Dunkin's to come, will stay true to the brand

with the same menu options as other stores.Of course, Dunkin' Donuts isn't the first food brand to truncate its name.In the early 1990s, Kentucky Fried Chicken famously became KFC after forty years of going by the longer name ¡ª and the new name stuck. And Domino¡¯s Pizza was shortened to just Domino¡¯s in 2012. In

both cases, it¡¯s what people were calling them anyway, so why use all the extra words when we can be spending that time eating the food? We get it. Sudo Takeshi / GettyWhen it comes to iced coffee, people tend to have lots of feelings. Good, refreshing, summertime feelings, and bad, am-I-getting-ripped-off feelings.

Because when you buy a cup of iced coffee, it's hard not to wonder how much of the cup's content is coffee, and how much is just a lot of ice.The team at BuzzFeed put iced coffee from three popular brands (Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, and McDonald's) to the test. The video begins with three large cups of iced coffee¡ª

the coffee from McDonald's is 22 ounces while the Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks coffees are both 24 ounces. The contents of each cup are then strained through the lids and poured into separate mason jars to separate the coffee from the ice.BuzzFeedHow did it go? Well the McDonald's and Starbucks coffees both

totaled around 16 ounces without the ice. For Starbucks this means that 67 percent of the cup's contents was coffee while this McDonald's cup was filled with 73 percent coffee. Dunkin' Donuts, however, ends up being a big winner in terms of their coffee to ice ratio¡ªtheir cup was 92 percent coffee. However, the video

notes that the numbers may not be entirely accurate as melted ice was not accounted for in the percentages.This doesn't necessarily mean that your iced coffee is extra diluted. As we've previously reported, some coffee shops use cold-brewed coffee for their iced orders and this brew tends to be more concentrated and

flavor-packed (which also partially accounts for the increased cost). Of course you have to see if your favorite coffee shop uses this method. Ultimately the results of this iced coffee experiment can be filed away as one of those good-to-know type facts.If you're not a big ice person your best plan of attack is to go ahead

and ask for less ice when you place your order, no matter where you go. Check out the video below.Related: There Are Many Reasons Iced Coffee Costs More Than Hot Coffee Eliminating polystyrene foam cups starting this year, the company will eventually be saving 1 billion plastic coffee cups from the waste stream

annually. In a perfect world, we would all have reusable coffee cups that we carried around with us wherever we went. But until that ginormous sea change happens, the next best thing would be to see major coffee chains using sustainable materials in their single-use coffee cups. Starbucks has taken a lot of heat, so to

speak, for adding 4 billion non-recyclable cups annually to the landfill ¨C which may stand out even more now that Dunkin¡¯ Donuts has announced a transition away from polystyrene foam cups. From a press release for the new cups, the chain says: As part of its commitment to serve both people and the planet

responsibly, Dunkin¡¯ Donuts, a leading retailer of hot, brewed coffee, today announced plans to eliminate all polystyrene foam cups in its global supply chain beginning in spring 2018, with a targeted completion date of 2020. In U.S. restaurants, Dunkin¡¯ Donuts will replace the foam cup with a new, double-walled paper

cup. The majority of Dunkin¡¯ Donuts¡¯ international markets are currently using paper cups, and the brand will work with its franchisees to eliminate foam cups from the remaining international markets by the 2020 goal. It has been a long time coming, and goes to show that big changes can¡¯t just happen over night ¨C in

fact, it took seven years in this case. In 2011, the chain announced that its number one sustainability goal was to find an environmentally friendly coffee cup. Since then they have been working on creating a replacement that ¡°met criteria for performance, environmental impact and cost.¡± Dunkin¡¯ Donuts¡¯ transition to paper

cups will remove nearly 1 billion foam cups from the waste stream annually, notes the release. The new cup is made with paperboard certified to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Standard. It is a positive development and aligns with the company¡¯s other commitments, like eliminating artificial dyes from items on the

menu, building more energy-efficient restaurants, and partnering with the Rainforest Alliance to source certified coffee. In 2014, they announced their commitment to source 100 percent responsible, deforestation-free palm oil. While the company has quietly been working on other initiatives as well ¨C including an increase

in the use of recycled materials in manufacturing their packaging, as well as transitioning away from non-recyclable packaging ¨C the new cups seem worthy of a shout-out. One billion plastic cups a year is a big deal and a great place to start. It appears that the lid will not be changing; even though the cold drink lids were

changed from PET to the recyclable polypropylene earlier. Thankfully, unless you're driving on a bumpy road, you can usually do without a lid anyway. (Update: We wrote to the company and asked about the lids. They replied: "The lids are made of high impact polystyrene and are not recyclable, but we are working on a

recyclable #5 lid for this cup." They also told us that the new cups' recyclability will vary by city, state and municipality.) The cups will be introduced at all Dunkin¡¯ Donuts restaurants in New York City and California in spring 2018, and will be phased in across the U.S. as supplier manufacturing capabilities ramp up. Let¡¯s

hope other coffee chains are not far behind. In the meantime, we still advocate for refillable cups; but we'll be happier to take paper over plastic in a pinch. Update: We reached out to the company about the recyclability of the hot cups and lids. They tell us that the cup is made of paper and that "The recyclability of the

paper cup will vary significantly by city, state and municipality and is based on the recycling services that are offered." Get energized while sipping on a cold one with this new brew. Now you can satisfy your sweet tooth, get an energy boost and sip on a cold brew all at once with the world¡¯s first beer that¡¯s made with

Dunkin¡¯ Donuts dark roast coffee. The new DDark Roasted Brew is a limited edition dark stout that will be released on Dec. 21 in honor of the darkest day of the year. The doughnut company is teaming up with Wormtown Brewery in Worcester, Massachusetts, for the collaboration and will be releasing the new beer at

11:28 a.m. at the brewery¡¯s taproom. The coffee-inspired beer evokes flavors of the drink that are ¡°reminiscent of freshly-ground beans with a creamy mouthfeel,¡± according to Dunkin' Donuts representatives. The beer will be served exclusively on draft at the brewery, and will even come with a selection of Dunkin¡¯s

doughnut pairings. If you¡¯re wondering which doughnut goes best with the new coffee-flavored concoction, company representatives suggest going for the double chocolate cake doughnut for something that goes well with the stronger notes of roast coffee. While Dunkin isn¡¯t in the brewing business, this is the second

beer the company is helping create this year. The company also teamed up with North Carolina-based Catawba Brewing Company back in September to create the pumpkin flavored Dunkin¡¯ Punkin Brown Ale, which was sold in small batches for a limited time.

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