College of Agriculture & Natural Resources

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|Lake County | |

|Lake County Extension |P: 231-745-2732 |E-mail: |

|915 Michigan Ave |F: 231-745-6213 |Web: |

|Baldwin, MI 49304 | | |

| |February 2006 |

| Basic nutrition greatly increases the quality of life for local woman | To help Annie find out about her food allergies, King suggested that she |

| |contact a registered dietician. By the end of the month, Annie was working |

|MSU Extension Family and Consumer Science educator Kilah King, had an opportunity|with a dietician from Lake County Community Mental Health, and undergoing |

|to work with Annie* a young lady who had several serious issues, including, not |allergy tests. |

|having a clue on how to cook a basic meal. |Two weeks later Annie knew exactly what foods that she could eat and which |

|The first time they met, Annie explained that her body produced “pharmacological |ones contained allergens. |

|toxins” when she unknowingly ate foods to which she was allergic. At the time, |By the sixth week in the program Annie was trying different recipes in her |

|she didn’t know the sources of her allergies, only that she was often sick after |crock pot. |

|eating. |“Now I am able to have meals even when I don’t cook, because I freeze what I |

|“Sometimes I go without eating all day because I don’t want to be sick,” Annie |don’t eat and thaw it out for a meal at a later time,” she said. “I am also |

|said. |able to eat more of a variety of food because I now know what foods I have an |

|Annie was also suffering from emotional issues that didn’t allow her to go about |allergy to and what is okay to eat.” |

|her daily life as easily as most other people. |Annie now reports that she has added more variety to her diet and that she is |

|King began by helping Annie learn to safely make simple and nutritious meals. |eating meals consistently. She is trying new alternatives to foods she is |

|Annie had been opening cans of food and eating directly out of the can without |allergic to and planning to have King come to her house to demonstrate making |

|heating the contents. |a healthy meal, using the stove. |

|Because Annie liked beans and had a crock pot at home, King gave her a recipe for|Annie is just one of the many Lake County residents who have improved their |

|cooking beans using a crock pot. By the third week of the Family Nutrition |nutrition and their food safety practices, thanks to MSU Extension. |

|Program series, Annie pointed out that she was using her crock pot for regular | |

|meals and that her “bean soup” lasted for several days. |“Kilah, I consider you a valuable resource in my step-by-step learning. Thank|

| |you for being patient with me.” -Annie |

|*Not her real name | |

| |Contact: Kilah King |

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|[pic] |Michigan State University Extension helps people improve their lives through an educational process | |

| |that applies knowledge to critical issues, needs and opportunities. Offices in counties across the | |

| |state link the research of the land-grant university, MSU, to challenges facing communities. | |

| |Citizens serving on county Extension councils regularly help select focus areas for programming.  | |

| |MSU Extension is funded jointly by county boards of commissioners, the state through Michigan State | |

| |University and federally through the US Department of Agriculture. | |

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|MSU Extension contributes to effort promoting tourism to boost economic |Teens learn, spread message about dangers of methamphetamines |

|development | |

| |Baldwin High School Natural Helpers 4-H Club members were concerned after |

|Lake County offers a vast array of recreational activities for individuals and |learning that several methamphetamine labs had been found in the county. |

|families. There are many excellent streams and rivers, including the Pere |Karen Neiger, the MSU Extension 4-H staff person working with the group, |

|Marquette River known for its trout, steelhead, and salmon fishing. |contacted the Lake County DARE officer and asked him to speak to the group |

|The Manistee National Forest and the state forest offer hiking, skiing, biking, |during its weekly meeting. |

|hunting, wildlife viewing and snowmobiling. |Officer Hurrle showed the students a PowerPoint presentation focused on the |

|Though there is an abundance of natural resources and organizations that promote |effects of the methamphetamines. The images were very graphic, which got the |

|local tourism, there has never been a joint effort to develop an economic |students’ attention. |

|development tourism plan for the county. |Since Natural Helpers are trained to help their peers when they are in |

|Connie Theunick, Lake County MSU Extension director, has been working with the |trouble, and need to know what resources are available to help young people, |

|Lake County Chamber of Commerce officers to develop a plan to address this need. |they decided to share what they had learned with their peers. |

|The first step in the effort was to develop a tourism assessment of the county. |Neiger engaged P. T. Jones-Salaam, the volunteer 4-H leader/athletic director,|

|Theunick worked with the chamber of commerce’s president, Jeff McKnight and vice |and the high school principal, Faith Jones, to help organize a student |

|president, Sandy Crandall, to organize this tour. |assembly. |

|The assessment team consisted of staff members from Travel Michigan and Business |During the assembly the students will have a chance to promote positive peer |

|Development, The Cultural Economic Development of the Department of History, Arts|pressure through their 4-H club by using some of the activities they learned |

|and Libraries and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. |during their training. |

|The team spent a day interacting with more than 30 individuals from businesses | |

|and non-profit organizations. |“Man, I can’t believe someone would want to put that in their body!” |

|The team’s preliminary report emphasized the need for communication between local|Joey Howard, Baldwin High School student |

|groups for awareness and promotion of tourism events and programs. | |

|The report also called for development of a tourism marketing plan to reach |Contact: Karen Neiger |

|outside Lake county and capitalize on the extensive recreational trail systems. | |

|A formal report will be developed based on this information and presented to the | |

|tourism organizations, the county commissioners, business leaders and the |[pic] |

|Enterprise Community Board. | |

|Contact: Connie Theunick | |

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|MSU is an affirmative-action, equal opportunity institution; Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, |

|color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, or family status. Issued in furtherance of |

|MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Thomas G. Coon, Extension Director, Michigan State |

|University, E. Lansing, MI 48824 |


Focus Areas for

Lake County MSU Extension

Expanding Community Partnerships

Youth at Risk

Family Well-Being

Community & Economic Development


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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