| | |

| |Lesson plan |

|Qualification title: |

|Unit title: Principles of exercise, fitness and health |

|Lesson number and title: Lesson 8 – The importance of healthy eating |

|Time scheduled: 120 minutes (2 hours) |

|Teacher’s name: |Date and time of lesson: |Room / location: |

| | | |

|Learning outcomes (the learners will): |

| |

|LO7: Understand the importance of healthy eating |

|Assessment criteria (the learners can): |

| |

|7.1. Identify the common dietary sources of the key nutrients |

|7.2. Explain the dietary role of the key nutrients |

|7.3. Explain the importance of adequate hydration |

|7.4. Describe the national food model/guide |

|7.5. Describe key healthy eating advice that underpins a healthy diet |

|7.6. Describe the energy balance equation |

|7.7. Explain the health risks of poor nutrition |

|7.8. Explain professional role boundaries in relation to offering nutritional advice |

|Timing (in minutes)|Teacher activity and subject matter |Learner activity |Resources |Assessment processes and|LO / AC number|

| | | | |learning checks | |

|15 minutes |Ask learners to thought storm: |Share ideas. |PowerPoint. Flipchart. |Learner engagement, | |

| | |Make notes. |Pens. |contribution and Q&A. | |

| |What is healthy eating? |Contribute to discussion. |Worksheet. | | |

| |What is unhealthy eating? | |Learner achievement | | |

| |Write up all ideas and summarise with | |portfolio (LAP). | | |

| |discussion. | | | | |

|15 minutes |Ask learners to thought storm: |Share ideas. |PowerPoint. Flipchart. |Learner engagement, |7.4, 7.5 |

| | |Make notes. |Pens. |contribution and Q&A. | |

| |What is a healthy diet? |Contribute to discussion. |Worksheet. | | |

| |Write up all ideas and summarise with | |Learner achievement | | |

| |presentation on UK guidelines and eatwell | |portfolio (LAP). | | |

| |plate. | | | | |

| | | |Eatwell plate | | |

| | | |resource/s (if | | |

| | | |available). | | |

|10 minutes |Ask learners to thought storm: |Share ideas. |PowerPoint. Flipchart. |Learner engagement, | |

| | |Make notes. |Pens. |contribution and Q&A. | |

| |What are the main nutrients? | |Worksheet. | | |

| | | |Learner achievement | | |

| |Write up all ideas and list main | |portfolio (LAP). | | |

| |nutrients. | | | | |

|30 minutes |Ask learners to work in pairs. |Work in pairs. |Flipchart. |Monitor pair activities.|, 7.3 |

| | |Research nutrient. Discuss ideas. |Pens. | | |

| |Each pair to take a specific nutrient or |Make notes. |Workbook. | | |

| |dietary requirement: |Write up notes on flipchart. |Learner achievement |Learner engagement, | |

| |Carbohydrates (and fibre) |Gather appropriate visual |portfolio (LAP). |contribution and Q&A. | |

| |Proteins |resources (e.g. food | | | |

| |Fats |models/pictures). | | | |

| |Vitamins |Discuss ideas with other groups. |Option to use food | | |

| |Minerals | |packages and plastic | | |

| |Water | |food models and images | | |

| | | |for learners to use (if| | |

| |What is the dietary role of the nutrient? | |available). | | |

| | | | | | |

| |List some dietary sources of the nutrient.| | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Summarise ideas with presentation and | | | | |

| |discussion. | | | | |

|20 minutes |Introduce energy balance equation, |Listen. |Flipchart. | |7.6 |

| |followed by question and answer. |Make notes. |Pens. |Learner engagement, | |

| | |Respond to questions. |PowerPoint. |contribution and Q&A. | |

| |Ask learners |Discuss responses. |Learner achievement | | |

| |What is the likely outcome if: | |portfolio (LAP). | | |

| |Energy in EXCEEDS energy out? | | | | |

| |Energy out EXCEEDS energy in? | | | | |

| |Energy in and energy out are equal? | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Summarise ideas with presentation and | | | | |

| |discussion. | | | | |

|10 minutes |Ask learners to thought storm: |Share ideas. |PowerPoint. Flipchart. |Learner. engagement, |7.7 |

| | |Make notes. |Pens. |contribution and Q&A. | |

| |What are the health risks of poor | |Worksheet. | | |

| |nutrition? | |Learner achievement | | |

| | | |portfolio (LAP). | | |

| |Write up all ideas and summarise with | | | | |

| |discussion. | | | | |

|10 minutes |Ask learners to thought storm: |Share ideas. |PowerPoint. Flipchart. |Learner engagement, |7.8 |

| | |Make notes. |Pens. |contribution and Q&A. | |

| |What are the role boundaries of a fitness |Discuss ideas. |Worksheet. | | |

| |instructor? | |Learner achievement | | |

| | | |portfolio (LAP). | | |

| |Write up all ideas and summarise with | | | | |

| |discussion. | | | | |

|5 minutes |Learning review. |Listen and make notes. |PowerPoint. |Q&A with group to check | |

| |Display learning outcomes and assessment |Respond to questions. | |learning. | |

| |criteria. | |Learner achievement | | |

| | | |portfolio (LAP). | | |

| |Open forum for questions. | | | | |

| |Create links to future lessons and | | | | |

| |assessment methods (as appropriate). | | | | |

| |

| |

|Active IQ suggestions for delivery: |

|Lesson evaluation and teacher comments: |

| |

|Which aspects of this lesson incorporated information and learning technology? |

|Which aspects of this lesson incorporated functional skills? |

|How were equality and diversity reflected in the lesson? |

|Were all learners punctual? |

|How did learners demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the content? |

|How did learners demonstrate their engagement during the lesson? |

|Are there any other comments or notes relating to the lesson or learners? |

|What personalised or customised learning strategies have you used? |


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