UNC School of Medicine


Jane Armstrong, Triangle J

Renee Batts, NC Community College System

Kelly Blasky, Charlotte AHEC

Walt Caison, NC Division of MH/DD/SAS

Sally Cameron, NC Psychological Association

Heather Carter, NC Division of Aging and Adult Services

Cris Clarke, UNC Center for Aging and Health/Carolina Geriatric Education Center

Dorothy Crawford, NC Senior Tarheel Legislature

Angel Dennison, Chatham County Council on Aging

Audrey Edmisten, NC Division of Aging and Adult Services

Mary Edwards, NC Division of Aging and Adult Services

Sara Edwards, NC State grad

Larry Freeman, Northwest AHEC

Joan Gallimore, Self-Employed MSW, LCSW, PLLC

Lisa Gwyther, Duke Medical Center

Robin Huffman, NC Psychiatric Association

Rebecca Hunter, NC Healthy Aging Network

Dezette Johnson, Johnson C. Smith University

Alfred and Ossie Keyes, Community Advisory Committee

Sindy McCrystle, Carolinas Health Care System

Kristin Milam, NC ABC Commission

Nicolle Miller, NC Division of Aging and Adult Services

Kay Paksoy, National Association of Social Workers

Kate Patton, Charlotte AHEC

Mary Lynn Piven, UNC School of Nursing

Gina Price, NC DVRS

Lesley Richmond, Be Active NC

Ellen Schneider, UNC Institute on Aging/Carolina Geriatric Education Center

Debbie Webster, NC Division of MH/DD/SAS

Michelle Wilder-Baker, NC Division of Aging and Adult Services

Doaw Xiong, National Association of Social Workers


• Welcome, Introductions, Mental Health and Aging News Briefs (Mary Edwards, NC Division of Aging and Adult Services)

• Healthy IDEAS Overview/Rollout in NC (Rebecca Hunter, NC Healthy Aging Network; Mary Lynn Piven, UNC School of Nursing)

• Chronic Disease Self-Management Program and Mental Health in NC (Audrey Edmisten, NC Division of Aging and Adult Services)

• Advocacy Committee Draft Mental Health and Aging Fact Sheets (Debbie Webster, NC Division of Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities/Substance Abuse Services)

• Committee Breakout Charge (Rebecca Hunter, NC Healthy Aging Network)

• Break

• Committee Breakouts

o Committees and Facilitators

▪ Dissemination, Mary Lynn Piven, UNC School of Nursing

▪ Training, Larry Freeman, Northwest AHEC

▪ Advocacy, Debbie Webster, NCDMH/DD/SAS

• Committee Reports and Discussion (All)

• MHAC Policy for Action Alerts, Letters of Recommendation, Information Dissemination (All)

• Next Steps (Mary Edwards)

• Adjourn


Mary Edwards, NC Division of Aging and Adult Services, welcomed the group. Attendees introduced themselves and gave brief updates about their organization’s mental health and aging initiatives. Mary let us know that a list of several Community Mental Health and Aging Evidence-Based Programs is available at

Healthy IDEAS Overview

Mary Lynn Piven, UNC School of Nursing, provided an overview of Healthy IDEAS (Identifying Depression, Empowering Activities for Seniors). Healthy IDEAS is an evidence-based depression program designed to detect and reduce the severity of depressive symptoms in older adults through existing community-based case management services.

Healthy IDEAS is embedded in the ongoing assessment and routine of existing case management programs and is delivered by case managers within agencies. It is not usually delivered by mental health professionals, but mental health experts are essential to back up and support case managers since the experts have deeper knowledge and training in mental health issues. The program is generally administered in the home. Behavioral activation is used to empower adults to manage their depressive symptoms by engaging in meaningful, positive activities. Older adults are screened for depression; the case managers do not make a diagnosis.

The presentation with additional details about Healthy IDEAS was sent with these minutes.

Becky Hunter, NC Healthy Aging Network, next discussed the dissemination of Healthy IDEAS in NC. Haywood County was the first to implement Healthy IDEAS in our state, with Chatham County next. Orange County just finished training in mid-January, and Eastern, Mid-Carolina, and High Country Area Agencies on Aging have plans to move forward. Through sponsorship from the Carolina Geriatric Education Center, a webinar was held in November as an introduction and overview of the program to approximately 30 participants. Becky will be following up with the participants.

Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) and Mental Health in NC

Audrey Edmisten, NC Division of Aging and Adult Services, distributed a handout on evidence-based health promotion programs for older adults in NC. In 2011, over 1,300 older adults participated in the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP). CDSMP is a lay-led participant education program offered in communities for people experiencing chronic health conditions.

The program provides information and teaches practical skills on managing chronic health problems. CDSMP gives people the confidence and motivation they need to manage the challenges of living with a chronic health condition, with the overall goal to enable participants to build self-confidence to assume a major role maintaining their health and managing their chronic health conditions. To help address depression, Guilford and Mecklenburg Counties are delivering CDSMP through Peer Specialist Groups.

Over 1,000 older adults participated in a Matter of Balance in 2011, a falls management program. The infrastructure to deliver these evidence-based programs is getting embedded in the aging services provider system. An overview of evidence-based programs for older adults that are available in NC was sent with these minutes.

Advocacy Committee Draft Mental Health and Aging Fact Sheets

Debbie Webster, NC Division of MH/DD/SAS, discussed the drafts of mental health and aging fact sheets that the Advocacy Committee created for different audiences. Debbie will send the fact sheets to the MHAC for comments.

Committee Breakouts

The three committees each met to discuss strategies to address their action plans created at the September meeting. The committees then reported back to the larger group.

Dissemination Committee Report

Becky Hunter reported that the committee has 4 primary goals:

1) Disseminate Healthy IDEAS. Since that goal had been discussed previously at the meeting, the committee did not spend time on it during the breakout.

2) Gather/share information about other best practices. Mary Lynn is creating a template to capture information about best practices; the template will be distributed, and results will be on the MHAC website.

3) Assess statewide capacity for workforce preparation, prevention & care. The committee is creating a survey to help get a good handle on what is happening across the state in mental health interventions for older adults. They will then create a report from the survey.

4) Build community capacity statewide. They are trying to engage regions across the state to build their own capacity and are encouraging the development of local coalitions.

Training Committee Report

Cris Clarke reported that the committee is still developing its goals. It is working on strategies to increase the number of older adult mental health providers and get people connected to the training that is being offered. They are looking at academic programs to see what older adult mental health training is offered, if any. They are also concerned about assisted living communities—the intensity of MH needs is increasing, but MH services are not keeping up with demand. Additionally, they want to help publicize the fact that some mental health assessments are covered under the new Medicare Annual Wellness Visit (AWV).

Advocacy Committee Report

Debbie Webster reported that the committee spent most of its time editing the fact sheets during its breakout.

Since May is Mental Health AND Older Americans month, the committee would like to develop a press release and think about potential activities and deliverables. The Training Committee’s desire to publicize the AWV mental health assessments could be incorporated into the publicity.

The committee will hold a conference call on February 23rd at 8:30am to continue its work.

MHAC Policy for Action Alerts, Letters of Recommendation, Information Dissemination

Mary Edwards discussed that the MHAC Steering Committee occasionally is asked to write letters of recommendation or disseminate information to the group. Mary asked that the MHAC Steering Committee be given the authority to write the letters on behalf of the MHAC. The MHAC members voted, and the motion passed unanimously.

The group also agreed that appropriate action alerts and information will be distributed to the MHAC by members who are permitted to advocate and educate.

Next Steps:

Our 2012 meeting dates are April 26, July 19, and October 25. We thank Sally Cameron for graciously offering the NC Psychological Association conference room for our meetings.


Focusing attention, building capacity, supporting action…

A statewide collaboration led by the NC Division of Aging and Adult Services; the NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services; the NC Healthy Aging Research Network; and the Carolina Geriatric Education Center


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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