Nutrition and Food Labels

Healthy Eating – Grade 5

Your task: Create a POSTER to encourage other children to eat healthy

On your poster include the following:

▪ Examples of UNHEALTHY choices

▪ Examples of HEALTHY choices

▪ At least one situation where children might be tempted by unhealthy food and a way of deciding on healthy, instead of unhealthy choices

▪ An example of how to use a nutrition label or ingredient list to make a healthy food choice

REMEMBER the characteristics of a good poster that we talked about in class. Your poster should: Do the Job QUICKLY, Draw ATTENTION, Be CONVINCING, Use COLOUR and Be SIMPLE!!

Healthy Eating Poster Project

| |Level 1 - Keep Trying |Level 2 - You're Almost There! |Level 3 - You Did It! |Level 4 - WOW! |

| |* Our (My) poster needs to |* Our (My) poster identifies |* Our (My) poster identifies |* Our (My) poster identifies |

|Information about Healthy Living|identify ways of choosing |some ways of choosing healthier |ways of choosing healthier food |many ways of choosing healthier |

| |healthier food in a variety of |food in a variety of situations |in a variety of situations |food in a variety of situations |

|C2.1 |situations |* Our (My) poster explains a |* Our (My) poster explains how |* Our (My) poster explains how |

| |* Our (My) poster needs to |little bit about how to use |to use nutrition facts tables |to effectively use nutrition |

| |explain how to use nutrition |nutrition facts tables and |and ingredient lists to make |facts tables and ingredient |

| |facts tables and ingredient |ingredient lists to make |healthier |lists to make healthier |

| |lists to make healthier |healthier |personal food choices |personal food choices |

| |personal food choices |personal food choices | | |

| |We(I) need to check the spelling|We (I) spell many familiar words|We (I) spell most familiar words|We (I) spell all familiar words|

|WRITING - |of both familiar and unfamiliar |correctly, but need to check the|correctly, and have some errors |correctly, and have very few |

|Spelling |words |spelling of unfamiliar words |in unfamiliar words |errors in unfamiliar words |

| | | | | |

|Word choice |We (I) use very few or no |We (I) use some descriptive |We (I) use descriptive words |We (I) use many descriptive |

| |descriptive words |words | |words |

|MEDIA - Knowledge of POSTER |We (I) need to include more of |We (I) include some of the |We (I) include most of the |We (I) include all of the traits|

|media form |the five traits of a good poster|traits of a good poster (2-3) |traits of a good poster (4) |of a good poster and use them |

| | | | |all effectively |



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