Food and Fitness - St Leonard's College

-3505200Name: 020000Name: righttopYear 7HPESt Leonard’s CollegeYear 740000100000Year 7HPESt Leonard’s CollegeYear 7left250002514600Food and Fitness900007300Food and Fitnessright384810000How healthy are you?(Source: )What steps could you take to improve your overall health and wellbeing?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The upside of fitness….?Regular physical activity has positive effects on our bone density, the heart and blood vessels, and on our mental health.???Research the physical, social and mental/emotional benefits of regular physical activity here a mind map with 20 of these benefits - Use an app on your iPad or this website is an example?The Physical Activity Pyramid...?Similar to the food we eat, the amount of energy we burn up is also measured in kilojoules. The amount of energy we use depends on how hard (intense) the activity is that we are doing.?Low intensity activity is the lightest activity you can do. It requires little effort and is performed fairly slowly; for example, walking casually, light stretching, dusting or vacuuming.?Moderate-intensity activity requires continuous rhythmic movements. You should feel a little puffed, but still be able to carry on a conversation while exercising; for example, walking briskly, recreational swimming and dancing.?Vigorous or high-intensity activities consist of constant rhythmic movements that cause the heart rate to really rise; for example, swimming laps, running, cycling up a hill or pushing heavy equipment.?Find an image of the Physical Activity Pyramid paste it below (reference the website)?Make a list of all the physical activities you do on a regular basis?For example:?Soccer, playing squares at lunch time, walking the dogs?ActivityIntensity (Low/Moderate/High)Pyramid classificationLook back at the Low/Moderate/High intensity definitions on the previous page and classify each of your activities?on the table aboveFor example:?Soccer – High intensity?Playing squares at lunch time – Moderate intensity?Walking my dogs – Low intensity??Now look back at the Physical Activity Pyramid and classify where each activity would fit?For example:?Soccer – 3-5 times a week (Aerobic Exercises)?Playing squares at lunch time – 3-5 times a week (Recreational Activity)?Walking my dogs - Everyday (as often as possible)??Do you participate in the above activities as many times as the pyramid says??For example:?Soccer – Yes, soccer training on Tuesday night, soccer game on Saturday, running club at STL on Thursday morning, ACS sport on Tuesday afternoon.?Playing squares at lunch time – Yes, play squares twice a day on 5 days a week?Walking my dogs – Yes – I walk the dog 3 times a week and walk to and from school 5 days a week??Look at the top section of the Physical Activity Pyramid. What part has modern technology played in physical activities of today?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Family fun and fitness…Access the following website and look over the sample general fitness workouts.???Then, use this website to create your own general fitness workout that you could complete with your family. Your workout is with the equipment and the area you have available either at home or at a space within 5 minute walk from your home.??My workout1. Name of workout: _______________________________________________________________2. Location of workout: _____________________________________________________________3. Equipment needed: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Exercises:914402025650The Healthy Living Pyramid...??Adolescence is a time of rapid growth and a time when your body needs lots of energy. Most young people notice an increase in their appetite at this time. To supply your body with the energy and the nutrients it needs, you need to have a healthy diet.?The Healthy Living Pyramid shows you which foods you should eat most of, which you should eat in moderate amounts and which you should eat in small amounts. The “eat in small amounts’ group includes foods such as biscuits, cakes, chips, pastries, fried foods, chocolate and soft drink. These are all high in fat and/or sugar.?Find an image of the Healthy Living Pyramid paste it below (reference the website)Create your own blank pyramid below and write down all the foods you have eaten over the past two days in the correct part of your pyramid.?From which section of the Healthy Living Pyramid does most of your diet come???____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________List some of the foods you could increase in your diet.?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________List some of the foods you could decrease in your diet.?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Snacks...??Watch the following YouTube clip on healthy and unhealthy snack choices: a list of all the snacks you eat regularly?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Circle the snacks on your list that come under the 'eat most' section of the Healthy Living Pyramid?Read the 3 page article on snacks here the third page on the website above to answer: "How could you make your snack choices healthier choices?"??____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Advertising...??Find advertisements for 3 of the snacks you listed in the activity above and copy the website addresses below or paste an image of the advertisements below.?Do you believe some of your snack choices are influenced by advertising? Which ones??____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What time of the day are snacks advertised on television? Give some examples.?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What other factors influence your snack choices??____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Canteen... At St Leonard's College??One of the times you have control over your food choices is when you buy food from the school canteen.??Make a list of the foods available in the canteen under the following headings. Use the?Healthy Living Pyramid to help you.?????????????????????????????????????????????Excellent ChoiceGood Choice??Fair Choice?Write a lunch order for yourself, selecting foods from the ‘excellent choice’ list.?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you think your school canteen offers sufficient healthy choices???_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you think a school canteen should sell only healthy foods? Explain why or why not.??_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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