Core French Rubric Evaluation: Oral Presentation

Core French Rubric Evaluation: Oral Presentation

Student Name: __________________________ Mark: ______ /24

|Evaluation of Oral |C’est un début!/Beginning |Sur le bon chemin!/Progressing |Ça marche bien!/Competent |Vous êtes experts!/Expert |Total |

|Presentation |1 point |2 points |3 points |4 points |Sur /4 |

|Pronunciation |Most words are pronounced |Some words are pronounced |Most words are pronounced |All words are pronounced |  |

| |incorrectly. As a result, it |incorrectly, but the presentation |correctly, making the |correctly. Any errors in | |

| |is difficult to understand the|is still understandable. |presentation easily |pronunciation are the result | |

| |presentation. | |understandable. |of the students incorporating| |

| | | | |extra vocabulary not included| |

| | | | |in the unit. | |

|Content: |The presentation doesn’t only |A few details of the monuments |The activities and monuments |The activities and monuments |  |

| |feature some of the criteria. |visited, a very brief description |are described in details. The|are described in details. | |

| |Almost no details of |of the activities done during the |length of the paragraph is |Each activities and monument | |

| |activities and monuments |trip. |respected. |visited is accompanied by a | |

| |visited. | | |justification. | |

|Volume |Voice is audible. |Volume is too low. |Volume is adequate. Most |Volume is excellent. All |  |

| | | |people can hear the |listening can easily hear the| |

| | | |presentation. |presentation. | |

|Use of French |Most of the sentences are |Lots of mistakes but the |Few mistakes, the grammar is |Almost zero mistakes. All the|  |

| |grammatically incorrect are |presentation is still fairly |mostly correct, good |grammar point are used | |

| |make the presentation hard to |understandable. Basic sentences. |agreement between subject and|appropriately (articles, | |

| |understand. Very basic, short |Numerous passé composé |verb, most articles are |preposition, subject/verb, | |

| |sentences |conjugations errors. |present and well located in |gender). Nice long sentences | |

| | | |the sentence. Most gender are|using connectors | |

| | | |correct. Appropriate use of |appropriately. All the passé | |

| | | |preposition. Medium length |composé verbs are conjugated | |

| | | |sentences, use of connectors |accurately. | |

| | | |and prepositions. 1 or 2 | | |

| | | |passé composé conjugation | | |

| | | |mistakes. | | |

|Preparedness |Unprepared. Students have not |Somewhat prepared. Students have |Prepared. Students have |Well prepared. It is obvious |  |

| |practiced. |practiced once. |practiced a couple of times. |that much practice has taken | |

| | | |The presenter reads his text |place. The presentation is | |

| | | |aloud. |mostly memorized and the | |

| | | | |presenter only check his | |

| | | | |cards/script briefly. | |

|Visual support |The multimedia support is |Very basic multimedia support, |The multimedia support |The multimedia support | |

| |inappropriate. |featuring a few pictures. |features pictures, videos and|features beautiful pictures, | |

| | | |links to other websites. |interesting videos and links | |

| | | | |to other websites. It is also| |

| | | | |visually appealing. | |


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