Pronunciation of difficult words

Pronunciation of difficult words

A) Written, but not spoken:

1) " t "

to fasten, to soften, to hasten, mustn't, to hustle, bustle, to wrestle,

to rustle, thistle, to christen, Christendom, christening;

But: fast, soft, haste, must, Christianity, Christ;

2) " b "

to climb, climber, to bomb, bomber,plumber, plumbing, thumb, dumb, numb,

lamb, limb, comb, womb, tomb, doubt, debt, debtor, subtle, subtlety;

3) " p "

psychology, psychological, psychiatrist, psychic, psychopath, psyche, receipt, excerpt, psalm, pneumonia;

4) " l "

calm, palm, psalm, salmon, qualm [ ], calf, chalk, walk, talk;

5) " k "

knight, to knock, knocker, knot, knob, knife, knitwear, to knit, knee, to kneel, Knickerbocker, knickers, to know, knew, known, knowledge, knuckle;

6) " w "

to wrap, to wrestle, wrestling, wrist, wrath [ ], wreath, wreck, to wriggle,

playwright, wrangler, to wring, wrong, wrinkle, to write, wren, wrench, wretched, sword,

7) " c "

muscle, disciple, adolescent, adolescence

8) " s "

aisle, island, viscount

9) " h "

honest, honesty, honorary, honour,

10) " i "

fruit, suit, bruise, cruise, pursuit B.E. [ ], A.E. [ ]

But: suite

B) The same spelling, different pronunciation:

1) tough [ ], rough, thorough, dough [ ], plough [ ], drought [ ],

hiccough [ ], cough [ ]

2) to lead [ ], to treat, lead [ ] (Blei), unleaded, threat, dreadful, to tread,

sweat, sweater, heather, breast, endeavour, breath, to breathe [ ],

to bear [ ], pear, to tear, tear [ ] Träne, beard, to hear, heard [ ],

hearth [ ], heart [ ],

C) Tricky pairs

to admire, admirable, admiral

to bow [ ], bow [ ] (Verbeugung), bow [ ] (Bug), bow [ ] (Bogen)

clothes [ ], cloth [ ],

to pray [ ], prayer [ ], mayor, ozone layer, major [ ]

drought [ ], draught beer [ ], a game of draughts [ ]

court [ ], courteous [ ], by courtesy of, curtsy

height [ ], weight [ ]

parliament [ ], marriage [ ], carriage

wont [ ], want, grand, grant [ ]

wounded [ ], wound [ ] (Wunde), wind, wound, wound [ ]

wild [ ], wilderness [ ]

monkey [ ], monk, donkey [ ]

desert [ ] (Wüste), dessert [ ] (Nachtisch), to desert [ ]

archbishop [ ], architect [ ], monarch [ ], monarchy,

country [ ], county [ ]

face [ ], surface [ ], preface

to wander [ ], to wonder [ ]

singer[ ], finger [ ], anger [ ], single [ ]

school, scholar, scholarship, scheme [ ]

police, machine [ - ' -] [ ]

sovereign [ ], sovereignty,

plague [ ], vague, ache, ague [ ], stomach [ ], spinach [ ]

plaid [ ], plaint [ ], plait [ ]

wallet [ ], mallet [ ]

to owe, awe [ ]

woman, women [ ]

butcher ! [ ], cushion, bush, pulpit, bull, pudding

ally [ ], alley [ ]

the refuse [ ], to refuse [ ]

serial [ ], cereal [ ]

pastry [ ], pasture [ ]

wary [ ], weary [ ]

to sew [ ], to sow [ ]

gone [ ], gone [ ], none [ ]

D) Tricky words

ado, anxiety, atheist, amateur, aunt, bald, bathing suit, biscuit, canal, choir, closet, colleague, curry, clergy, convenient, to devour, diaper, diet, evil, fiery, fierce, forehead, foreigner, gauge, glove, hygiene, item, jewel, jewellery, journalist, lather, leopard, lieutenant, loyalty, martyr, metaphor, ogre, oven, to shove, perfume, pigeon, to pour, privy, purpose, recipe, to refer, sewage, starry, tongue, weird, x-ray, yacht, to yield, wicked, Whitsun,


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