A Guide to Help You Live and Thrive with Cardiovascular ...

[Pages:27]A Guide to Help You Live and Thrive with Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation Program September 2016

Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation Program


Kerseri Scane, R. Kin, MSc, BPHE Nicole Sandison, R. Kin, MSc, HBSc HK Sylvia Maksymiu, BPHE Fatim Ajwani, RD, BSc Regan Leader, MSW, RSW Jaan Reitav, PhD, C. Psych, CBSM Maria Ricupero, RD, CDE, MHSc Diane Nixon, RN


Kelly Angevaare, R. Kin, MSc Avi Biswas, PhD(c) Margaret Brum, RD, CDE, BA Sc Tracey Colella, RN, ACNP, PhD Daryl Dooks, BSc Evelyn Foster, R. Kin, BPHE Joan Kitchen, R. Kin, BSc Kin Renee Konidis, R. Kin, BA Phyllis Mancini, MA Gabriela Melo Ghisi, PhD

Dr. Paul Oh, MD, MSc, FRCPC, FACP Dr. Michael Sarin, MD, MEd, FRCPC, CDE Farrah Schwartz, MA Health Advocacy Ellen Silaj, BSc PT Valerie Skeffington, R. Kin, BPHE

Plain Language (2016) Tina Papadakos, MA(Ed) Crystal Aultman, R.Kin, MSc Editing & Formatting (2016) Lauren Morrison, BSc

Patients and Family

We would like to thank all of our patients and families who contributed their time and effort towards the development and evaluation of this workbook. A special thank you goes to Jennifer Carling for her dedication and significant contributions to this workbook. Our program and our patients appreciate the numerous hours she spent doing clear design and editing.


Kristen Foster Adam Latuns


Congratulations on joining Toronto Rehab's

Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation Program!

You are in good hands. Our team of rehabilitation specialists is a leader in delivering cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention programs. We offer one of the largest, most comprehensive out-patient cardiovascular prevention & rehabilitation programs in North America.

Over the next several months, we will work with you to develop your own personal program of exercise and education to help improve your cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength. This will reduce your chance of having another heart event.

Once you start your exercise and education program, your progress will be followed by your Cardiac Rehab team, who will help you to achieve your individual goals.

This guide has been designed to support you through the various stages of the Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation program. We will help you work through the different sections of the guide as your own personal program of exercise and education progresses.

We look forward to working with you and helping you reach your goals for living a heart healthy lifestyle!

UHN ? CV Prevention & Rehabilitation Program

Page I

Table of Contents

Section #1 - Build a Foundation for a Safe Heart

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9

Orientation to Your Cardiac Rehab Program ........................................................ 1 Safe Exercise........................................................................................................6 Your Aerobic Exercise Prescription.....................................................................17 Angina ................................................................................................................. 23 Irregular Heartbeats ........................................................................................... 28 Exercising & Cold Weather .................................................................................33 Exercising & Hot Weather...................................................................................41 Your Heart & Heart Disease .............................................................................. 50 Cardiac Medicines ............................................................................................. 63

Section #2 - Develop Skills to Take Care of Your Heart

Chapter #10 Controlling Your Risk Factors............................................................................ 72 Chapter #11 Goal Setting and Action Planning .......................................................................79 Chapter #12 Resistance Training ........................................................................................... 92 Chapter #13 Nutrition ? Fats, Cholesterol and Your Diet...................................................... 100 Chapter #14 Nutrition ? Benefits of Fibre and Plant Food ..................................................... 112 Chapter #15 Nutrition ? Reading Food Labels...................................................................... 118 Chapter #16 Nutrition ? Sodium and Blood Pressure ........................................................... 126 Chapter #17 Stress & Your Heart .......................................................................................... 134 Chapter #18 Sexual Intimacy................................................................................................ 144

UHN ? CV Prevention & Rehabilitation Program

Page II

Section #3 - Prepare for Life After Rehab

Chapter #19 How Much Physical Activity is Good for You?.................................................. 151 Chapter #20 Progressing Your Exercise Program.................................................................156 Chapter #21 Relapse Planning............................................................................................. 164 Chapter #22 Graduation ........................................................................................................168

Section #4 ? Tool Box

Exercise Tools....................................................................................................................... 173 Nutrition Tools ........................................................................................................................ 192 Risk Factor Tools .................................................................................................................. 214 Goal Setting and Action Planning Tools .................................................................................235 Medicine Tool .........................................................................................................................238

UHN ? CV Prevention & Rehabilitation Program

Page III

Section #1

Build a Foundation for a Safe Heart




Orientation to Your Cardiac Rehab Program


Safe Exercise


Aerobic Exercise




Irregular Heartbeats


Exercise & Cold Weather


Exercise & Hot Weather


Your Heart & Heart Disease


Cardiac Medicines

Page #

1 6 17 23 28 33 41 50 63

Chapter # 1 Orientation to your Rehab Program

Know how your rehab program will help you

You Will Learn:

1) The benefits of participating in a cardiac rehab program 2) The components of a cardiac rehab program 3) Who is on your team 4) What is expected of you

Chapter 1--Orientation to Your Program

pg. 1

How will the Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation Program (Cardiac Rehab program) help me?

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you develop heart disease. The disease may be caused by things you cannot control (such as your family history or age). The purpose of the Cardiac Rehab program is to help you identify the things you can change that are within your control (such as healthy eating and exercise).

What the Research Says:

If you join a Cardiac Rehab program you will:

Improve how your body functions

Improve your quality of life

Decrease your risk of dying early

Feel better in mind and body

What Does my Program Include?

There are three main parts in your Cardiac Rehab Program:

1) Stress test

You will complete 3 stress tests while you are in the program:

1) At the start of the program

2) Half-way through your program

3) Near the end of the program

2) Exercises

You will do two types of exercise:

1) Aerobic training

2) Weight training

3) Education

You will learn about your heart problem and how to live a heart healthy lifestyle

Chapter 1--Orientation to Your Program

pg. 2


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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