Welcome to the Heart Function Clinic

Welcome to the Heart Function Clinic

Section E, 4th Floor

(located in the Cardiac Ambulatory Clinic)

Hamilton General Hospital

905-521-2100, ext. 73277 or 76219

What is the Heart Function Clinic?

We provide outpatient care for people who have heart failure. Our goal is to help improve your well-being, help you live longer and help you avoid hospital admissions.

We work as a team to help you plan your care. Our team includes doctors, nurse practitioners and nurses, who have advanced training in the management of heart failure. You and your family are important members of this team. Together we can design a plan of care that will meet your needs.

Once your medication and treatment are working well for you, you will be discharged from the Heart Function Clinic. Your family doctor or your cardiologist will then take over looking after your heart failure.

Why have I been referred to the Heart Function Clinic?

Often patients are referred to the clinic because they have had problems with heart failure. Please talk to your doctor to learn more about your heart failure and the reason you have been referred to this clinic.

Welcome to the Heart Function Clinic

What can I expect at the Heart Function Clinic?

You will learn:

? ways to treat your symptoms of heart failure ? heart failure problems and how to prevent your symptoms from

getting worse

? ways to help you and your family cope with heart failure at home

Your care is based on your individual needs.

What do I need to bring to my first appointment?

Please bring:

? your health card ? your medications in their original containers ? a list of your current medications

What happens at my first appointment?

When you arrive at the Cardiac Ambulatory Clinic, please register at the desk in the waiting room on your right. You may need to have an electrocardiogram (ECG) and/or blood work during your appointment. Please have a seat in the waiting area until you are called by the nurse, nurse practitioner or doctor. You will then meet with a nurse and a doctor or the nurse practitioner. They will:

? ask you questions about your past and present health ? review your medications in detail ? take your blood pressure and weight ? listen to your heart and lungs

Welcome to the Heart Function Clinic

? provide you with education to help you manage heart failure ? recommend changes to your medications and/or arrange for additional

tests based on their assessment of your condition and needs

? refer you to other services, such as a dietitian or cardiac health

and rehabilitation

Other information about your visit:

? your first appointment usually takes 1? hours ? you are encouraged to bring a family member or friend with you ? your doctor, nurse practitioner or nurse will discuss how often you need

to come to the Heart Function Clinic

How can I contact the Heart Function Clinic?

If you have questions about your appointment, call the scheduling clerk at 905-521-2100, ext. 73277. Once you have already been seen in our clinic and you need to speak with one of the nurses about your heart condition:

? call 905-521-2100, ext. 76219 ? (Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm)

Where is the Heart Function Clinic located?

The Heart Function Clinic is at the Hamilton General Hospital, 237 Barton Street East, Hamilton, Ontario. It is located in the Cardiac Ambulatory Clinic, Section E, 4th floor.

We are a fragrant restricted hospital.

please turn over

Welcome to the Heart Function Clinic

Directions to the Heart Function Clinic

The Heart Function Clinic is located in the Cardiac Ambulatory Clinic.

1. If you enter from the Main Entrance: Turn right at the coffee shop and follow the short hall to Section "E". Go through the first set of double doors and turn right. Go through the second set of double doors to the elevators. Take the elevator to the 4th floor. The Cardiac Ambulatory Clinic is located on your left.

2. If you enter from the Parking Ramp: Take the Pedestrian Bridge that connects the parking ramp to the hospital. Continue through the double door at the bottom of the bridge. There will be a set of doors on your left that will take to you to Section "E". Take the elevator up to the 4th floor. The Cardiac Ambulatory Clinic is located on your left.

Once you go through the door to the Cardiac Ambulatory Clinic, the registration area and waiting room are on your right.

? Hamilton Health Sciences, 2007 PD 5780 ? 06/2016

dpc/pted/pamp/HeartFunctionClinicPORTRAIT-trh.doc dt/June 1, 2016


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