Heart Disease and Stroke Consultation Document

3895725-800104933950-114300Consultation on the publication of Scottish Cervical Screening Programme StatisticsSummary of ResponsesInformation Services Division (ISD) NHS National Services ScotlandSeptember 2018BackgroundAs part of the Scottish Cervical Screening Programme ISD publish information on Cervical Screening annually. The cervical screening year runs from 1st April to 31st March and information is included on uptake, laboratory turnaround times, number of cervical screening tests processed and results. The format and content of the publication has remained relatively the same over time. ISD did make some changes to the September 2017 publication to reflect the changes to the age range and frequency of screening offered by the Scottish Cervical Screening Programme from 6 June 2016 onwards. New tables were also included for the first time on uptake by deprivation and Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination status. Prior to the September 2017 publication ISD consulted with the Cervical Screening Quality Assurance Reference Committee (QARC) on the above changes. A consultation was then made available on the ISD website for a period of 9 weeks between November 2017 and January 2018. An email was also sent to all cervical screening contacts. ISD asked for information on how useful the content is and then specific questions relating to the content and presentation of the publication. 2Consultation2.1Current StatisticsCervical Screening information can be found on the ISD website hereHealth-Topics/Cancer/Cervical-Screening/The current publication is made up of a publication report and a series of Excel files. 2.1.1Questions on analysis of uptake:Uptake analysisVery usefulUsefulNot usefulAny comments on content or presentation?Annual uptake by Health BoardAnnual uptake by deprivation*Annual uptake by HPV vaccination status*Specific questions on uptake analysisThe analysis of uptake by deprivation is presented by deprivation and NHS Board. Would any other breakdowns be helpful? (Note – patient disclosure will need to be considered)The analysis of uptake by HPV vaccination status is presented by HPV vaccination and NHS Board for single year of age. Would any other breakdowns be helpful? (Note – patient disclosure will need to be considered. Data will be captured for more ages over time)2.1.2Questions on workload analysis:Annual workload analysisVery usefulUsefulNot usefulAny comments on content or presentation?Annual workload dataThis includes tables on:Numbers processedAnnual results, numbers and %’sYearly results, numbers and %’sUnsatisfactory testsQuarterly workload analysisVery usefulUsefulNot usefulAny comments on content or presentation?Number of screening tests processed Turnaround times Reporting times2.1.3Quarterly management reports on workloadISD also provide screening centres and laboratories quarterly management information reports that include:Lab turnaround times for?95% of all?tests processed?Number of screening tests processed Results of cervical screening tests – number and %’sPercentage of unsatisfactory screening results Specific questions on annual and quarterly workloadIs there any information we are providing that is no longer used or is there any new information we should be including? (Note – this is dependent on data being available to ISD)For screening centres / laboratories only - Is the information provided in the quarterly management reports useful?2.2Potential new analyses2.2.1Further information we are proposing to add into the publication is: Include information on the number of women who opt out of cervical screening Include information on defaulter rates - the number of women who received a letter but did not make an appointment Questions on potential new analyses:New AnalysesVery usefulUsefulNot usefulAny comments on content or presentation?Opt outDefaulter ratesIs there anything else that would be useful? (Note – this is dependent on data being available to ISD)3Summary of responsesISD received 5 responses to the consultation. One responder was from a laboratory, they do not require any of the ISD information therefore they were unable to comment on most of the questions. Given the small number of responses received, ISD consulted again with the Cervical Screening Quality Assurance Reference Committee (QARC) on the responses received.3.1Current Statistics3.1.1Questions on analysis of uptake:Four responders said the annual uptake analyses (Annual uptake by Health Board, Annual uptake by deprivation and Annual uptake by HPV vaccination status) are ‘Very useful’ or ‘Useful’. There were some comments about adding more details to some of these tables:One responder would be interested to see uptake by both deprivation and age groups.One responder suggested uptake by HPV for Local Authority areas.Final recommendation: The annual uptake figures by deprivation will be split by age group from the September 2018 publication. The QARC felt it was not appropriate to add Local Authority level information to the publication. 3.1.2Questions on workload analysis:Four responders said the annual workload analyses (Annual workload data, Number of screening tests processed, Turnaround times, Reporting times) are ‘Very useful’ or ‘Useful’.Final recommendation: No changes are planned for these tables.3.1.3Quarterly management reports on workloadOne response was given on the quarterly workload reports that are provided as Management Information.Could the number of rejected samples by Board and the reasons for rejection be included?Final recommendation: ISD will liaise with the data supplier to try to get information on the number of rejected samples by Board to add into these reports. Information on the reasons for rejection is not collected in the cervical screening system. 3.2Potential new analyses3.2.1Questions on potential new analysesFour responders said including analyses for ‘Opt out’ and ‘defaulter rates’ would be ‘Very useful’ or ‘Useful’.There were some comments about adding more details to some of these tables:Opting out and defaulter rates by deprivation. Defaulter by deprivation and age and multiple defaulters / never smeared.Would be useful if reason for opt out could be added.Final recommendation: ISD have been liaising with the data supplier to get information on ‘Opt out’ and ‘defaulter rates’. It was not possible to get this data in time for the September 2018 publication but ISD hope to add this into future publications. ISD will need to look at the numbers involved before deciding at what level to present this information. ISD also asked if users would you welcome the publication being presented as an interactive Tableau dashboard or in any other formatThe responses to this were mixed. Two responders would very welcome a Tableau dashboard.Two responders prefer the Excel format. One responder was unfamiliar with Tableau and the other said they found Tableau frustrating for comparisons. One of these responders did highlight NHS England has maps showing various statistics relating to cervical screening which are a good visual way to present information.Final recommendation: ISD will look at different ways to present the Cervical Screening statistics for future publications. ISD will seek advice from members of the QARC on any ideas. ................

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