Accomodations Worksheet - University of Washington

Accommodations Worksheet

Lesson: To Feel a Heart (#2)


|Challenges |Accommodations |

|Appropriate actions with the heart |Partner with a responsible student. |

| |Model clear standards for heart “use” |

| |Post science lab skills |

|Attention |Break up tasks into sections |

|Distractibility |Give a specific task |

| |Limit student out of seat activity |

|Extreme Reactions to activity |Contact parents ahead of time |

| |Let them use a worksheet booklet for confidentiality |

| |Pair with lab partner or classroom aid |

|Following directions |Provide flash card directions |

|Offering unwanted input into others’ experiments |Emphasize working in pairs |

|Organization |Provide checklist |

| |Have a buddy help with directions |

| |Assign a job |

| |Use a card with a sheep’s heart diagrammed on it |

| |Fill in the work in proper place. Have another card |

| |that is not labeled. Student can fill in and have |

| |By just in case |

|Over stimulation |Allow to take a break if needed |

|Safety |Pair with another student |

| |Only handle sharp equipment with teacher |

| |assistance |

| |Restrict student movement |

|Sensitivity to smell |Allow to step outside if necessary |

|Translating from picture to actual heart |Provide with a more realistic heart diagram first |

| |Team up with a buddy or put in small groups |

|Unaware of others’ privacy |Buddy them up |

English Language Learners

|Challenges |Accommodations |

|Attention difficulties |Instructional aid |

|Comprehension |Pick out only some of the questions to answer |

| |(written) and do the rest orally |

| |Have them watch the video at home first |

| |Seating preference with adept lab partners |

|Cultural barriers to animal use | |

|Language barrier |Buddy partners/seating |

|Pacing |Allow extra time |

| |Seating assignment |

|Pronunciation |Visual aids |

|Reading |Allow extra time |

|Right vs. left confusion |Work with a buddy on own ability level |

|Safety comprehension |Pair with a learning buddy |

|Understanding procedure/directions |Use pictures, drawings |

| |Modify/simplify procedure/multi-step directions |

|Understanding science tools |Use graphic organizers |

|Vocabulary |Have large labeled diagram up in classroom |

| |Make jigsaw puzzle of parts of the heart. Fit |

| |vocabulary in by different shape in each part |

| |Use document camera |

| |Work with ELL teacher to learn the terms |

| |Print words, say words out loud |

| |Discuss origins/prefixes for better understanding |

| |Classroom aid |

| |Give additional time to complete written portion |

| |Explain in words students understand |

| |Print vocabulary and post on the wall. |

| |Use charts to describe in actions/pictures what is |

| |occurring |

| |Learn terms in other language |

| |Pre-scaffold with Sp-ed/ELL teachers |

| |Reduce amount of vocab to key words and concepts |

| |Focus on direction of blood flow as important |

| |Have students work in groups with different ability |

| |levels |

| | |


|Challenges |Accommodations |

|Attention span |Use checklist |

|Difficulty staying on task/following directions |Reformat questions into simpler terms |

| |Provide checklist for tasks |

| |Provide flash cards including pictures |

| |Break lesson into segments—10, 20, 10 |

| |Have directions at the lab station |

| |Pair with a partner and re-direct as needed |

| |Assign specific job to keep student in one place |

|Easily distracted |Make them an expert on one task (i.e. cutting heart |

| |open) |

| |Have clear expectations/standards |

|Goofing around with the heart | |

|Hyperactivity |Have downtime |

| |Give worksheet packet to do |

|Inappropriate use of materials |Make a “pit stop” to emphasize the uniqueness of |

| |lesson and maturity required |

| |Do a demo dissection |

| |Positive reinforcement |

| |Reward for following safety protocol for entire lab |

| |time |

| |Give specific job(s) to focus on |

| |Give clear expectations |

|Organization |Pair with a learning buddy |

| |Restrict student movement |

|Over stimulation |Partner with another student to help stay focused |

| |Buddy with a friend |

|Poor impulse control |Have clear roles/jobs outlined |

| |Have Sp-ed students as final check out captain (pre- |

| |arrange by seating chart) |

| |Put knives away/keep track of number of knives and be sure to |

| |collect them all (because they may want to cut the heart all the|

| |way through) |

|Power struggles with other students/rile up other students |Assign specific job to keep student in one place |

|Respecting peers |Have a buddy |

|Safety issues |Only handle with teacher assistance |

| |Provide clear expectations |

| |Give job of labeling worksheet |

|Too many details to process. |Review instructions orally and visually, using |

| |pictures |

| |Simplify procedure (use a large font size) |

Visually Impaired

|Challenges |Accommodations |

|Color blind |Use patterns instead of color coding. |

| |Use shape coding. |

|Reading/following directions |Verbally review directions. |

| |Large type directions. |

|Reading labels on pins |Braille labels for pins. |

| |Emphasize feeling parts of the heart. |

|Safety |Pair with another student. |

| |Only handle with teacher assistance. |

| |Let lab partner use sharp tools. |

|Seeing parts of the heart |Use magnifying glass or other viewing enhancements for |

| |a “closer look” |

| |Have heart in color diagram on each desk. |

| |Use the heart diagram to help them find various areas of |

| |Interest. |

| |Have partner do the physical dissection. |

| |Have partner move student’s hand/finger to identify |

| |vessels and chambers. |

| |Take time to help student explore with hands. |

| |Provide rubber gloves to feel. |

|Seeing worksheets |Enlarge worksheet. |

|Small details |Use document camera to enlarge. |

| |Seat in front of the room. |

| |Have labeling in large letters |

| |Provide assistance. |

| |Use tactile perception with an aid describing what the |

| |Student is feeling. |

| |Larger or inverse print. |

|Writing |Have buddy be the writer if assignment is given. |

Neuromuscular Disease

|Challenges |Accommodations |

|Dexterity Issues/lack of fine motor skills |Pair with partner |

| |Classroom aid |

| |Specific roles in group (leader, recorder, etc) |

| |Help with pin placement—have buddy student help hold |

| |still to pin labels |

|Difficulty writing |Work with a buddy to write the answers |

| |Discuss answers verbally |

| |Classroom aid |

|Difficulty controlling heart on the desk |Have heart in a shallow container on the desk so it |

| |doesn’t slip too far |

|Poor control of body |Verbal answers to show understanding |

| |Speak clearly and slowly so child can “get it” |

|Inability to use dissection tools |Have partner dissect |

| |Use model to find areas of interest while lab partners |

| |perform dissection |

|Needs wheelchair/may need classroom aid |Have clear paths to table where they sit |

|Access to dissection/wash area |Provide alternate area for student to use |

|Inability to get close enough to see the heart |Use other posters, videos, etc. to closely see parts of the |

| |heart |

|Participation |Motivated partner to implement what the student |

| |instructs |

|Fatigue |Use buddy system |

|Need to go slowly |Buddy system |

|Difficulty paying attention |Buddy system |


|Challenges |Accommodations |

|Anxiety |Keep personal information their own business. |

| |Explain that the body can change and focus on how to |

| |make changes. |

|Bullying smaller children, “throwing” weight around | |

|Embarrassment |Focus on healthy discussion of media. |

|Feel uncomfortable when discussing fat around the heart |Emphasize purpose and function of the heart and how to |

| |maintain a healthy amount of fat tissue. |

|Finger agility |Pair with a handy student. |

|Lack of motivation |Discuss media. |

|Large hand size |Have larger glove sizes available. |

| |Use model to see pathways if unable to properly probe |

| |organ. |

|Mobility |Provide 1-2 stations in more open area to ensure access. |

| |Have lab partner do movement. |

|Poor self image | |

|Refusal to participate | |

|Self-conscious |Have them see medical professional. |

|Self-conscious about BMI measurement |Have stations in different parts of room for privacy. |

| |Have a friend who can keep a confidence help. |

|Stress | |

Attendance Issue

|Challenges |Accommodations |

|General attendance/tardiness issues |Work with child as an individual matter to accept |

| |responsibility for getting to school on time |

| |Discuss routines at home |

| |Make home visit to assess situation |

| |See if there is an underlying problem creating the |

| |absences |

|Miss lesson/gaps in knowledge |Get student to apply for “Saturday school” |

| |Either repeat lab or have students use a model to do the |

| |Same thing |

| |Have student complete with another class or allow |

| |Homework club makeup |

| |Schedule time for makeup/send home with diagram for hw |

| |Homework lab/buddy |

| |Website dissection |

| |Reschedule private dissection before/after school |

| |Hold the specimens in storage for a few days and allow |

| |Time after school or at lunch to come see heart |

| |Extra worksheet box |

| |Shorten/summarize missed labs |

| |Simplify directions |

| |Create excitement before lab |

| |Review at beginning and end of each lesson |

| |Work with parent |

| |Record and post lesson online |

|Can’t make up work or get caught up/always behind |Allow time for makeup work after school |

| |Have buddy peer teach |

| |Class note-taker |

|Miss the video or class instruction on heart diagram |Give as a homework assignment |

| |Look for an online tutorial or heart dissection to have |

| |Them do first |

Lesson Focus: GLEs

You will have the electronic versions of the student worksheets. For this lesson, choose five or more of the assessment questions. Look at the science and Math GLE/question connections as part of the reasoning for your choices. Choose questions that reinforce the GLEs/Evidence of Learning that are most appropriate for your students’ grade level, time of year, and ability.

|Question #s: |GLEs / Evidence of Learning |

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