Heart, blood, and circulation Assignment

Biology 12

Heart, Blood, and Circulation Review

Questions for review. Complete these questions on a separate lined piece of paper in preparation for your test

Test date: ____________________________________________________________

1) List the four chambers of the heart.

2) List the four valves and what they separate.

3) Give the function of valves.

4) List the two nodes in the body and explain their function and direction of conduction. Be sure to mention purkinje fibers

5) Label the parts of the heart


6) Explain the blood flow circuit. Start with the blood coming from the body to the heart and end with the blood returning to the heart again. Use all appropriate terminology including the names of the major blood vessels and what organ systems they connect to.

7) Explain how the autonomic nervous system is involved with heart contractions.

8) What is a “normal” blood pressure? Give the names of the top and bottom number. What do those terms represent?

9) Give the structure, location, and function of the 5 major blood vessel types

10) Draw a diagram to show the location of all the major arteries and veins

11) What are the main components of blood? What function do they all serve? Make sure to include their scientific names

12) If you had a low amount of white blood cells what does that mean for your body?

13) Explain the mechanism of blood clotting.

14) Explain antigens and antibodies and the relationship between them. How does this come into play when you are blood typing?

15) Draw what the RBC’s of the eight main blood types look like. Label the proteins on the outside of the cell.

16) What is Agglutination?

17) What are the eight major blood types? What is responsible for the difference between them? How are the blood types decided by genetics?

18) Discuss the differences in the fetal heart structure and circulation

19) What are mechanisms the fetus uses to ensure it is acquiring enough oxygen?

20) How does exercise impact your pulse? Why?

21) Is the change in pulse and blood pressure directly correlational with increased activity?

22) How does the health of your blood vessel impact the flow of blood in your body? How can you know if your blood vessels are healthy?

23) What is the lymphatic system? What are the main parts and organs of the lymphatic system?

24) What is the role of the thymus, lymph nodes and spleen in the lymphatic system?


Learning Goals:

1. I will be able to label the structures (chambers, valves, vessels) in the heart

2. I will be able to show direction of flow of the blood through the heart and body vessels

3. I will be able to explain the conduction system of the heart (SA node, AV node, etc)

4. I will be able to explain what blood pressure is and the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure

5. I will be able to explain the 5 different blood vessel types and their structures and functions

6. I will be able to identify the major vessels and where they are carrying blood to or from

7. I will be able to describe the main components of blood

8. I will be able to explain blood typing and how it works

9. I will be able to explain the differences in fetal circulation and why these differences are necessary


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