What does it take to become a member of FootHills Golden Retriever Rescue? Simply a desire to help homeless or displaced Golden Retrievers! Your dues and/or donations go directly to helping a Golden in need, through providing foster care, needed veterinary medical/surgical care, and providing necessary supplies for the Goldens in our program. In return, you will receive a quarterly newsletter with updates on our progress, rescue stories, pictures and heartwarming stories of our adopted Goldens. You will also receive invitations to all of our group events. You don’t have to live in our area to become a member – we welcome memberships from anyone with a desire to help! Your membership also allows you to volunteer with our program in various capacities, should you so desire. Thank you for your interest in FootHills Golden Retriever Rescue!

Return completed form and membership donation to: FHGRR, PO Box 9077, Greenville, SC 29604

Name of Applicant: _____________________________________________________Occupation______________________

Co-Applicants: ______________________________________________________Occupation ______________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Daytime phone: _________________ Evening Phone: _________________ Best time to contact: ___________

E-mail address: __________________ Fax: ________________ Preferred method of contact: ______________

Areas of interest (circle all that apply): Foster Care Adopting a Golden Transportation Fundraising

Home visits Newsletter Adoption Committee Education Committee PR

Other _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you have any special skills you would be willing to share with FootHills Golden Retriever Rescue?

Check all that apply. ___ Dog training skills ___ Grooming skills___ Computer skills ___ Transportation

____ Handcrafts _____ Phone/email

Do you have any professional or organizational experiences that FootHills Golden Retriever Rescue can use?


One of the most pressing needs is for foster homes. Some dogs need only a few days for assessment, while others need up to 4 months of recuperative health care, rehabilitation and retraining. In what situation would you be willing to foster a Golden?

____ Yes, if it was an emergency and a dog's life would be lost if there wasn't a foster home.

____ Yes, I can be a regular foster home. _____ Yes, I can take a short term fosters. ______ Sorry, Never

____ Yes, I can take a special needs rescue for retaining and rehabilitation ______ Maybe, depending on the situation

I prefer or can only foster __________________________________________ (males, females, older, puppies, special needs)

For the current year, Membership dues are a minimum donation of $20. All memberships are non-voting, supporting memberships. Our membership runs from January through December. New memberships paid after October 1 are valid through December of the following year.

I would like to make a donation to FootHills Golden Retriever Rescue, Inc.$___________

Membership dues $ 20

Date: __________________________Total enclosed: $___________


For Office Use: PIN_________ Mem Year ________ Date ________ Initials: _______




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