Current Contract Information Form

State of Washington

Current Contract Information

Revision date: March 9, 2010

|Contract number: |01304 (replaces 05897) |Commodity code: |4197 |

|Contract title: |Refrigeration Parts & Supplies |

|Purpose: |Administrative change to update Contract Specialist information only |

|Original award date: |03/25/04 |Contract term: |Not to exceed 6 years of award date |

|Current contract period: |March 25, 2008 |through: |March 24, 2010 |

|Contract type: |“Mandatory” |This contract is designated as Mandatory use contract for purchases over $50.00. This |

| | |contract is designated as convenience use contract for purchases under $50.00. |

|Estimated Term Worth: |$1,659,510.00 |Annual Term Worth: |$829,755.00 |

|Shipping: |(FOB) Destination |Freight: |Prepaid and included |

|Delivery: |Standard products shall be delivered within ten (10) business days. Non-standard or custom product orders shall be |

| |delivered within twenty (20) business days. |

|Scope of contract |This document establishes contract coverage of the ready supply of goods relating to the repair and or maintenance of |

| |refrigeration/cooling/HVAC Equipment. This contract is awarded to multiple contractors. |

|For use by: |All State Agencies, Political Subdivisions of Washington (WSPC) and Oregon State (DASCPP/ORCPP), Qualified Non-profit |

| |Corporations, Materials Management Center, Participating Institutions of Higher Education (College and Universities, |

| |Community and Technical Colleges). |

|Contractors: |RSD — Total Control pg.: 7 |

|Related Product Contracts |#11305 WSCA Industrial Supplies and Equipment |

This page contains key contract features. Find detailed information on succeeding pages. For more information on this contract, or if you have any questions, please contact your local agency Purchasing Office, or you may contact our office at the numbers listed below.

|State Procurement Officer: |Dave Scott |Assistant: |Chris Schoepfer |

|Phone Number: |(360) 902-7416 |Phone Number: |(360) 902-7193 |

|Fax Number: |(360) 586-2426 |Fax Number: |(360) 586-2426 |

|Email: |dscott@GA. |Email: |CSchoep@GA. |

Visit our Internet site:

|Products/Services available: |Manufactures wares relevant to the maintenance and service of refrigeration—HVAC equipment. |

|Ordering information: |See page 2 Note III or page number |

|Ordering procedures: |See page 2 Note II or page number |

|Contract pricing: |(see pages 7-9) |

|Estimated Term worth: |$1,604,742.00 |

|Current participation: |$0.00 MBE |$0.00 WBE |$1,604,742.00OTHER |$0.00 EXEMPT |

| |MBE 0% |WBE 0% |OTHER 100% |Exempt 0% |

|Recovered material: |N/A |


I. Best Buy: The following provision applies to mandatory use contracts only. This contract is subject to RCW 43.19.190(2) & RCW 43.19.1905(7): which authorizes state agencies to purchase materials, supplies, services, and equipment of equal quantity and quality to those on state contract from non-contract suppliers. Provided that an agency subsequently notifies the Office of State Procurement (OSP) State Procurement Officer (SPO) that the pricing is less costly for such goods or services than the price from the state contractor.

If the non-contract supplier’s pricing is less, the state contractor shall be given the opportunity by the state agency to at least meet the non-contractor’s price. If the state contractor cannot meet the price, then the state agency may purchase the item(s) from the non-contract supplier, document the transactions on the appropriate form developed by OSP and forwarded to the SPO administering the state contract. (Reference General Authorities document)

If a lower price can be identified on a repeated basis, the state reserves the right to renegotiate the pricing structure of this agreement. In the event such negotiations fail, the state reserves the right to delete such item(s) from the contract.

II. State Agencies: Submit Order directly to Contractor for processing. Political Subdivisions: Submit orders directly to Contractor referencing State of Washington contract number. If you are unsure of your status in the State Purchasing Cooperative call (360) 902-7415.

III. Only authorized purchasers included in the State of Washington Purchasing Cooperative (WSPC) and State of Oregon Cooperative Purchasing Program (DASCPP/ORCPP) listings published and updated periodically by OSP and DAS may purchase from this contract. It is the contractor’s responsibility to verify membership of these organizations prior to processing orders received under this contract. A list of Washington members is available on the Internet , and a list of the Oregon members is available at contractors shall not process state contract orders from unauthorized users.

IV. Contract Terms: This Document includes by reference all terms and conditions published in the original IFB, including Standard Terms and Conditions, and Definitions, included in the Competitive Procurement Standards published by OSP (as Amended)..


1) Administrative change removing Diane Donahoo and adding David Scott as the new Contracts Specialist

2) To extend existing contract for an additional twenty four (24) month term. Starting March 25, 2008 through March 24, 2010.

3) Update OSP Contracts Specialist and Alternate Contact Information.

Special Conditions:


Primary purchasers will be state agencies, higher education and political subdivisions who are members of the State of Washington Purchasing Cooperative (WSPC). Contractor(s) shall not process contract orders from unauthorized purchasers. A list of WSPC members can be found on at: ga.pca/cooplist.htm

Both contractors have agreed to extend contract pricing to State of Oregon ORCCP members. Note that Thermal Supply will add 7% to contract pricing for Oregon purchases. The list of Oregon Cooperative Purchasing members (DASCPP/ORCPP) can be found at: . Contractors shall not process state contract orders from unauthorized purchasers. While use of the contract by members of the WSPC and DASCPP/ORCPP is optional, the state encourages them to use state contracts. Their use of the contracts may significantly increase the purchase volume. Their orders are subject to the same contract terms, conditions and pricing as state agencies. The state accepts no responsibility for payment by WSPC or DASCPP/ORCPP members.


Legislation allows nonprofit corporations to participate in state contracts for purchases administered by OSP. By mutual agreement with OSP, RSD-Total Control may sell goods or services at contract pricing awarded under this contract to self certified nonprofit corporations. Those organizations purchasing under this contract shall do so only to the extent they retain eligibility and comply with other contract and statutory provisions. The contractor may make reasonable inquiry of credit worthiness prior to accepting orders or delivering goods or services on contract. The state accepts no responsibility for payments by nonprofit corporations. Contractor may not change contracted payment terms for nonprofit orders.


During the term of this contract, with mutual agreement with the Contractor, the state may add related products or manufacturers to this contract provided Contractor maintains the same pricing structure/profit margin as was established on the original contract. These additional products shall not significantly impact the volume or scope of the contract.


Contractor(s) will:

• Review the impact of this award and take the necessary steps to ensure adequate coverage and contract compliance.

• Assist purchasers in making cost effective purchases. This assistance should include, in part, suggesting alternate brands, new methods, and economic order quantities.

• Promote and market the use of this contract to all eligible purchasers including State Procurement Cooperative members.

• Take necessary action to ensure that authorized purchasers will automatically receive contract pricing.

• Ensure that those who endeavor to utilize this contract are authorized State Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) members.

• Provide price verification to contract users upon request. Price verification will include i2 TRA-SER Pro Price Directory® manufacturer list pricing, contract price and catalog number.


Contract purchasers may place orders against this contract either in person, electronically, fax or by phone. Once an order is issued, the following shall apply:

• All product purchased against this contract shall be FOB destination with cost of freight included in the bid price. No COD deliveries will be accepted.

• Standard products shall be delivered within ten (10) business days. Non-standard or custom product orders shall be delivered within twenty (20) business days; if delivery is not possible because of specialized materials or product specifications then Contractor shall provide a mutually acceptable firm delivery date.

• Contractor(s) will make every effort to ensure the expeditious delivery of all contract orders. Failure to fulfill delivery schedules may subject the contractor to non-delivery assessment charges and/or liquidated damages as appropriate. Furthermore, a pattern of prolonged delivery delays may be cause for contract termination.

• Unless special delivery requirements have been pre-arranged, deliverers will be made during the normal work hours (Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM). The contractor is responsible for coordinating with customers and carrier(s) the delivery schedule, shipping instructions and location delivery details. The state reserves the right to refuse shipment when delivered after normal working hours.

• If it is determined that order fulfillment could potentially exceed the typical order fulfillment lead time, the contractor shall advise the purchaser within 24 hours of receipt of the order. In such cases, the state reserves the right to purchase elsewhere (without being liable for cancellation/restocking fees) should the anticipated delivery lead-time adversely effect project scheduling.

• Unless otherwise stated, the contractor is expected to deliver and off-load at purchasers receiving dock or job site.

• Product damaged as a result of contractor negligence will either be replaced or be noted on the receiving report and deducted from final payment.

• Contractor is responsible for shipping costs and arranging for pick-up of any defective returns, and arranging for a Call Tag to insure freight is charged to Contractor for defective returns, within ten (10) business days.

• Purchasers may return unopened or unused (non-specialty) items within ten (10) business days of receipt for full credit and no re-stocking/cancellation fees will be applied. Specialty items will be subject to the manufacturer’s restocking fees which shall be communicated and approved by customer upon receipt of the purchase order.

• Purchasers will assume the cost of special deliveries requiring a boom truck, forklift (when not available at the delivery site) and the transport of items beyond the unloading dock.

• All costs for containers shall be borne by the contractor. All products shall conform to the provisions set forth in the federal, county, state and city laws for their product, handling, processing and labeling. Packages shall be so constructed to ensure safe transportation to point of delivery.

• The Contractor is responsible to verify delivery conditions/requirements prior to the delivery.


Ongoing quarterly customer usage reports will be an important factor impacting in the decision to extend or renew a contract(s). Therefore, contractors will agree to provide the following report(s) to Office of State Procurement in a timely manner.

Sales and Subcontractor Report

A quarterly Sales and Subcontractor Report shall be submitted in the format provided by the Office of State Procurement. Bidders may retrieve the report electronically at . Total purchases for each State Agency, University, Community and Technical Colleges must be shown separately. Total purchases for all political subdivisions and non-profit organizations may be summarized as one customer. Additionally, all purchases by the State of Oregon or other purchasers must be reported as an aggregate total. Reports are due thirty (30) days after the end of the calendar quarter, i.e., April 30th, July 31st, October 31st and January 31st.

SPO Required Report

This report will be designed by the SPO to obtain information needed for contract negotiation, future IFB design, or any other SPO determined need. At a minimum the contractor must be able to provide and electronic report that includes the total contract sales for the manufacturer represented.


General Requirements: The state, in conjunction with purchasers, monitors and maintains records of Contractor performance. Said performance shall be a factor in evaluation and award of this and all future contracts. Purchasers will be provided with product/service performance report forms to forward reports of superior or poor performance to the State Procurement Officer.

Liquidated Damages: The state has an immediate requirement for the materials, equipment or services specified herein. Bidders are urged to give careful consideration to the state’s requirements and to the manufacturer’s production capabilities when establishing a delivery date(s). Liquidated damages will be assessed in the amount of actual damages incurred by the state as a result of Contractor’s failure to perform herein.

Cost of Remedying Defects: All defects, indirect and consequential costs of correcting, removing or replacing any or all of the defective materials or equipment will be charged against the Contractor. Contractor(s) will not however be liable for defects resulting from improper installation by purchaser.


The contractor shall maintain, for at least three years after completion of this contract, all relevant records pertaining to this contract. This shall include, but not be limited to, all records pertaining to actual contract performance from the date of contract award. It shall also include information necessary to document the level of utilization of MWBE’s and other businesses as subcontractors and suppliers in this contract as well as any efforts the contractor makes to increase the participation of MWBE’s. The contractor shall also maintain, for at least three years after completion of this contract, a record of all quotes, bids, estimates, or proposals submitted to the Contractor by all businesses seeking to participate as subcontractors or suppliers in this contract. The State shall have the right to inspect and copy such records. If this contract involves federal funds, Contractor shall comply with all record keeping requirements set forth in any federal rules, regulations, or statutes included or referenced in the contract documents.


The percent discount bid will remain firm throughout the term of the contract. During the term of this contract, should the contractor enter into pricing agreements with other customers providing greater benefits or pricing, contractor shall immediately amend the Purchaser’s contract to provide similar pricing to the Purchaser if the contract with other customers offers similar usage quantities, and similar conditions impacting pricing. Contractor shall immediately notify the State Procurement Officer of any such contracts entered into by contractor. If the contractor fails to notify the State Procurement Officer and the officer has documentation/evidence that the contractor is providing better pricing to other customers, the State may consider terminating their contract.


The Contractor shall be required to furnish all new materials, equipment and/or services necessary to perform contractual requirements. Materials and workmanship in the construction of equipment for this contract shall conform to all codes, regulations and requirements for such equipment, specifications contained herein, and the normal uses for which intended. Materials shall be manufactured in accordance with the best commercial practices and standards for this type of equipment. Refurbished products are not allowed without prior approval by purchaser.


All materials or equipment provided shall be new, unused, of the latest model or design and of recent manufacture.

Unless otherwise specified, contract purchases will carry the manufacturer’s standard warranty after receipt of materials or equipment by the Purchaser. All materials or equipment provided shall be new, unused of the latest model or design and or recent manufacture. In the event of conflict between contract terms and conditions and warranty submitted, to afford the state maximum benefits, the contract terms and conditions shall prevail.

Contractor warrants that all materials provided under the contract shall be fit for the purpose(s) for which intended, for merchantability, and shall conform to the requirements and specifications herein. Acceptance of any service and inspection incidental thereto by the state shall not alter or affect the obligations of the Contractor or the rights of the State.


In an effort to streamline the purchasing and payment process, the State is encouraging agencies to use the state contracted purchasing card to facilitate small dollar purchases. While at the present time, it is not mandatory that contractors accept credit card purchases, we encourage all state contractors to consider this alternate payment process. Please indicate in Bid Submittals which card(s) you presently accept and payment discount you may offer the state. The current card available for state agency use is a VISA product.

Contractor Information

|Contractor: |RSD-Total Control |

|Contract Administrator: |Timothy R. Haymes |

|Phone: |(800) 572-4657 |Fax: |(949) 461-7454 |

|Email: |thaymes@ |Web address: |rsd- |

|Federal ID No.: |951262130 |Supplier No.: |3691 |

|Payment address: |RSD-TC |Order placement: |Nearest Branch |

| |26021 Atlantic Ocean Dr | | |

| |Lake Forest, CA 92630 | | |

|Ordering procedures: |Contact nearest service center in your region |

|Shipping: |(FOB) destination |Freight: |Prepaid and included |

|Credit card acceptance: |Visa, MasterCard, American Express |

|Minimum orders: |No minimum order |

|Delivery time: |10 business days After Receipt of Order (ARO) |

|Payment terms: |2% net 30 days |Online Order Discount: |2% |

|Cooperative Purchasers: |WSPC |(DASCPP/ORCPP) |Nonprofit |

| |Yes |Yes |Yes |

|Regions Awarded to RSD—Total Control |

|Northwest Region |Northwest Region |Eastern Region |Olympic Region |

|Seattle |Bellingham |Spokane |Tacoma |

|625 S Industrial Way |3924 Iron Gate Rd, Unit A |212 E Pacific |2519 Pacific Hwy E, #G |

|Seattle, WA 98108 |Bellingham, WA 98226 |Spokane, WA 99202 |Tacoma, WA 98424 |

|Phone: 206-623-8005 |Phone: 360-671-7407 |Phone: 509-838-0593 |Phone: 253-922-2422 |

|Fax: 206-621-1609 |Fax: 360-671-6106 |Fax: 509-624-9371 |Fax: 253-922-9613 |

|Manager: Everett Erk |Manager: Joe Greshock |Manager: Jamie Hayward |Manager: Renny Dove |

Contract Pricing

The date identified on a purchase order as correlated to the most current edition of the i2 TRA-SER PRO Price Directory Data® will be used to establish manufacturer’s published catalog price. The i2 TRA-SER PRO Price Directory® aggregates and regularly updates list pricing information for the manufacturer’s incorporated into this contract. For more information see i2 Tra-Ser Pro at:

Contract pricing is calculated by multiplying the contractor’s bid multiplier with the i2 Tra-Ser Pro Manufacturer’s list price. For Example:

(Bid Multiplier: .456) x (i2 TRA-SER PRO List Price $100) = (Contract Price $45.60)

(Bid Multiplier: .567) x (i2 TRA-SER PRO List Price $100) = (Contract Price $56.70)

The preceding price sheet is applicable in the following regions: Northwest, Eastern, Olympic

|i2 Manufacturer |i2 UPC |List Price x Multiplier |


|ARMACELL, LLC. |803014 |.431 |

|ASCO GENERAL CONTROLS |783150 |.900 |


|BALDOR MOTORS |781568 |.575 |

|BELL & GOSSETT (ITT) |683328 | | |

|Viv:PresRlf/PRV/SftyRlf/Tempering |694P |.650 |

|Hydronic Systems, Boilers & Accy |155P |.650 |

|Circulating Pumps & Parts & Accessories |751P |.750 |

|All other products |683328 |.750 |


|Coolers-Air, Evaporative, Unit |465C |.290 |

|Air Cooled Condensing Units |491C |.290 |

|Misc, Heating Equip, Heaters, Furnaces |439C |.346 |

|All Other Products |682096 |.346 |


|Hermetic/Semi-Hermetic Compressors |421C |.453 |

|Compressor Parts & Accessories |429C |.453 |

|Scroll Compressors |425C |.438 |

|Air Cooled Condensing Units |491C |.413 |

|All Other Products |682688 |.453 |

|CPR IND. INC. (CARRIER,TRANE,YORK) |950111 |.587 |

|DANFOSS PRODUCTS |662782 |1.000 |

|DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC. |782568 |.544 |

|GATES PRODUCTS |72053 |.424 |

|HARRIS, J.W. CO., INC. |684032 |.700 |

|HENRY TECHNOLOGIES |684144 |.571 |

|HONEYWELL, INC. |85267 | | |

|Actuators, Relays, Transducers |215P |.475 |

|Heating/Air Condition, Thermostats |211P |.420 |

|Furnaces & Accessories |152P |.420 |

|All Other Products |85267 |.420 |





|KLEIN TOOLS, INC. |92644 |.680 |

|LITTLE GIANT PUMPS |10121 |.516 |

|MAPLE CHASE (PARAGON) |20967 |.626 |

|MOTORS & ARMATURES |685744 |.331 |

|JOHNSON CONTROLS |785028 | | |

|Hydronic Specialties, Backflow Preventer |212P |.425 |

|Air Valves |692P |.425 |

|Heating/Air Conditioning Thermostats |211P |.425 |

|Actuators, Relays, Transducers |215P |.425 |

|Transmitters, Receivers, Pilots, Dampers |216P |.425 |

|All Other Products |785028 |.400 |

|NU-CALGON PRODUCTS |681001 |.625 |

|PACKARD MOTORS, INC. |642665 |.402 |


|PREST-O-LITE (L-TEC) |662067 |.878 |

|RANCO, INC. |686608 |.385 |


|RITCHIE ENGINEERING |686800 |.880 |

|ROBERTSHAW CONTROLS |662013 |.425 |


|RUSSELL PRODUCTS |687032 | | |

|Coolers-Air, Evaporative, Unit |465C |.312 |

|Air Cooled Condensing Units |491C |.312 |

|Definite Purpose Motors |225C |.410 |

|All Other Products |687032 |.410 |




|SMITH, AO CORP. |671657 |.520 |

|SPORLAN VALVES |687472 | | |

|Driers, Filters Drier |111C |.385 |

|Expansion Valves |612C |.410 |

|Solenoid Valves & Parts |618C |.375 |

|Pressure Regulator/Water Regulator |614C |.435 |

|Valve Parts & Accessories |619C |.438 |

|All Other Products |687472 |.438 |

|TECUMSEH PRODUCTS |746685 | | |

|Hermetic/Semi-Hermetic Compressors |421C |.425 |

|Refrigerant Cooled Condensing Units |495C |.425 |

|Air Conditioning Limit Controls |252C |.600 |

|All Other Products |746685 |.600 |



|WHITE-RODGERS |786710 |.367 |

|UNISTRUT |786364 |.416 |

|LAU |723274 |.305 |

|RAYCHEM |715629 |.723 |

|JT&T |050286 |.248 |

|The i2 TRA-SER manufacturers listed below will be used to establish contract pricing but contractor(s) may supply equivalent products as |

|long as established contract pricing is matched. |

|MUELLER INDUSTRIES, (Copper Products) |685768 |.397 |

|REFRIGERANT |668405 |.425 |

Contractor Information

|Contractor: |Thermal Supply, Inc. |

|Contract Administrator: |Dan Monroe |

|Phone: |(800) 426-7122 |Fax: |(206) 625-9370 |

|Email: |dmonroe@ |Web address: | |

|Federal ID No.: |91-0558345 |Supplier No.: |15626 |

|Payment address: |Thermal Supply Inc. |Order placement: |Mike Rennie |

| |717 S. Lander | |717 S. Lander |

| |Seattle, WA 98134 | |Seattle, WA 98134 |

|Ordering procedures: |Contact nearest service center in your region. |

|Shipping destination: |(FOB) destination |Freight: |Prepaid and included |

|Credit card acceptance: |Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Direct Deposit |

|Minimum orders: |No minimum order |

|Delivery time: |10 business days After Receipt of Order (ARO) |

|Payment terms: |2% Net 30 days |OFM Electronic Funds Transfer: |Yes |

|Cooperative Purchasers: |WSPC |( DASCPP/ORCPP ) |Nonprofit |

| |Yes |(Plus 7% markup) |No |

|Regions Awarded to: Thermal Supply |

|South Central Region |South Central Region |South West Region | |

|Yakima |Kenewick |Vancouver | |

|202 W. Spruce |6423 West Deschutes |11012 NE 39th St., Suite C-3 | |

|Yakima, WA 98902 |Kennewick, WA 99336 |Vancouver, WA 98682 | |

|Phone: (509) 452-9155 |Phone: (509) 783-0140 |Phone: (360) 253.9797 | |

|Fax: (509) 575-5695 |Fax: (509) 783-1223 |Fax: (360) 253.9668 | |

|Manager: Shawn Schutt |Manager: Rod Lake |Manager: Don Morgan | |

Contract Pricing

The date identified on a purchase order as correlated to the most current edition of the i2 TRA-SER PRO Price Directory Data® will be used to establish manufacturer’s published catalog price. The i2 TRA-SER PRO Price Directory® aggregates and regularly updates list pricing information for the manufacturer’s incorporated into this contract. For more information see i2 Tra-Ser Pro at:

Contract pricing is calculated by multiplying the contractor’s bid multiplier with the i2 Tra-Ser Pro Manufacturer’s list price. For Example:

(Bid Multiplier: .456) x (i2 TRA-SER PRO List Price $100) = (Contract Price $45.60)

(Bid Multiplier: .567) x (i2 TRA-SER PRO List Price $100) = (Contract Price $56.70)

The preceding price sheet is applicable in the following regions: South Central, Southwest

|i2 Manufacturer |i2 UPC |List Price x Multiplier |


|ARMACELL, LLC. |803014 |0.510 |

|ASCO GENERAL CONTROLS |783150 |0.873 |


|BALDOR MOTORS |781568 |0.730 |

|BELL & GOSSETT (ITT) (37) |683328 | |  |

|Viv:PresRlf/PRV/SftyRlf/Tempering |694P |0.823 |

|Hydronic Systems, Boilers & Accy |155P |0.773 |

|Circulating Pumps & Parts & Accessories |751P |0.823 |

|All other products |683328 |0.823 |

|BOHN PRODUCTS (HEATCRAFT) (14) |682096 | |  |

|Coolers-Air, Evaporative, Unit |465C |0.300 |

|Air Cooled Condensing Units |491C |0.300 |

|Misc, Heating Equip, Heaters, Furnaces |439C |0.360 |

|All Other Products |682096 |0.360 |

|COPELAND REFRIGERATION (172) |682688 | |  |

|Hermetic/Semi-Hermetic Compressors |421C |0.450 |

|Compressor Parts & Accessories |429C |0.570 |

|Scroll Compressors |425C |0.440 |

|Air Cooled Condensing Units |491C |0.440 |

|All Other Products |682688 |0.570 |

|CPR IND. INC. (CARRIER,TRANE,YORK) |950111 |0.653 |

|DANFOSS PRODUCTS |662782 |0.640 |

|DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC. |782568 |0.585 |

|GATES PRODUCTS |72053 |0.635 |

|HARRIS, J.W. CO., INC. |684032 |0.700 |

|HENRY TECHNOLOGIES |684144 |0.530 |

|HONEYWELL, INC. (144) |85267 | |  |

|Actuators, Relays, Transducers |215P |0.479 |

|Heating/Air Condition, Thermostats |211P |0.442 |

|Furnaces & Accessories |152P |0.566 |

|All Other Products |85267 |0.566 |





|KLEIN TOOLS, INC. |92644 |0.630 |

|LITTLE GIANT PUMPS |10121 |0.650 |

|MAPLE CHASE (PARAGON) |20967 |0.390 |

|MOTORS & ARMATURES |685744 |0.430 |

|JOHNSON CONTROLS (91) |785028 | |  |

|Hydronic Specialties, Backflow Preventer |212P |0.467 |

|Air Valves |692P |0.504 |

|Heating/Air Conditioning Thermostats |211P |0.410 |

|Actuators, Relays, Transducers |215P |0.450 |

|Transmitters, Receivers, Pilots, Dampers |216P |0.450 |

|All Other Products |785028 |0.510 |

|NU-CALGON PRODUCTS |681001 |0.630 |

|PACKARD MOTORS, INC. |642665 |0.410 |


|PREST-O-LITE (L-TEC) |662067 |0.960 |

|RANCO, INC. |50169 |0.385 |


|RITCHIE ENGINEERING |686800 |0.760 |

|ROBERTSHAW CONTROLS |662013 |0.410 |


|RUSSELL PRODUCTS (8) |687032 | |  |

|Coolers-Air, Evaporative, Unit |465C |0.305 |

|Air Cooled Condensing Units |491C |0.305 |

|Definite Purpose Motors |225C |0.430 |

|All Other Products |687032 |0.430 |



|SMITH, AO CORP. |671657 |0.835 |

|SPORLAN VALVES (42) |687472 | |  |

|Driers, Filters Drier |111C |0.350 |

|Expansion Valves |612C |0.410 |

|Solenoid Valves & Parts |618C |0.350 |

|Pressure Regulator/Water Regulator |614C |0.410 |

|Valve Parts & Accessories |619C |0.410 |

|All Other Products |687472 |0.460 |

|TECUMSEH PRODUCTS (17) |746685 | |  |

|Hermetic/Semi-Hermetic Compressors |421C |0.448 |

|Refrigerant Cooled Condensing Units |495C |0.485 |

|Air Conditioning Limit Controls |252C |0.510 |

|All Other Products |746685 |0.510 |



|WHITE-RODGERS |786710 |0.385 |

|The i2 TRA-SER manufacturers listed below will be used to establish contract pricing but contractor(s) may supply equivalent products as |

|long as established contract pricing is matched. |

|MUELLER INDUSTRIES, (Copper Products) |685768 |0.430 |

|REFRIGERANT |668405 |0.565 |


Purchasing & Contract Administration

To OSP Customers:

Please take a moment to let us know how our services have measured up to your expectations on this contract. Please copy this form locally as needed and forward to the Office of State Procurement Purchasing Manager. For any comments marked unacceptable, please explain in remarks block.

|Procurement services provided: |Excellent |Good |Acceptable |Unacceptable |

|Timeliness of contract actions | | | | |

|Professionalism and courtesy of staff | | | | |

|Services provided met customer needs | | | | |

|Knowledge of procurement rules and regulations | | | | |

|Responsiveness/problem resolution | | | | |

|Timely and effective communications | | | | |


|Agency: | |Prepared by: | |

|Contract No.: |Document2 |Title: | |

|Contract Title: | |Date: | |

| | |Phone: | |

Send to:

Office of State Procurement

PO Box 41017

Olympia, Washington 98504-1017



Complete this form to report problems with suppliers or to report unsatisfactory product or services. You are also encouraged to report superior performance. Agency personnel should contact suppliers in an effort to resolve problems themselves prior to completion and submission of this report.

Contract number and title: 01304 Refrigeration Parts & Supplies

Supplier’s name: Supplier’s representative:


| |Contract item quality higher than required | |Damaged goods delivered |

| |Contract item quality lower than required. | |Item delivered does not meet P.O./contract specifications |

| |Other: | | |


| |Late delivery | |Slow response to problems and problem resolution |

| |Incorrect invoice pricing. | |Superior performance |

| |Other: | | |


| |Terms and conditions inadequate | |Additional items or services are required. |

| |Specifications need to be revised | |Minimum order too high. |

| |Other: | | |

Briefly describe situation:

|Agency Name: |Delivery Location: |

|Prepared By: |Phone Number: |Date: |Supervisor: |

| | | | |

|Address: |Email: | | |

| | | | |

Send To:

David Scott

Contracts Specialist


PO BOX 41017

OLYMPIA WA 98504-1017


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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