Know Your Bible – Part 3

Know Your Bible – Part 3

Genesis – Deuteronomy: From Creation to a Nation


1) The beginning of all things

2) The beginning of all people

3) The beginning of all families

4) The beginning of all sins

5) The beginning of all covenants

6) The beginning of all pictures and prophecies of Christ

Genesis also tells about the beginning of time, languages, people groups, the nation of Israel, and the plan of salvation.

Genesis 1-11: History of the Human Race

This part of the book covers at least 2,000 years and describes four important events.

1) Creation 3) Flood

2) Fall of man 4) Nations (Tower of Babel)

Genesis 12-50: History of the Hebrew Nation

This part of the book covers about 300 years and describes four important men.

1) Abraham 3) Jacob

2) Isaac 4) Joseph

Genesis 12 is a turning point in the Bible. God chose a special people, the Jews, to accomplish His plan of salvation in the world. The Book of Genesis begins in the Garden of Eden and ends in a coffin in Egypt.


The title, “Exodus” means going out or departure. Exodus tells about Israel’s great escape from Egyptian bondage. After suffering 400 years of slavery and hard labor, God led His people to freedom.

Exodus includes several important people:

1) Moses (he was God’s chosen leader)

2) Pharoah’s daughter (she rescued and adopted Moses)

3) Aaron (he was Moses’ brother and first high priest of Israel)

4) Pharoah (he was ruler of Egypt) The title “pharoah” was used as an official title rather than a personal name.

Exodus 1-12: The Jews are living in Egypt

Exodus 13-18: The Jews are traveling to Mt. Sinai

Exodus 19-40: The Jews are camping at Mt. Sinai

Four important events take place in Exodus:

1) The ten plagues (Ex. 7:14-11:10)

2) The Passover (Ex. 12)

3) The Ten Commandments (Ex. 20)

4) Construction of the Tabernacle (Ex. 35-40)


The title “Leviticus” means “pertaining to the Levites.” The Book of Leviticus is God’s guidebook for His redeemed people, showing them how to worship and serve God. The events in Leviticus cover about one month after the Law was given at Mt. Sinai.

The main theme of Leviticus is holiness

It is mentioned 152 times, more often than in any other Bible book.

Leviticus 1-17: Acceptable Worship of God (holy sacrifices)

Leviticus 18-27: Acceptable Walk with God (holy living)

This section includes warnings about kinds of behavior that were unacceptable for God’s people. They must be different from the heathen nations all around them.

Leviticus 16: An important chapter about the annual Day of Atonement


The title “Numbers” comes from two “numberings” censuses taken (Chps. 1, 26).

Numbers begins where Exodus ends, at the base of Mt. Sinai. The events in Numbers cover almost 40 years. Numbers reveals the consequences of unbelief. An entire generation of rebellious unbelievers died in the desert. This has been called “The Book of Murmuring.” The people often murmured against God and His servant Moses.

Numbers tells how an 11-day journey turned into a 40-year death march.

Numbers 1-9: Preparation (Israel at Mt. Sinai)

Numbers 10-20: Frustration (from Mt. Sinai to Kadesh-Barnea)

Numbers 21-36: Anticipation (from Kadesh-Barnea to Moab)

Numbers 13-14 describe the turning point in the story:

1) Twelve spies (scouts) are sent into Canaan

2) Conflicting reports are given

3) The people refuse to enter Canaan

4) God punishes them for unbelief


The title “Deuteronomy” means “second law.” In a series of final messages Moses reminded the people about the importance of knowing and obeying God’s Law. This was a time of transition for Israel. They would soon leave their wandering in the wilderness for a settled way of life in the Promised Land. This book ends with the death of Moses and his unusual burial.

Deuteronomy 1-11: Looking Back on Israel’s Past

Deuteronomy 12-34: Looking Ahead to Israel’s Future

The words “do, keep, and observe” appear 177 times in the Book of Deuteronomy. This book stresses the importance of obeying God’s Word. Jesus quoted from Deuteronomy when tempted by Satan (Mt. 4:1-11; Lk. 4:1-13). Moses reminded Israel of two important lessons:

1) God will surely bless obedience

2) God will surely punish disobedience

God’s Relationship with Israel in Genesis through Deuteronomy:

• Genesis reveals the selection of God’s people

• Exodus reveals the redemption of God’s people

• Leviticus reveals the sanctification of God’s people

• Numbers reveals the direction of God’s people

• Deuteronomy reveals the instruction of God’s people

Know Your Bible – Part 3

Genesis – Deuteronomy: From Creation to a Nation

GENESIS: the book of___________________________________________________

1) The beginning of___________________________________________________

2) The beginning of___________________________________________________

3) The beginning of___________________________________________________

4) The beginning of___________________________________________________

5) The beginning of___________________________________________________

6) The beginning of___________________________________________________

Genesis also tells about the beginning of time, languages, people groups, the nation of Israel, and the plan of salvation.

Genesis 1-11: __________________________________________________________

This part of the book covers at least 2,000 years and describes four important events.

1) ____________________________ 3) _____________________________

2) ____________________________ 4) _____________________________

Genesis 12-50: _________________________________________________________

This part of the book covers about 300 years and describes four important men.

1) ____________________________ 3) _____________________________

2) ____________________________ 4) _____________________________

Genesis 12 is a turning point in the Bible. God chose a special people, the Jews, to accomplish His plan of salvation in the world. The Book of Genesis begins in the Garden of Eden and ends in a coffin in Egypt.

EXODUS: the book of___________________________________________________

The title, “Exodus” means going out or departure. Exodus tells about Israel’s great escape from Egyptian bondage. After suffering 400 years of slavery and hard labor, God led His people to freedom.

Exodus includes several important people:

1) _________________________________ (he was God’s chosen leader)

2) _________________________________ (she rescued and adopted Moses)

3) ______________________ (he was Moses’ brother and first high priest of Israel)

4) ______________________ (he was ruler of Egypt) The title “pharoah” was used as an official title rather than a personal name.

Exodus 1-12: The Jews___________________________________________________

Exodus 13-18: The Jews__________________________________________________

Exodus 19-40: The Jews__________________________________________________

Four important events take place in Exodus:

1) ________________________________________________ (Ex. 7:14-11:10)

2) ________________________________________________ (Ex. 12)

3) ________________________________________________ (Ex. 20)

4) ________________________________________________ (Ex. 35-40)

LEVITICUS: the book of_________________________________________________

The title “Leviticus” means “pertaining to the Levites.” The Book of Leviticus is God’s guidebook for His redeemed people, showing them how to worship and serve God. The events in Leviticus cover about one month after the Law was given at Mt. Sinai.

The main theme of Leviticus is________________________________

It is mentioned 152 times, more often than in any other Bible book.

Leviticus 1-17: _________________________ of God___________________________

Leviticus 18-27: ________________________ with God_________________________

This section includes warnings about kinds of behavior that were unacceptable for God’s people. They must be different from the heathen nations all around them.

Leviticus 16: An important chapter about the annual_____________________________

NUMBERS: the book of__________________________________________________

The title “Numbers” comes from two “numberings” censuses taken (Chps. 1, 26).

Numbers begins where Exodus ends, at the base of Mt. Sinai. The events in Numbers cover almost 40 years. Numbers reveals the consequences of unbelief. An entire generation of rebellious unbelievers died in the desert. This has been called “The Book of Murmuring.” The people often murmured against God and His servant Moses.

Numbers tells how an 11-day journey turned into_______________________________

Numbers 1-9: ____________________________ (Israel at Mt. Sinai)

Numbers 10-20: __________________________ (from Mt. Sinai to Kadesh-Barnea)

Numbers 21-36: __________________________ (from Kadesh-Barnea to Moab)

Numbers 13-14 describe the turning point in the story:

1) ________________________________________ are sent into Canaan

2) ________________________________________ are given

3) ________________________________________ to enter Canaan

4) ________________________________________ for unbelief

DEUTERONOMY: the book of_____________________________________________

The title “Deuteronomy” means “second law.” In a series of final messages Moses reminded the people about the importance of knowing and obeying God’s Law. This was a time of transition for Israel. They would soon leave their wandering in the wilderness for a settled way of life in the Promised Land. This book ends with the death of Moses and his unusual burial.

Deuteronomy 1-11: __________________________________ on Israel’s Past

Deuteronomy 12-34: _________________________________ to Israel’s Future

The words “do, keep, and observe” appear 177 times in the Book of Deuteronomy. This book stresses the importance of obeying God’s Word. Jesus quoted from Deuteronomy when tempted by Satan (Mt. 4:1-11; Lk. 4:1-13). Moses reminded Israel of two important lessons:

1) God will surely______________________________________________

2) God will surely______________________________________________

God’s Relationship with Israel in Genesis through Deuteronomy:

• Genesis reveals______________________________________ of God’s people

• Exodus reveals_______________________________________ of God’s people

• Leviticus reveals______________________________________ of God’s people

• Numbers reveals______________________________________ of God’s people

• Deuteronomy reveals__________________________________ of God’s people


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