First Congregational Church

First Congregational ChurchFebruary 16, 2014Sixth Sunday in the Season of EpiphanyEpiphany means “showing” or better, “showing up”: The Light shows up in unexpected (odd, outrageous!) places,and we open our eyes and say “Oh look! It’s God!”Those who are able may stand where marked (*).Gathering #9 “Glorify Thy Name” Welcome and Announcements Mary Menzies Opening PrayerPrelude and Ministry of the AcolyteResponsive Reading based on Deuteronomy 30:11-20 One:“Surely my commandment isn’t too hard,” Says our God.“It isn’t too high or far away.”All:We don’t have to climb up to heaven to get it;we don’t have to sail the seven seas.One:No, the word of God is very near us—All:in our mouths and in our hearts so we can do it.One:“Look,” says our God, “I am setting before you life and prosperity, death and adversity.?All:“If you obey my commands, I will bless you. If your heart turns away, you shall perish.One:“Look. I am setting your choices before you: life and death, blessings and curses. All:Choose life, so that you and your children may live,?loving, obeying and holding fast to God.One:Beloved, it’s simple. There’s life and there’s death.All:Choose life.Hymn #23“The God of Abraham Praise” Anthem “Where Two or Three Are Gathered” Governor Children's Time Moments of Concern and Celebration (Please fill out a blue card in the pew)Pastoral Prayer and Savior’s Prayer (trespasses) Worship of God with our Tithes and OfferingsOffertory Music *Doxology (#815) and Offertory Prayer*Hymn #56 “To God Be the Glory”Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9Sermon: “But the Growth Comes from God Alone”*Hymn #33 “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” vs. 1-3*Benediction*Response #33 “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” vs. 4 Postlude and Ministry of the Acolyte ................

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