Phoenixmasonry Masonic Museum and Library - USA

What Do You Know About the

Texas Grand Council Officer Aprons?

Or Redactions

From the Address of the Most Illustrious Grand Master

Jewel P. Lightfoot


Complied and Edited

Cliff Cameron, D.D., KYCH

Past Thrice Illustrious Master

Jerusalem Council No.7

Navasota, Texas

When I was appointed as the Grand Sentinel in 2005, I became curious about the emblems on the Grand Council Officer Aprons and earnestly asked but none of the Grand Officers could provide an answer. Being a Messianic Rabbi I recognized that the top emblem contained the characters from the Tetragramaton, but that they were reversed, again no one knew why? Last year I distributed a paper titled ‘Some Grand Council Historical Facts and Talking Points’ which included some information from outside sources about some of the emblems.

One source was a book entitled Restorations of Masonic Geometry and Symbolry, Being a Dissertation on the Lost Knowledge of the Lodge by H.P.H. Bromwell, which was originally published in 1903, and is available today as reprint from Kessinger Publishing. More recently I came across the Grand Masters Address of Jewel P. Lightfoot from 1945 that contained the answers to most of my questions including why the Officer Aprons for the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas are different from those in other Grand Jurisdictions. Quite simply because our Very Illustrious Companion Lightfoot was the one who designed them and the accompanying regalia, as well as the regalia and aprons for the Grand Lodge of Texas and the Grand Royal Chapter of Texas. Companion Lightfoot had also used Brother Bromwell’s book as one of his sources for the description of the various Signets associated with his description of the emblems on the Grand Council Officer Aprons. Both Brother Bromwell and Lightfoot were significant Masonic authors and researchers, and Lightfoot borrowed liberally from Bromwell’s Restoration of Masonic Geometry in his Lightfoot’s Manual of the Lodge or Monitorial Instructions in the Three Degrees of Symbolic Masonry, as well as from multiple texts of Dr. A. G. Mackey. Brother Bromwell had his family beginnings in Ohio, and Illinois before becoming a pioneer resident in Colorado helping to forge their state constitution. Bromwell has a biographical history posted on line at $47 associated with a Denver, Colorado public elementary school named after him. Our Right Worshipful and Very Excellent as well as Very Illustrious Companion Lightfoot also has a short biography posted by members of Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283 in Dallas, Texas at .

I have found it is best to use the original text when describing complex information and instead of losing valuable context in restating what Companion Lightfoot intended, I have included in full those portions from his 1945 Grand Master’s address (54-66), pertaining the history and symbolism of the Grand Council Officer Aprons, along with his depiction of the aprons, as well as, providing the page references for the description of the various Signets used from Brother Bromwell’s book, and some of my related text and images, which I feel may give a more complete understanding.

Grand Officer Aprons

At the last Grand Assembly of this Grand Council, Companion Charles C. Hard presented a resolution proposing that a set of Aprons for the Officers of this Grand Council, and the Past Grand Masters, be purchased. The resolution was referred to the Committee on Finance for consideration, and report thereon, at this Grand Assembly.

After consultation with some of the Grand Officers and the Committee on finance, it was agreed that the dignity of this Grand Council would be greatly enhanced by providing such regalia for the Grand Officers, leaving the question of Aprons for the Past Grand Masters to be considered and reported upon at the Grand Assembly. The Committee on Finance, after a referendum taken by the Chairman of the Committee, Companion George W. Clampitt, indicated it would make a favorable report on that part of the resolution, and believing that the Grand Council would approve the action, sanctioned the suggestion that the Aprons for the Grand Officers be ordered so as to be available for use at the present Grand Assembly; Accordingly, I assumed the responsibility of placing the order.

A careful investigation of the designs for such Aprons published in the catalogues of the supply houses showed a few designs, but were devoid of any symbolic signification. They were of various designs, as well as dimensions. Moreover, due to war restrictions, only one of the supply houses was able to manufacture and deliver in time the Aprons desired.

I succeeded in finding one supply house which had the necessary materials to accept such an order, Ihking Bros. Everard Company of Kalamazoo, Michigan. The order was accordingly placed with that firm, of which Brother Clark W. McKenzie, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Michigan is Vice President. It is the same firm which made the regalia and aprons for the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of Texas. Since I have been given the honor of designing the regalia of the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter, I have completed the series by rendering the same service for the Grand Council. The aprons are of special design and have correct dimensions. The geometric symbols displayed thereon are highly symbolical and embody the key to the Divine Science, Cosmic Laws, and Royal Art preserved for ages in the allegories and symbols of ancient craft masonry, of which the Council is a rich repository. These significant symbols, preserved as they will be upon the face of our official Aprons, will ever be present to our Companions, through the years to come, emblems worthy of deepest meditation and most exalted contemplation.

The Council being the repository of much of the most sublime and significant symbolism of Ancient Craft Masonry, it is both fitting and appropriate that some of the emblems of its exalted symbolism should be preserved permanently associating them with that portion our of regalia which will endure as long as there are Councils of Royal and Select Masters on this earth.

In the Masters Degree the initiate is solemnly instructed that Geometry is the foundation upon which the superstructure of Freemasonry is erected.

This is true, that the science of Geometry is

unchangeable, and it is the same in every language. Its forms and figures are a safe, permanent and unchanging repository of our sublime mysteries. The wise sages, seers and adepts of old, adopted it as a universal medium and vehicle through which to transmit to remotest ages the fundamental elements of Divine Truth.

In this changing world, wherein arbitrary power ever strives for mastery, seeking to destroy the firm foundations of civilization and set up new social orders, we should never lose sight of our duty to preserve and transmit to posterity those sacred symbols which embody the law, the faith, the hope, and perhaps the ultimate destiny of mankind on this mundane sphere.

I submit for your consideration my action on this subject.

A Partial Explanation of the Geometric Symbols Displayed on the Grand Council Aprons.

It is scarcely to be expected that in this modern and materialistic age the average busy man devotes much attention to the study of Geometry.

Nor is it very likely that he will search for the keys to knowledge, wisdom, light and truth concealed in its working tools, forms and figures.

It is quite demonstrable that they have been utilized by the wisest of sages from earliest ages as a vehicle to preserve and transmit to posterity the fundamentals of cosmic laws, and the Divine Science through which the Great Architect of the Universe created, preserves and maintains the universe in which we live, move and have our being.

One great Masonic savant has correctly observed that: “Anyone conversant with the work, rituals, and literature of Masonry, must have noticed the continual use of the term Geometry” and the repeated allusions to that Science as being “the noblest of sciences,”—as being “the science on which Masonry is founded,” and particularly those which hold the most exalted positions, such as the square and compasses, the Grand Architects square, and the like, are instruments used for the purpose of geometric operations, and serve equally well the uses of architecture.

Among these implements the highest places are held by those two most familiar and of common use, the compasses and the square; for these constitute two of the three “Great Lights,” are also distinguished as being part of the “furniture of the Lodge.”

The square is not only one of the Great Lights, but also one of the jewels of the Lodge, and the principal one of those called immovable. It is worn by the Worshipful Master in the East, he being the highest symbolical character in the Lodge.

The square, level, and plumb line constitute the immovable jewels and are instruments made use of in squaring the moveable jewels of the Lodge.

Even the youngest entered apprentice makes himself known to others by certain geometric signs which embody right angles, horizontals, and perpendiculars.

It is said the great sages, seers, and savants of old wore a finger of his right hand a signet ring with which he sealed important instruments and communications.

The signets were of geometrical design and highly symbolical.

It seems to be fitting that the Grand Council, being the crown and apex of Ancient Craft Masonry, and embodying all that precedes it, is a proper forum for the preservation and display of those beautiful geometric symbols, which conceal—and at the same time reveal—to those who will search for them, imperishable truths which lie hidden in the foundation of Freemasonry.

I will now undertake, briefly, to point out some of the more apparent significations of the emblems, leaving it to the seekers of Masonic light to search for their deeper arcane meanings.

Grand Steward’s Apron

JPL Fig. 1

The Equilateral Triangle

“The Signet of Zerrubbable ‘which is Truth’ and which is an equilateral triangle circumscribed by a circle. It is a geometric figure which contains sixty degrees in each of its three angles, the same number of degrees contained between the points of the extended compasses, and being the first and simplest form possible in Geometry, and that of which all other forms are composed, was hailed by our ancient brethren of all nations as the symbol of the ‘ALL PRODUCING CAUSE’, and signifies not only the Divine Being, but TRUTH,, which is the first and simplest—as well as the foundation—of all virtues (2:75).


Every Geometric theorem or emblem, according to the number of its sides, angles or points, has its counterpart among the numerals. Thus the Equilateral triangle in Geometry is analogous to the numeral 3 in mathematics; both are used as significant symbols.

The Science of Numbers engaged the deepest attention of the Ancients.

Pythagoras taught the Science of Numbers in the Temple of the Muses, a school in which he conducted at Crotona, more than 500 years before the Christian era. One of the Books of the Sacred Law bears the title “Numbers.”

Pythagoras pointed out that certain numerals have definite properties which distinguished them from each other, and have a definite relation to certain natural laws operating in the realm of nature.


According to Pythagoras, the triad represented by the numeral 3 and the equilateral triangle, is the first odd number in energy, and is the first perfect number.

It is the cause of all that has triple dimension. Photius observes it is the cause of good counsel, intelligence and knowledge, and is a mistress of music and geometry, possess authority in whatever pertains to astronomy and the nature and knowledge of the heavenly bodies and connects and leads them into effects.

A number being more increased by multiplication that its addition, the number 3 is, properly speaking, the first number, as neither the monad, nor duad 2 are so increased.

The divine order in nature is regulated by the Triad. The world is divided into 3 kingdoms--mineral, animal and vegetable.

Time—past, present and future.

Mistress of geometry—because the triangle is the principal of Figures.

Mistress of music—because every harmony contains 3 symphonies—Diapason, the Diapente, and the Diatessaron. The equilateral triangle containing the Hebrew letter “Yod” is a symbol of the ineffable name. (See CC Fig. 1)

It is also a symbol of the Holy Trinity.

In the Masonic Rites it occupies an all important part in its symbolism.

The temple of Solomon was divided into 3 principal divisions,--the ground floor, middle chamber and sanctum sanctorum.

It was served by 3 orders of Priesthood, the High priest wearing the triple tiara.

The Mysteries were presided over by 3 Grand Masters, seated in stations describing a triangle.

There were 3 great columns—Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty.

Three great lights and three lesser lights; 3 movable jewels and 3 immovable jewels; 3 signs, 3 words, and 3 tokens. 3 Circumambulations, 3 gates of the Temple, 3 craftsmen, 3 strokes of the gavels, 3 colored veils of the Tabernacle, 3 sojourners from Babylon, 3 signs, and 3 passwords, 3 articles deposited in the Ark of the Covenant. Three officers presiding in Council, 3 working tools, 3 discoveries, 3 exalted 3 and 3 times 3, to mention only a few Masonic triads.

Grand Conductor of the Council Apron

JPL Fig. 2

The Quadrangle

“The Signet of Aaron, the anointed High priest of Jehovah and Master of Symbolic Masonry, which he was commanded to wear at all times when he entered the Holy of Holies, on pain of destruction; which being the only geometric figure of equal lines and angles which can be described about a center and contain the same number of degrees as a circle, signifies in the first Degree of Masonry all natural science whatsoever; in the third degree, the Righteousness of Jehovah; wherefore, the Breastplate which bore this symbol was called by our ancient brethren of all nations the ‘Breastplate of Righteousness’”(Bromwell, 372).

The Tetrad—4.

The quadrangle is a geometric figure made up by 4 right angled triangles, one in each corner, each an angle of 90 degrees. 4X90 equals 360 degrees; therefore the quadrangle possesses the same number of degrees as the circle—viz: 360 degrees.

According to Nicomachus, Pythagoras called the number four “the greatest miracle”, “A manifold divinity,” the “fountain of nature, and its “key bearer.”

In the sacred books of the Hebrews there are 4 letters in the Tetragramaton or ineffable or unpronounceable name, “I.H.V.H.” (See CC Fig. 2)

It is significant that almost all peoples of antiquity possessed a name for Deity consisting of four letters, and many of the considered 4 to be a Divine number, thus:-- Hebrew IHVH; Assyrian ADAD; Egyptian AMUN; Persian SYRE; Latin DEUS; German GOTT; French DIEU; Turkish ESAR; Tartar ITGA; Arabian ALLA; England and America LORD; as well as numerous other examples.

The number 4 being the completion of the quaternary group in geometry consisting of point, line, superfices and solid, has also this character that its elements 1, 2, 3, and 4, when added together, are equal to 10, which includes all numerals below it and was considered by the ancients as so perfect that we can go no further, but to increase we must return to the monad or 1, that is to say 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, etc,, and etc.

4 as heretofore pointed out, represents the 4 primal elements forming the cosmos and all life therein—fire, air, water, and earth.

It also presented as the great symbol of the Royal Arch Chapter. It is represented by 4 banners bearing images of the Lion, Eagle, Man, and Ox.

Those banners and their symbols are believed to refer to the great Circle of the Zodiac and the 4 constellations at the 4 cardinal points, East, West, North and South, in which we find the Sun at the 4 seasons, spring, summer, fall, and winter.

The constellations at the 4 cardinal points were Leo, the Lion, Scorpio, the Eagle; Aquarius, the Man; and Taurus the ox or bull.

The sun at the era of Solomon was in each of the signs as follows:

In Leo the Lion, at the Summer Solstice, on June 24th.

In Scorpio or the Eagle at the Autumnal Equinox or Feast of Tabernacles on September 21st.

In Aquarius or the man, at the Winter Solstice, December 24th, the birthday of the savior, as well as the day when the sun begins to arise and return toward the North.

In the sign of Taurus, or the ox, at the Vernal Equinox, March 21st, the season of Easter and the Jewish Passover, as well as the Resurrection.

The symbols conceal the cosmic law governing the movements of the sun between the tropics and across the equator annually, a profound secret known only to the initiates of the inner sanctuaries of the ancient temples.

Other Numerals.

The Pentad 5: The Hexad 6: The Heptad 7: The Ogdoad 8; and the Ennead 9; sometimes referred to respectively as Pentalpha; Hexagon; Heptalpha; Octalpha and nonagon. Each is significant. In the central portion of each figure, respectively, will be found the geometrical figures of a pentagon; a hexagon; a heptagon; and octagon; and a nonagon. 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 sided figures.

Each is an important Masonic symbol, some of the meanings of which can be learned by a reference to several books on the subject of “Numbers” to be found in the Grand Lodge Library.

It would extend this comment beyond the limits of prudence to attempt to set forth their significations as I have done with numerals 1, 2, 3, and 4, already described. The numerals 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 together with their corresponding geometrical equivalents are each highly significant symbols.

It is also hoped that they may be preserved on the Aprons of the Grand Council, as an inspiration to succeeding generations to search for the keys to the Royal Art and Divine Science, which these symbols conceal as well as reveal.

Grand Marshal’s Apron

JPL Fig. 3

Point within a Circle

“The Signet of Zoroaster, the wise man of the East; the leader of the Magi; -- the point within the circle, the sign of the Sun, which is thus explained. As the Sun is the ruler of the whole terrestrial and celestial world, the Source and Foundation of Light and Life to all beings and creation therein, in a like manner as the Grand Architect of the Universe is the Ruler and Source of Light and Life to the whole celestial and terrestrial universe, and as the circle is the most comprehensive form possible in Geometry, in which all other forms are contained, this Signet is hailed by our ancient brethren of all nations as the symbol of the Beginning and the End, the cause and effect—the Principle of Life and Action which pervades, animates and governs the universe” (Bromwell, 115). (See CC Fig.3)

The Numeral 1, or Point within the Circle.

Several of the Numerals have distinctive properties peculiar only to that particular numeral, hence their apt use as symbols to illustrate certain principles and laws.

For example: There is a numeral which is so constant in its properties that it cannot be changed or increased by multiplication, namely the Monad, or unit represented by the numeral 1. 1 multiplied by 1 still equals one, it remains immutable, and even multiplied into itself remains itself only, since once one is still one, and the monad multiplied by the monad remains the immutable monad to infinity. It remains by itself among numbers, for no number can be taken from it, or separated from its unity.


The Monad, unity, or the number one, was given numerous meanings in the symbolism of the Ancients.

Photius tells us that the Pythagoreans gave it various names. To them it was an apt symbol of the Deity. First, in all things, the maker of all things. Intellect, the source of all ideas.

In the Hebrew mysteries it or the unit 10, is represented by the “jod” or “yod” which is a contraction of the ineffable name and the first syllable of the Grand Omnific Word. It is also represented by the point within the circle. God dwelling in the center of his universe. (See CC Fig. 4)

The Duad.

Another apt example is found in the peculiar properties of the numeral 2, anciently referred to as:

The Duad or numeral 2 has the distinctive characteristic that it may be increased to the same extent by addition, as by multiplication. No other number has such properties—thus 2 added to 2 equals 4; while 2X2 also equals 4.

All other numbers produce more by multiplication than addition, thus 3 added to 3 produces 6; while 3X3 equals 9.

The Duad has an important part in symbolism since it represents the dualities existing in the laws of nature, and to many other human and natural contrasts—Good and Evil; light and darkness; wet and dry; hot and cold; health and disease; truth and error; male and female; attraction and repulsion; cause and effect; as well as the laws of balance and equilibrium symbolized in Freemasonry by the two great Pillars on the Porch of the temple and by the two parallel lines in the Lodge, indicating the stations of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. (See CC Fig. 4)

These examples will be sufficient to indicate to the searcher for Light and Truth the possible symbolical significance to be discovered in the remaining numerals in the Decad, or Ten. Namely: 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

Grand Recorder’s Apron

JPL Fig. 4

The Pentalpha

“The Signet of Solomon, the Pentalpha—called by our ancient brethren ‘the star in the east’—the symbol of Masonic Light and the five points of Masonic Fellowship—and being a five-fold and endless triangle whose lines are continually reproduced to infinity, is an emblem of Eternity”

(Bromwell, 358).

The Grand Treasurer’s Apron

JPL Fig. 5

The Hexad

“The Signet (seal) of King David—the triangle upon a triangle called by the ancient Hebrew Masters, the Morghan (Magen) David—which being a geometric figure composed of two equal and equilateral triangles whose bases are opposite and parallel, was hailed by our brethren among all nations as the symbol of the ‘Divine Humanity, the Image God in Man’” (Bromwell, 27).

Illustrious Grand Principal Conductor of the Work Apron

JPL Fig. 6

The Heptad

“The Signet of Moses, the man of God, who led the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt, and house of bondage; who went up to the East in Sinai, and received the Tablets of the Law; who with Aholiab and Bezaleel constructed the Ark of the Covenant, and erected the Tabernacle. The Heptalpha, or seven fold endless triangle—which being a geometric figure composed of lines which return upon themselves to infinity, by the number of Perfection, which is Seven, was hailed by our ancient brethren of all nations as the symbol of ‘Divine Perfection in all things’” (Bromwell, 391). (See CC Fig. 5)

Right Illustrious Deputy Grand Master’s Apron

JPL Fig. 7

The Ogdoad

“The Signet of Melchizdek, King of Righteousness, and priest of the Most high God; King of Salem, which is King of Peace—the Octalpha or eight fold endless triangle, which being reproduced to infinity, by right angles, horizontals, perpendiculars and diagonals, was hailed by our ancient brethren among all nations as the symbol of the Divine Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence; universal, infinite, and eternal” (Bromwell, 170).

Most Illustrious Grand Master’s Apron

JPL Fig. 8

The Ennead or 9

Upon the Grand Master’s Apron is found what is described to be the “Signet of Enoch.” The seventh patriarch after Adam, the Seer through whose vision the ineffable name was communicated to mankind on earth, which being a Geometric figure composed by three equal and equilateral triangles regularly disposed about a center, is the symbol of illumination, and was hailed by our ancient brethren among all nations as the sign of the “Shekinah, the Divine and Omnific Light” (Bromwell, 17). (See CC Fig. 6)

Its nine points are also symbolical of the nine arches underneath an ancient temple where its sacred treasurers are concealed. (See CC. Fig. 7)

Within the center of the interlaced triangles is outlined a nonagon, or nine sided figure revered in the ancient temples as one of the sacred numbers.

The colors displayed reproduce those veils of the Tabernacle of Moses which Josephus describes as emblematic of the four primal elements—earth, air, water, and fire—without any life could exist on this planet. The blue for air, or ether; the purple, water; the scarlet, fire or heat; the white, flax which is a product of earth.

The Numeral 9.

Was regarded by the Ancient Sages as a sacred number, it is a fitting symbol of nature and its laws. All material forms on earth evolve from its element, grows to maturity and returns to it at the end.

The numeral 9 is deemed an apt symbol of these laws because when multiplied by any other number it always returns to itself. For example: 9X1 equals 9; 9X2 equals 18, and 1 added to 8 equals 9. 9X3 equals 27 and 2 added to 7 equals 9. 9X4 equals 36 and 3 and 6 added equals 9. And so on to infinity, any number multiplied by 9 can always be reduced to 9 ultimately. There are other explanations which renders the numeral 9 on of the most significant as well as highly treasured symbols in Ancient Craft Masonry.

The symbols on the aprons of the Grand Chaplain, the Grand Captain of the Guards and the Grand Sentinel being long used symbols of the Grand Council require no special comment here.

The foregoing is not presented as a full and complete explanation of the symbols displayed on the Aprons and their corresponding numerals. A casual reading of these commentaries will not render clear their deeper meaning. Careful meditation and study will bring them into the light. I have merely given hints which, if followed, will lead to a fuller source of true Masonic light and knowledge.

I hope this restatement of portions of our Very Illustrious Companion Lightfoot’s Grand Masters address, along with other explanatory notes is a help to those who a profound and deeper interest in the esoteric knowledge and symbolism contained within the Cryptic Rite.

Works Cited

1. Proceedings of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters 1945, Most Illustrious Grand Master, Jewel P. Lightfoot’s Address, 54-66.

2. H.P. H/ Bromwell, Restoration of Masonic Geometry and Symbolism: Being a Dissertation on the Lost Knowledge of the Lodge (1903; White Fish, Mt.: Kessinger, 2003) 17-27-75-115-170- 358-372-391.

3. , five pointed star-six pointed star-seven pointed star-eight pointed star-nine pointed star.

4. , Galatians 5:22-23, Revelations 5:12.

5. , The Service Badge.

6. .

JPL Fig. 1-8; 1945 photos of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas Officers Aprons, used by permission of the History Committee.

CC Fig. 1-7; Public domain images.










CC Fig. 1


CC Fig. 2


Yod Hei Vav Hei

From right to left

CC Fig. 4


CC Fig. 6


CC Fig. 7


CC Fig, 3


Aleph and Tav

Hebrew Symbolism

for first and last

CC Fig. 5


CC Text 3

“This star represents the seven gifts of the Spirit described in Isaiah 11 and Revelation 5:12. Sometimes the seven-pointed star contains letters, with each letter representing one of the seven gifts.”

(3, stars)

“Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing.”

(4, Revelations 5:12 KJV)

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| | |. |

| |   | |

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CC Text 4

“This star symbolizes baptism and regeneration (renewal). The reason the number eight symbolizes regeneration has been lost. However, some scholars believe that it is connected to the shape of the early baptismal fonts (stands that contained water for infant baptism) which were eight sided. Others speculate that the eighth day of creation was like a new creation.”

(3, stars)

CC Text 5

“The points or "TENETS" were said to represent the knightly virtues of: tact, perseverance, gallantry, loyalty, dexterity, explicitness, observation, and sympathy.”

(5, )

CC Text 6

“The nine-pointed star symbolizes the nine fruits of the Spirit listed in the Epistle to the Galatians 5:22-23 KJV 22: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23: gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.” ( 4, Galatians 5:22-23 KJV)

“This star is sometimes shown with the Latin initials for each of the fruits, charitas, gaudium, pax, longanimitas, benignitas, bonitus, fides, mansuetudo and continentia) placed within the points.”



CC Text 1

“This is the star that guided the wise men to find the baby Jesus. The star symbolizes the Epiphany, the revelation of God to humankind and the taking of the good news of redemption to the Gentiles. 2. The five-pointed star is a popular symbol at Christmastime. It is often seen hovering over nativity scenes or placed atop Christmas trees.”

(3, stars)


CC Text 2

“The star symbolizes creation because it has six points, one for each day during which God created all things. It can be portrayed with the sacred Hebrew name of God (YHWH). Whenever the Jewish rabbis come to the word YHWH when reading Scripture they substitute the word “Adonai” in its place. Another substitute for the sacred name of God was to write two Hebrew letters called “yods.” They were usually written between rays of light or in the creation star. 2. Today the six-pointed star is synonymous with Israel. It is called the Star of David. This star dates back to Roman times, when it was used as a simple decoration piece. The Jews liked the design and started integrating it into their synagogues. The earliest usage of the Star of David dates back to 200 A.D. to a synagogue in Capernaum. Now this star is inseparable from Israel; it even appears on their national flag.”

(3, stars)


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