Camping Gaffes re Gen7:11, '17', '23', 722,500 & 2300 days

Camping Gaffes re Gen7:11, '17', '23', 722,500 & 2300 days


How Camping twists math in Bible's calendar, verses, numbers to HIDE his own past failures

(original post: click here. )

|Sorry this post has to be so long. [pic] It's just not fair to criticize someone, without providing ample substance. Else one can't profit from |

|it. |

| |

|And I must be blunt. Like Camping, I do numbers for a living. My clients come to me looking for a specific DEDUCTION; it's my job to justify it. So|

|notice: FIRST I get the NUMBER from them, THEN I back into how (if legal) it can be DEDUCTED. So I know what Camping's done. HE BACKED INTO his |

|'proofs', then claims they are from God! |

| |

|Look: |

|[pic] He fails in 1988, so has to invent '23' to get to 2011. |

|[pic] He fails again in 1994, so has to invent '17' to get to 2011. |

|[pic] His Adam-When calendar is completely bogus (see my 'Chicanery' post, green text, 5th in this thread); resulting, in a wrong date for the |

|Flood. So he has to MANUFACTURE a start and end point in 2011 to make the old material, look right. That results in his bogus 722,500 days, and his|

|laughable misuse of Daniel 8's 2300 days. |

| |

|[pic] Topping it off, he uses the modern Jewish Calendar to pick his 2011 date. As a result, all the previous number manipulations, are exposed. |

| |

|Heh: he's not good at hiding his manipulation of numbers. What's really sad, is that people obviously supporting him didn't CHECK THE BIBLE against|

|what he claimed, i.e., Daniel 8:14 says 'evenings and mornings', so it means LITERAL DAYS, never ever can mean anything else. Same construction as |

|in Genesis 1. |

| |

|This same no-homework among the sheeple is why King-James-Onlyism, SDA, JW, Mormonism, and all the other many apostate sects, are popular. People |

|thump the Bible but don't really want to learn it! |

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|Ephesians 4:14; Heb11:6, being refused. Lots of people hurting, now. Because they didn't want to do their Bible homework. |

| |

|So this post will show how Camping gets caught in his above gaffes.. by God in BIBLE. Which you yourself, can proof yourself. Just use 1John1:9, |

|and work through what follows... |


| |

|For Camping to date the Rapture at all, is wrong. For Camping to date the Rapture using a mis-matched calendar, is even more wrong. You don't mix |

|apples and oranges. |

| |

|Frankly, every one of his dates is wrong. It's embarrassing, all the more because good scholarship on Bible dates does exist. That good scholarship|

|was mainstream, back in the 1950's. We all KNEW Exodus was 1440BC, that David became king of all Israel circa 1004 or 1000BC, Solomon in 970BC, |

|that Isaiah taught starting about 754BC, etc. |

| |

|The only argument was over how to fix the 4-year DELETION made by the RCC when they came up with their BC/AD dates. Because, you can't just add 3 |

|years to AD, and get the right timeline balancing to all the BC dates. So, the good scholars finally reached a consensus to say Christ was born in |

|4BC. |

| |

|Of course, since then the Bible is debated on every little point, so the alleged dates are all over the map, today. But in Camping's day, he had |

|access to good dates. He clearly rejected them. |

| |

|Had Camping actually followed the Bible's chronology from Adam forward, instead of inserting his own ideas, he'd have seen a convergence pattern |

|far more elegant and Divine than what he derived. For God really does Orchestrate Time. |

| |

|God's Word divulges a distinct numerical pattern with factors of 7, 5, 3, and 2: He uses these to tell you What Time It Is. First He TELLS you |

|the time, whether past or future; then, if future, He brings it to PASS exactly as predicted. |

| |

|* Genesis 15:13, He tells Abraham that his yet-to-be-born sons will be enslaved for 400 years. And, they are: 10 years for Joseph, plus 390 years |

|for all Jacob's sons. So, in the fourth generation after that slavery began, they come out, just as foretold, in 1440BC, having entered in 1870BC |

|-- 430 years, to the day Jacob entered the Land, Exodus 12:40-41. |

| |

|* Christ dies on the 1470th anniversary of that exit, sarcastically explained by John in his Gospel's Greek (John 19), since the Real Passover was |

|the day He died, not the day the Jews then had scheduled. |

| |

|Many more examples like these, from Adam forward. Here's a brief recap of them: . A much more |

|comprehensive, see-how-God's-Time-numbers-balance, is here: . All that information is from the Bible, and|

|you can vet it. Just grab a Bible and a calculator. |

| |

|The point? God orchestrates Time, tells you WHEN in advance, and then brings it to pass. So you know that He is God. |

| |

|This pattern is communicated in many ways, for the Coming of Messiah was a TIMED PROMISE since Adam's Fall. Therefore, the 'job' is to find out HOW|

|Bible tells you the numerical pattern, at which point you'll see God's Promise and Real Time converge so strikingly and at so many levels, you'll |

|know This is The Word Of Real God. |

| |

|Of course, to communicate this information cogently, much detail must be provided and analyzed. The sloppy reader will make mistakes, so when |

|deriving the BIBLE's timeline, will run into 'contradictions'. Those 'contradictions' reflect the reader's own errors, so he is alerted to audit |

|again. |

| |

|For GOD's timeline, is self-auditing. So disputes and errors only come from sloppy Bible reading. |

| |

|So the one who won't use God's Word PROPERLY to find the dates, will miss the pattern, end up confused. Or, worse: will blame God for keeping one's|

|spiritual eyes, closed. |

| |

|That's what Camping does. Frankly, that's what many so-called 'scholars' do, too; they deem Bible 'inscrutable' or 'we can't know'; when in fact, |

|they won't crunch the numbers ONLY in BIBLE. Instead, like Camping they seek shortcuts and make estimates from dating schema OUTSIDE Bible, like |

|Roman AUC, astrology, astronomy, archeology. Anything but Bible, is deemed more reliable. |

| |

| |

|So Camping is just one of a string of misreaders, since the Hasmoneans. That's when people stopped consulting Bible's dates, and instead came up |

|with their own. That's why they didn't believe the Lord came On Time. And why, they still don't. |

| |

|Thus the Family of God has remained in the dark and the Bible of course ends up looking false. So it's little wonder, then, that believers want |

|some date to actually come to pass, since they don't realize EVERY DATE since Adam forward was PREDICTED and came to pass EXACTLY AS PREDICTED. |

| |

|But you won't know that, if you don't use the Bible. If you don't pay close attention to HOW the Bible phrases its dates. If you don't pay close |

|attention to WHY God chooses that phrasing. Camping didn't pay attention. So, here's how he went wrong... |

| |


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|Camping used the MODERN LUNAR Judaic Calendar to claim its 17 Iyyar was the '17th day of the second month' in Genesis 7:11. Then he claimed that |

|date as the world's end. |

| |

|All Camping's calculations, are ARBITRARY. First, he CHOSE that date, based on misreading Matthew 24:37. Then he BACKED INTO his magical 'proofs'. |

|Then he claims the numbers are from God and Biblical. Wowing people with Bible numbers is the frequent tactic of the false teacher. Its source is |

|in pagan sacred numerology and geometry, the idea of numbers fitting together having a sacred, secret meaning knowable only to a few. So those few,|

|will feel special. [pic] |

| |

|* Camping's hermeneutic is dead wrong, because (inter alia) Matt24:37 is about the Second Advent, not the Rapture. |

| |

|* Moreover, at the 2nd Advent, the world doesn't end. Rather, it's the Millennium, and the world will go on living for another 1050 years, ending |

|(and beginning anew) in Revelation 21:1. |

| |

|* 'Son of Man' title is exclusive to Israel, not a Head-of-Church Title, so the 'Coming of the Son of Man' means the 2nd Advent (Daniel 7:13ff |

|prophecy), NOT the Rapture. He has other Titles as Head of Church, like King of Kings, etc. |

| |

|* The 2nd Advent is literal, real, and the Lord PHYSICALLY RETURNS on that day, with everyone able to see Him, per that verse and also |

|Zechariah14:2-7; Revelation 19:11ff is when it actually occurs. In short, the whole world will SEE Him descend from heaven (with us riding behind |

|Him) on that Day. So it's NOT, the Rapture. |

| |

|* Noah entering the Ark and Christ RETURNING are not parallel events. Noah is a beneficiary. Christ is Ruler. Noah receives the action; Christ DOES|

|the action. On earth. Visibly. |

| |

|* Noah entering the Ark and Christ PAYING for sins, ARE parallel events, 1Pet3:18-22. All of humanity was in the Ark, positionally. All our sins |

|were imputed to Christ, so we were in Him, on the Cross (theme of Romans 6-8 ). And, Christ died 57 days prior to the Flood's 2480th anniversary, |

|which was the 1470th anniversary of the Exodus, the 1900th anniversary of Jacob's entry into Egypt, and the 3080th anniversary of Noah's birth. |

|There are more convergences, but this gives you an idea of the Bible's parallelisms. |

| |

|* And of course, the Flood is never to happen again, Isa54:9ff. So the commonality referenced in Matt24:37, has to do with the SURPRISE ARRIVAL, |

|which obviously means it's physical, never 'spiritual'. |

| |

|In short, a false hermeneutic gives rise to false numbers, so the prediction based on those numbers, inevitably fails to occur. |

| |

|But if one wants to use certain numbers, he must craft an artificial hermeneutic to make those numbers seem Biblical. That's what happened, here. |

|Even so, let's pretend Camping's hermeneutic were valid. HE STILL GETS THE DATE WRONG. Here's why. |

| |

|1. The Noahic calendar was based on the autumnal equinox, and is solar. But Genesis 7 isn't. |

|2. The Bible's calendar for Israel, is based on the vernal equinox, and is solar (Exodus 12). But Genesis 7, isn't. |

|3. Genesis 7 is based on Noah's BIRTHDAY, so is solar. The modern Judaic calendar, is lunar. So it cannot be used. Today's modern Judaic calendar's|

|'17 Iyyar' is actually TWO WEEKS SLOW. Using the Bible's calendar for Israel, '17 Iyyar' occurred on May 6 or 7 (depending on timezone). |

| |

|4. So to properly date Genesis 7, you have to know Noah's Birthday. This, Camping did not have. |

|5. Noah's birthday is NOT directly given in the passage. |

|6. But God keyed Israel's birthday to Noah's, in Exodus 12. |

| |

|7. Moreover, the Hebrew text in Genesis 7-8 has three errors. That's why the translations are unclear, and don't balance. They were easy mistakes |

|to make, for the right words are very similar in Hebrew, to the wrong ones. Thus it would be easy to miscopy. These errors were corrected by the |

|LXX text for the same verses. So the correct dates are: |

| |

|*Genesis 7:11, should read the 27th day of the second month (after Noah's birthday); |

|*Genesis 8:4, should read the 27th day of the seventh month; |

|*Genesis 8:5, should read the ELEVENTH month. |

| |

|8. Hence, to get the right date, you must either convert from the autumnal equinox, or have Noah's Birthday. Camping ignored both. |

| |

|9. Noah's birthday would become Passover, since a) he's the TYPE (Christ being the anti-type), carrying humanity, as it were; b) the death of the |

|firstborn in Egypt, was the anti-type for the TYPE, the death of the unbelievers in the Flood. (Nerd note: in prophecy theology, 'type' denotes the|

|metaphorical depiction 'near', and 'anti-type' means the ultimate 'far' fulfillment. All prophecy is dual-event in nature, hence the need to |

|classify 'type' and 'anti-type'. The word 'anti' here has no negative connotation.) |

| |

|So Israel's birthday, was the 1610th anniversary of Noah's, so she was born 1010 years after the Flood began; her deadline to enter the Land was |

|the 1050th year, which year Moses pens Psalm 90, just before he dies. |

| |

|(See links in the black text at bottom, for sample of Bible Hebrew Meter: dateline use of meter, 63 as 'sevens', shows he's writing 1050 years |

|after the Flood. Paul will repeat this meter, in Eph1:3-14.) That's why she had a 40-year wandering (versus some other amount). She enters it just |

|before Passover, Joshua 5:10 (see prior context). |

| |

| |

|10. So Noah entered the ark, on what would have been Pentecost; for the 57th day after Passover begins, is Pentecost. Numbers 28:26 says to begin |

|counting the Omer, when the LAST day of Passover week, ends. (Jews today instead miscount the Omer from the 15th of Nisan.) |

| |

|The crazy Book of Jubilees, vi.17, claims both Firstfruits and Weeks date from when Noah exited the Ark, and the covenant God then made with him. |

| |

|11. Since the Bible's calendar for Israel is based on the vernal equinox, Exodus 12, and since Noah entered the Ark on what would be Pentecost, |

|it's easy to CONVERT Genesis 7:11 to the right date. In 2011, the vernal equinox occurred on March 21, Israel's time. |

| |

|12. So, 14+57=the day Noah entered the Ark, which is May 30th (today). Adjusting to Jewish time, since the NEW Jewish day begins piggybacked on the|

|old, and the vernal equinox began after sundown, that means May 31 is the end of that 'day', ASSUMING our current dating of the vernal equinox is |

|correctly the SAME as measured in Noah's day. It might not be. |

| |

|So if Camping were filled with the Holy Spirit, he'd a) know that Israel's current calendar is NOT the right one to use, and b) would know how to |

|adjust it to God's Calendar for Genesis 7, including a correction for c) Israel's miscounting of the Omer, and d) the correct text in Genesis 7's |

|LXX. For, even this brainout, knew how to do that. [pic] |

| |

|13. Notice the parallels: harvesting means cutting off. Harvesting also means SAVING. So Noah's family was saved from the deluge by being cut off |

|from the world. The world was cut off by a LITERAL REAL DISASTER. Same, for the Exodus, which also was a year long. |

| |

|14. The total time in the boat was ONE YEAR of 365 days. Not, 370. |

| |

|15. The numbers in Genesis 7 DO form a pattern of TIME factors God repeats in Scripture, but Camping ignored them; so Camping's timeline flunks on |

|Bible audit. Bible Hebrew Meter and other explict-even-in-translation periods in the Bible, repeat these factors; they are hard-coded into the |

|Mosaic Law and in Israel's actual history. See links in the black text at bottom, for sample of Bible Hebrew Meter. Here, we'll just classify some |

|major factors, so you can see the connection between number, Mosaic Law, and Bible's own accounting of history. |

| |

|[pic] 57 days (most common Hebrew meter pattern, Paul even uses it in Eph1:3-14's Greek), based on Gen 7:11, 8:14. Notice it's PAIRED at the |

|beginning when he enters, and when he exits. That same PAIRING pattern is used in prophetic Bible Hebrew Meter (Psalm 90 uses it the most, followed|

|by Isaiah 53, Daniel 9, other passages). It is explicitly shown in the Mosaic Law by Passover plus Pentecost, and by Jubilee plus Tribulation, |

|Daniel 9:27. |

| |

|Historically, 57 is a much-stressed number, for its root definition is the number of years between Messiah's scheduled DEATH and the Millennium. |

|Because He died 7 years earlier than Scheduled owing to Israel's rejection of Him, the Tribulation must yet occur. There were prior periods, such |

|as the 49 missed sabbatical years, with Daniel praying in that 49th year; added to, the seven total years spent rebuilding the second Temple, all |

|of which Isaiah prophetically SCHEDULED in the meter of Isaiah 53, as had Moses in Psalm 90:16-17 -- this is why Daniel 9:25 reads as it does, a |

|REIMBURSEMENT for that lost time. |

| |

|If your eyes are glazing over, take a break and watch a 2- minute video I made showing the SYMBOLIC use meter pattern, here: |

| |

| |

|I know it won't make much sense to you right now. Even so, you did notice, that the Hebrew 'paragraphs' are metrically patterned. |

| |

|But its pattern is not merely symbolic. Using those same numbers, Isaiah plots out Israel's REAL FUTURE history metrically, 'underneath' the text |

|about Messiah; every clause in that text ALSO characterises the period Isaiah meters to, i.e., Isaiah 53:1-2 meters to evil King Manasseh's actual |

|history, so notice how the TEXT about growing-up and rejecting, has a dual-entendre. |

| |

|So, I made similar short video showing that Real Future History Per Syllable=year pattern, here: |

| |

|Daniel 9 is based on the Isaiah 53 pattern: that's why '490' is mentioned. What you can't see is that Daniel's Hebrew prayer, meters off Isaiah 53,|

|also recounting (but from the past), Israel's history from David forward. So you know EXACTLY why the '490' is used in Daniel 9:24-25. In English, |

|it's confusing. |

| |

|Moses in Psalm 90 started that patterning, and also plotted out real future history (i.e., 350 syllables=350 years, so Judges was written to show |

|how that 350 got 'met'). |

| |

|It's a rhetorical style, since Jews had to memorize Scripture orally. I'm still making videos on this topic. |

| |

|Now you've a sense of how tightly God Orchestrates Time in Bible; and it's FAR superior to anything you've seen from Camping or anyone else. Blows |

|you away when you see it. |

| |

|[pic] So the timing stated for Noah in the Flood, became the timing of all history, with '57' ('56' between), forming how history begins, and |

|ends. Which, is hard-coded in the Mosaic Law, as just mentioned. |

| |

|[pic] So now notice carefully, the ultimate importance of '57', in what follows, which proves why Camping's use of '23' and '2300' is flat wrong. |

| |

|Plain Bible text tells you that 2300 days is literal, and belongs ONLY to the period of Antiochus Epiphanes IV. That's the Origin of Chanukah, the |

|Lord's future BIRTHDAY. So Christ is talking about what gave rise to His Own Birthday, in Matt24. Temple To Come from The Temple Rebuilt -- get the|

|pun? What holiday resulted in His Own Birthday! See, Temple Dedicated = Chanukah = Enoch = Natsar = Nazareth. Clever, huh. |

| |

|The same event will happen AGAIN, but with a different actor and on a different timeline, the Tribulation: 2556.75 days, not 2300, which is 57 days|

|longer as long depicted in Passover to Pentecost timeline. Temple went down TWICE on that same Timeline, a kind of debit. So the time is owed |

|Israel. So Tribulation period is 57 days longer, to add it BACK. That parallels the 57-year shortfall assigned for the Harvesting of the Gentiles, |

|(so Daniel 9 doesn't mention the 50), taught by Passion Week and Jubilee. And all THAT, is to play off a reimbursement to the Gentiles for Abraham |

|maturing 54 years early -- really 53.5 years. So that's why the Tribulation is bifurcated into two 3.5 year segments, first 3.5 of which are the |

|period of the Two Witnesses. (Seventh Trumpet in Rev kicks off the last 3.5 years.) |

| |

|So notice the difference: Antiochus invaded Egypt, then Israel, then desecrated the Temple, and until just before 164BC Chanukah, remained in |

|control. The entire time he did that, was exactly 2300 days. Jews needed to know the exact number of days, to PREPARE for the deliverance. So, they|

|counted. |

| |

|It's OVER now. But the same idea must play again, because Christ was rejected. For Jews then, the timeline to watch is therefore the last half: |

|both the 1290 and the 1335 are dated from the END of the Trib (so you count backwards), to calculate the exit window (at day 1222 to 1267, which |

|ends a week after the Two witnesses are killed, 2557-1335 versus 2557-1290). |

| |

|So Trib is Chanukah II, Satan's sequel. Satan wants us nice and confused about it. Camping helps Satan confuse us, since we won't do our homework. |

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|Camping ignores this. That's why he has to twist the 2300 days, to hide his bad math. Playing right into Satan's hands. |

|[pic] 21 days (very commonly used in the meter passages cited above), based on Gen 8:8-12. The three 7's replay many times in Israel's history: 7|

|years to build Temple foundation, 1Kings 6. 21 years' hiatus to rebuild Temple, Haggai 2 (and related other books, like Ezra). Separate sevens also|

|play, like the 2Sam5 civil war, David's living seven extra years post-retirement (1Kings 1:1-2:10, end 1Chronicles). You can think of others. |

| |

|[pic] 40 days -- easily known. Notice, just as with the 57, it's PAIRED on either side, Genesis 7:12, 8:6. (Same thing will happen during Joseph's|

|tenure as vizier, with the seven fat and lean years being in the middle.) Notice how David's rule and Solomon's rule (and hence the scheduled |

|lifetime of Christ) were also the same period, 40. So 40 years in the wilderness, is 'matched', with 40 extra years the Temple stands |

|post-Crucifixion. Notice how the 40's are always doubled to mark beginning and ending. |

| |

|[pic] 110 days (to make 150)=63+47, 56+54,40+70, other Biblically-significant combinations. |

| |

|Some of the Bible meanings are obvious, like 70 for sabbatical years, 56 between Passover and Pentecost, between Pentecost and 9th Av (when Temple |

|destroyed -- twice), the total number of weeks remaining in Daniel 9:25 after the 49 is used up (70+49+7=the amount of time the 1st Temple was |

|still owed). 54, is the number of years Abraham matured prior to the deadline (of 2100 from Adam's Fall). |

| |

|These numbers are used a lot in Hebrew meter, at least since Psalm 90; even Paul meters Eph 1:3-14's Greek using 63, 56 (the latter being a kind of|

|Anno Domini for how old Christ would have been when Paul pens the prayer). I'm currently doing videos on all the combinations (starting at Psalm 90|

|playlist, Episode 19 and following). |

| |

|[pic] 93 days (distance between Genesis 8:4 and :5, in LXX) is also played in factors, in both explicit Bible time distances, and occasionally in|

|Hebrew meter: 30+63, 33+60, 40+53, 46+47. 30 is a savior number (when David became King, when Christ announced Himself, when Joseph became vizier);|

|33, is a ruling period number: David's rule after becoming King of all Israel, Christ's actual lifetime. Christ dies at age 33 years, 3 months, 3 |

|weeks and 3 days (born on Chanukah 4BC, Haggai 2; dies on what should have been 14 Nisan, 30AD, John 19 -- but was nominally 4 days later, owing to|

|lack of intercalation). |

| |

|See: God isn't trying to wow us. He's teaching future and past HISTORY. Showing, that the Bible is His Word. Then, keeping that Word. |

| |

|So, just as predicted, Abraham actually matured 53.5 years prior to the deadline, in the very year Noah's 490-year time grant ran out |

|(Shem+490=Isaac's birth year). But it's rounded to 54 -- 14 of those years will 'reimburse' for his too-early maturation, being 'spent' on |

|rebuilding the 2nd Temple; the remaining 40 are 'reimbursed' post Cross, during Gentile time but the Temple lost 40 years 'waiting' for Israel to |

|enter the Land, so remains standing even though Church Age began. |

|So sometimes the 53.5 is pregnantly referenced (rounding down). 63 is 56+7, very frequently used, especially in Isaiah and Daniel 9's prayer (as |

|chronology meters for Israel's history). |

| |

|60 is Jacob's age when he returns to Canaan; Isaac's age, when he finally sires children; 60 also is two months, or a one-month notice fronting and|

|ending another period. (In Bible, each month excepting Adar, runs 30 days.) |

| |

|[pic] 4 days This one is most pregnant, for it's the difference between the day the dove is last released, and Noah's birthday, Gen 8:12 vs. |

|8:13. This corresponds to Christ's future INCARCERATION time during Passion Week, which no Bible movie ever made, properly depicts. |

| |

|The four days -- really, 3.5 -- is pregnantly OMITTED, for due to Exodus 12, everyone in Israel would know the dove's release, was the Lamb Set |

|Aside Date (10th of Nisan in Exo12). |

| |

|It pre-celebrated the Date the Lord was Arrested, Israel's calendar not being intercalated that year (so they declared Passover four days earlier |

|than it really was, hence the Lord could eat yet Be the Passover and rise at the End of it, 3.5 days later, called 'FirstFruits' in the Bible). |

| |

|Other Bible events have 3.5 benchmarks: Trib is bifurcated, for example. And of course the Lord spent 3.5 days in Hades: three days and three |

|nights means 3.5 24-hour days. |

| |

|One is tempted to speculate on why our modern calendars are also missing 3.5 years (that's why we can either round up to 4 or round down to 3, when|

|converting AD/BC). |

| |

|The more prosaic reason, is the ROMAN AUC had been accounted with Rome's birthdate as 753BC, but somehow in the BC/AD conversion it was treated |

|instead as 750BC. So that's just a flat deletion of time. |

| |

|It's tempting to draw analogy, though. [pic] |

| |

|========== [pic] So What About Camping's '17' and '23' [pic]========== |

| |

|No BIBLE factors in '93', nor '110' tally to a hermeneutic of 17 or 23. There is no precedence in CHARACTER. There is no patterned time matching |

|either '17' or '23'. Again, TIME allotment must match the CHARACTER of that time's PURPOSE. God orchestrates time for a purpose, theme of Isaiah |

|55. Thus you know GOD's doing it. |

| |

|EVERY Bible event is keyed to and uses, Biblically-significant TIME numbers. That's why the Mosaic calendar is crafted from the Flood's; that's why|

|Israel has TWO years: civil runs same as the secular calendar in Noah's, but the spiritual runs based on Noah's birthday. That's why time-metered |

|passages like Psalm 90, Isaiah 53, Daniel 9's prayer and God's response in verses 24-25, all use the 'factors' just shown above. |

| |

|Those passages PLOT OUT Israel's history -- because again, the Jews ORALLY MEMORIZED Scripture, so the idea was to match the meter to the time |

|period the CONTENT references. Made it easier to understand. So Israel could know what Time It Was in Her Promise Calendar. So she'd be able to |

|prove Christ the Real Messiah versus all the false ones -- when He Came. |

| |

|So anyone claiming a date in Bible must pay attention to Bible's TIMING rules. Camping used NONE of the numbers above, so no matter WHAT dates he |

|claims, they can't be Biblically valid. |

| |

|And now that the Church Age is still going on (Camping, of course, lies and claims it ended, to justify his past 1988 and 1994 mistakes) -- Church |

|has NO set timeline, but rather a SET NUMBER OF BODIES, Eph 4:13 criterion, which Christ prayed for in John 17:17-26. Thus we can't know 'the day |

|or hour', an idiom for NO TIME (can't know the year, either). |

| |

|Because, for Church it depends on when we corporately MATURE to the Eph4:13 STANDARD. No one can know that, but God. |

| |

|Anyone can play fancy games with numbers; all holy books use sacred numerology. But only Bible's numbers match in CHARACTER and also in REAL |

|HISTORY you can vet: 70 years between 586BC and 516BC when 2nd Temple was rebuilt; Christ dying the 1470th anniversary of the original Passover; |

|Temple going down on the 57+57th day, 9th Av -- twice. The second time, on the 586th anniversary of its completion. (So God foreknew we'd switch to|

|BC/AD.) Many other examples. |

| |

|Psalm 90, Isaiah 53, Daniel 9 use these Biblically-significant numbers as meter, and then use the meter to craft chronologies of history, whether |

|future or past. Thus, when the event actually occurred at the same number of 'syllables' (for Israel had to memorize Scripture orally) -- it would |

|be a reminder. And a convenient history lesson, ex post facto. |

| |

|Revelation's plagues are deliberate rollouts evocative of both Flood and Exodus. They are timed, they have specific duration and rest periods, |

|waiting for man's response. So it's not 'coincidence'. Bible's past history and measurable known history can be objectively compared so the Trib |

|person can come to an informed decision. That's the point. |

| |

|So were Camping's 17 and 23 hermeneutic Biblically valid, there would be a string of PAST events in the Bible 'arranged' to 'factor' to '17' and |

|'23'. But there are none. So no believer can derive doctrinal benefit from the numerical association. God isn't orchestrating specific amounts of |

|time to 'wow' us or prove He can count. HE IS TEACHING SOMETHING. |

| |

|So were 17 or 23 a factor He'd use, then it would be REPEATED in other ways, prior. But it's not. This proves a big problem for Camping, so he goes|

|searching in the Bible for ANY reference to '17' or '23' that he can find, in order to SPIN it into what he wants. |

| |

|Ergo, this 'engineer' creates a Spiritual Enron. Fake books. See: in accounting, there must be a MATCHING OF CHARACTER for a transaction. What |

|felled Enron: a) they kept liabilities off the main balance sheet, so made the company look more solvent than it was; and b) they manipulated the |

|off-balance sheet numbers to look meaningful, when they weren't. That way, the liabilities which DIDN'T show on the balance sheet, looked SMALLER |

|than they were. That's why Enron lasted as long as it did. |

| |

|That's what Camping does here. And of course, that's why his credibility is likewise bankrupt, now. |

| |

|In rapture-proof.pdf, for example, starting on page 2, he claims '17' is significant spiritually FOR TIME, in Bible. Okay, then where is this |

|vaunted 17-year thing? Or, even 17 days? NOWHERE is it a time measure for judgement, redemption, or anything else. Of course, sometimes the age or |

|duration happens to BE that long, such as here: Gen. 37:2; 47:28; Jdg. 8:14, 26; 2 Sam. 8:4; 1 Ki. 14:21; 2 Ki. 13:1; 1 Chr. 7:11; 26:30; 2 Chr. |

|8:18; 12:13; Ezr. 2:39; Neh. 7:42; Jer. 32:9. |

| |

|Those are all the references to '17' in the Bible. Notice: they help you FIT the Bible's consecutive-year timeline together. The numbers in |

|themselves, aren't important Biblically. Nothing in the Jewish calendar, is based on '17'. |

| |

|But hey. Camping will pick any '17' he finds. So what does he seize on (still his page 2)? Jeremiah 32:9. Which isn't about time, but about PRICE. |

|Ooops. Mismatch. But hey, that won't stop him. He goes on to talk about anything which will make his silly numbers look good. And thus shoots |

|himself in the foot. |

| |

| |

|Camping wrote |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Page 2 of rapture-proof.pdf: "The number 5 signifies the atonement or redemption (that is, Christ died to pay for the sins of those who He would |

|save). This is seen, for example, by the half (½ or.5) shekel atonement money which pointed to the atonement." |

| |

|Continuing from there, read this doozie (don't laugh too hard): |

|"The number 17 frequently signifies “Heaven.” For example, in the Book of Jeremiah God describes the destruction of Judah and Jerusalem by the king|

|of Babylon. This was typifying the end of the church age at which time Satan, typified by the king of Babylon destroying Jerusalem and Judah, would|

|rule in the churches. In that seemingly hopeless context Jeremiah was instructed to buy a field for the purchase price of 17 shekels of silver." |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|So let's analyze these two quotes. First one, about the Temple tax: 17 divided by 2, is what? 8.5. Multiplied by 2, is what? 34. Sooooo? None of |

|those numbers are Biblically-significant. |

| |

|By contrast, in BIBLE which Camping hates, God does converge Time and pointedly, all over the place, to this end: Christ's payment on the Cross |

|occurred on the 1470th anniversary of the original Passover! For God's hermeneutic is 490 (1470/3), same as he gave to Moses in Psalm 90, Isaiah in|

|Isaiah 53, Daniel in Daniel 9, Paul in Eph1:3-14. For each of those guys, meters his Hebrew (or Greek) to 490 years. Yeah, because each of those |

|passages, is a TIMELINE. Predicting or recapping real BIBLE events you can vet IN Bible (see links at the end of this post for the many videos |

|demonstrating the foregoing). That's the purpose of the numbers, so Israel can TRACK TIME. |

| |

|Now let's go to Camping's second hallucination, that '17 frequently signifies Heaven', with Jeremiah 32:9 as the poster boy example. Okay, then: |

|how is the purchase of land in ISRAEL, symbolizing heaven? Did Camping read the context at ALL? BIBLE says right there, that purchase symbolizes |

|how ISRAEL -- not Church -- ISRAEL will be restored. ISRAEL. ISRAEL. ISRAEL. And, ON EARTH. Not, heaven. |

| |

|You don't need to buy real estate in heaven. [pic] And there are NO other references to '17' in the Bible, so how can it be the number for |

|heaven? |

| |

|But ask any Jew, and he'll tell you that '8' is the number for eternity, aka 'heaven'. Doubled-4: 4 signifies COMPLETENESS. Hupostasis, 2 natures, |

|Plan of God. To Get You TO Heaven. |

| |

|That '8' is often used for ETERNITY and the Plan of God, is all over Bible Hebrew meter. The essential structure of Hebrew meter: clauses of |

|between 3-12 syllables, made into 'paragraphs' divisible by that Number of Promise, 7. Hence, clauses often subdivide at 8; CONTENT says something |

|about either eternity, or the Plan of God. |

| |

|I've spent the past two years documenting this usage in videos, which are linked in the 'Relevant Links' section at the end of this post. The |

|videos show the Hebrew live onscreen, in BibleWorks, using the unedited BHS text, so you can vet the syllabification yourself. The video |

|descriptions contain links to the text in documents you can view or print yourself. Then you will see that '17' does NOT mean 'heaven'. |

| |

|So where are '17' and '23' used? The OCCULT, not Bible. Mystical numbers as prophetic or 'esoteric knowledge' which Bible CONDEMNS, in Deuteronomy |

|18. Camping picks primes commonly used in Kabbalah and other OCCULT sects. Google, see for yourself! |

| |

|The 8th Day. Someone wrote a novel with that title, just Google. Turn 8 sideways, and you get the math symbol for eternity, too. [pic] |

| |

|Next, that Jeremiah got the land for only 17 shekels (about 2 month's wages for a lowly day-laborer), at a time when Israel was suffering RAMPANT |

|INFLATION -- that tells you the land was considered worthless. So per Camping, if '17' means 'heaven', then 'heaven' is worthless! |

| |

|Of course, land prices SHOULD have been much higher, since the Jubilee had ended about four years prior; but uh.. Israel wasn't observing her |

|Jubilees. That's why the Temple AT THAT MOMENT was under seige and going to be destroyed, Lev. 26:34, 43; 2 Chr. 36:21, Eze 46:3, Jer25 and 29. The|

|Ezekiel verse is a prophecy yet to be fulfilled ON EARTH. Not, in heaven. Demonstrating why Jeremiah was given to buy the property. Which, would |

|still be his. In that future ON EARTH. |

| |

|Demonstrating, that God not only kept His Promise to return Israel in 538BC, but even until the day when Ezekiel 46:3, comes true ON EARTH. |

| |

|[pic] See: Camping's virulently anti-semitic, and of course pretends he's not. No other way to conclude his vile reversal of Jeremiah 32:9, which |

|of course ties to all Jeremiah has said, all along. No Church in OT prophecy. But if you're anti-semitic, you'll TWIST SCRIPTURE to put Church in |

|there. That's what he's doing. |

| |

|So he's also just like the evolutionists, who twist genetics. Because an ape walks on two legs and so does man, therefore the man came from the |

|ape. How silly. Cobbling together just any ol' pair of numbers does not a prophecy make. GOD MATCHES NUMBERS TO EVENT CHARACTER. Camping doesn't. |

|No match to TIME units, no match to PLACE, and no match to AMOUNT. |

| |

|[pic] So FLUNK, on the 17. And as for '23', you'll have to just read rapture-proof.pdf for yourself, I'm too embarrassed to explain his goofy |

|twisting. Here are all the verses in Bible in which some version of '23' appears: Num. 26:62; 33:39; Jdg. 10:2; 20:15; 2 Ki. 23:31; 1 Chr. 2:22; 2 |

|Chr. 3:8; 36:2; Ezr. 2:11, 17, 19, 21, 28; Neh. 7:24, 26, 32; Jer. 25:3; 52:28; Dan. 8:14, 26; 1 Co. 10:8. LOL none of them are relevant to what |

|Camping claims, use 1John1:9 and see for yourself. |

| |

|Wait: here's a relevant verse, Jeremiah 25:3 (NASB): |

| |

|"From the thirteenth year of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah, even to this day, these twenty-three years the word of the LORD has come to me,|

|and I have spoken to you again and again, but you have not listened. " |

| |

|Ooops. Lessee -- it's now 2011, and 23 years ago was what? Aha -- 1988! When Camping went wacko, same time as the 88 Reasons for the Rapture in |

|1988 book was penned by that other nutter, Whisenant! (LOL a relative of mine sent me that book, drooling over it.) |

| |

|Sigh. And so we see that oh yeah, 23 has a relevance! WARNING Camping & Co. they've been in lala land, replete with another lalala person that same|

|year -- who they drooled over -- so now, year 23, Camping et al get humiliated! |

| |

|See: God really IS orchestrating Time. [pic] |

| |

|UPSHOT: there's NO precedence for '17' or '23', so NO lesson to be learned; so God does NOT use 17 or 23, to craft a 'rapture' or any other kind of|

|date. The closest thing you can say about those numbers is that they add up to '40', but nowhere in Scripture is this '40' subdivided into a |

|Biblically-important period comprising a 17 and a 23. God is The Master Accountant of Time. He'd not 'miss' this. |

| |

|The absence of '17' and '23' teaching mnemonics in Bible should have tipped Camping off to the fact he was using the WRONG criteria, had he |

|actually consulted Bible to vet his analysis. He clearly didn't. |

| |

|Camping's 722,500 days which God NEVER wrote |

| |

| |

| |

|So now Camping's vaunted 722,500 days (see his rapture-proof.pdf pages 1, 4) is completely wrecked. For, he derived that sum from factors, with |

|'17' among them (see his page 4). |

| |

|And oh, by the way -- there really AREN'T 722,500 days between Crucifixion and May 21, 2011. |

| |

|Um, from the Crucifixion to its like date in 2010, is already 723,195 days. |

| |

|Remember, this is just counting from anniversary to anniversary, and real time is a solar calendar. So here, it's April to April (Camping gets the |

|day of the Lord's death wrong, but at least he got the week right, 1st week April.) |

| |

|So if you wanted to pick a later date at the start, its ANNIVERSARY in 2010, would be the same day, if you use 365.25, |

|(2010-30)x365.25=723,195. |

| |

|Do the math yourself. Christ died in 30 AD, not 33. The RCC deletion of the years is BC, not AD, so you can't just add 3 years to the AD and get |

|the correct timeline. |

| |

|Okay, but what if we pretend it was 33 AD anyway? Okay, |

|(2010-33)*365.25=722,099.25. |

| |

|So then you have to ADD 401 more days, to get to 722,500. |

| |

|Whoops. Another 365 days at best takes you to April 1, 2011. So, 401-365=36, lol. |

| |

|So he missed the Rapture boat by his own calculation, which of course has no basis at all in Scripture. For by HIS OWN CALCULATION methodology, the|

|'Rapture' should have occurred when? |

|36 days later from April 1 is what? |

|May 6 or 7, depending on whether you count April Fool's Day! |

| |

|[pic] For oh! Wouldn't ya know, the (say) 17th day of the second month in Genesis 7:11 is really May 7th, not the 21st. |

| |

|Remember point #3, above? Modern Jewish calendar is lunar, so is WRONG. It's too SLOW by two weeks. So even by Camping's own allegation about 17 |

|Iyyar, the 'real Bible' 17 Iyyar was on May 6-7, not May 21. |

| |

|In #9, I showed how Noah's birthday per Genesis 7's recounting, turns out to be Passover, so that's a kind of 'coincidence' of another two weeks' |

|off -- in the opposite direction (later). So it offsets. Add to that, 10 days for the corrected 27th day of the second month, from the LXX in |

|Gen7:11, as noted in #7. That leads you to #10, Pentecost: May 30-31. |

| |

|[pic] Since ancient times, Noah's birthday has been taught AS the vernal equinox, roughly March 21; so is deemed the cause of the Jewish sacred |

|calendar. (Search on 'google' below, for an authoritative collection of ancient Bible mss and commentary on Genesis 7 and 8 ). So if that were |

|true, 'May 21' would be '27 Iyyar', not '17'. Whoops. |

| |

|So if the Spirit were in Mr. Camping, he'd have known these things. After all, even a brainout knows. [pic] |

| |

|[pic][pic] Ooops. So no matter how you run the date numbers, the April Fool's joke is on him! |

| |

| |

| |

|Go on, play with it. I dare ya. [pic] |

| |

|Mark Twain wrote |

|"There Are Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics." |

| |

| |

| |

|Yeah, Enron-style. So, watch: |

| |

|[pic] If you say to me (rightly), 'but brainout! The vernal equinox is only 9 days prior to April 1!' |

| |

|[pic] I could nicely reply, 'Well see Adar has five extra days in it.' And you would go, 'oh yeah, that BALANCES!' (and I won't bother to correct |

|you [pic] ) |

|[pic] Or I could reply with unctuous, 'holy' tones, 'God has given us this SECRET PROOF that the Crucifixion didn't occur on April 1'. (Well, |

|not-so-secret: Bible says it was 14 days after the equinox, in John 19: =April 3).. |

| |

|[pic] Then I could wow you by adjusting HOURS or MINUTES elapsing, to pretend PRECISION. Per Encyclopedia Brittannica (which I just Googled), a |

|solar year is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds. The length varies from year to year, owing to idiosyncracies in Earth's rotation. |

| |

|But here's the rub: over 1978 years, the actual duration of ALL those solar years, CANNOT be accurately known. Just as Christ warned, you aren't |

|supposed to know the DAY OR HOUR. Yeah, because it's never wholly CONSTANT! Whew. Else, we'd be spending our lives number-crunching, instead of |

|learning how to THINK LIKE CHRIST, 1Cor2:16! |

| |

|So the ancients used 365.25, as I did, above. Long-term, that provided a better alignment, especially since a 'day' also varied; it might run up to|

|seven seconds LONGER than 24 hours, too. |

| |

|[pic] Or I could reply, 'Well, Rapture is a kind of SALVATION so we should date from the Resurrection, which is April 8 (also really in Bible).' |

|Then, the numbers would balance (9+8=17, playing on his '17'). |

| |

|All those alternative explanations sound Biblical, right? But notice -- every one of those explanations flies in the face of Scripture, namely -- |

|Matt24:36, Acts 1:7, John 17:17-26, Philippians 3:11 (Greek), 1John2:26-3:2. Look: if John and Paul didn't know when the Rapture would happen, then|

|Camping can't know, either. |

| |

|Those verses tell you the Rapture COULD HAVE HAPPENED in their day. So yeah, it can happen NOW, too. Any day now. 1000 years from now. FATHER |

|DETERMINES, per Christ's prayer in John 17:17-26! Father, not us. So it's not embedded esoterically in some code for a Camping to intone. |

| |

|See: I can take the same 722,500, yet get a different date! So what does that tell you? CAMPING SELECTED THE DATE FIRST, from the Jewish MODERN |

|LUNAR calendar; then he gerrymandered the math to CONCOCT the 722,500; then calculated what factors he needed, to make it look 'miraculous'. |

| |

|Problem was, he didn't do his HOMEWORK IN BIBLE, so the BIBLE CATCHES HIM. What does Hebrews 4:12 say? Yeah! |

| |

|[pic] So the BASIS for 722,500 is bogus from the getgo. Camping just flat made it up, then BACKED INTO the factors, to make it look magical, |

|Divine. Then he quote-mined Scripture. |

| |

|[pic] So bang the drum on that number, invent factored 'convergences', quote-mine any Scripture which has the same numbers in it, and poof! You'll|


|Nerd Note: |

| |

| |

|Camping uses 365.2422 days for a year (i.e., page 1 of his rapture-proof.pdf). But a solar year has a remainder of five hours, 48 minutes and 46 |

|seconds, as shown above. So the remainder is 0.240810185. But even that, is not the right remainder to use. Instead, use the BIBLE. |

| |

|It's better to use 365.25, which was the practice back in Bible times. But go ahead and do the above numbers again using Camping's 365.2422, see |

|what happens. |

| |

|[pic] So ask yourself this question: why did Camping start rounding on April 1, 2011? Since there's no Scripture AT ALL to tell you 722,500 would |

|even be relevant -- Camping MAKES IT UP from his invented factors, and a solar year isn't even 365.2422 (that's rounded, too) -- SO WHERE DO YOU |


| |

|Pretend I were Camping, and I wanted you to believe May 7, 2011 was the Rapture date. Then my calculation above, would make it 'fit'. All because, |

|I ROUNDED consistently, following the same rounding practice used for well over 2500 years. Being consistent, it would look perfect and Biblical, |

|since that rounding was used even in Jesus' day. |

| |

|But Camping is NOT consistent, even. Ooops. |

| |

|[pic] Thus is Camping, caught cooking the books. He FIRST decided on May 21; then he factored out the distance, and THEN he went to Bible to find |

|any numbers which would make his invented factors, look right. Cooked books! |

| |

|If his numbers were valid, one could come to the same answer by independent methods, i.e., other factors. But as you can see, if you don't round |

|Camping's way, his numbers DO NOT balance to his factors. And of course, nothing in Bible backs up anything he says, either. |

| |

|BTW, in finance and accounting, the conventional rounding for a solar year is 365.25. Idea of leap year. Jewish accounting also used that number, |

|i.e., when intercalating. It's got an LONG history of use, in calendaring (even before Julius Caesar). So why didn't Camping use it? [pic][pic] |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|========== [pic] CONCLUSION [pic]========== |

| |

|Camping wrongly uses and wrongly dates, the Flood. But the Flood does set a precedence of TIME Warning. Just not, the one Camping claims. |

| |

|What Camping claims, proves wrong in hermeneutic, calendar used, methodology, and in his own math. Highlight Summary: |

| |

|[pic] Wrong Hermeneutic, as Camping parallels Ark entry to Second Advent. Bible parallels Ark to Cross, so it cannot be used for a future date |

|parallel: the type was Noah, the anti-type was Christ, so the prophecy was COMPLETED. |

| |

|[pic] Wrong Hermeneutic, as he DATES what is not dateable (2nd Advent depends on WHEN the Rapture occurs). |

| |

|[pic] Wrong Hermeneutic, as the Noahic period is a different COVENANT versus Church, and Church is not Israel, either. Each covenant has its own |

|time period. Camping mixes these three up. |

| |

|[pic] Wrong Calendar, as Camping uses a modern lunar calendar, though Noah's was solar (whether or not Noah's birthday was Passover, or coincided |

|with the vernal equinox). |

| |

|[pic] Wrong Calendar, as he uses a mistranslation, so is dating from a 47th day, versus Bible's 57th day. |

| |

|[pic] Wrong Methodology, as Camping insists on 722,500 days as the length of time. |

| |

|[pic] Wrong Methodology, as Camping CREATED the '17' and '23' factors to GET the 722,500, and then pretends those OCCULT numbers, are instead |

|Biblical. And of course, he can't produce any supporting Bible verses, so wildly must twist a few way out of context, just because they SEEM to |

|have the same numbers in them. |

| |

|[pic] Wrong Methodology, as there are no verses in Bible which allow for an independent vetting of either his factors, or his total number of |

|days. |

| |

|[pic] Wrong Internal Math, for his 722,500 can yield a DIFFERENT date from the one he ARBITRARILY CHOSE from the wrong calendar (modern Judaic, |

|rather than by recourse to ancient Judaic or more properly, Noahic), using the Biblical rounding of 365.25 for a solar year. Which means, his own |

|rounding is artificial, solely invented to feign 'balance', and has no independent verification method available to it. |

| |

|Thus we see God really is Orchestrating Time: against, Camping and all Rapture Date-Setters. Hence his embarrassment now, Jeremiah 25:3. |

| |

|For the Flood instead depicts scheduled periods of historical judgment trends since Adam, which are still operational; I've been documenting those |

|trends in Bible since 2004. It's a housecleaning to prevent the human race from getting too religious, etc. All this is explained in Leviticus 26 |

|and Deut 28. |

| |

|'Our' housecleaning started in 2010, probably on the vernal equinox. I did a video introducing this 'Pass the Salt' topic, here: |

| . Then I spent a number of videos tracing these periods from Adam forward, which are in the video |

|DESCRIPTION, here: . |

| |

|One important feature of this 120-year trend period -- ours ends in 2130AD -- is the PUBLIC SHAMING of apostate Christianity. We're seeing it all |

|over the place, and of course now most famously, with respect to Camping's shame, itself. |

| |

|Every 490-560 years, as the 'Pass the Salt' brief video, explains: |

|*previous period, the Reformation; |

|*prior to that, the Crusades; |

|*prior to that, the reforming monks; |

|*prior to that, the aftermath of the Cross. |

| |

|Terrific religious upheaval, as entrenched religion gets a revolutionary kick in the pants. In each case, ENTRENCHED APOSTASY is publicly and |

|massively exposed; Bible in the original-language texts becomes widely disseminated; and the geographical reach of the 'housecleaning', became |

|wider. This time, it's on the internet, and worldwide. |

| |

|And of course, there's a lot of war, economic disaster, etc. all recorded in waves, per Leviticus 26. So this regular housecleaning has nothing to |

|do with the Rapture: and YES IT IS PHYSICAL, just like the Flood was, but not global. God promised He'd not do it as a global Flood ever again, Gen|

|8:21-22. |

| |

|So again, the Flood is not the proper parallel for Rapture, but for Tribulation. And the Trib, runs seven years, not one, and certainly NOT five |

|months. The Revelation 9's five months is of DEMONS released to torment, not raptured up believers, as the text of that Chapter plainly says (i.e.,|

|SATAN releases them, not God, they come UP from a smoky JAIL, are numbered, and wreck physical havoc on the earth there and in Revelation 16). |

| |

|For Rapture is earlier depicted, in Revelation 4. So Rapture is unpredictable, per Hebrews 11:39-40, Matthew 24:36, etc. Each Time period has its |

|OWN covenant, theme of Book of Hebrews (esp. Chapter 10), Galatians, Ephesians, and of course, Revelation. Different covenant, so different |

|prophetical timing. |

| |

|========== Relevant Links To Vet This Post's Claims ========== |

| |

|Vernal/Autumnal equinox calculator: Ancient datings will not necessarily be accurate, |

|and you can't go back beyond 1AD. Allow a 3-day swing. |

| |

|Real Bible's calendar and priestly-course meanings, . The priestly course names characterize the Noahic |

|benchmarks and were designed to be prophetical for the Coming of Messiah. Long webpage on that is here: . |

| |

|Detailed worksheet of the Bible's own Timeline using ONLY Bible's dates, is here: Notice the many convergences |

|of events, both in Biblical times and now, 'hubbing' around every 490, 560, 1000 and 1050 years. Cell A2 explains the significance of those |

|benchmarks. You can vet all the material in Bible. A quick vetting is provided, here: . Read through 6b.|

| |

| |

|How to properly convert that calendar into 'our' calendar, so you are always getting the right dates: .|

|Just adjust for the current year's vernal equinox, which you can get from . God made it easy to convert, for the real Bible |

|calendar always starts on the vernal equinox. So if Israel screwed up and got it wrong, she could always get it right again. |

| |

|But she doesn't. Too much persecution has tired her out. Who can't empathize? So... |

| |

|Sample Modern Hebrew calendar which Camping used for his predictions, instead: . |

| |

|When you download the calendar, you'll see that modern Jews consider May 21 to be 17 Iyyar. But that doesn't align with the Bible's calendar, since|

|the modern Jewish calendar is LUNAR. |

| |

|So it will NEVER align to Bible. Even the year number is wrong. We're in the 6117th year from Adam's fall. Their calendar calls it year 5771. This |

|is due to an ancient Jewish calendar called the Seder Olam Rabbah, which wasn't designed to be a literal calendar, but to measure this Prophecy |

|Time (based on the meter in Psalm 90). |

| |

|Draft chart of the Flood Precedence and Prophetic Impact is here: . Gist is okay, but more analysis |

|is needed. If you prefer pdf (which is 5x bigger), just change the 'doc' to 'pdf' in the link above. |

| |

|That Israel has always known the Noahic Flood dates were precedence for the Mosaic calendar, is revealed in a long book which you can read here: |

| The author|

|compiled original-language mss. and related Targums plus compared what ancients thought of the relationship between the Flood and the Mosaic Law, |

|so you're looking at source material, not 'spin'. Book costs $129 at Amazon (half that price, if used). |

| |

|Sample of Bible Hebrew meter and its usage in Psalm 90: One-pager: . If you prefer the pdf version of|

|it, just replace 'tif' with 'pdf'. The pdf file is 5x larger, though. Associated video: . Review the |

|video's description: it better catalogues meter than I had time to list in the video. |

| |

|Longer explanation of Psalm 90 with the same parsing but no handwriting, plus METERED translation and notes: |

|. |

| |

|Psalm 90 sets the precedence for Bible Hebrew meter, and only today (5/30/2011) I realize that meter is DERIVED from Genesis 7-8. |

| |

|THANK YOU, DepartOut Forum and Harold Camping: Frankly, were it not for his false prediction, I'd not know of him or it, and I'd not have learned |

|this, either. I've long known the Noahic calendar was the precedence for Bible Hebrew meter, but couldn't wrap my head around HOW. |

| |

|Thanks to his error and Youtubers who were concerned about what he said, I needed to join here; was graciously allowed in on a very busy day! Then,|

|dig into Genesis 7-8 again, and now see that pattern. |

| |

|Best I can do to say thank you, is make posts like this one. Hope they aren't too annoying! |

| |

|I cover the meter pattern at length in my Psalm 90 video playlist, showing the Hebrew live onscreen (in BibleWorks, not edited): cross-compares |

|Isaiah 53, Daniel 9, and even the Greek of Eph1:3-14 to show this is a pointed rhetorical style in Bible. Youtube Psalm 90 playlist is the main |

|source showing these meter relationships: . The tif and pdf files are linked in those videos' |

|descriptions, beginning in Episode 19. I'm still making videos on this, and won't finish for at least a year. If you want to see the same thing |

|off-Youtube, go here: . That page is the central webpage on how God Orchestrates time, and all related videos |

|are at the bottom of the page. |

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|Isaiah 53's pattern: . Change 'JPG' to 'pdf' for the pdf file. Whether Isaiah had only one writer, |

|and whether Isaiah 53 was right in Hebrew, has been hotly debated for centuries. I learned a) that it's metered perfectly, so b) no words are |

|missing from Chapter 53; so c) only ONE Isaiah, via the selfsame meter. That journey is recorded in videos, here: |

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|Daniel 9's meter: . It's based on Daniel's prayer meter -- in which he accounts Israel's |

|failure year by year starting with David -- that God answers explicitly with 490, 70, 49, 7, etc. You can't see that in translation, so the 490 |

|appears to come from nowhere. Daniel 9:24-25 are also metered with the same pattern of sevening. Seven=promise, in Bible (same sound, same word, |

|patterned after 7 days in Genesis). |

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|Eph1:3-14: . Includes metered translation. Some Biblically-significant Greek keywords were |

|mistranslated in English Bibles, which greatly alters how you view the passage (i.e., in English it becomes churchy, snoozy). |

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|Note: the Daniel and Ephesians pdfs are in DRAFT form and will change. The meter is so sophisticated I must first plot out all the interconnections|

|between the four passages. That won't happen until late next year. |

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|In short, I've been working on this for YEARS. Am one very happy camper, right now. THANK YOU AGAIN! |

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