Unfolding Truth

the Tribe of Judah: Yeshua means ‘Salvation’ Yasha which means ‘to save, be saved, be delivered’ Joshua or Jehoshua = “YHVH is Salvation” Jeshua = “he is saved” & Salvation, Deliverance To save, be saved, be delivered , Salvation, Rescue, Safety, WelfareIshi = “He saves me” Isaiah or Jesaiah or Jeshaiah = “Yahweh has saved” click to see more on Truth 6 Reasons Not To Use The Name Of JesusIs the name of Jesus located in the Old Testament [Hebrew Bible/Tanakh]?What’s in the name Jesus? And where does it come from? Was Jesus really His name?These are a few questions I’ve personally always wondered about and recently I’ve discovered some answers. I knew there had to be more of a connection between the Old Testament/Tanakh and the New Testament/Brit Chadashah (meaning New Covenant). I decided to do my own research to find what these connections are. When looking at our Savior’s name, we should be able to see who He is and what His mission is. Since He was and is a Jewish Man [YHVH in the flesh], the best way to figure this out is to look at the Hebrew translation since this was and is the Holy language.As we backtrack through the historical translations we see the name Jesus is derived from the Latin Iesus, a transliteration of the Greek ?ησο?? (Iesous). The Greek form is a rendering of the Hebrew ????? (Yeshua), a variant of the earlier name ????? (Yehoshua), in English “Joshua,” () (See example Chart 1). Chart 1EnglishLatin GreekModern HebrewEarlier HebrewJesusIesusIesousYeshuaYehoshuaYou may ask, “What’s the point? …we now use English as our main language.” My wife and I put a lot of thought and prayer into what the name of our baby boy would be. We didn’t want to give him a name and have him be called something else later. We didn’t spend much time on what colors to decorate with, what toys to get or the clothes he would wear. We spent 9 months in prayer on what his name would be. After all, we know that our name is one of the greatest connections to our own identity and character. Since this is true with our son, how much more so is it with our Heavenly Father and His Son. As I grow in my relationship to the Father through His Son, I want to know Him deeper, especially His Name! The point is, His name was given by the Father with an infinite amount of meaning and purpose. After diving deeper I hope you too will see at least a glimpse of the depth and profound meaning in His name and many reasons why we should know and even speak His true name. As mentioned earlier, He was and is a Jewish Man [YHVH in the flesh] born of the Tribe of Judah. His primary spoken language was Hebrew. Yehoshua or a variant Yeshua would have been the Divine name given to Him. The name Jesus is not mentioned in the Old Testament [Hebrew Bible/Tanakh] however, YESHUA is used. The name Yeshua means ‘Salvation’ and was prophesied throughout the entire Hebrew Bible. Incredibly, every time you read the word Salvation in the Old Testament you’re actually reading His name, Yeshua! Since Hebrew words have root words, the root of Yeshua is Yasha which means ‘to save, be saved, be delivered’. Here are a few other variations: Chart 2English:Hebrew:Pronounced:Strong’s Number:Number of Times Used in the OT:Joshua or Jehoshua = “Yahweh is Salvation”???????????YehoshuaH3091218Jeshua = “He is saved”????????YeshuaH3442 & H344330Salvation, Deliverance?????????YeshuaH344478To save, Be saved, Be delivered??????YashaH3467205Deliverance, Salvation, Rescue, Safety, Welfare, Victory??????YeshaH346836Ishi = “He saves me”????????YisheeH34695Isaiah or Jesaiah or Jeshaiah = “Yahweh has saved”??????????YeshayahH347039It’s amazing that Yeshua or some variation of it is used in the Old Testament 611 times! Using the name of Yeshua actually connects your Old Testament to the New Testament. Now you can read with a whole new understanding! Here are a few verses to get you started: Gen. 49:18, Ex. 14:13, Ex. 15:2, 1 Sam. 2:1 Ps. 3:8, Ps 62:2, Isa. 12:2-4.“Holy Father, keep them in Your Name, the Name which You have given Me, that they may be one even as We are. While I was with them, I was keeping them in Your Name which You have given Me…” [John 17:11-12]. Here ??????? (Yehoshua) is speaking to the Father whose Name is ???? (YHVH). Reading from right to left in the Hebrew, notice the same letters ??? (Yod Hey Vav: often pronounced as ‘Yahu’), have the same letters in the Fathers name as in His Son’s! In reference to this Scripture, it’s clear that Yehoshua is speaking of how His name is connected to the Fathers. “I have come in My Father’s Name…” [John 5:43]. “Hosanna (Please save)! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of YHVH, even the King of Israel!” [John 12:13]Dale Carnegie says, “Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound.” If this is true for us, how much more is it true of our Savior and Father who hears our prayers? The song that says there is Power in the Name of Jesus may now be more appropriately said, ‘Power in the Name of Yehoshua’ which clearly means YHVH is Salvation!The name of Jesus (and Christ) was historically used to hate on Jewish people. They were even called ‘Christ-killers.’ The name Yehoshua (and Messiah or Mashiach) would be more accepting to the Jewish people (His native people from His native land). How can Romans 11:14 happen if we use terminology that pushes them away? It’s important to love and respect our brother Judah (present-day Jewish people), because when we bless them we will in turn be blessed (Genesis 12:3).The Scriptures say, “Whoever will call on the name of YHVH will be saved.” [Romans 10:13] Most translations will say, “the name of the Lord” instead of YHVH, however ‘the Lord’ in Hebrew is only a title. If we call on His name it would be, ???? (YHVH). So when we say, “Whoever will call on the name of YHVH will be saved,” we are actually saying ?????? (Yehoshua) which means, YHVH is Salvation!Now let’s read with a Hebrew understanding. Acts 4:12 says, “and there is Yeshua (Salvation) in no one else; for there is no other Name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.” I’m not saying you cannot be saved through the name of Jesus. I am definitely saying Yehoshua or Yeshua makes much more sense! You might have noticed in the previous mentioned Chart 1 above when reading the names, there almost seems to be a disconnect from the Modern Hebrew to the Greek (from Yeshua to Iesous) as it doesn’t seem to flow. Some say that Jesus, Iesus and Iesous derive from ‘hail Zeus.’ I don’t claim that this is true, but it may be even another reason to use the original Hebrew – Yehoshua or Yeshua. Matthew 1:21 says, “She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” Here the Messenger (Angel) of YHVH appeared to Yoseph (Joseph) and spoke these words. Yoseph was a Hebrew living in Nazareth (Israel) who would have spoken Hebrew. If the angel spoke to him in English saying ‘Jesus’ or rather in Greek ‘Iesous,’ this might have made things even more awkward. ??????? (Yehoshua) or ????? (Yeshua) would have been the name given to Yoseph, for Salvation is in the name! The nature and character of who He is, is found in His Name! “… at the Name of Yehoshua every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth…” [Philippians 2:10] So is it wrong to use the name Jesus?Whether you call our Savior by Jesus, Iesus, Iesous, Yeshua, or Yehoshua, He’s still the same Messiah – but wouldn’t you rather call Him by the name that He was given? The name that connects the Old Testament to the New, the name that shows His connection to the Father, the name that’s accepting to our Jewish brothers, the name that Saves, “the Name which is above every name,” [Philippians 2:9] the name ??????? (Yehoshua) or ????? (Yeshua) our Salvation.As for me and my house, we have been speaking and praying in the name of Yeshua and sometimes Yehoshua for the past couple years. Has it changed our lives in any way? IT DEFINITELY HAS! I can tell you first hand that we have been more favored, more blessed and feel more connected with our Messiah Yehoshua than ever before! Now when we read our Bible we find a MUCH greater connection, understanding and passion to live steadfast for our Creator.If it’s Truth that you are seeking, it’s the Truth that sets you free (click to see more on Truth). Now read your Scriptures in a new Light as your Messiah ??????? (Yehoshua) is mentioned throughout both the Old Testament and the New.“…let all who take refuge in You be glad, let them ever sing for joy; and may You shelter them, that those who love Your Name may exult in You.” [Psalm 5:11]“YHVH is my strength and my song, and He has become my Yeshua.” [Psalm 118:14]Shalom aleichem (Peace be upon you),~TravisCall to Action:Now when you pray, pray to our Father in the name of our Savior, Yehoshua!Can you add any more reasons why to use Yehoshua? ................

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