Hebrew Language: - Kohelet Prize

Hebrew Language:GrammarLower Elementary Level? 2012 Yeshivat Netivot MontessoriThe Jewish Montessori Training Center at Netivot91 Jefferson Blvd, Edison New Jersey, 08817732 485 4626 INVENTORY OF GRAMMAR WORKSTHE PARTS OF SPEECHParts of Speech: OverviewThe Noun:Noun Key Lesson: Classroom (introduce noun symbol)Flash Cards (Per Topic)??? ??? Miniature Environment Noun Moveable Alphabet and Nekudot BoxesConcept of Names (What is your name?)Questions: ?? ??? / ??? Classroom InventoryParts of the Body / SongParts of the Body InventoryLife Size Parts of BodyFamily Miniature Environment: Set 1Family Miniature Environment: Set 2 (brother/ sister, pets)ClothingFruits*Farm Miniature Environment Inventory: AnimalsFarm Miniature Environment Inventory: Places in the FarmHouse Miniature Environment Inventory*Food Miniature Objects Inventory*Person, Place, and ThingReading Command Cards (Reading Comprehension)Command Cards*Humash Miniature Environment and Large Humash NounsParasha NounsParasha Hachtava Boxes Grammar Box: Zachar and NekevaZachar/ Nekeva with Miniature ObjectsGrammar Box: Yachid and Rabim NounsYachid and Rabim: Parts of the BodyGrammar Box: Differentiating between Yachid and Rabim NounsYachid/ Rabim with Miniature ObjectsGrammar Box: Ze/Zot (with clothing nouns)MilonimThe Article:Article Key Lesson: Definite/ Indefinite Classroom ((introduce article symbol)Article Key Lesson: Definite/ Indefinite HumashFlashcards??? ??? Miniature Environment and the ArticleClassroom InventoryReading Command CardCommand Cards*Large Humash Nouns and PrefixesGrammar Box: ArticleGrammar Box: Plural ArticleGrammar Box: Kelev RuleMiniature Grammar Box Level II: Concept of Et - Set A (first review concept of definite and indefinite) Review Concept of Et: Set BThe Adjective:SIZE/ QUALITY Adjective Key Lesson (symbol): Size/ Quality (zachar/ yachid) Level I Classroom Inventory: Review of Size/ Quality (zachar/ yachid)Review of Size/Quality with Miniature Objects (zachar/yachid): ??? ????)) Size/ Quality with Miniature Objects (zachar/nekeva/yachid): Level IIAdjectives Basket* Feelings Work*Antonyms*Creative Writing Cards (Tell me a story)Reading Command CardCommand Cards*Introduction to Weather AdjectivesReview Adjectives in Parasha WorksSymbols StripsSentence AnalysisAdjective Large Grammar Box: Level II (big chair/ small notebook)*The Noun Family (double ?): Level IIICOLORSColors: Level I Review of Colors with PencilsReview of Colors: Colorblends Review of Colors with Miniature Objects: Level I (??? ???) Review of Colors with Miniature Objects and Size/ Quality ??? ??? ?????)) (logical agreement - color then size/quality)Detective Game (Can you give me the object which is red and big …)??? ???:Review of Colors and Size/ Quality??? : Review of Colors and Size/ Quality* ??? : Review of Colors and Size/ QualityPattern Creative Writing: Size/ Quality and Colors ????? : Review of Colors and Size/ QualityColors and Size/Quality with Miniature Objects (zachar/nekeva yachid/rabim): Level III The Noun Family (double ?): Level IIIMATHNumbers Nekeva Level I: 1-10 Numbers Nekeva Level I: 10-100Numbers Zachar/ Nekeva Level II: 1-10Number Zachar/ Nekeva Level II: 1-3 Bears and Trumpets (position of ??? – logical agreement and Concept of ???/ ???)Zachar/ Nekeva Numbers and Miniature Objects: Level III Numbers, Colors, Size/ Quality with Miniature Objects: Level III Counting in Circle/ Lunch 1-100/ 100-1000Hebrew Board Math (Question: ??? ?)Hebrew Math Card SetBead SheetsClock Level I: Labeling Clock (Question ? ?? ????)*Clock Level II: Review and Advanced Times (Question ????)*Clock Level III: ???? / ????/ ???? (Grammar Cards)*Clock: Command Cards*Zachar/ Nekeva Numbers and Objects – Numbers 1-3 (logical agreement of ??? and the concepts of ???? and ????)Review zachar/ nekeva numbers from previous lesson and lay them out on the rug.Remove all numbers from both columns except 1, 2, 3 in both columns.Place the number of bears on the left side of the zachar numbers, and place the trumpets to the left of the nekeva numbers.Review concept of zachar/ nekeva nouns and yachid and rabim before continuing with lesson – dubi is zachar, many is dubim – chasosrah is nekeva, many is chasosrot.Ask the students how they would describe three bears –shlosha dubim – how would you say six bears? shisha dubim. Then symbolize that the adjective comes before the noun. Then a student is asked to describe three trumpets – shalosh chasosrot – this is then symbolized. Another example for nekeva is done verbally by another student. The students are asked who can describe two bears – shnayim dubim – it is then explained that there is a shortened way to say shnayim – it becomes shnei (someone can read the card). Then symbolize. Then go over to nekeva and ask how they would describe two trumpets knowing that the mem drops – they offer shtei as the answer. Then demonstrate that usually when we describe the number of objects the number comes before the noun – the exception is with number one. Place the bear to the right of the number and ask a student to describe and symbolize one bear in Hebrew – dubi echad. The same is true for nekeva with number one – who would like to describe one trumpet – a student is expected to move the trumpet to the right of the one and read and symbolize. For the followup work students should lay out the work again and write up using words in the place of the objects and numbers to describe the number of objects from 1-3 in both zachar and nekeva.The Verb:Verb Key Experience: Verb symbol and Concept of Shoresh (Molds) (L)Review Present Tense Singular Verb Conjugation: Set A (making molds)Review Present Tense Singular Verb Conjugation with Template Strips: Set APresent Tense Plural Verb Conjugation with Template Strips: Set A (Level I)Introduction to Irregular Present Tense Verb Conjugation: Set B (Level I)Integration of Present Tense Verb Conjugation into Parasha and Chagim Works (Level III)Past Tense Verb Conjugation with Pronouns Singular: Set APast Tense Verb Conjugation with Pronouns Plural: Set APast Tense Irregular Verb Conjugation (dropping ? ) Miniature Grammar Box: Avar/ Hoveh Future Tense Verb Conjugation with Pronouns Singular: Set AFuture Tense Verb Conjugation with Pronouns Plural: Set AMiniature Grammar Boxes: Avar/ Hoveh / Atid – phrases/ sentences (Level II and III)Miniature Grammar Boxes: ????? – only takes on past and future forms (Level III)Grammar Box: Shorashim (Level I)Grammar Box: Present Tense Verbs Set A??? ??? Miniature Environment and Verbs??? Miniature Environment and Verbs????? and Verbs??? Miniature Environment and Verbs????? and VerbsVerb Cards (with words)Verb Cards (with pictures)Flashcards: Shorashim Set A/ BFlashcards: Verb Singular Conjugation Review Flashcards: Verb Plural Conjugation ReviewFlashcards: Irregular Shorashim Set C/D Level IIFlashcards: Finding Shorashim from Humash Milim Level II/ IIIReading Command CardsCommand Cards*Shorashim Matching Game (Memory)*Topic (Winter) Miniature Grammar Boxes: Level II and III (Including Verbs, Nouns, article, Adjectives, Prepositions, and conjunctions) and SentencesShimushi (Useful Verbs – go fish rules): Level IIAvar/ Hoveh/ Atid Bingo Level IIIShoresh Dictionary: Level IISymbols Strips: Level II/ IIIUse of the Makor/ Infinitive: Level III?????? ??????? – Level IIIOrange Grammar Cards*Shorashim LessonReview that verbs are actions: tell me a verb in English ‘run’.In English the root of the verb stays the same – he runs, we run, she runs.In Hebrew the verb splits into three – we take away a large shoresh and a split into three.A large clay ball representing the verb is split into three parts – a diagram of a tree with the shoresh as the roots is drawn – using the shoresh ???.In Hebrew the shoresh has to fit into a mold depending on whether we are talking about a boy or a girl.We are going to make the molds for describing a boys actions: ??? ????.A ??? is made.A ???? is made.The mold for a boy has purple filled in where the ? goes.The mold for a girl has purple filled in where the ? and ? go.The letters ??? are drawn on the shoresh balls that need to fit into the mold. These are then inserted and the students read the molds for ??? and ???? and translate. The teacher then takes out the shoresh and puts it into a different order asking one of the students to read the phrase but it does not make sense – this transposition indicates that the shoresh needs to remain in order for it to remain a shoresh.Students complete the followup work by making their own molds.The next lesson given is with the templates representing the molds.The Preposition:FlashcardsPreposition Key Experience: Preposition Symbol and Preposition CardsClassroom Inventory and Prepositions ??? ??? Miniature Environment and PrepositionsPreposition Reading Comprehension – ???? ????Prepositions and Pattern Creative Writing - ?… ??????? and Pattern Creative Writing: Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs and PrepositionsPrepositions and Humash PrefixesSymbols StripsSentence AnalysisCommand Card*Introduction to ??: Reading Comprehension?? Lesson – …?????? ?? Review ?? with Different Items – … ??? ?????? ?? / ?? ???? ???? and Singular Pronoun Suffixes ?? and Plural Pronoun Suffixes Reading Command Card?? Reading Command CardHumash Advanced PrepositionsConcept of Et and Used with Definite ArticleEt and Pronoun Suffixes Difference Between ???? / ????The Pronoun:Introduction to ??? in Mishpacha Creative WritingFlashcardsPronoun Key Experience: Pronoun Symbol and Singular PronounsPronouns Miniature People*Pattern Writing: Replacing Name with I in the StoryGrammar Box: Pronoun ReviewSingular Pronouns and Present Tense Verb Conjugation – Compare to ????/ ???Plural Pronouns and Present Tense Verb Conjugation – Compare to ?????/ ?????Use of ???/ ?? and clothing nouns???/ ?? Reading Command CardSymbols SentencesSentence AnalysisQuestions ? … ?? / ?? ??Winter Grammar BoxesUse of Pronouns in Past and Future Tense Verb ConjugationIntroduction of Singular Pronoun Suffixes (L)Introduction of Plural Pronoun Suffixes?? and Pronoun Suffixes?? and Pronoun SuffixesThe Conjunction:Introduction in Humash Prefixes WorkIntroduction with Multiple AdjectivesConjunction Key Experience: Conjunction Symbol and LessonGrammar Box: ConjunctionsSymbols SentencesQuestion ? ??? and Review in Answering QuestionsGrammar Box: Sentence Analysis * Concept of ??/ ??The Adverb:Questions - ??? ?? ????FlashcardsThe ?? WorkThe ?? ???? WorkAdverb Key Experience: Adverb Symbol and LessonClassroom Inventory??? Miniature EnvironmentSymbols StripsSentence AnalysisGrammar Box: AdverbsCommand Cards: In the Manner of the adverb… ???? ???? / ????? ??????*Advanced QuestionsAdditional Grammar Works:HomophonesSynonyms FLASHCARD INVENTORYLevel IShem/ FamilyClassroomParts of the BodyColors (Zachar)Plural Body PartsChanukah NounsFamily NounsAdjectives Size/ Quality ZacharClothesTu B'Shvat NounsPurim Nouns and AdjectivesPesach VocabularyPrepositionsShorashim and Verb Conjugation - Singular and PluralAnimal NounsLevel IITaken from either:-Humash Groups: Nouns/ Verbs/ PrepositionsSafah Groups: Nouns/ Verbs/ Prepositions/ Adjectives/ PronounsLevel IIIHumash/ Parasha:Advanced ShorashimFinding the Shoresh from the TextAdvanced NounsAdvanced PrepositionsDirections to Students:1) Please copy down the flashcards/ white board onto index cards2) Decide which part of speech and label the part of speech3) Write down the translation in English on other side of the index card4) Check Nekudot/ Draw Picture5) Put into Flashcard container for home reviewKRIYAH PROGRAM OVERVIEWPrimary Goals:ConsistencyAccuracyFluencyComplement Curriculum2 Components:KRIYAHSefer HakriyahSiddurHumashMegillotHagadahReading Completed WorksHome ReviewREADING COMPREHENSION - Havanah Hanikrah Grammar StoriesParasha PacketsHagim PacketsHebrew Library BooksHome ReviewINVENTORY OF KRIYAH WORKSAccuracyKriyah Groups (empowering child through self-correction)Review of Letter Sounds Primary Letter Sounds Work*Sofiot Work*Review of NekudotNekudot BoxesHachtava – DictationSentence Strips during LessonsVarious Reading Rules with Letter and Sound CombinationsNekudot Scales??? ?? – Rules of the Silent Shva: After ??? After ???? ??? After ???? After ??????? ??- Rules of the Speaking ShvaFlag Rule (shva is said aloud at the beginning of a word)After ????After ???? ????After ????After ????Double Shva Rule (when you have two together the second shva is said aloud)Twins Rule (when two letters are together the shva under the second letter is said aloud)FluencyKriyah Groups - Sefer KriyahNekudot ScalesHebrew Short Stories CollectionReading Works after Completion to TeacherReading from the SiddurChagim SippurimHebrew LibraryReading ComprehensionHebrew Short Stories (Focusing on Prefixes and Parts of Speech) – Level I Hebrew Short Stories – Level II and IIIReading Command Cards – Level IReading Command Cards A, B, CCommand Cards*Chagim SippurimSummarizing Stories – Hanukah/ Megillat EstherHumash Translation into Modern HebrewSongsPoemsHumash Groups/ Sefer Yonah/ Megillat Esther/ HagadahHome Review AssignmentsFlashcardsReading Assignments to Review Weekly Kriyah GroupsReading and Reviewing PesukimINVENTORY OF KETIVAH AND SICHAH WORKSPenmanshipExpectations of Penmanship at Level IScript Writing Books? and ?Slow Integration of Script Writing into Works (Planners/ Part of Work)Final Letter WorkChallenging Letter Practice Creative WritingIndividual Story Writing Level I: Pattern Writing - ?????? ???(nouns/ article/ ???/ ?) ?? ???? ???? ??? (Tu B’Shvat Nouns)… ?? ??? ? ??? ?? (Miniature Objects and Adjectives)????? (Prepositions)… ???? ??(Noun, Article, Verb, Adjective and Preposition Review)Group Story Writing Level II: Wallet Board with Parts of SpeechSeasons – Group BookChagimTopicsCreative Writing Level III: Publishing StoriesBrainstormingParagraph WritingDraft CopyFinal CopyIllustrationsBook SharingDisplayed in LibraryChadashot Level II and III: NewsPoemsWriting Prompts*Chagim Works: Research/ Hanukah/ PesachHachtavahNekudot BoxesParasha MilimCreative Story WritingSentence Strips (Lessons)SichahDaily Classroom InteractionsReading Works when CompletedNoun Works as Sichah Activities: - ?? ??? ????- ??? ??? Miniature Environment and Prepositions- ????? Work- ??? Work*Numbers WorksCommand Cards*Incorporation in Safah groupsChadashot: Sichah Groups - Level IIIPlease note that any * items have not yet been madeList of Things To do:Print Works:SafahKriyahParashaHumashChagim Followup SheetsParasha Followup SheetsWriting Followup SheetsHumash Followup SheetsOverview CurriculumComplete CurriculumLesson Plan Checklist First GradeOverview ChecklistManual InventoriesSafah – grammar (separate parts of speech)Writing/ KriyahReadingParashaHumashChagimDownloadRivky Files – Parasha/ ChagimCopyKriyah/ Reading Comp SamplesCompleteCheck all Manuals for SpellingCheck Lesson Plans Level IFinish Overview Checklist Level IDirections for Giving LessonsDirections for Followup WorksImportant Points to RememberClassroom Management PointsReadingsDirections for introducing Pronoun suffixesDaily plan for Training go overMakeIm/otMiniature environment nounsAdjectives basketMiniature Suffix boxesPrep and suffixes keyList of Materials Needed:Model MagicColored MarkersEgg CartonsNapkinCardList of Materials Needed:Model MagicColored MarkersEgg CartonsNapkinCardMiniature Grammar BoxLaminating sheetslaminator ................

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