Higher Education Commission

How to Fill Online Application FormHEC Approved SupervisorsStep1Click on URL to apply for HEC Approved Supervisor: 2 New Users‘Login’ for new users. Fill the available information on page and create profile.‘Sign in’ for already have profile at HEC E PortalPlease note ‘Approved Supervisors’ who filled profile previously, need to create new profile/ login.a) Sign In for already have Common Profile at HEC E PortalIf you already created user ID at HEC E portal, then click & enter User ID and password and ‘Sign in’b) New UsersNote: It is a new HEC e portal. Who had created and filled profile at HEC for Approved Supervisors previously, need to create new profile/ login but they will be required to use only that Email ID which has been provided at that time.New user may use an authenticated email ID for future correspondence.Step 3 for New UsersRegistrationApplicant will register at eportal HEC and fill Common Profile.click on ‘Register’ for new users and follow the steps stated below:You will be required to create user ID by using your CNIC (without dashes) as User ID and select your password.Create an Account and fill the required information available on the screen.Click and obtain ‘Mobile Code’ on your provided mobile no. for further process. (Currently, MNC / Ported numbers are not supported)After receiving code on your mobile enter the code.Enter your email ID and click Send Code. You will receive a code on your provided email. Already Approved Supervisor will enter email ID that they provided earlier in their user profile.New applicant will enter a valid email ID.Perform code verification and click on submission. The system will bring to above mentioned screen again with the message stated below:You have been registered successfully. Please check your email for further information. You will be required enter your created ‘User ID’ & ‘Password’ then ‘Sign in’ on HEC E-portal.System will bring you on following screen.Supervisor will be required to complete online profile at eportal..pk which includes following sections (but not limited to following mentioned):Personal DetailContact Education Employment PublicationProject Complete /fill every displayed screen followed by ‘Save’ and then ‘Next’Note: Approved Supervisors are required to upload CNIC copy and PhD degree only.Step 4 for New & Already Register UsersPlease read “HEC Approved Supervisor” eligibility criteria available on our webpage and review your filled profile. Please be clear system won’t allow you to proceed further/ apply for HEC Approved Supervisor if you are not meeting the basic eligibility criteria as filled by you in ‘Common Profile’ Click ‘Scholarships and Grants’ on left ‘Navigation’.10363208058150013144593916500Click ‘Approved Supervisors’ and option ‘Application Form’If you are fulfilling the eligibility (Eligibility Detail available on our webpage), the system will allow the Supervisor to enter the ASA application form. If the supervisor doesn’t fill the eligibility criteria, an appropriate message will be displayed (Ineligibility message).Supervisor will fill the application form (Application form Screen Details) and provide all the necessary details required. Step 5 Research InterestSelect Discipline and Sub Discipline and click ‘Proceed’.Fill Research Interest Information either HEC scholar or not.After Filling information, Please click ‘NEXT’Note:a) HEC ScholarsThe system will check if the supervisor has choosen to be an HEC Scholar then the task will be assigned to concerned PD. On succesfull completion of the task, the system will generate an email to the applicant aknowledging that the NOC has been produced.Note: Non HEC Scholar will bypass this step.b) Non HEC scholar The supervisor will be required before applying: Pakistan University Degree holder will be required to get HEC attested PhD degree.PhD done from reputed university abraod will be required to get ‘Equivalance Certificate’ of PhD degree from HEC.Note: a.In case the the applicants do not provide verification of degree within specific period of time, the application will be rejected. An email will be sent to the applicant that the application has been rejected.ASA scrutiny team can request a revision from the applicant, in this case an email will be sent to the applicant along with a task assigned for revision required. The revise task will have its REF _Ref451902047 \h \* MERGEFORMAT Error! Reference source not found. parameters. It will send as if the applicant doesn’t revise the application form and will reject the application form afterwards On submitting the revised application form, an email will be sent to the applicant copying the ASA director. Step 6: UndertakingUndertaking and Documents ListClick undertaking for Certification.Upload mandatory documetns. Foreign PhD Degree holder: Copy of HEC issued ‘Equivalence Certificate’ attested by gazzetetd officer. Pakistani PhD degree holders: Copy of HEC Attested PhD degree. Covering letter from Host or serving University or institutions.( Please be sure that the size of the documetns should not be more than 200KB.The supervisors can review the application by clicking ‘Perview’of the application.Step 7: Final Submission (Hard/Postal Copy)Click ‘Submit’ Application. Supervisor will be sent an acknowledgement by automated system generated email if process is completed and Application submitted successfully.The applicants will be required to forward hard copy of application form along with pre-requisite documents within 20 days of application submission through proper channel in any case. In case of failure, the application will be rejected/ stand cancelled.On postal copy document receiving, an email will be sent to the applicant, acknowledging that the documents have been received (Hard Copy Document Received).General InformationThere are two major categories of disciplines i.e. 1. Sciences & Technology 2.Social Sciences. Both categories have a separate eligibility criteria that has been incorporated in process flow of applying at HEC E portal, therefore, system will allow to only those applicants are meeting the eligibility criteria available on our webpage.The Applicants will be required to get attested their PhD degrees/ Equivalence Certificates before processing the application for ‘HEC Approved Supervisor’Send a postal copy of Application form through proper channel to HEC on provided address within 20 days of application submission in the system. HEC will communicate mostly via email if required.The title of ‘HEC Approved Supervisor’ is valid for three years. After three years, it will be required to update the profile. HEC will re-evaluated the profile as per eligibility criteria.Regularly update the profile if there is any change.The Supervisors who have been titled as ‘HEC Approved Supervisors’ from December 2013 do not need to send the hard copy of application form. However, beyond this date, they need to forward the postal copy of application again.HEC will publish the names of only those ‘HEC Approved Supervisors’ on website whose period is valid i.e. 3 years.Mandatory documents that need to be uploaded i.e. CNIC copy, recent picture, Copy of PhD degree, covering letter. ................

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