Caroline GUIBET LAFAYE 48 Bd Jourdan

Born 10/11/1972 (39 years old) 75014 Paris (FRANCE)

email: Tel.: + 33-1-43-13-64-05

Web Sites: Cell.: + 33-6-30-57-47-15




Graduate of the School of the Louvre (Paris)


National Center Scientific Research (France)

Works in progress (2009-2012)

“Perceptions of inequalities and assessments about inequalities”. Research lead at the Centre Maurice Halbwachs (CNRS).

This research has three parts: firstly, it aims at identifying believes and interpretations about inequalities. Secondly, it specifies socio-demographic parameters of the evolution of these interpretations. Finally, it underlines the link between these interpretations and the attitudes regarding welfare state and social cohesion.

“Institutionalization of Disagreements”. Research undertaken at the Centre Maurice Halbwachs (CNRS).

Ethical and medical dilemmas, moral and religious conflicts in civil society require, in a context of strong pluralism, right solutions. The research aims to show that one of these solutions is the “institutionalization of disagreements”. This device also needs a development of a “pacific culture of dialogue and disagreement” to which public institutions could contribute to.

Research Works (1994-2008)

2006-2008 - “Phronèsis”. Post-doctoral research undertaken within the Superior Institute of Philosophy, in the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). Fellowship Fonds National de Recherche Scientifique (FNRS).

Study of the education of political judgment and of the role of political judgment in the exercise of citizenship.

Analysis of contemporary interpretations of modern citizenship.

2005-2006 - “Ethical Judgements on Inequalities”. Post-doctoral research undertaken within the Ethic Center of University of Zurich (Switzerland).

Study of the reasons justifying ethical judgements against inequalities.

Directions of researches: needs and primary goods, opportunities, social self-respect.

Aims: establishing a distinction between inequalities which must be compensated, on one hand, and other kinds of inequalities, on another hand.

2003-2005 - “Social Justice and Individual Ethic”. Post-doctoral research, within the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) of Spain. Published by the University Press of Laval in 2006.

Analyze of principles of distributive justice (difference principle, principle of equal opportunities, equality of resources, non-envy, basic income) in order to specify the reasons of their acceptance in individual prospects of life.

2002-2004 - “Justice as a Component of Good Life”. Post-doctoral research, within the group of Nosophi research (“Norms, Societies, Philosophies”), in the University of Paris-I and the University of Quebec at Montreal. Part of the text is available on Internet ( Lafaye.pdf). Published by the University Press of Laval in 2006.

Resolution of the ethical dilemma between the ideal concerning the private life and the political ideal of equal solicitude towards each one, firstly by an examination of the rational behaviour and the rational choice, then by the analysis of the practical judgements and, finally, by its political and institutional resolution.

- “Aesthetic and Metaphysic: the Origins of German Aesthetic”. Post-doctoral research, within the Center of History of the Modern Philosophy (National Center of Scientific Researches ( CNRS).

Study of the context of formation of Kant’s aesthetic, by an analysis of Leibniz’s metaphysic, Wolff’s logic and the philosophy of Baumgarten.

- “Political and Social Functions of Symbolic Representations of Right and Justice in the Quebec Culture”. Contribution to the research project, directed by P. ROBERT, at the University of Quebec in Montreal (Canada), for the UNESCO Chair of Studies of the Philosophical Foundations of Justice and the Democratic Society.

Study and interpretation of the evolution of the justice representations and its institutions, related to the evolution of the concepts of right in modernity.

1996-2001 - “Aesthetic of the Judgement and Aesthetic of the Concept: Kant – Hegel”, Doctorate of Philosophy, directed by the professor B. BOURGEOIS, at the University of Paris-I Pantheon-Sorbonne, (grade A: VERY HONOURABLE with FELICITATIONS of the JURY, December 2001). Two books published in L’Harmattan editions in 2003 and 2004. A summary is available on Internet ().

Description of the Kantian heritage in Hegel’s aesthetic, using the logical forms of the judgement and the categories. Determination of the originality of Hegel’s aesthetic starting by an analysis of the concepts and principles of the Science of logic.

June 1995 - “The Concept of Memory in the Hegelian Philosophy”, D.E.A (Certificate of Advanced Studies) of History of Philosophy, directed by the professor B. BOURGEOIS, at the University of Paris-I Pantheon-Sorbonne (grade A).

Elucidation of the role of the memory in the Phenomenology of the Spirit and in the Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences of Hegel, in the subjective, objective and speculative plans.

June 1994 - “The Concept of Subject from Descartes’ to Hegel’s Philosophy”, Master of History of Philosophy, directed by the professor J.-F. MARQUET, at the University of Paris-IV Sorbonne (grade A).

Study of the meaning of the concept of subject. The evolution from the substantialized subject to the subject who expressed the truth in Hegel’s philosophy.

Teaching (1997-2012)

2011-2012 CO-DIRECTION with M. Forsé for the annual seminar “Sociology and statistics”. Topic: “Opinions and beliefs about social justice and inequalities”. Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris.

2010-2011 CO-DIRECTION for the annual seminar “Sociology and statistics”. Topic: “Social cohesion: theories, methods and polities”. Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris.

2010, January LECTURER at the Faculty of Medicine South-Paris, University of Paris-South XI.

DES Anastasia – Reanimation, Module “Professional Exercise – Medicolegal – Evaluation – Ethics”, directed by Louis Puybasset.

2004-2005 LECTURER at the National Centre of Teaching by Distance (CNED).

Course to prepare the students in philosophy at the Agregation. Subject: “Thinking and Calculate”, “Is suffering useful?”, “The truth can be proved?”. Subject: Hegel, the Encyclopedy of Scientific Sciences.

2003-2004 LECTURER at the University of Quebec at Montreal.

- Teaching: The Philosophies of the XVIIth Century and The Philosophy of Right: “From the Subject of Rights to the Rights of the Citizen”.

LECTURER at the National Centre of Teaching by Distance (CNED).

Course to prepare the students in philosophy at the Agregation. Subject: “The Aesthetic” and “Kant, Kritik der praktischen vernunft”.

2002-2003 ATER (Temporary Attached of Teaching and Researches) at the University of Toulouse II – Le Mirail (France).

- History of Philosophy and Modern Philosophy: “Truth and Freedom in the Hegelian philosophy”, level: Undergraduate.

- Philosophy of Art: “Philosophies, Criticisms and Theories of Art”, level: Undergraduate.

- Moral Philosophy: “Freedom and Liberalism”, level: 1st Degree.

ASSISTANT in the course of lectures, directed by J. Boulad-Ayoub and P. Robert, on the topic: “From the Subject of Rights to the Rights of the Citizen”, at the University of Quebec in Montreal (Canada).

2001-2002 ATER at the University of Toulouse II – Le Mirail.

- Philosophy of Art: “Evolution of an Aesthetic Category: the Beauty”, level: 1st Degree.

- Philosophy of Art: “Art and Philosophy. Meaning and Signification”, Undergraduate.

- Moral Philosophy: “Theories of Justice”, Undergraduate.

2000-2001 ATER at the University of Toulouse II – Le Mirail.

- Modern Philosophy: “Kant’s Philosophy”, level: 1st Degree.

- Moral Philosophy: “The Effectivity of Freedom”, level: 1st Degree.

- Philosophy of Art: “The Actuality of the Kantian Aesthetic”, level: Undergraduate.

1999-2000 ATER at the University of Paris-I Pantheon-Sorbonne (France).

- General Philosophy: “The Time”, level: 1st Degree.

- Philosophy of Art: “Philosophical Interpretations of Art”, level: 1st Degree.

1998-1999 ASSISTANT at the University of Paris-I Pantheon-Sorbonne and Lecturer at the University Jules Verne of Picardie of Amiens

- History of Philosophy: Comment of Texts, level: 1st Degree.

- Philosophy of Art and Aesthetic: “Aesthetic Theories”, level: 1st Degree.

- Theories of Arts, UFR of Plastic Arts in the University Jules Verne, level: 1st Degree.

1997-1998 LECTURER at the University of Paris-I Pantheon-Sorbonne

- Philosophy of Art and Aesthetic: “The Beauty”, level: 1st Degree.


- Sociology inequalities and social cohesion.

- Moral sociology.

- Moral philosophy and political philosophy.

- Medical Ethics, applied ethics.

Fields of competences

- Education to citizenship.


2011 - Accreditation to Supervise Research (“Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches »), University of Paris IV Sorbon.

2009 - Author Grant of the Academic Foundation (Belgium) for the book “Thinking today Happiness”.

2008 - Researcher at the National Center Scientific Research, in the Center Maurice Halbwachs (CNRS – France).

2008 - Researcher JAE-Doc at the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) (Madrid, Spain).

2006-2008 - Researcher at the Institute Superior of Philosophy, University Catholic of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium).

2005-2006 - Researcher within the team “Applied Global Justice” (Fifth Framework Program, European Commission, HPRN-CT-2002-00231), visiting the University of Zurich (Switzerland).

2004-2005 - Researcher within the team “Applied Global Justice”, visiting the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) (Madrid, Spain).

2004-2005 - Author Grant of the Book National Center (CNL) for the book “Justice an Good Life. Justice as a Component of the Good Life”.

2003-2004 - Post-doctoral Research at the University of Quebec at Montréal (Canada).

2002 and 2006 - Qualification for the function of “Maître de Conférences” in the University in Philosophy (section 17 of the National Consil of Universities) and in Aesthetic (section 18 of the CNU).

1996-2001 - Doctorate of Philosophy.

June 1999 - Laureate of the AGREGATION in philosophy, a competitive examination for a teaching position.

June 1998 - CAPES of Philosophy, a competitive examination for a teaching position, for high school.

1997-1999 - Formation in the Center of Initiation for the Under-graduate Education (CIES).

1996-1999 - Allocation of Researches at the University Paris-I Pantheon-Sorbonne.

June 1996 - Graduate of the School of the Louvre (Paris) (Three years of History of Arts Studies, First Degree).

1990-1993 - Preparation, at the Lycée Henri IV (Paris), for the admission in the College of Education (E.N.S Fontenay Saint-Cloud), option: Philosophy (two under-admissibilities).

June 1990 - General Certificate of Education (scientific Certificate: mathematics), grade A.


French, English and Spanish: spoken and written languages.

German: language red.

Old Latin and old Greek: basic knowledge.



a- books published


1) Penser le bonheur aujourd’hui (Thinking about happiness), University Press of Louvain (Belgium), 2009, 114 p. (ISBN: 978-2-87463-156-6(


2) Justice sociale et éthique individuelle (Social Justice and Individual Ethic), coll. Mercure du Nord, Saint Nicolas (Quebec), University Press of Laval (Quebec, Canada)/CEDIS, 2006, 441 p.

3) La justice comme composante de la vie bonne (Justice and Good Life. Justice as a Component of Good Life), coll. Mercure du Nord, Saint Nicolas, University Press of Laval/CEDIS, 2006, 232 p.

4) Kant, Logique du jugement esthétique (Kant ( The Logic of the Aesthetic Judgment), L’Harmattan editions (Paris), coll. “Ouvertures Philosophiques”, 2004, 190 p.

5) L’esthétique de Hegel (Hegel’s Aesthetic), L’Harmattan editions (Paris), 2003, 274 p.

6) Leçons d’esthétique, “Les formes artistiques”, Hegel (Lessons of Aesthetics, “The Artistic Forms”, Hegel), Ellipses (Paris), coll. “Philo-texts”, translation and comment, 2002.

Edited volume

7) Penser la santé, Jean-Marc Ferry, Caroline Guibet Lafaye, Mark Hunyadi (ed.), Paris, PUF, 2010, 195p. (ISBN : 978-2-13-057649-5(

8) Raison pratique et normativité chez Kant, book prepared with Jean-François Kervégan (ed.), Paris, ENS Editions, 2010, 250p. (ISBN: 978-2-84788-208-7(

9) Kant cosmopolitique (Kant and the Cosmopolitism), co-directed with Y. C. Zarka, Paris, Editions de l’Eclat, 2008, 199 p. (ISBN: 978-2-84162-157-6(

10) L’esthétique dans le système hégélien (The Aesthetic in the Hegelian System), co-directed with J.-L. Vieillard-Baron, L’Harmattan Editions (Paris), coll. “Ouvertures Philosophiques”, 2004, 114 p.

b- number of review directed

11) 2006-2011: Direction of the Chronic of Moral and Political Philosophy, published in the Review of Metaphysic and Moral (PUF, Paris). Team: T. Ménissier E. Picavet, Ph. Descamps, R. Merrill, E. Glon and B. Reber.

12) “Dialogue and authority”, in collaboration with E. Picavet and B. Reber, Archives de philosophie du droit, n° 54, Dalloz, 2011. (ISSN : 0066-6564(

13) “Ethics and institutional deliberation”, Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, n° 3, Paris, PUF, 2010, co-directed with E. Picavet, 126p. (ISBN: 978-2-13-057645-7(.

14) 2003-2008: Charged with Gilles Marmasse and Olivier Tinland, under the direction of the Professor J.-F. Kervégan (University of Paris-I Sorbonne), of the publication of the Bulletin de Littérature Hégélienne (Hegelian Bulletin) at the Archives of philosophy (Paris).

15) L’art et la ville (Art and the City), number 11 of the review Cités (Cities), French University Press (PUF), directed with S. Trottein, 2002.

c- articles published

16) “From altruistic donation to conditional societal organ appropriation after death”, by C. Guibet Lafaye and H. Kreis (Necker Hospital), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Dordrecht, Springer, 2012. (ISSN : 1386-2820(

17) “Opiniones individuales y actitudes políticas frente a la redistribución” (“Individual Believes and Political Attitudes in Redistribution”), Sistema[1], n° 221, Madrid (Spain), April 2011, p. 47-61. (ISBN : 9-770210-022000(.

18) “Anomie, exclusion, désaffiliation : dissolution de la cohésion sociale ou du lien social?” (“Anomy, Exclusion, Desaffiliation: Dissolution of Social Cohesion or Dissolution of Social Link?”), Pensée plurielle[2], Louvain-la-Neuve/Charleroi/Lille, ed. De Boeck Université, 2011. (ISSN : 1376-0963( [Will be published]

19) “Interprétations de la cohésion sociale et perceptions du rôle des institutions de l’État social” (“Interpretations of Social Cohesion and Normative Perceptions of the Welfare State’s Function”), by A. Kieffer (CNRS) and C. Guibet Lafaye, Année sociologique, Paris, PUF, 2012, vol. 62, n° 1. (ISSN : 0066-2399(

20) “Décider la mort et prélever les organes: la question de l’extension des conditions du prélèvement d’organes” (“Organ donation in cases of withdrawing life-sustaining treatments”), paper written with Pr. Louis Puybasset (hospital La Pitié Salpêtrière, Paris), Ethique publique[3], Montreal (Canada), oct.-nov. 2011, vol. 12, n° 2. (ISSN: xxx(

21) “Évolutions de l’interprétation de la cohésion sociale” (“Changes in the Interpretations of Social Cohesion”), International Review of Sociology, Routledge, University “La Sapienza”, Roma, vol. 21, n° 1, March 2011, p. 41-65[4]. (ISSN : 0390-6701(

22) “L’éthique médicale au risque du débat bioéthique et la réponse normative à l’innovation” (“Medical Ethics, Bioethical Debate and the Normative Answer to Innovation”), by Emmanuel Picavet and C. Guibet Lafaye, Revue Philosophique de Louvain[5], University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), vol. 109, n° 3, 2010, p. 689-711. (ISSN: 0035-3841(

23) “Le « droit à la santé »: des objectifs de l’OMS à ceux du Millénium” (“Right to Health: from WTO’aims to Millenium goals”), in Lorenzo Peña and Txetxu Ausín (ed.), Arbor[6]: “Actualidad de los derechos humanos”, CSIC, Madrid, 2010, vol. 186, n° 745, p. 859-869. (ISSN 0210-1963(.

24) “Acceptabilité des inégalités et exigence de justification” (“Acceptance of Inequalities and Necessity of Justification”), by Emmanuel Picavet and C. Guibet Lafaye, Filosofia Unisions[7], University of do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Brazil), vol. 11, n° 1, jan.-apr. 2010, p. 2-16. (ISSN: 0798-1171(

25) “Diversité sociale et tolérance à l’école” (“Social diversity and tolerance at school”) Studia Politica. Romanian Political Science Review[8], Bucharest (Roumania), vol. X, n° 1, 2010, p. 61-77. (ISSN: 1582-4551(

26) “Why accept the refusal of termination of pregnancy in the case of a very bad prognosis regarding neonatal viability or severe disability”, Ethical Perspectives[9], Leuwen, vol. 16/4, 2009, p. 485-508. (ISSN: 1370-0049(

27) “Modèles de la cohésion sociale” (“Patterns of social cohesion”), European Journal of Sociology[10], Oxford, tome L (3), 2009, p. 387-425. (ISSN: 0003-9756(

28) “Education à la citoyenneté et parité de participation” (“Education to citizenship and parity of participation”), in Raison Publique, 11, 2009, Paris, University Press of Paris-Sorbonne, p. 121-147. (ISSN: 5380-3415(

29) “Du pratique au normatif: le cas de la réanimation néonatale” (“From Practice to Norms: the Case of Neonatal Reanimation”), in Revista Portuguesa Filosofia, 27, 2009, Braga (Portugal). (ISSN: 08070-5283(.

30) “Valeurs et élaboration de compromis d’après l’expérience: des États généraux de la bioéthique” (“Values and Compromises in the French États Généraux of Bioethics”), by Emmanuel Picavet and C. Guibet Lafaye, Archives de philosophie du droit, Paris, Dalloz, 52, 2009, p. 338-356. [ISSN : 0066-6564(

31) “Faut-il privilégier l’égalité des chances dans le domaine éducatif ?” (“Should we promote the equality of opportunities in the politics of education?”), in Revue de Philosophie Economique, n°16, Paris, 2009/2, p. 25-50. (ISBN: 978-2-7117-3511-2(. Web: .

32) “Renunciar a valores políticos comunes. La inserción política de la ética” (“Renouncing Common Political Values. On Ethics in Politics”), in Praxis Filosófica, Universidad del Valle, Cali (Colombia), 27, July-December 2008, p. 73-87. (ISSN: 0120-4688(.

33) “Enseigner une culture commune?” (“Teaching a Common Culture?”), in Ágora. Papeles de filosofía, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 2008, vol. 27/2, p. 7-24. (ISSN: 0211-6642(.

34) “Quelle éducation politique aujourd’hui?” (“What Kind of Political Education Today?”), in Synthesis philosophica, Zagreb (Croatia), 45, 2008, vol. 23/1, p. 149-163. (ISSN: 0352-7875(. Web site: .

35) “La démocratie participative et les devoirs du citoyen” (“Participative Democracy and the duties of citizens”), by Michel Forsé (CMH-CNRS) and C. Guibet Lafaye, in Archives Européennes de Sociologie, Cambridge University Press, tome XLIX, 2/2008, p. 173-204. (ISSN: 0003-9756(.

36) “Ethics of Inheritance”, in Philosophy Today, 52(1), Spr. 2008, p. 35-45. (ISSN: 0031-8256(

37) “L’esthétique kantienne dans le système de la philosophie transcendantale” (“The Kantian Aesthetic in the System of Transcendental Philosophy”), in Archives of philosophy (paper accepted in December 2005 for publication in 2009).

38) “Reconnaissance vs. redistribution: le cas du respect de soi” (“Recognition vs. Redistribution: the Case of Self-Esteem”), in Filosofia Unisinos, São Leopoldo (Brésil), n°3, 2007, p. 227-246. Web site:

39) “Le critère d’absence d’envie dans les théories contemporaines de la justice” (“The Non-Envy criteria in the Contemporary Theories of Justice”), in Philosophiques, Montréal (Canada), vol. 33, n°2, Automn 2006.

40) “Arts postmodernes, philosophie du langage et phénoménologie” (“Postmodern Arts, Analytical Philosophy and Phenomenology”), in Studia Phenomenologica, Bucarest (Romania), VI (2006), p. 383-401.

41) “Phénoménologique de l’apparaître esthétique” (“Phenomenology of Aesthetic Appearence”), in Laval théologique et philosophique, Montréal (Canada), 62, n°3 (October 2006), p. 511-527.

42) “La compensation sociale du bonheur (du bien-être)” (“Compensation of Happiness (Well-being)”), in Le Philosophoire: “Happiness”, n°26, Paris, Spring-Summer 2006), p. 99-112.

43) “Du jugement esthétique au jugement pratique” (“From Aesthetic Judgment to Practical Judgment”), in Etudes phénoménologiques, Ousia (Belgique), tome XXI, n°41-42: “Questions actuelles pour une phénoménologique du jugement esthétique”, 2005, p. 35-65.

44) “Bienes Primarios, Igualdad de Oportunidas e Igualdad de Recursos” (“Primary Goods, Equality of Opportunity and Equality of Resources”, in Isegoria, Madrid (Espagne), 33, December 2005, p. 261-275.

45) “Comportement intéressé et évaluation normative chez A. Sen” (“Interested Behaviour and Normative Evaluation in Sen’s Philosophy”), in Contrastes (International of Review Philosophy), Malaga (Spain), volume X, 2005, p. 21-38.

46) “Les modèles postmodernes de la signification” (“Les modèles postmodernes de la signification”), in Symposium (Review of The Canadian Society for Hermeneutics and Postmodern Thought), volume 8, n°2, 2004, “Contemporary Issues in Aesthetics”, Jane Forsey (ed.), Kingston (Canada), p. 607-631.

47) “Pour une esthétique platonicienne” (“For a Plato’s Aesthetic”), in Laval théologique et philosophique, volume 61, n°1, February 2005, Quebec (Canada), p. 5-20.

48) “Le dépassement du jugement de goût” (“The Aufhebung of the Aesthetic Judgment”), in the review Philosophique, Presses Universitaires Franc-Comtoises, number devoted to the “Aesthetic” and directed by C. Talon-Hugon, 2004, p. 47-61.

49) Bibliography, review Comprendre, French University Press (PUF), n°4, devoted to “Inequality and inequalities”, directed by P. Savidan and J.-P. Fitoussi, October 2003, p. 347-361.

50) “L’architecture de la postmodernité: de la forme au symbole” (“The Architecture of the Postmodernity: Form and Symbol”), in Studia Undervalued Facultatis Philosophicae Brunensis B 49, Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic), Spring, 2002, p. 107-118.

51) “L’art et la ville” (“Art and the City”) (PUF), Introduction of the review Cités (Cities), number 11, September, 2002, written with S. Trottein, p. 11-13.

d- chapters in books

52) “Sentiments d’injustice, conceptions du juste et positionnement politique” (“Feelings of Injustice, Concepts of Justice and Political Preferences”), in Victor Correia, André Freire, Fernando Couto Santos (ed.), La dichotomie politique droite-gauche : sa signification et sa portée dans le monde de nos jours, Portugal, Almedina, 2012. [will be published]

53) “Charles Ancillon”, “Rodolphe Dutertre”, “Paul Hay du Châtelet”, “Paul Hay du Châtelet (junior)”, “Etienne Molinier”, “Pierre de Villemandy”, in Luc Foisneau (ed.), Dictionnaire des philosophes français du XVIIe siècle, Paris, Garnier, coll. Les Classiques, 2012. [will be published]

54) “Faut-il éduquer à la délibération?” (“Should we teach deliberation ?”), in Archives de philosophie du droit, n° 54, Dalloz, 2011, p. 161-176. (ISSN : 0066-6564(

55) “Dialogue et pouvoir. Introduction” (“Dialogue and authority. An Introduction”), by E. Picavet, B. Reber and C. Guibet Lafaye, in Archives de philosophie du droit, n° 54, Dalloz, 2011, p. 153-160. (ISSN : 0066-6564(

56) “Do we gain from exchange at all? On some lessons to be drawn from Rousseau”, in R. Ege et I. Herrade (ed.), Freedom and Happiness in Economic Thought and Philosophy: From Clash to Reconciliation, Londres/New York, Routledge, 2011[11], p. 243-255. [ISBN : 978-0-415-57948-3]

57) “Le mérite et ses dimensions” (“Merit”), in M. Forsé and O. Galland (ed.), Les Français face aux inégalités et à la justice sociale, Paris, Colin, 2011, p. 128-138. [ISBN : 978-2200259181]

58) “Quelle politique fiscale?” (“Which Fiscal Policy?”), in M. Forsé and O. Galland (ed.), Les Français face aux inégalités et à la justice sociale, Paris, Colin, 2011, p. 216-225. [ISBN : 978-2200259181]

59) “L’Union Européenne, une communauté de principes et de valeurs?” (“The European Union, a Community of Norms and Values?”), in B. Estévez, A. Sánchez and M. Navarro (eds.), Claves actuales de pensamiento, Plaza y Valdés[12], Madrid/México, 2011, p. 271-287. [ISBN: 978-84-92751-77-8]

60) “Dilemmes moraux en réanimation: pour une institutionnalisation des désaccords éthiques” (“Moral Dilemmas in Reanimation: improving the Institutionalization of Ethical Disagreement”), in L. Puybasset, Enjeux éthiques en réanimation, Frankfort, Springer-Verlag, 2010, p. 35-43.

61) “Normes sociales et institutions dans les jugements sur l’opportunisme” (“Social Norms and Institutions in Judgments about Opportunism”), by Emmanuel Picavet and C. Guibet Lafaye, in A. Banoun and L. Dufour (ed.), L’opportunisme, une approche pluridisciplinaire, Paris, Lavoisier, coll. Hermès, 2011, p. 123-135[13]. [ISBN: 978-2-7462-3000-2]

62) “Accepter le prélèvement d’organes sur patients DDAC III?” (“Shall we accept Organ Donation on the Maastricht III Category of Organ Donors”), by C. Guibet Lafaye et Louis Puybasset, in L. Puybasset, Enjeux éthiques en réanimation, Frankfort, Springer-Verlag, 2010, p. 567-580.

63) “L’institutionnalisation des désaccords éthiques: le cas de la réanimation néonatale” (“Institutionalization of Ethical Disagreement: the Case of Neonatal Reanimation”), in Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, Special Issue: L’éthique et le dialogue dans les institutions, Paris, PUF, 2010, p. 293-309.

64) “Penser le droit à la santé au prisme des capacités de base” (“Right to health and basic capacities”), in Jean-Marc Ferry, Caroline Guibet Lafaye, Mark Hunyadi, Penser la santé, Paris, PUF, 2010, p. 55-88. [ISBN: 978-2-13-057649-5]

65) “Prostitution”, in D. Lebreton (ed.), Dictionnaire sur la jeunesse et l’adolescence, Paris, PUF, 2010, p. 651-655. [ISBN: 978-2-13-056885-8]

66) “Les limites du droit de contracter”, by Emmanuel Picavet and C. Guibet Lafaye, in M. Xifaras and G. Lewkowicz (ed.), Repenser le droit, Paris, Dalloz, 2009, p. 135-145. [ISBN: 978-2-247-08411-1]

67) “Confiance, innovation et adaptation des principes. L’exemple des politiques de l’innovation norvégiennes” (“Confidence, Innovation and Principles Adaptation. The Politics of Innovation in Norway”), by Emmanuel Picavet and C. Guibet Lafaye, in Lettres d’Ivoire, n°4: “Confiance et conflits”, 2008. On the web: .

68) Contribution to the Dictionary of Seventeenth Century French Philosophers, Bristol, Thoemmes Press, with papers on Charles Ancillon, Rodolphe Dutertre, Paul Hay du Châtelet, Etienne Molinier and Pierre de Villemandy, 2 vol., London/New York, Thoemmes Continuum, 2008, 1313 p. (ISBN: 978-0-8264-1861-6(

69) “Le cosmopolitisme: une exigence morale du kantisme”, in C. Guibet Lafaye et Y. C. Zarka (ed.), Kant cosmopolitique, Editions de l’Eclat, Paris, 2008, p. 79-93. (ISBN: 978-2841621576(

70) “Pour une justification des droits sociaux-économiques” (“Justification of Socio-Economical Rights”), in L. Peña and T. Ausín, Los Derechos Positivos. Las demandas justas de acciones y prestaciones, Plaza y Valdes, Madrid/México, 2007. [ISBN: 84-934395-5-X]

71) “Bien-être” (“Well-being”) (20.000 signs), in Dictionary of the Body, Paris, PUF, coll. Quadrige, M. Marzano (ed.), 2007. [ISBN: 2-13-055058-4(

72) “Confiance et adaptation de principes généraux. Le cas de l’équité dans l’accès aux soins” (“Confidence and Adaptation of General Principles. The Example of Equity in Health Care Access”), by Emmanuel Picavet and C. Guibet Lafaye, in Action médicale et confiance, P.-Y. Quiviger and T. Martin (ed.), Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, coll. AGON, 2006, p. 37-66. [ISSN: 0523-0535(

73) “Le mariage: du contrat juridique au devoir éthique” (“The Marriage: Legal Contract and Ethical Duty”), in J.-F. Kervégan and G. Marmasse (ed.), Hegel penseur du droit, Paris, CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research) Editions, 2004, p. 147-163. (ISBN: 2-271-06195-4(

74) Dictionary of Philosophy, Larousse – CNRS, directed by M. Blay: seven articles (Absolute, Apperception, Concept, Egalitarianism, Error, Happiness, Signification) and an essay (“Libéralisme et démocratie” (“Liberalism and Democracy”)). 70 000 signs, 2003, p. 609-612 for the essay. [ISBN: 2-03-501053-5(

e- acts of colloquia

75) “Primary Goods, Equality of Opportunity, Equality of Resources: Social and Global Distribution”, in J.-C. Merle (ed.), Social and Economic Justice, Dordrecht (Pays-Bas), Springer, 2012 (will be published).

76) “Institutionalization of Social Justice and Constitutionalization of Socio-economic Equality”, in J.-C. Merle (ed.), Global Justice, Dordrecht (Pays-Bas), Springer, 2012 (will be published).

77) “Sur la contribution d’Amartya Sen : éthique des capacités et politiques sociales” (“On Amartya Sen Contribution: Ethics of Capacities and Social Policies to Novelty”), by C. Guibet Lafaye and Emmanuel Picavet, in A. Fagot-Largeault (ed.), La philosophie et l’état du monde, Paris, Vrin, 2012. (Will be published)

78) “Capacités et concepts d’autonomie dans la construction de la « dépendance »” (“Capabilities and concepts of autonomy in the interpretation of « dependancy »”), by Emmanuel Picavet and C. Guibet Lafaye, in G. Ferréol (ed.), Autonomie et dépendance, Bruxelles - Fernelmont, E.M.E. & InterCommunications, 2011, p. 249-263. [ISBN : 978-2-8066-0163-6]

79) “Proscrire, prescrire : le cas des refus d’IMG en cas de pronostic vital néonatal très péjoratif” (“Forbid and Prescribe: Cases of Termination of Pregnancy in the case of a very bad prognosis regarding neonatal viability”), in C. Le Bodic (ed.), Proscrire-Prescrire. Présence d’enjeux non médicaux dans les questions de santé, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2012, p. 43-57.

80) “Réponse à la nouveauté et création des valeurs sociales” (“Response to Novelty and Creation of Social Values”), by Emmanuel Picavet and C. Guibet Lafaye, in S. Dallet, G. Chapouthier and E. Noël (ed.), La création, définitions et défis contemporains, Paris, Dalloz, 2009, p. 107-121. [ISBN: 978-2-296-10241-5]

81) “Jugement moral et vie bonne: l’héritage aristotélicien dans l’éthique habermassienne de la discussion” (“Moral Judgment and Good Life: the Aristotelician Heritance in Habermas’ Ethics of Discussion”), in Cahiers philosophiques de Strasbourg: “Platon et Aristote à la lumière de la philosophie allemande: penser, être, agir”, Strasbourg, n°23, 2008/1, p. 313-334. (ISSN: 1254-5740(

82) “Goût et jugement esthétique des Lumières à l’Idéalisme allemand” (“Taste and Aesthetic Judgment from the Enlightenment to German Idealism”), in J.-C. Bourdin (ed.), Les Lumières et l’idéalisme allemand, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2007. (ISBN: 2-296-02268-3(

83) “Du jugement esthétique au jugement pratique” (“From the Aesthetic Judgment to the Practical Judgment”), in Phenomenological Studies: “Questions actuelles pour une phénoménologie du jugement esthétique”, n°41-42 (Special Edition), Bruxelles, Ousia, 2006.

84) “Vandalisme et négativité: réflexions sur la fin de l’art” (“Vandalism and Negativity: Reflexions on the End of Art”), in M. Egana (ed.), Du Vandalisme. Art et destruction, Bruxelles, La Lettre Volée, 2005, p. 45-59.

85) “La rémanence de la logique dans les Leçons d’esthétique” (“The Remanence of Logic in the Lessons of Aesthetic”), in C. Guibet Lafaye et J.-L. Vieillard-Baron (ed.), The Place of Aesthetic in the Hegelian System, Paris, L’Harmattan (ed.), 2003, p. 37-65. (ISBN: 2-7475-6317-0(

86) “Vie de la conscience et vie de l’esprit dans la philosophie hégélienne” (“Life of the Conscience and Life of the Spirit in Hegel’s Philosophy”), in J.-M. Vaysse (ed.), Vie, monde, individuation, Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag (ed.), 2003, p. 45-57. (ISBN: 3-487-11948-X(

f- articles and works on line

Papers in reviews with double-blind reviewing procedure

87) “Eduquer pour une parité de participation politique” (“Education for Parity of Participation”), Res Cogitans: Journal of Philosophy, University of Southern Danemark, vol. 1, n° 6, p. 1-28[14]. (ISSN: 1603-8509(.


88) “La musique: art du beau jeu des sensations ou art de la liberté infinie de l’esprit ?” (“Music: Art of the Free Game of Sensations or Art of the Infinite Liberty of the Spirit”), on the aesthetics of Kant and Hegel; article published in the Canadian Review of Aesthetics (), November 2003.

Others papers

89) “Diversity ethics. An alternative to Peter Singer’s ethics”, by Javier Romañach Cabrero and C. Guibet Lafaye, Dilemata[15], 2010, n° 3, p. 95-116. (ISSN: 1989-7022(. ([16]).

90) “Rawls et la justice comme composante d’un projet rationnel de vie” (“Rawls and Justice as a Component of a Rational Project of Life”), preparatory text for the book about Justice as a Component of the Good Life. April 2003. The text is available on Internet site:


91) “Classification raisonnée des normes sociales relatives à la liberté de choix” (“Reasoned Classification of the Social Norms relating to the Freedom of Choice”), text of the conference given in the Franco-Canadian Congress “Logic and rationality” (March 21-23, 2002), organised at the Institute of History and Philosophy of Sciences and Technology. March 2002. The text is available on the web site: .

92) Contribution to the research on the: “Répertoire analytique de l’éthique sociale” (“Analytical Dictionary of Social Ethic”), directed by E. Picavet (University of Paris-I), 2000-2002. Responsible for the question of the attribution of the rights to freedom. The text is available on the web site of the group of research: Nosophi, directed by the Professor C. Larrère: raes.htm.

93) “Esthétiques de la postmodernité” (“Aesthetics of the Postmodernity”) (60 pages), study lead as a part of the program of co-operation between the Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic) and the University of Paris-I. March, 1999. The text is available on the web site of Nosophi ().

g- translations

94) “Le modèle de la diversité: une nouvelle vision (un nouveau regard sur) de la bioéthique du point de vue des personnes ayant une diversité fonctionnelle (un handicap” (by Agustina Palacios qnd Javier Romañach), translation from Spanish to French. Available at: .

95) “Notes on José Miguel Marinas book’s La ciudad y la esfinge. Madrid, Síntesis, 2004, 270 pp.” (by Adriana Flórez López), translation from Spanish to French. Published in the review Analyse freudienne, n°11: « Les objets et leurs passions, I ».

96) “La philosophie kraussiste de Guillaume Tiberghien” (by Antolín Sánchez Cuervo), translation from Spanish to French. Published in the review Eduquer, Bruxelles, n°50, March 2005, p. 26-27.

97) Leçons d’esthétique, “Les formes artistiques”, Hegel (Lessons of Aesthetics, “The Artistic Forms”, Hegel), Paris, Ellipses, 2002, p. 3-10.


98) February, 7th 2012: “Bonheur et richesse” (“Happiness and Wealth”), conference given at the University of Leisure Time (Université du Temps Libre, Évry). Coordination: Regional Council.

99) February, 7th 2012: “L’acceptabilité des inégalités” (“Inequalities and their Acceptability”), conference given in the team research “The representations of Social Justice and Inequalities”, EHESS (Paris). Coordination: M. Forsé and C. Guibet Lafaye.

100) February, 3rd 2012: “Décision et croyances dans des situations nouvelles” (“Decision and Believes within New Situations”), conference given in collaboration with E. Picavet in the workshop “Probability”. Institute of History and Philosophy of Sciences and Technologies (IHPST, Paris). Coordination: Thierry Martin and Isabelle Drouais.

101) January, 24rd 2012: “End of Life and ethics: the neonatological case”, conference and debate on “End of Life”, University Hospital Center Gabriel Montpied, Clermont-Ferrand. Coordination: Pr. J.- É. Bazin

102) November 25th 2011: “Ethical dilemmas raised by controled DDAC (Organ Donation After Cardiac Death)”, workshop on “Ethics and DDAC”, organised by C. Hervé and D. Rodríguez-Arias at Medical Ethics Institute in the Medical Faculty, Paris-Descartes University.

103) November 23rd 2011: “Le rôle de la référence à la nature et à l’expertise dans la formation de compromis: le cas des États Généraux de la Bioéthique”, workshop on “Bioethics, justice and globalization”, organised by T. Ausín at the Institute of Philosophy, CSIC, Madrid.

104) November 18th 2011: “Représentations collectives, cohésion sociale et discrimination à l’école”, debate with the pupils in the secondary school Xavier Marmier, Pontarlier (France).

105) November 17th 2011: “Cohésion, tolérance et diversité sociale à l’école”, conference and debate at the secondary school Xavier Marmier, Pontarlier.

106) September 30th 2011: “For a conditional societal organ appropriation after death”, conference given in the international colloquia “Justice in Organ Donation: Which Choices, Whose Duties?”, organised by A. Leplège and S. Dumitru, on September 29-30th 2011. University Paris Descartes.

107) April 14th 2011: “Capability and Concepts of Autonomy for the Construction of the Dependence”, conference given in collaboration with E. Picavet and D. Razafimahatolotra in the workshop “Complexity, uncertainty and ethics”. Technological University of Delft. Presentation by D. Razafimahatolotra.

108) April 6th 2011: “Capacités et concepts d’autonomie dans la construction de la dépendance”, conference given in collaboration with E. Picavet and D. Razafimahatolotra, in the research program “Concertation et expérimentation dans les réponses institutionnelles au risque-dépendance” (CONREP). University of Franche-Comté (Besançon).

109) March, 29th mars 2011: “Practical rationality: principles and contexts (with special reference to the implementation process for capacity-enhancing principles in social policies)”, conference given in collaboration with E. Picavet and D. Razafimahatolotra in the workshop “Investigating contextual proceduralism: Ethics, Technology and Governance”, organised by the research program EGAIS/ETICA (FP 7 – European Commission Research Consortiums), March 29-30th 2011, Brussels. Presentation by E. Picavet.

110) March, 8th 2011: “Les Français et le mérite en 2010” (“French People and Merit Nowadays”), conference given in the workshop “Les Français face aux inégalités et à la justice sociale”, at the Fondation Del Duca (Paris). Coordination: M. Forsé and O. Galland.

111) February, 23rd 2011: “Dilemmes moraux suscités par l’extension des conditions du prélèvement d’organes” (“Ethical Dilemmas raised by the Extension of Organ Procurement Conditions”), conference given in “International Congress of Applied Ethics: for a Culture of Justice and Solidarity”, Institute of Philosophy (CSIC), February, 23-25th 2011, Madrid. Coordination: C. Roldán and T. Ausín.

112) January, 17th 2011: “Cohésion sociale vs. lien social” (“Social Cohesion vs. Social Relation”), conference given in the team research “Social Cohesion: Theories, Methods and Policies”, EHESS (Paris). Coordination: M. Forsé, C. Guibet Lafaye and A. Kieffer.

113) December, 15th 2010: “La construction du risque-dépendance, une fragilisation de la cohésion sociale?” (“Is the Building-up of the Dependence-Risk a Danger for Social Cohesion”), conference given in the team research “Concertation et expérimentation dans les réponses institutionnelles au risque-dépendance”, University of Franche-Comté (Besançon). Coordination: E. Picavet and S. Aymard.

114) November, 29th 2010: “Diversité des expertises et interprétation des normes” (“Plurality of Expertises and Interpretation of Norms”), conference given in collaboration with E. Picavet in the congress devoted to “Expertise et débat public institutionnalisé. Le cas des Etats-généraux de la bioéthique (France)”, University of Franche-Comté (Besançon), 29-30th November 2010. Coordination: E. Picavet and B. Reber.

115) September, 28th 2010: “Sur l’affirmation d’une communauté de valeurs européennes”, conference given in the congress devoted to “The Philosophy of History facing the present”[17], University of Salamanca (Spain), 27-30th September 2010, panel “Philosophy of History Values”. Coordination: Maximiliano Hernández Marcos.

116) September, 24th 2010: “Enjeux éthiques du prélèvement d’organes sur patients Maastricht III”, conference given at the National Congress of Anaesthesia and Reanimation of the French Society of Anaesthesia and Reanimation, 22-25th September 2010, panel: “Ethical and actual issues of organ donation”, Paris. Coordination: L. Puybasset.

117) September, 16th 2010: “Capabilities ethics and social policies”, conference given in collaboration with E. Picavet in the congress “Philosophy and the state of the world”, International Institute of Philosophy, 15-18th September 2010, Paris, panel: “Indexes of welfare (“beyond PIB”) and other et constructive suggestions”. Coordination: Anne Fagot-Largeault.

118) January, 11th 2010: “Redistribuer en préservant le « respect de soi »” (“Redistribution and Self-Esteem”), conference given in the seminar on “Social Justice and Feelings of Injustice » and of the team GRECO (Centre Maurice Halbwachs): “Ethical Dilemmas and Social Justice”[18], Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Coordination: F. Gonthier, V. Guienne, M. Forsé.

119) November, 24th 2009: “Doit-on garantir certaines conditions de naissance aux enfants à naître? Le cas des refus d’IMG en cas de pronostic vital néonatal très péjoratif” (“Should we guarantee specific conditions of birth to children. Cases of Termination of Pregnancy in the case of a very bad prognosis regarding neonatal viability”), conference given in the workshop GERMES-SHS on November, 23-24th 2009: « Proscrire-Prescrire. Présence d’enjeux non médicaux dans les questions de santé », Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Nantes (France). Coordination: C. Le Bodic.

120) November, 10th 2009: “Valeurs et types de compromis” (“Values and Logic of Compromises”), conference given in collaboration with E. Picavet in the workshop SitExpert devoted to “Factual Expertise and Ethics in Public and Institutionalised Debates: first analysis of Revision of Bioethics Law in France (2009)”, University of Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne. Coordination: B. Reber.

121) November, 6th 2009: “Redistribution and incitation”, presentation given in the seminar “Inequalities” 2009-2010 of the National Institute of Statistics and Economical Studies (INSEE) (Paris). Coordination: M. Marpsat. Site web: .

122) September, 24th 2009: “La référence aux “capacités” et à la qualité de vie dans les dilemmes éthiques en médecine périnatale” (“The Reference to Capabilities and Quality of Life in Ethical Dilemmas in Perinatal Medicine”), presentation conference given in the doctoral seminar HELESI: “Des risques de vulnérabilités sociales aux capabilités individuelles: un autre modèle de justice”, Department of Biomedical Ethics of the Catholic University of Louvain. Coordination: M. Botbol-Baum. Site web: .

123) June, 10th 2009: “Réponse normative à la nouveauté en bioéthique” (“Normative Reply to Innovation in Bioethics”), conference given in the research team “History of Philosophy and Values in Europe in XXIe century”, Center of Human and Social Sciences (CCHS), CSIC, Madrid (Spain). Coordination: C. Roldán.

124) June, 5th 2009: “Compromis autour de principes généraux. Les politiques publiques de santé en France: la loi hospitalière de 1970 et le projet de loi “Hôpital, patient, santé, territoire”” (“Compromise regarding general principles. Health Policies in France (1970, 2009)”), conference given in the seminar “Territoires, Action publique, Société” (TAPS), team: SPIRIT, Institute of Political Studies, Bordeaux (France). Coordination: R. Gouin.

125) June, 5th 2009: “La régulation prudentielle encourage-t-elle l’opportunisme ?” (“Does Prudential Regulation foster Opportunism?”), conference given in the interdisciplinary workshop on regulation, team: SOPHIAPOL, University Paris-West La Défense (France). Coordination: T. Boccon-Gibod.

126) March, 26th 2009: “Modèles de la cohésion sociale” (“Patterns of Social Cohesion”), presentation given in the internal seminar of the Centre Maurice Halbwachs (Campus ENS-Jourdan). Coordination: O. Godechot.

127) March, 13th 2009: “Pour une compensation sociale du bonheur” (“Social Compensation for Happiness”), conference given in the seminar of the Master of Ethics, Université Libre de Bruxelles. Coordination: Pierre F. Daled.

128) February, 2nd 2009: “Egalitarisme et éthique individuelle” (“Egalitarianism and Individual Ethics”), conference given in the seminar of the team ACS-DM2 (Centre Maurice Halbwachs): “Ethical Dilemmas and Social Justice”, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. Coordination: V. Guienne and M. Forsé.

129) January, 26th 2009: “Penser le droit à la santé au prisme des capacités de base” (“Right to Basic Health and Capabilities”), conference given in the Team Health (Cercle Santé BRAINS) of the EISAI Fondation. Workshop: “Conceiving Health for the Present and in the Future” at the Library of the Ecole de Médecine (Paris). Coordination: J.-M. Ferry.

130) December, 2nd, 2008: “Participation politique, cohésion sociale et éducation à la citoyenneté” (“Political Participation, Social Cohesion and Education to Citizenship”), conference given in the international workshop: “Conceiving Europe”, at the Institute of Philosophy, CSIC, Madrid (Espagne). Coordination: C. Roldán.

131) October, 14rd, 2008: “¿Enseñar una cultura común?” (“Teaching Common Culture?”), Workshop “Secular Thinking and Citizenship”, at the Institute of Philosophy, Scientific Research National Centre (CSIC – Madrid). Coordination: C. Roldán.

132) June, 15th 2008: “L’Union Européenne, une communauté de principes et de valeurs?” (“The European Union: a Community of Principles?”), conference given in the international congress “Construyendo Europa: tradición, valores y nueva ciudadanía”, on 16-18th June 2008 at the Institute of Philosophy, CSIC (Madrid). Coordination: C. Roldán and María G. Navarro.

133) June, 9th, 2008: “Principles and compromise in reform-related negotiation processes”, conference given in collaboration with Emmanuel Picavet in the Workshop “Ethics in Decision Making”, organised by the EWG/ETHICS (Euro Working Group ETHICS on Decision making), on 9-12th June 2008, in Delft (Nederland). Coordination: P. Lenca, G. Coppin et P. Brezillon.

134) June, 5th, 2008: “Eduquer à la délibération?” (“Educating to Deliberation”), workshop DELICOM on “The Reason of Deliberation”, on 5-7th June 2008, in Paris, University of Paris-I. Coordination: Charles Girard.

135) May, 16th, 2008: “Reconnaissance et redistribution: les ‘bases sociales du respect de soi’”, seminar of the team research GRAS (CNRS), Paris.

136) April, 11th, 2008: “Responsabilité morale vs. responsabilité sociale” (“Moral Responsibility vs. Social Responsibility”), workshop about “Implementation and Impact of Citizen Responsability in Sustainable Development and in Millennium Development Goals”, organized by the Foundation Ostad Elahi (Ethics and Human Solidarity), Economic and Social Concil économique (Paris). Site web: .

Paper available:


137) December, 7th, 2007: “Faculté individuelle de choix et liberté de contracter” (“Individual Capacity of Choice and Liberty to Contract”), conference given in collaboration with E. Picavet in the workshop of the research team 3LB: “Liberalism of Liberty” versus “Liberalism of Happiness”, at the Department of Economic Science, in the University of Strasbourg, on 6-7th November 2007.

138) December, 5th, 2007: “Réflexions sur l’institutionnalisation du désaccord et une culture pacifique du dialogue et du désaccord” (“Remarks on the Institutionalisation of Disagreement and on the pacific Culture of Communication and Disagreement”), conference given in the internal seminar of the Centre Perelman, organised by Arnaud van Waeyenberge, University Libre of Bruxelles.

139) November, 15th, 2007: “Interprétation des principes et rapport aux valeurs” (“Interpretation of Norms and relation to Values”), conference given in collaboration with E. Picavet, in the interdisciplinary workshop organised by G. Chapoutier (CNRS) and S. Dallet at the Institute Charles Cros on “Creation: actual definitions and contemporary challenges”, November, 15-16th 2007.

140) November, 14th, 2007: “Justice sociale et individualisme éthique: problèmes et enjeux contemporains” (“Social Justice and Ethical Individualism: Contemporary Problems and actual Challenges”), EHESS, Cycle of scientific meetings at the Research Political Center Raymond Aron.

141) July 7th, 2007: “Do we gain from exchange at all? On the lessons to be drawn from Rousseau”, conference given in collaboration with E. Picavet at the 11th Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET) devoted to “Justice in Economic Thought”, University Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg), on 5-7th July 2007.

142) June 13th, 2007: “Renoncer à des valeurs politiques communes? L’insertion de l’éthique dans le politique” (“Renouncing to Common Political Values. The Insertion of Ethics in Politics”), conference given in the workshop of the research project directed by C. Roldán and devoted to “A New History of Philosophy for a New Europe” (HUM205-02006/FISO) at the Institute of Philosophy, Scientific Research National Centre (CSIC – Madrid).

143) June 8th, 2007: “Les limites du droit de contracter” (“Limits of the Right to Contract”), conference given in collaboration with E. Picavet at the international Congress “Figures du contrat: aspects contemporains” (June 8-9th, 2007), organised by Gregory Lewkowicz (Université Libre de Bruxelles) and Mikhaïl Xifaras (University of Paris-I) at the University of Paris-I.

144) May, 15th, 2007: “L’éthique dans le dialogue institutionnel” (“Ethics in institutional dialogue”), introduction to the colloquium organized by Caroline Guibet Lafaye at the University of Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne (Centre Pierre Mendès-France).

145) March, 29th, 2007: “Enjeux de l’étude scientifique des débats publics institutionnalisé: le cas de la réanimation néonatale” (“Implications of Scientific Analysis of Public and Institutionalized Debates: the Case of Neonatal Euthanasia”), conference given at the 2nd Congress of the Philosophical Society of Sciences in Geneva, (March, 29-31th, 2007) devoted to “The Issue of the Unity of Sciences Today”.

146) March, 15th, 2007: “Peut-on prendre en compte le bien-être de chacun ?” (“Could we take into account well-being of each one?”), conference given at the 2nd Congress on “Moral, Science and Society” (March, 15-16th, 2007), organised by Roberto R. Aramayo and Txetxu Ausín, in San Sebastián (Spain).

147) March, 9th, 2007: “Les ‘bases sociales du respect de soi’: comment les assurer à chacun ?” (“Social Basis of Self-Esteem: How to grant them to all”), conference given at the Research Center Maurice Halbwachs, in the seminar of the team ERIS (Research Team on Social Inequality) organized by S. Paugam, devoted to “Status, Identity and Recognition”.

148) March, 7th, 2007: “Valeurs politiques vs. valeurs privés ?” (“Private Values vs. Public Values”), conference given at CERSES (Center of Research “Signification, Ethic, Society”), in the seminar of moral sociology, organized by P. Pharo on “Moral Values”.

149) February, 13th, 2007: “Héritage et équité” (“Inheritance and Fairness”), conference given at the Hoover Chair of Social and Economical Ethics (University Catholic of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), in the seminar: “Midis intimes”.

150) November, 17th, 2006: “La congruence du juste et du bien dans la Théorie de la justice de Rawls”, conference given in the workshop of the research team 3LB: “Liberalism of Liberty” versus “Liberalism of Happiness”, at the Department of Economic Science, in the University of Strasbourg, on 17-18th November 2006.

151) September, 4th, 2006: “L’acceptabilité des inégalités” (“The Acceptability of Inequalities”), conference given with E. Picavet (Univ. Paris-I) at the Summer University on the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, devoted to “Distribution and Growth”, and organized at the University Lumières-Lyon II, on 2nd to 6th September 2006.

152) July 7th, 2006: “The WHO Policy of Primary Health Care and the Millennium Goals”, conference given in the Research Training “Applied Global Justice” (contract number: HPRN-CT-2002-00231), devoted to “Global Justice and Access to Medical Resources”, at the University do Minho, Braga (Portugal), on July 7-8th, 2006.

153) July 6th, 2006: “The Evaluations of Quality of Life”, conference given in the Youngs’ Researchers meeting “Applied Global Justice” (contract number: HPRN-CT-2002-00231), devoted to “Global Justice and Access to Medical Resources”, at the University do Minho, Braga (Portugal), on July 6th, 2006.

154) May 16th, 2006: “L’interprétation de l’émergence des normes” (“Interpretation of Norms Emergence”), conference given en collaboration with E. Picavet (Univ. Paris-I) in the colloquia “Emergence of Norms, cognitive and social aspects”, at the Institute of Management in Rennes (France).

155) May 9th, 2006: “Creencias individuales y actitudes políticas frente a la redistribución” (“Individual Believes and Political Attitudes towards Redistribution”), conference given in the International Young Researchers Workshop, at the Institute of Philosophy, Scientific Research National Centre (CSIC – Madrid).

156) December 17th, 2005: “Jugement moral et vie bonne: l’héritage aristotélicien dans l’éthique habermassienne de la discussion” (“Moral Judgement and Good Life: Aristotelician Heritance in the Habermasian Ethics of Discussion”), conference given in the colloquia “Antique and German Philosophy”, 15-17th December 2005, Lyon, organised by the University of Lyon III and the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve.

157) November 26th, 2005: “L’art contemporain: phénoménologie de l’expérience esthétique ou théorie du jugement esthétique” (“Contemporary Art: Phenomenology of Aesthetic Experience or Theory of Aesthetic Judgement”), conference given in the colloquia “Judging Art?”, 25-27th November 2005, University of Paris-I.

158) November 23rd, 2005: “Confiance et adaptation de principes généraux. Le cas de l’équité dans l’accès aux soins” (“Confidence and Adaptation of General Principles. The Example of Equity in Health Care Access”), conference given in collaboration with E. Picavet in the colloquia “Medical Action and Confidence”, 23-25th November 2005, University of Franche-Comté (Besançon).

159) November 19th, 2005: “Légitimation d’un idéal égalitaire: la valeur de l’égalité et les formes de justification procédurale” (“Legitimation of Equalitarian Ideal: Equity as a Value and Procedural Justifications”), conference given in the Congress of Political Sciences of the four nations (Switzerland, France, Belgium, Quebec) at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), 18-19th November, 2005.

160) September 11th, 2005: “Well-being and Quality of Life in Health: the Capability Approach”, conference given in the 5th International Conference on the Capability Approach, 11-14th September 2005, UNESCO, Paris (France).

161) May 28th, 2005: “Institutionalization of Social Justice and Constitutionalization of Socio-economic Equality”, conference given in the World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Grenada (Spain), 24-29th May 2005. Will be published in 2008 in a collective book edited by Springer.

162) February 25th, 2005: “Primary Goods and Equality of Resources: Domestic Justice and Global Justice”, conference given in the Workshop “Applied Global Justice”, at Tilburg (Netherlands), February 24-26th, 2005. Will be published in 2008 in a collective book edited by Springer.

163) January 14th, 2005: “Teorías solidaristas de la justicia” (“Solidaristic Theories of Justice”), conference given in a seminar devoted to Globalization, at the Institute of Philosophy of Superior Centre of Scientific Research (CSIC – Madrid).

164) December 7th, 2004: “Du jugement esthétique au jugement pratique” (“From the Aesthetic Judgment to the Practical Judgment”), conference given in the colloquia “Judgment and Phenomenology: about Contemporaneous Art” organized by D. Lories and C. Combronde, at the Superior Institute of Philosophy of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium).

165) December 6th, 2004: “Egalité des chances et accès partagé aux ressources de base dans la philosophie morale et politique post-rawlsienne” (“Equality of Opportunities and Equal Access to the Basic Resources in the post-Rawlsian Moral and Political Philosophy”), conference given for the preparation to the Aggregation (a competitive examination for a teaching position), devoted to the subject: “The property: Self and Appropriation”, organised by T. Ménissier, at the Pierre Mendès University (France/Grenoble II).

166) October 12th, 2004: “Qualité de vie et bien-être liés à la santé” (“Quality of Life and Well-Being related to Health”), presentation of a research program (40 p.) at the CERSES (Centre of Studies and Research “Sense, Ethics, Society” – CNRS, Paris).

167) September 26th, 2004: “Penser la vie de l’art” (“Thinking Life of Art”), Conference in the International Hegel Congress, organised by F. Fischbach and the International Hegel Society, on “Thinking Life” (22-26th September 2004) at the University of Toulouse II – Le Mirail (France).

168) June 18th, 2004: “Le cosmopolitisme: une exigence morale du kantisme” (“The Cosmopolitism: a Moral Necessity”), Conference in the International Colloquium, organised in Sorbonne by C. Guibet Lafaye and Y. C. Zarka (CHPM – CNRS), on “The Kantian Cosmopolitanism” (18-19th June 2004).

169) May 7th, 2004: “Goût et jugement esthétique des Lumières à l’Idéalisme allemand” (“Taste and Aesthetic Judgment from the Enlightenment to the German Idealism”), Conference in the International Colloquium, organised by J.-C. Bourdin, on “The Enlightenment to the German Idealism” (5-7th May 2004) at the Research Center on Hegel and the German Idealism (CRHIA – University of Poitiers).

170) November 27th, 2003: Conference: “Arts postmodernes, philosophie du langage et phénoménologie” (“Post-modern Art, Philosophy of Language and Phenomenology”), at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières (Canada).

171) May 23rd, 2003: Conference: “Pour une esthétique platonicienne” (“A Platonic Aesthetic?”), at the Center of History of the Modern Philosophy (National Center of Scientific Researches ( CNRS), in a colloquium dedicated to: “Aesthetic before Aesthetic”.

172) November 12th, 2002: “Vie de la conscience et vie de l’esprit dans la philosophie hégélienne” (“Life of the Conscience and Life of the Spirit in Hegel’s Philosophy”), Conference in the Symposium “Life, World, Individuation”, organised by the University of Toulouse II, November 12-14th, 2002.

173) September 19th, 2002: Presentation of the review Cités (Cities), n°11, “Art and the City”, at the bookshop Art and Literature (120, Montparnasse street, Paris, France).

174) June 18th, 2002: Conference on the topic: “Vandalisme et négativité: réflexions sur la fin de l’art” (“Vandalism and Negativity of Art”), in the Symposium organised by M. Egana and dedicated to “Vandalism”, at the Faculty of Arts of Amiens.

175) May 17th, 2002: Conference on “L’esthétique kantienne dans le système de la philosophie transcendantale” (“The Critic of the Taste in the Kantian System”), in the Symposium dedicated to: “Kant and the Aesthetic”, at the Center of History of the Modern Philosophy (CNRS). Will be published in the Archives of philosophy in 2008.

176) March 21st, 2002: Conference on the topic: “Classification raisonnée des normes sociales relatives à la liberté de choix” (“Reasoned Classification of the Social Norms relating to the Freedom of Choice”), in the Franco-Canadian Congress “Logical and rationality” (March 21-23hd, 2002), organised by J. Dubucs and F. Lepage, at the IHPST (University of Paris-I − CNRS).

177) March 8th, 2002: Conference about the paragraphs 158 to 169 of the Principles of the Philosophy of the Right of Hegel, on the topic: “Sens et fonction de la famille dans la vie éthique” (“Signification and Function of the Family in the Ethical Life”), in the team of research “Nosophi”, at the University of Paris-I Pantheon-Sorbonne.

178) February 1st, 2002: Conference on “La rémanence de la logique dans les Leçons d’esthétique” (“The Remanence of Logic in the Lessons of Aesthetic”), in the Symposium dedicated to “The Place of Aesthetic in the Hegelian System”, at the CRHIA (University of Poitiers, France).

179) May 18th, 2001: Conference on “Les limites de la critique hégélienne de Kant” (“The Limits of the Hegelian Criticism of Kant”), in the colloquium dedicated to the topic: “Aesthetic and Subjectivity: Kant and Hegel”, at the Center of History of the Modern Philosophy (CNRS).

180) March 24th, 2001: Conference at the Center of Studies in Rhetoric, Philosophy and History of Ideas (CERPHI – ENS (College of Education), Lyon) on: “L’universalité esthétique dans la pensée hégélienne” (“Aesthetic Universality in the Hegelian’s Philosophy”).

181) March 14th, 2001: Conference at the Faculty of Arts of the University Jules Verne of Picardie, on “Les modèles postmodernes de la signification” (“The Postmoderns’ Models of the Significance”).

182) February 6th, 2001: “Le propre et l’appropriation dans le Second traité du gouvernement civil de J. Locke” (“The Self and the Appropriation in the Second Treaty of Civil Government of J. Locke”), presentation within the research team devoted to “The Origins of Civil Society”, University of Toulouse Le Mirail.

183) March 11th, 2000: “Théories formalistes (1880-1920)” (“Formal Theories (1880-1920)”), Conference at the Seminar of Aesthetic “Forms, Formalisation, Formalism”, at the University of Paris-I.

Organisation of Colloquia

- March, 4-5th 2011: Co-direction with Ruwen Ogien of the international workshop (12 persons) on Metaethics at the CERSES (CNRS)-Université de Paris V (Paris).

- 2010-2011: co-direction of the annual researcher workshop “Social Cohesion: theories, Methodology and Policies”, at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris). (9 meetings).

- June 22th, 2010: Organisation, with Concha Roldán, of a international panel dedicated to: “Community and Diversity of Values in Europe” at the Institute of Philosophy (CCHS) of the National Center of Scientific Researches (CSIC), Madrid (Spain). (4 persons)

- May 15th, 2007: “The Ethics and Institutionnal Debates”, international colloquium (4 persons), at the University of Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne (Pierre Mendès-France Center), within the research project DELICOM.

- November 15th, 2006: Organisation of a panel dedicated to: “New Pratices in Philosophy”, during the Philosophy World Day organized by UNESCO (Paris).

- July 6th, 2006: Organisation of the Youngs’ Researchers meeting “Applied Global Justice” (contract number: HPRN-CT-2002-00231), devoted to “Global Justice and Access to Medical Resources”, at the University do Minho, Braga (Portugal).

- October 22-23rd, 2004: Organisation, with Jean-François Kervégan, of an international colloquium (10 persons), at the Sorbonne and dedicated to: “Kant, Right and Politics”.

- June 18-19th, 2004: Organisation, with Yves Charles Zarka, of an international colloquium (12 persons), at the Sorbonne and dedicated to: “Kant and Cosmopolitism”.

- May 23th, 2003: Organisation of a Symposium, at the Center of History of the Modern Philosophy (CHPM ( CNRS National Center of Scientific Researches), dedicated to: “Aesthetic before Aesthetic”.

- May 17th, 2002: Organisation of a Symposium, at the CHPM (CNRS), dedicated to: “Kant and Aesthetic”.

- February 1st, 2002: Organization of a Symposium, at the Research Center on Hegel and the German Idealism (University of Poitiers), dedicated to “The Place of Aesthetic in the Hegelian System”.

- May 18th, 2001: Organisation of a Symposium, at the CHPM (CNRS), on the topic: “Aesthetic and Subjectivity: Kant and Hegel”.


- Report of: Stein Ringen, The liberal vision, Oxford, The Bardwell Press & GEMAS Studies in Social Analysis Series, 2007, in Revue française de sociologie, Paris, 2009/2.

- Report of: Andreas Follesdal and Thomas Pogge (ed.), Real World Justice. Grounds, Principles, Human Rights, and Social Institutions, in Review of Economic Philosophy, n°13, Paris, 2006/1.

- Report of: Hardimon Michael O., Hegel’s Social Philosophy: The Project of Reconciliation, Cambridge University Press, 1994, 278p., in “Bulletin de Littérature Hégélienne”, Archives de Philosophie, Paris, 2005.

- January 27th, 2001: Report of F. De Mèredieu’s book, Kant and Picasso, in the Center of Studies in Rhetoric, Philosophy and History of Ideas (CERPHI).

- Autumn, 2000: Report of the Vocabulary of Aesthetic by E. Souriau, in the review Cités (Cities) 4/2000, p. 211-213.


- 2010-2011: Co-direction of research seminar of the research team GRECO (CNRS) devoted to social cohesion at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris).

- 2009-2010: Participation to the research team of the French Society of Philosophy: “La Republics and Europe”, directed by E. Picavet, CAPHES (Paris).

- 2006-2007: Participation to the ERIS’s (Equip of Research on Social Inequalities) monthly seminar on “Status, Identities and Recognition”.

- 2004-2006: Participation to the seminars and colloquia of the European Program: “Applied Global Justice”, in Braga (July 7-8th 2006): “Global Justice and Access to Medical Resources”; Louvain-la-Neuve (February 23-25th 2006): “Environmental Justice, Sustainable Development and Future Generations”; Madrid (November 9-12th 2005): “Right to Migration”; Zurich (October 21-24th 2004): “Social Justice”; Tilburg (February 24-26th 2005): “Economic Justice”; Grenade (May 24-29th 2005): “XXII World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy” ; Oxford (June 2-7th 2005): “Cultural and Minority Rights”.

2004-2005: Participation to the international seminars devoted to “Pluralism and Democracy” at the CERSES (CNRS, Paris).

- 2004: Participation to the seminars “Threshold of Death” organised by the CERSES (CNRS) at the Faculty of Medicine of Cochin – Port Royal (University Paris V).

- Winter 2003: Participation to the working group concerned with “Kant and the Critic of Judgment” (McGill University, University of Montreal, UQAM) in Montreal (Canada).

Participation to the study group of aesthetics directed by D. Dumouchel, at the University of Montreal (Canada).

- 2002-2003: Participation to the working group, directed by J.-F. Kervégan, at the University of Paris-I, devoted to Marx’s Critic of the Philosophy of Right of Hegel.

- 2001-2002: Participation to the working group, directed by J.-F. Kervégan, at the University of Paris-I, about the Hegel’s Principles of the Philosophy of Right.

- 2001-2003: Participation to the seminars of the research group on the topic “Logic and Rationality”, at the Institute of History and Philosophy of Sciences and Techniques.

- 2000-2003: Participation to the seminars of the Center of History of Modern Philosophy (CNRS).

ΙΙΙ− Other works

- 2011-2031: Member associated to the French Longitudinal Study since Birth (Elfe), directed by INED, INSERM and EFS. See the web site: .

- 2012-2015: Member associated to the project ANR DYNEGAL: “The Dynamics of inequalities: constructing perceptions”, coordinated by Olivier Galland (CNRS, GEMASS).

- 2011-2013: Member associated to the project devoted to the “Incidences of the french National Consultative Ethics Committee’s (CCNE) advices on french positive law”, directed by Pr. Jean-René Binet (University of Franche-Comté).

- 2011-2012: Member associated to the project CEEI devoted to the “Dialogue about ethical issues in institutions: methodological studies on normative strata”, directed by Pr. Emmanuel Picavet (University of Franche-Comté).

- 2010-2013: Member associated to the project CONREP: “Concertation and experimentation in the institutional decision about risk and dependency of elders”, under the direction of Pr. Emmanuel Picavet (University of Franche-Comté).

- 2010-2012: Member associated to the project PARME: “Medicine in Jail: Evaluation of the Situations of Prisoners in Palliative Care in French Jails”, under the direction of Dr. Régis Aubry (Unity of Palliative Care, University Hospital Center of Besançon) and funded by the Fondation de France.

- 2009-2013: Member associated to the research program: “Philosophy of History and Values in Europe at the XXIe century”, under the direction of Pr. Concha Roldán, at the Philosophical Institute of Philosophy of the CSIC (Spain).

- 2009-2011: Member associated to the Survey: “Perceptions of Inequalities and Justice Feelings in France”, under the direction of Raymond Boudon and financed by the French Academy of Moral and Political Sciences.

- 2009-2010: Direction of the Think Thank of Medical Ethics (GREC), in the department of gynaecology and obstetrics at the Antoine Béclère hospital (Clamart, France).

- 2009-2010: Member associated to the Committee « ICARE » (Information – Conceptualisation – Anaesthesia-Reanimation – Ethics) of the French Society Anaesthesia and Reanimation, directed by Pr. L. Puybasset.

- 2008-2010: Member associated to the Survey: “Factual Expertise and Ethics in Public and Institutionalised Debates: the Case of Revision of Bioethics Law in France”, under the direction of Emmanuel Picavet and Bernard Reber and financed by the University of Paris-I and the University of Paris-V.

- 2006-2009: Coordination, with Antoinette Baujard (University of Caen), of an “Analytical Dictionary of Social Ethic”, launched in 2000, by E. Picavet, in order to identify and analyse norms or principles, which form the social life and the discussions regarding the collective life. On line on the Web site of Nosophi, University of Paris-I ().

- 2006-2009: Member associated to the European research program DELICOM (“Délibération, communication et différentiels de légitimité dans la délimitation négociée des pouvoirs politiques”, Projet “Jeunes chercheuses et jeunes chercheurs”, n° of contract: ANR-05-JCJC-0200-01), directed by Dr. Emmanuel Picavet (University of Paris-I).

- 2005-2007: Member associated to the research program: “A new History of Philosophy for a new Europe”, directed by Pr. Concha Roldan, at the Philosophical Institute of Philosophy of the CSIC (Spain).

- 2003-2007: Member associated to the research Center: “Norms, Societies, Philosophies” (NoSoPhi), directed by Pr. Catherine Larrère at the University of Paris I.

- 2005-2006: Participation to Role Games devoted to a specific topic within the thematical field of “Applied Global Justice”:

a) Budapest, May 20-22th, 2005: “Right of Asylum” (Supervisors: Francesco Fusaro, Martin Krahulik, Courtney Schusheim, Jean-Christophe Merle).

b) Tours, April 29th - May 1st, 2005: “Just Rules for Incentivizing Pharmaceutical Research and for Disseminating its Benefits” (Supervisors: Thomas Pogge, Philippe Saint-Germès, Jean-Christophe Merle).

c) Braga (Portugal), 3rd-5th July, 2006: “Global Justice and World Trade” (Supervisors: Philippe Coppens, Philippe Gautier, Jean-Christophe Merle).

- 2003-2004: Contribution, under the direction of Daniel Dumouchel (University of Montréal), to an “Anthology of Unpublished Philosophical Literature of XVIIIe Century about Aesthetics” regarding: Baumgarten, Bodmer, Breitinger, Gottsched, König, Meier, Mendelssohn, Resewitz, Sulzer.

- 2002-2003: Participation in research on the: “Properties of the Social Norms as Principles of Classification and Reasons of Acceptance”, within the program “Logic and Rationality”, lead by the IHPST and the University of Montreal. Contribution on the individual freedom of choice and the representations of the individual well-being, in the case of claims of deviating communities.

- December, 2001: Member of the Reading Comity of the Review Cities (PUF).

- 1999-2000: Contribution to the “Research Program on the Assent in Biomedical Research”. Survey of the practices and interpretations of informations and assents, in the experimentation on human being, directed by the Pr. A. Faggot-Largeault (Collège de France).


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